Eternal Existence

Chapter 5595 Magnetic Beast

Seeing the three people coming in, Chen Feng frowned, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

These three people were all sixteen or seventeen years old. Their clothes and weapons were far superior to those of Chen Feng. After they came in, they all had arrogant faces and looked at Chen Feng with disdain.

"Wang Bo, what are you doing here?" Chen Feng asked coldly. The three teenagers headed by Wang Bo often bullied Chen Feng, especially Wang Bo. He defeated Chen Feng with his cultivation and even beat Chen Feng. Maple many times.

"Hey, we haven't seen each other for a few days. You are already promising, right? You dare to talk to us like this." A young man next to Wang Bo sneered. This man is Wang Bo's lackey, and he usually bullies Chen Feng.

"I don't welcome you here, why don't you leave?" Chen Feng said coldly, controlling his desire to take action.

"Looking for a fight, our senior brother Wang has taken a liking to your small courtyard. Hurry up and pack your things and leave here." The loser No. 1 shouted.

"That's right, the old guys are dead. This is no place for you to live. You'd better get out of here and find a kennel." Doggy No. 2 also shouted.

Only Wang Bo, who was standing in the middle, did not speak. He raised his head proudly and allowed his two men to do whatever they wanted. It seemed that he did not take Chen Feng into consideration at all.

After hearing these words, Chen Feng's anger suddenly rose in his heart. These people were really bullying others. They actually wanted to rob his own small courtyard. He had been living here with the old monk since he ended his wandering life. He had long since This is my home, and no one can take it away.

"Why, why don't you leave? Quickly pack up and get out. Do you still want us to take action?"

"Yes, if we take action, you will inevitably get beaten again. Why bother? We have beaten you enough for so many years."

"Yes, yes, bullying someone every day makes me feel a little bored."

"Of course, if you don't know the truth today, don't blame us."

The two bastards sneered at you and the other, and then they were even more eager to take action.

"Get out of here." Chen Feng couldn't help shouting, his blood boiling in his body, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

"Hey, you are so brave. We haven't seen each other for a few days, and you dare to talk to us like this. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson." One of the losers strode forward and slapped Chen Feng directly.

Although it was just a simple wave of the hand, the arm made a "pop" sound, the five fingers were spread wide, and there was a fierce wind. It actually reached the third-level realm of Qi training and body training. The muscles and bones roared, and a slap could break stones. A slap can kill an ordinary person.


A flash of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and he also swung out a palm. As he waved his palms, there were waves of dull roars coming from his body. He was faster than his opponent, and he hit them first, and his palms collided together.


There was a crisp sound, and then the No. 1 dogleg screamed and flew backwards. He fell to the ground and rolled continuously. His palm was drooped. It was broken by Chen Feng's palm. He was sweating profusely in pain and screamed repeatedly.

"The muscles and bones are roaring, have you made a breakthrough?" Wang Bo exclaimed, looking at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed, but he quickly regained his composure.

"I asked you why you are so stubborn. It turns out you broke through. Humph, you have been practicing in our Iron Sword Sect for so long before you can break through to the third heaven. You are really a waste among wastes." Wang Bo sneered.

"If I'm a waste, who are you, a loser?" Chen Feng sneered and slapped the opponent away. He felt confident and was not afraid of the opponent.

"Humph, I was just careless. You just made a breakthrough. We are all at the same level. I won't bully you. I will fight with you and learn from each other." No. 2 Dog Legs moved like a cheetah. It suddenly jumped out, its five fingers were like iron hooks, and it grabbed Chen Feng like lightning. It was the Eight-Stage Iron Claw technique of the Iron Sword Sect. Once practiced, it could crack rocks and tear apart ferocious beasts. It was extremely powerful.

Naturally, Chen Feng had also practiced this kind of technique. In order not to reveal his full strength, he suppressed his cultivation in the third heaven and fought with the opponent. His fingers were like hooks and he was as sharp as the wind. He even used the Eight Iron Claws. , fight with the opponent quickly and head-on.

Bang bang bang bang!

During the fight between the two, there were constant explosions caused by collisions. The two fought faster and faster. They were all head-on. No one gave in, and it turned out that they were evenly matched.

Wang Bo looked aside, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Then he squatted down and treated the injuries of Dog Leg No. 1. This person's palms were shattered and his wrists were broken. Even if he has the elixir, he still needs to practice it. For a while, Dog Leg No. 1 looked at Chen Feng in the fight, with hatred in his eyes. This good-for-nothing who was usually bullied actually hurt himself, which was even more unbearable than the pain on his body.

The two exchanged a hundred moves in a short time, and the loser No. 2 started to get anxious. He tried his best, but he couldn't defeat Chen Feng, a loser, and he couldn't help but start to feel impetuous.

In fact, Chen Feng could have quickly eliminated the opponent, but firstly he did not want to expose his strength, and secondly he also wanted to become familiar with the newly promoted realm.

At this time, he finally felt that he was almost done. The true energy in Chen Feng's body was speeding up, and his blood was boiling. Like a volcano erupting, a powerful force emerged, directly breaking the opponent's moves, and then slapped him hard.

On the other person's face. Dogleg No. 2 screamed, his teeth fell out, his nose was bleeding, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were squinting. He fell to the ground with a "pop" and fainted.

"You." Wang Bo's face finally changed. He took two steps forward, staring at Chen Feng. His Qi flowed, and strong auras emanated from his body. His clothes rustled. He turned out to be a cultivator from the fourth heaven.

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, because he knew that Wang Bo had entered the fourth heaven for some time, and he only needed to open up all the meridians in his body to break through again.

"Why, you want to do it too?" Chen Feng circulated his Qi and felt that the Qi in his body was endless and not exhausted at all. Only then did he feel relieved.

"Yes, I want to see what progress you have made in the past few days. Don't think that you can get rid of the name of waste by breaking through the first level. Today I will wake you up again and let you know that waste will always be waste." Wang Bo said coldly, taking the lead, moving his feet quickly, and came in front of Chen Feng, with both hands out, like hooks and claws, directly grabbing Chen Feng's shoulders, waving his hands with a sharp wind, much more powerful than the two lackeys just now. This move is like crushing Chen Feng's shoulders, and the move is very cruel. Although he looks down on the opponent, he uses all his strength.

"Bone-breaking hand!" Chen Feng said coldly, moving his feet, and using the footwork of the Iron Sword Sect to dodge.

"Yes, it is the bone-breaking hand. I won't kill you, but I will crush all your bones and let you be honest for a while, so that you know that waste will always be waste. Even if you break through in cultivation, you will always be a pitiful creature in front of me." Wang Bo sneered, and his claws suddenly changed, snapping, and grabbed Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng flashed again, dodging the opponent's grabs and attacks repeatedly. Although he was forced to dodge repeatedly by the opponent, he was not panicked at all. His eyes were bright, capturing the opponent's every move. Chen Feng saw all of Wang Bo's attack routes clearly.


A piece of Chen Feng's sleeve was torn into pieces and fell in the air. Wang Bo failed several times and began to be furious, and his attacks became more fierce.

"Bone-breaking Finger." Wang Bo shouted loudly, and his index and middle fingers suddenly clicked on Chen Feng repeatedly, and each hit had a hissing sound of breaking through the air.

Bone-breaking Finger is considered to be an upper-middle-level skill of the Iron Sword Sect. Only cultivators with more than 100 meridians can practice it. After practicing it, it can penetrate the opponent's flesh and blood and shatter the opponent's bones. It is very cruel and domineering.

"You actually practiced the bone-breaking finger." Chen Feng's anger was boiling. The opponent used this move, clearly wanting to destroy him.

"I was going to teach you a lesson, but now it seems that I have changed my mind." Chen Feng sneered.

"You are so arrogant. I wonder what you can do?" Wang Bo sneered and pointed at Chen Feng's Qi Sea again, trying to cripple Chen Feng.

Huahuahua! Boom boom boom!

At this time, Chen Feng's blood and qi were boiling, and his true qi was flowing rapidly. He had already used all his strength. As his true qi was circulating, Chen Feng felt a strong force rushing to his limbs and bones. At the same time, he also played a mysterious move, which was the move brought by practicing strange mental methods.

The mysterious move was played by Chen Feng, and Wang Bo's bone-breaking finger was broken immediately. Chen Feng took the opportunity to hit Wang Bo with a palm.

"What?" Seeing Chen Feng suddenly show his power and break his bone-breaking finger, Wang Bo's face changed immediately. Although he had just practiced the bone-breaking finger, the power was not something that a cultivator of the fourth heaven could resist.


Wang Bo was hit in the chest by a palm, and the whole person flew backwards. He felt a destructive force drilling into his body, constantly destroying his vitality. Then he fell to the ground with a "thump" and spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Wang Bo struggled to get up, pointing at Chen Feng and unable to speak. His internal Qi was disordered, his meridians were damaged, and he had no strength to fight anymore. At the same time, he kept shouting in his heart, why did this waste suddenly become so powerful? He was extremely unwilling in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Go away, this time I'll teach you a lesson. Don't mess with me in the future, otherwise I will break your hands and feet and ruin your cultivation." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Wang Bo's ears were buzzing, as if he couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of a waste. This waste who usually let himself and others bully him actually hurt himself, and it seemed that he didn't take himself and others seriously at all.

Wang Bo looked at Chen Feng hatefully, gritted his teeth, turned around and left.

"Wait, take your two lackeys away." Chen Feng spoke again.


Wang Bo was filled with hatred, his face kept changing, but he still stepped forward and picked up the two lackeys and walked out in a panic.

"Huh, I finally let out a sigh of relief. I didn't expect that I would have a day to be proud of myself." Watching Wang Bo disappear in a panic, Chen Feng felt extremely happy, and the anger he had accumulated in the past dissipated a lot.

"Hey, what's going on?"

At this time, Chen Feng finally discovered that the withered flowers, plants and trees in the yard, especially the grass and some flowers on the ground, had withered in large numbers, as if they had suddenly come from late summer to severe winter. In an instant, their vitality was drained. Not only that, even some of the green vines and branches in the yard had some dry places. Although it was not serious, it did lose some of its vitality.

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