Eternal Existence

Chapter 5606 Taiyuan Puppet

"The law of time is different from the long river of time. The eternal power is also a characteristic of time. It is more like an evolved version of immortality. I am not sure whether the opponent cultivated time first or immortality first. However, since the opponent is called the Eternal Emperor, I think the latter is more likely. However, the opponent's law of time is unpredictable and is indeed much stronger than me." Chen Feng felt the previous gains in his heart.

It can be said that the Eternal Emperor lost 90% of his foundation in the previous battle, and Chen Feng alone deprived him of 30%, including all the items involved.

If it was before, or if he changed another target, Chen Feng would most likely use the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's mana cultivation, but the Eternal Emperor is different. This kind of magic in the law, coupled with Chen Feng's own needs, so he plundered the opponent's law and foundation as much as possible in the previous confrontation.

It's a pity that the Mist Emperor was beaten by the Three Lives Emperor and the Beginningless Emperor at the beginning, and he only took a small part of the power.

But it also played a role for Chen Feng.

"If I can get the other party's Eye of Time and Eye of Psychedelic, then I will have two more powerful magical powers. But even now, after I digest what I have gained before, I can condense the Eye of Time." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Once the Eye of Time is condensed, Chen Feng's attainments in the Avenue of Time will be raised to a higher level, and perhaps it will not be much worse than the River of Time in terms of the law.

However, I am making progress, and the River of Time is also making progress, so it is really hard to say specifically.

"I feel the breath of Nirvana." At this time, Nirvana suddenly said.

"It's normal. Speaking of it, the Taiyuan Land is still very magical. Our Taiji Power has Taiji Power to regulate, while the Taiyuan Land can filter out some waste impurities. One of the steps involves the power of Nirvana. Maybe the area we are in is close to the other party's abandoned area." Wu Shi Great Emperor said.

"I would like to go and see." Nirvana said.

"Okay, be careful." Chen Feng knew that Nirvana was moved. If it were him, he would also be moved, after all, this is related to his own practice.

In fact, if he hadn't been waiting for the news from the Shadow Emperor at any time, Chen Feng would have wanted to explore the four directions.

"Then the second life clone is also needed here." Chen Feng's heart moved.

But now the battle may break out at any time. If he has an energy clone, it will definitely affect his strength.

However, Chen Feng thought about it and started to prepare.

According to Chen Feng's style of doing things, this Taiyuan area will require Chen Feng to release several second life clones.

The news that the Shadow Emperor finally sent back turned out to be that a force from nowhere had a dispute with the practitioners of the Taiyuan Land.

Looking at the picture sent back by the Shadow Emperor, the Wushi Emperor and the Sansheng Emperor also shook their heads, because they had never seen the practitioners in the picture.

"It's really strange." Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

What other power dared to provoke the Taiyuan Land, not the Yin Realm, and not other surrounding areas.

"There's nothing to be curious about. There will always be some life in the distant areas. Maybe some adventurers came here because they heard the name of Taiyuan Land. But this is a good thing for us. I hope the situation will be more chaotic. In this way, we can take the opportunity to walk in Taiyuan Land." Emperor Wu Shi said.

"Eternal Emperor did not change his position. I feel like he is setting a trap for us." Emperor Sansheng said at this time.

This does not match the previous state of Emperor Sansheng. You know, Emperor Sansheng has always wanted to find Emperor Yongheng as soon as possible and then take action. Now he probably feels the clues.

"It's really a bit helpless, but I want to contact him. Maybe the other party doesn't have enough power to deal with our attack." Chen Feng said.

This time, Emperor Sansheng was surprised. Chen Feng, who has always been very conservative, chose to take the initiative. What happened?

So Sansheng hesitated a little, because Emperor Sansheng did feel different.

But since Chen Feng made a decision, music naturally chose to support them.

Of course, Chen Feng did not act rashly, but notified Emperor Shadow to investigate first.

As expected, Emperor Shadow responded quickly. Although there were no obvious traps in the area where Emperor Yongheng was, there were several emperors. That is to say, if Chen Feng and others went there, they might not be able to take advantage.

"So can the two Taoists still find reliable friends?" Chen Feng looked at Emperor Sansheng and Emperor Wushi.

"I did notify a few people, but unfortunately they were unwilling to go to war with Taiyuan." Emperor Wushi shook his head and said.

"As long as the two Taoists agree, we will have some helpers here later." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Emperor Wushi and the others understood. No wonder Chen Feng changed his mind. It turned out that helpers came. They immediately thought of the powerful Emperor Huanyin they had met before, so Emperor Sansheng became a little excited. In this case, then take action. As long as they can solve Emperor Yongheng, it is nothing to make some trouble in Taiyuan.

To be honest, the Eternal Emperor does not belong here. As long as they kill him, it is unlikely that the masters of Taiyuan will really kill them. They will also be worried about causing some trouble.

"Now that this is the case, let's take action. Otherwise, when the chaos is over, I'm afraid we won't have such a good opportunity." So Chen Feng directly released the copying law and brought the people to the place with great fanfare.

Action was taken as soon as he was told, and everyone was a little surprised by how straightforward he was.

But soon everyone felt a powerful aura coming out of the area where the Eternal Emperor was. It was obvious that the other party was aware of the arrival of Chen Feng and others.

"Everyone, killing the Eternal Emperor is the first goal." Chen Feng said, using the technique of divine movement, waving the Spear of Destiny to kill the Eternal Emperor.

Although there were layers of restrictions placed here, they couldn't stop everyone's momentum. They collapsed one after another, and the two sides soon collided.

The three Taiyuan envoys who had previously rescued the Eternal Emperor also appeared immediately. They were also a little surprised. They did not expect that these people really came to kill them.

"You are looking for death. This is our Taiyuan land, not your area. Since you dare to take action, then die here today." One of the Taiyuan envoys said murderously.

"It's really hard to say who died here today. It's none of your business. If you insist on getting involved, then he is my enemy of life and death." Emperor Sansheng replied, but at this time Emperor Sansheng had no contact with these three people at all. Instead, like Chen Feng, he went straight to the direction of the Eternal Emperor.

These three Taiyuan envoys were naturally entangled with the Silver Moon Emperor. Chen Feng and the Sansheng Emperor only had to deal with the Eternal Emperor. This was also discussed before.

As a result, the two soon met two more opponents. Sword Soul and Nirvana stepped forward to block each other.

"According to previous investigations, there should be several practitioners." Chen Feng said.

As soon as he finished speaking, four more cultivators rushed out. Although they were only above Hunyuan, their momentum was extraordinary. Neither Chen Feng nor Sansheng Emperor were sure that they would be able to defeat each other in a short time.

Fortunately, Emperor Wushi appeared at this time and blocked the four practitioners.

"Haha, there are no blockers now, but why do I still feel something is wrong?" Chen Feng said as his divine wings directly cut through the space and appeared directly in front of the Eternal Emperor.

"You are still here." The Eternal Emperor was wrapped in an energy ball and seemed to have reshaped his body, but in this state he was obviously recovering his strength.

Chen Feng took a look and saw that the Mist Emperor was also wrapped in an energy ball. Just as Chen Feng wanted to analyze what kind of energy it contained, the Sansheng Emperor also arrived.

"There are still people here." Emperor Sansheng said as soon as he arrived.

"Why didn't I sense it?" Chen Feng looked around curiously, but saw nothing.

"Because it's not life." The Sansheng Emperor snapped his fingers, and a beam of light shot toward the Eternal Emperor.

When the light was about to touch the energy shield, a beam of light also appeared, blocking the attack of the Sansheng Emperor.

Then a dark battle puppet came out.

"There is no life fluctuation, or even power fluctuation, but it brings oppression to me. This is no ordinary battle puppet." Chen Feng said.

"Taiyuan Puppet!"

Emperor Sansheng said: "Remember what I said before, the land of Taiyuan can filter out some impurities. The puppet in front of me is condensed from these impurities. It is different from the impurities we have known in the past. This is the entire land of Taiyuan." You can think of the impurities in the earth as the power of evil and decay, and they have also gone through a series of methods such as purification and annihilation, so the condensed methods are very powerful. The most important thing is that they will be contaminated by the opponent's power when fighting. "

"The power of all evil." Chen Feng said.

"It's somewhat similar, but it's not really the same. There are impurities of the Power of All Evils in it. It can be said that this is a more complex power than the Power of All Evils." Emperor Sansheng said.

"Have you used waste to the extreme? But even such a puppet can't stop us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, five puppets appeared one after another, and the powerful suppression almost condensed into substance, making people feel suffocating.

"This is the other party's real method, something is not good." Emperor Sansheng put away the Sansheng Stone.

But don't be afraid of being contaminated by the other party's power, as this will affect the spirituality of the Sansei Stone.

"Don't let the other party contaminate your weapons and yourself." Emperor Sansheng said.

"Actually, I quite like the other party. I'm afraid fellow Taoist don't know that I can refine and absorb energy of any attribute to strengthen myself. I don't care if the other party is an impurity. Even if it has no effect on me, it is difficult to contaminate it. Me." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he activated the Avenue of All Evils, and sure enough, the Avenue of All Evils was ready to move and wanted to devour the fighting puppet in front of him.

"I didn't expect that fellow Taoist has opened up the avenue of all evil, but it doesn't seem to be extremely powerful. I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress the opponent." Emperor Sansheng shook his head and said.

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