Eternal Existence

Chapter 5605: Response

"Hmph, even if the other party escapes into the Taiyuan Land, I will not let him go." The Three Lives Emperor said fiercely, and suddenly two shadows appeared on his body, representing the previous life and the next life respectively. With the power of this life, the strength of the Three Lives Emperor began to increase exponentially.

The shadows of the Eternal Emperor and the Mist Emperor appeared clearly on the Three Lives Stone, and then there was another shadow, stepping on a law and moving forward. It was Chen Feng, and there was a faint shadow behind him, which was the Shadow Emperor.

"Okay, I'm catching up." Seeing that the distance between Chen Feng and the Eternal Emperor was getting closer and closer, the Three Lives Emperor couldn't help laughing.

It will take some time for the other party to reach the Taiyuan Land.

Chen Feng finally caught up with the other party, and the power of the origin of the volcano erupted at the beginning, and the Shadow Emperor created a barrier to try to separate the two.

"Can you run away? Are you surprised?" Looking at the gloomy look of the other party, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Daoyou, why do you have to kill us so quickly? We can be friends." The Mist Emperor said.

"Your behavior is not what friends should do." Chen Feng sneered.

"I know that Daoyou Dao's cultivation method is quite special. I can pass it on to you, and Daoyou Yongheng will pass it on to you. Let's write off the previous grievances. What do you think?" Emperor Misty continued.

"If you had said it earlier, it wouldn't have happened. But now that things have come to this point, it can't be adjusted. Moreover, Daoyou Daoyou has been involved, and he can't escape either. As for what Daoyou Daoyou said, I can come and get it myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

How could it be possible to compromise at this point? Both sides knew it was impossible, and it was just to delay time.

However, Chen Feng didn't care about the other party delaying time. This would be beneficial to him.

Sure enough, Emperor Sansheng and others arrived soon.

"Emperor Misty, we have known each other for many years. Why did you do this? Don't you know the grievances between Emperor Yongheng and me?" Emperor Sansheng scolded him as soon as he arrived.

"No matter what, they are outsiders, outsiders who have had a war with us." Emperor Misty also said so.

"The most important thing for me is to kill the Eternal Emperor. Since you choose to help the Eternal Emperor, you are my enemy." The Three-Life Emperor used the Three-Life Stone as a magic weapon and crushed it fiercely.

Because of the power of the Beginningless Emperor, the Three-Life Emperor was extremely powerful at this time. Countless runes flew out of the Three-Life Stone and rushed into the fog, bursting out with a strong explosion.

"You can still get away at this time." The Beginningless Emperor looked at the Mist Emperor indifferently.

Although the Eternal Emperor was stronger, he was in a state of residual blood and could not escape. On the contrary, the Mist Emperor was still a bit difficult to deal with.

So the Mist Emperor needed to be dealt with first.

The Beginningless Emperor took out a bow, slowly pulled it open, and stirred up the wind and clouds. The Mist Emperor's face changed drastically, and he was about to escape with the help of the fog.


A beam of light penetrated the fog and went straight to the Mist Emperor, and then it exploded with a bang, and a big hole was blown through the body of the Mist Emperor.

Chi Chi Chi!

The power of the Three-Life Stone, Ningcheng Chain, bound the Mist Emperor. At this time, the Wushi Emperor pulled the Tai Chi bow again.

"No mercy at all?" The Mist Emperor roared. He really felt the threat to his life.


The light hit the Mist Emperor again, and this time it directly shattered part of his body.

A few more arrows will kill the Mist Emperor.

The process is not cumbersome and does not take long. On the other side, Chen Feng and his men are constantly weakening the strength of the Eternal Emperor.

He is already in a state of residual blood, so it is useless for the Eternal Emperor to fight desperately at this time.




After three consecutive arrows, the body of the Mist Emperor completely collapsed and turned into a large amount of mist. Countless resources appeared in the mist, as well as some weapons and magic weapons.

The resources burned, generating rich and violent energy, and the same was true for weapons and magic weapons.

Such means were prepared early, and they were also done to escape.

These mists are transformed from the body and the origin. As long as a part of it can escape, we can find a way to recover.

Similarly, if you want to completely solve the opponent, you have to seal it tightly to prevent the opponent from escaping with even a little bit of power, so this is also quite difficult.


The Eternal Emperor was blown up, because this time he faced more opponents and there was no possibility of a comeback. The Eternal Emperor also understood this, so he burned the origin. This was not simply for the sake of fighting, but rather dying than letting Chen Feng and others divide him to get benefits.

"I have a bad premonition." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Me too." Shadow Emperor said immediately.

"Everyone be careful, someone is coming, it should be a cultivator from Taiyuan Land." At this time, the Three Lives Emperor said.

Then the will of the Three Lives Emperor rippled out strongly: "I am the Three Lives Emperor, and I am settling grievances with my enemies. No matter who comes, don't interfere, otherwise it will be my Three Lives Emperor's mortal enemy."

While saying this, the Three Lives Emperor also separated a part of his will to tell Chen Feng and others that they must solve the Eternal Emperor.

Although the Three Lives Emperor had some reputation, he did not think he could scare the other party. It was a simple truth that since the other party had appeared, it showed his determination to participate.

Sure enough, the mighty river of will arrived in an instant, and everyone present was affected.

The difference is that Chen Feng and others were attacked, while the injured Emperor Yongheng and Emperor Misty were nourished by the storm of will, and the fire of will that was about to be extinguished burned vigorously again.

"I'm really going to explode." Emperor Sansheng said.

It has happened several times in a row, and every time there is an accident. Seeing that Emperor Yongheng was about to die in front of him, who knew that this kind of thing would happen again.

"No matter who you are, you will be the life and death enemy of Emperor Sansheng in the future, and you will never stop until you die." Emperor Sansheng cursed, and the strong resentment made Chen Feng feel deeply.

"Don't say Emperor Sansheng, even I almost exploded." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Although the storm of will is very strong, it is only at the level of the emperor, not the strongest existence in Taiyuan Land, which makes Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

After all, in the Yin Realm War at the beginning, the pressure brought to Chen Feng by those top existences was too great.

In addition to emitting curses, the Three Lives Emperor did exert his strength to the extreme, while Chen Feng gritted his teeth and used the power of the two origins in succession. The two origins overlapped and covered everything crazily.

At this time, Chen Feng no longer wanted to kill the opponent completely, but only wanted to make the opponent's injuries as serious as possible.

Then Chen Feng did this, but soon he was invaded by a powerful force. Chen Feng could not resist and had to put away the origin.

There were three emperors on the other side. If the two sides really played against each other, Chen Feng's side might still have the upper hand, but the other side would have no problem rescuing people.

Moreover, this place is very close to the Taiyuan Land. If the fight continues, it is unknown what will happen.

So when the other party left, Chen Feng and others were unwilling but did not chase after him.

"Damn it!"

The Three Lives Emperor put away his power, but everyone could see that the Three Lives Emperor was angry.

In addition, the Silver Moon Emperor was more angry, and Chen Feng was a little depressed.

"Although the opponent escaped, he was seriously injured in the previous battle and cannot recover in a short time, so we still have a chance in the future." Chen Feng said.


Emperor Wu Shi also nodded. This time, both Emperor Misty and Emperor Yongheng were beaten up by everyone, and the original power and laws in their bodies were extracted in large quantities. It can be said that if the opponent came a little later, these two people would be dead.

"Of course, at this level, even if we kill the opponent, the opponent may still leave the original mark there, and can still be resurrected, so think open-mindedly and think about longer-term plans." Chen Feng said.

"It's just to kill an emperor, but it ended up involving the Jihuang Palace. Now our cause and effect with the Jihuang Palace is deeper, and the other party has found helpers from Taiyuan. It seems that the other party has a wide range of friends."

"I have dealt with those three emperors before. I remember them. We will be enemies of life and death in the future." Emperor Sansheng said viciously.

Emperor Wu Shi sighed. Originally, there was only one opponent, Emperor Yongheng, but now there are more. Even his friend Emperor Misty has rebelled.

What happened behind this?

Emperor Wu Shi thought that things were definitely not as simple as they seemed on the surface, but it didn't matter. Since they had become opponents, he would find a way to deal with them.

"In fact, we can enter Taiyuan Land to see the situation." At this time, Emperor Sansheng suddenly looked at Chen Feng and others.

Because Emperor Sansheng knew that this was a good opportunity. If he wanted to deal with these opponents, he would need Chen Feng and others to help.

In any case, Chen Feng and others were outsiders after all. Once they left, they could not do anything to Emperor Yongheng with their own strength.

And once the strength of Emperor Yongheng and Emperor Misty was restored, it would be his turn to be in danger.

When Emperor Sansheng thought of this, he felt a little urgent, so he thought of using the power of Chen Feng and others.

"We had a war with Taiyuan Land before. This is also the case when we entered Taiji Land and did not enter Taiyuan Land as soon as possible." Chen Feng said.

"In fact, the situation in Taiyuan is somewhat similar to ours. Although the Yuan you dealt with was extremely powerful, he was not the ruler of Taiyuan. To be honest, he was only the ruler of a part of the area, just like the power of Jihuang Palace." Emperor Sansheng said.

"It's still too risky." Chen Feng still shook his head. He could see the intention of Emperor Sansheng. Chen Feng also wanted to deal with his opponent. If he sneaked in before, it might be better, but if he chased after him now, there might be a group of emperors waiting for him and others.

So what to do next, let's see what's going on with Emperor Huanyin first.

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