Eternal Existence

Chapter 5618 Everyone is here


The barrier set up by the four people did not last long before it shattered. However, at the moment when this barrier was broken, another layer of barrier expanded, once again blocking the impact of the torrent of annihilation.

"The situation is not good, retreat quickly." At this time, everyone felt something was wrong. This force was clearly aimed at their own things, no longer aimless like before.

However, it was not so easy to retreat in this situation. Since they were targeted by the other party, they could not escape unless they left this area.




The barrier set up by everyone collapsed layer by layer. It seemed that the situation was very critical, but no matter what, everyone was very powerful, and it was no problem to mobilize some power at the critical moment.

However, at this time, a very strong will swept over. This was the will of annihilation, like the crazy impact of countless steel needles.

Everyone was a little unable to resist this time, and there was no time to mobilize their strength to set up the barrier, and they were soon submerged by the torrent of annihilation.

In this situation, everyone can only use their own methods. If they can't resist, they may be annihilated here.

Chen Feng didn't know what the other people were like, because Chen Feng was trying his best to resist the torrent as soon as it rushed over him.

The armor on his body can resist part of it.

Fortunately, otherwise, the pressure Chen Feng would bear would be multiplied.

In a critical moment, even a little bit of strength may cost his life, not to mention such a large pressure.

Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously, which was releasing a powerful force to resist the annihilation force invading his body.

Many powerful magic weapons were still suppressing themselves, and they were also resisting the annihilation land.

However, countless black holes of different sizes appeared in Chen Feng's body. This was Chen Feng performing the swallowing technique.

As long as he could keep his body from being eroded by the annihilation force, Chen Feng could control the situation.

Moreover, Chen Feng was also running the Great Dao of Destruction with all his strength. At this time, the law of annihilation alone would not work.

However, even the Great Dao of Destruction might not be able to accommodate much annihilation force.

If it was just pure energy, Chen Feng could still deal with it. After all, not to mention Chen Feng's own problems, Chen Feng's mastery of some means, such as those origins, is enough to accommodate enough annihilation power.

Although it cannot be refined in a short period of time, as long as it can last for this period of time, it doesn't matter even if it causes some damage to the origin, it is much better than being annihilated.

What Chen Feng is worried about is the will of annihilation.

Once his soul will is invaded by this kind of power, it will require real skills to resist, but Chen Feng does not have much confidence. He can only activate the magic weapons sitting in the sea of ​​consciousness as much as possible, and Chen Feng also moved some other magic weapons to the stone sea.

Fortunately, the ground will in the north is indeed very strong, but it has not reached the point of directly annihilating everyone in a short period of time.

So as time goes by, Chen Feng has been persisting, and Chen Feng even clearly knows that he has collected a lot of annihilation power.

Under the premise of maintaining a balanced state, Chen Feng is still intentionally absorbing more annihilation power.

Chen Feng also used some of his perception to see the situation of other people. He saw that Jiemie had released the Wheel of Nirvana to protect himself. He seemed to be in good condition. Emperor Yinyue and Emperor Wushi had no breath and seemed to have entered the state of Nirvana.

Chen Feng was a little worried. Just as he was about to step forward, he heard the news from Jiemie.

"Don't worry, the two of them are still alive, but they just look Nirvana on the surface. They can revive again after this wave of Nirvana torrent passes." Jiemie said.

"I just don't know when this wave of Nirvana torrent will pass?" Chen Feng said.

As soon as the voice fell, the power of Nirvana weakened.

Chen Feng and Jiemie took Emperor Yinyue and left respectively.

When they reached the edge, the rolling black gas of Jiemie's body came out, and the whole person's breath became weak.

It turned out that the ground was still severely damaged just now, and even if the Wheel of Nirvana was used, it could not be completely defended.

"Or should we leave this space first?" Although it was only at the edge, Chen Feng felt that there was still a huge pressure for the three people in front of him.

However, in comparison, Chen Feng seemed to be intact, which was very shocking.

After all, the three in front of him were all emperors. In terms of their own strength, they were stronger than Chen Feng, but this time they were not as good as Chen Feng in the face of the power of annihilation.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to separate the space and leave this place, someone else arrived.

This time, it was the Shadow Emperor and the Three Lives Emperor. After the two came in, they were also surprised to see the state of Chen Feng and others.

Then Chen Feng was relieved to see someone coming.

"You are here just in time, let's rescue these two Taoist friends first." Chen Feng did not say much.

The situation in front of him was clear at a glance, and the Shadow Emperor and others also knew what to do.

Chen Feng and the Shadow Emperor jointly released the barrier to protect everyone, and then sent some life energy to the Silver Moon Emperor and Wu Tian Daojun.

The two recovered from the state of annihilation. Although they woke up successfully, they looked seriously injured.

After waking up, Chen Feng and others didn't have to worry about it. They would control their injuries themselves.

"The situation just now was very dangerous." Wu Tian Dao Jun couldn't help but say.

"If we face it again, we won't be so embarrassed." Emperor Yin Yue didn't know whether he was trying to save some face or if he really had some tricks.

But no matter what, if everyone moves forward again, they still don't have much confidence.

"The key is that we haven't found the core of this place yet." Jiemie said.

"I think fellow Daoist should be somewhat confident." Emperor Sansheng looked at Jiemie, or at the Wheel of Jiemie in Jiemie's hand.

Jiemie smiled bitterly and said, "If I was really confident, I wouldn't have waited until now, and I wouldn't have been injured one after another."

Jiemie did feel a little depressed. He thought he could get some inheritance and some opportunities, but after a series of things, he found that he thought too much.

Although he got the Wheel of Jiemie, the owner of this place didn't seem to take it to heart.

"No." Emperor Sansheng shook his head.

"Since Daoyou can lead the master to come here by induction, it must be different from us."

"I also thought of this, but this treasure has been with me for a long time. It can be said that I have already comprehended it thoroughly. If there is anything special about it, it is impossible to hide it from me." Jiemie still shook his head, and at the same time he felt a little dissatisfied. He always felt that Emperor Sansheng was doubting him. In fact, he really didn't have any good way. As I said just now, if there was a way, he would not end up in such a situation. He would not wait until everyone came here.

"Let's talk about it after everyone is here. Since we can find this area, it means that we are lucky. Although we were injured just now, it is worthwhile to be able to see such a powerful power of Nirvana." Emperor Yinyue said.

"It is indeed a bit strange. According to the information I know, Ming is not practicing the Nirvana Avenue, but this is the location of the other party's Taoist temple, and such a powerful power of Nirvana is probably only Ming can control." Emperor Sansheng said with some doubts.

"Time is too long. Maybe the news you got is not true. Or maybe Ming did cultivate the power of annihilation, but he rarely used it on weekdays. Or maybe he cultivated this power later." Chen Feng continued.

During the waiting process, some people were recovering from their injuries, while others were using their own methods to make inferences.

For example, annihilation, in addition to recovering from his injuries, once again studied the wheel of annihilation in his hand.

What the Three Lives Emperor said just now still touched annihilation. Maybe there is something he has not discovered.

Then there is the Three Lives Emperor. The Three Lives Emperor has just arrived here and is in peak condition. At this time, he is urging the annihilation area in front of the Three Lives Stone to explore.

And Chen Feng and others also placed their hopes on the Three Lives Emperor.

During this period, other people arrived one after another, which also shows that except for this land of annihilation, other independent spaces are not dangerous. At most, there are multiple layers to block adventurers.

But don't say that even the emperor will be trapped for a while, but there is no other danger.

But since he can come here, even the emperor will become dangerous.

"Has no one come here in the long years?" Emperor Wu Shi suddenly said.

"If fellow Daoist doesn't know, we don't know even more." Er Shi and others shook their heads. They had hoped to get some information from Emperor San Sheng and Emperor Wu Shi, but now it seems that they don't know much.

"It may also be that you haven't gone deep enough. Now that we are all here, let's go in carefully and maybe we can reach the end in one breath." Emperor Wu Shi said.

"This is the best situation, but there are also worse situations. Once the strength of the power of annihilation exceeds our combined strength, our team will be broken up and some people will be annihilated. If they can be resurrected, it's okay, but I'm afraid of complete annihilation." Chen Feng said.

Everyone looked solemn, but they didn't hesitate. It seems that everyone still wants to go in.

In fact, there is no doubt about this. No one wants to look at the outer area and leave when they can come here. What's more, Chen Feng and his friends have gone deep before. Although they were injured, they are fine.

Now everyone is strong and capable, and can fight even if they encounter a master like Yuan, which means that they are not afraid even if Ming is still alive.

"Then, let's act."

After a brief discussion, everyone acted. From the beginning, everyone gathered together carefully, and layers of restrictions formed a barrier around them, which blocked the erosion of the power of annihilation.

"Speaking of which, since I have achieved success in cultivation, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. I thought I was already extremely powerful, but now I find that there are people beyond me." Wu Tian Dao Jun said with some emotion.

"Indeed, it is not a problem for us to destroy the origin of one side with this force, but we are cautious and are not sure how far we can go." Emperor Yin Yue continued.

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