Eternal Existence

Chapter 5617: Nirvana Area

As soon as he came in, Chen Feng felt his scalp numb, and a cold will began to invade his whole body, as if he would be half frozen by Nirvana the next moment.

Although Chen Feng had been prepared for it, such a powerful force of annihilation was still beyond his imagination.

Chen Feng also understood that no wonder the two of them were so hesitant. He had never experienced it personally, so of course he couldn't feel the horror here.

And this is just the beginning, how powerful it will be if you continue to go deeper.

"It was the same when I first came in, but at first I was just excited, thinking that this time I had found my opportunity, but I kept going and gradually became overwhelmed, and then I realized the horror of this place, but at that time I still didn't I chose to retreat and continue to move forward, but the power of Nirvana here was also rioting. At that time, the power of Nirvana suddenly became stronger, and I was almost killed. This was because I cultivated the Great Way of Nirvana," Nie Mie said.

"My situation is similar to that of fellow Taoist, but now that I think about it, I shouldn't have gone deeper than fellow Taoist." Daojun Wutian also said.

They came in and waited here as they said before, but the two of them also understood that it was Chen Feng's first time to come in, and of course he had to try it here, so the two of them did not persuade Chen Feng, because in this situation, they had to change themselves. Likewise, I won’t listen to other people’s advice, I have to experience it myself.

"Take your time, let me give it a try first. In fact, I feel that this is a very good training area." Chen Feng mobilized the power in his body a little and blocked the erosion of the power of annihilation. Of course, this During the process, Chen Feng also tried to refine part of the absorbed power of annihilation.

The quality is indeed very high, but this is only the fringe area, or just some atmosphere such as the interface, which Chen Feng can still master.

After changing these powers, they are directly integrated into the Law of Nirvana.

Chen Feng naturally has an idea. If he can continue to strengthen the Law of Nirvana here, then it is possible to open up a high-level avenue.

If you want to separate, you can separate. If you don't separate, you can make the Avenue of Destruction stronger.

Seeing Chen Feng walking forward step by step, Ji Mie and Wu Shi Emperor looked at each other and could only follow.

The two of them knew the horror here, and they were also afraid that something might happen to Chen Feng, and they would be able to pull Chen Feng back when the time came.

Fortunately, Chen Feng is still very cautious, and he has to adapt to the environment here little by little.

"I have entered a special area where the power beyond the origin is gathered. Although the pressure in front of me is very strong, I can still bear it." Chen Feng naturally had some contrasts in his heart.

Although the power of annihilation in front of you is very strong, it only has a single attribute. The reason why it is terrifying is that it contains the will of the top master. Then the erosion process can be pervasive, making it difficult to defend.

Chen Feng is still very proud. He has been to many such places and practiced in a stressful environment. Chen Feng was even a little surprised to find such a good place for him to practice.

As if the power was violent, the power of annihilation in front suddenly grew exponentially faster.

"Quickly retreat!"

Nirvana and Emperor Wushi had suffered losses like this before, so they retreated quickly.

As a result, Chen Feng still walked forward.

The two knew that Chen Feng would definitely suffer a loss this time. I thought it would be a good idea to suffer a loss, so that Chen Feng would know the horror of this place, but they were still ready to pull Chen Feng out at any time.

Sure enough, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, as if he had been extinguished, and the vitality in his body quickly converged, as if the light was about to go out.

Just when the two were about to take action, Chen Feng resumed action and continued to move forward despite the frenzy.

"It's really awesome."

Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a stream of black energy. The force of Nirvana had just invaded, easily breaking through Chen Feng's defense. It was constantly exaggerating in Chen Feng's body, and everything in its path turned into deathly silence.

Including Chen Feng's physical body is too strong, and Chen Feng's heart is extremely powerful. With just a few beats and a surge of power, the power of destruction that invaded the body was completely washed away.

Chen Feng also returned to normal.

To put it bluntly, this is a confrontation between different forces. If Chen Feng cannot resist it, he will naturally be occupied by the opponent's power. If his own power is strong enough, he can naturally disperse the invading power, and he can also put this kind of The power is refined and used for one's own use.

Seeing Chen Feng return to normal and continue to move forward, Nie Mie and Wu Shi Emperor also felt a little incredible. Only then did they realize that Chen Feng's physical body was more powerful than they had imagined before.

"In addition to invading the physical body, it can also annihilate the soul and will, so you still need to be careful." Ni Mie said and followed. Although the situation just now was a bit abnormal, Nie Mie could still bear it.

To be honest, it is this kind of power that Nirvana itself cultivates, and it is superior to others innately.

The craze just now was just worried that Chen Feng couldn't resist it. Both of them were great emperors, so there was no problem in enduring it.

So the two quickly caught up with Chen Feng.

"We are here to wait for others. It is better to wait until everyone has arrived before moving forward. This way we can feel more at ease." Seeing Chen Feng still walking forward without any intention of stopping, this made Nirvana was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing. I can still bear this amount of power. To be honest, I am really curious whether that powerful being is here. If not, what is the situation of the source of this area?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, the power in Chen Feng's body was fluctuating. It was not that he could not resist it, but that he swallowed some annihilation power from time to time.

This also made annihilation secretly exclaim in his heart that Chen Feng was very bold. If he could not control such a strong annihilation power, it would bring him great trouble.

Part of the annihilation power absorbed by Chen Feng was integrated into the annihilation law, and part of it was refined into an energy ball by Chen Feng and stored.

The annihilation power here is of high quality and naturally very pure. What Chen Feng is worried about is some unknown will contained in it. However, there is not much time now. Chen Feng simply refined it and stored it in a way of suppression and sealing, so there is no fear of any chaos.

"I walked here before, and suddenly several waves of annihilation came. I thought I could stop it, but who knew that it fled in a panic." At this time, Wudao.

"Now that we have more people, we should be able to go further." Jiemie didn't say where he had gone, but it was obvious that this was not the limit of Jiemie.

If it was the same as before, Wu Tian Dao Jun would definitely stop, but now he has two companions, he is naturally more at ease.

And there is no Jiemie frenzy yet.

After moving forward for a distance, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, and a law emerged on his body.

This is a new Jiemie law that Chen Feng has just condensed. It has the same origin as the one he mastered before, but it is different.

The more laws condensed and the more perfect they are, the more powerful the avenue they open up will be.

At this time, not long after entering, Chen Feng had a breakthrough, and he was still very happy in his heart. At the same time, he also had some prototypes of the Jiemie Avenue in his mind.

"I have gained something so quickly." Jiemie was also very surprised, and a little envious.

It stands to reason that he is practicing the Jiemie Avenue, and the environment is very important for his practice.

But to be honest, he was indeed a little reckless before, which led to a serious injury not long after entering.

In fact, Jiemie was still very confident that he could break through here. This time, seeing Chen Feng was the first to gain something, his motivation rose again.

"Be careful, I feel something moving ahead." Jiemie's heart moved, and then he said.

Chen Feng and Wu Tian Dao Jun immediately defended, and the three of them joined forces to form a thick energy shield.

Sure enough, the annihilation frenzy came, and the energy shield was hit and began to shake violently, and the strands of annihilation power were constantly eroding.

However, the three of them were powerful and joined forces. During this process, the power could be converted and replenished. After persisting for a while, they survived this wave of annihilation frenzy.

Although a little annihilation power eroded in, it did not affect the three of them.

"It seems that we can continue to go deeper."

With the experience just now, Wu Tian Dao Jun was also relieved, but Chen Feng did not intend to move forward. It was obvious that he was still in the state of harvest just now.

The two of them did not urge this interface. In fact, if Chen Feng had not kept moving forward, the two would not have gone so deep.

"Another Taoist friend is here. I will pass on the news first." Jiemie suddenly said.

The one who entered this place this time was Emperor Silver Moon. When he first came in, Emperor Silver Moon was just like Jiemie and the others, but he was more cautious. He did not choose to go deep immediately, but observed the surroundings and also explored whether there were other lives here.

Then he received the news from Jiemie and immediately knew the situation here. Not long after, Emperor Silver Moon also joined several people.

"It turned out to be like this. This is a good place. These powers of Jiemie alone can breed the existence of the emperor level. Who would have thought that there is such an area hidden in an invisible place? Then I think Ming, this legendary figure, is probably here. After all, this is his territory. I don’t believe that he has nothing to do with the other party." Emperor Silver Moon said.

Through the news brought by Emperor Silver Moon, it was once again proved that except for this interface area, other places are some empty independent spaces with no value.

After one more person, everyone felt more confident. At this time, even if something unexpected happened, they should be able to deal with it.

But the next moment, all four people present felt a sense of crisis coming sharply. They didn’t have time to think about it. They immediately released their strength and jointly arranged the barrier.

Then, a frenzy of annihilation that was much more powerful than before appeared, and this time the power was more unified. Before it was a wave, but this time it turned into a torrent of energy, which hit the barrier hard.

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