Eternal Existence

Chapter 5594: Lord Wu Tian Dao

"They are all above Hunyuan." After seeing the other party's strength, Chen Feng was not worried. He wanted to get some information from the other party.

Sure enough, through communication, we learned that these adventurers came from the life area opposite the energy storm, and it took some time for the other party to travel over.

According to the other party, the other party has walked this road many times, but for some reason, danger appeared in the energy storm this time, causing this group of adventurers to suffer some setbacks, and even the number of people was reduced.

These practitioners were kind-hearted and took the initiative to persuade Chen Feng and others not to move forward, because the energy storm was now in chaos, and entering rashly was likely to be dangerous.

Everyone was an adventurer, but they came in different directions. After some exchanges, the other party said goodbye and left.

"It seems that this place can be passed normally. After all, although the scale of the energy storm is a bit larger, even if it becomes more violent, it is nothing to a truly powerful practitioner." Chen Feng said.

This is indeed the case. After practicing to a certain level, the harsh environment will hardly pose a threat.

"It seems that it has not calmed down yet. We need to wait a little longer. Of course, you can enter now, but it will become more exciting." Chen Feng asked for everyone's opinions.

To Chen Feng's expectation, after a brief thought, everyone present agreed to enter now. It seemed that they also wanted to see what was going on.

In fact, it makes sense after thinking about it. Although the number of Chen Feng and others is not too large, they are still an extremely powerful force. Under normal circumstances, they can take risks no matter where they go.

"In that case, let's go in and find out." Chen Feng nodded.

There is no difference when you first enter. Because it is an energy storm, everyone's perception will also be affected.

But even so, some different power fluctuations can be distinguished from it. Not long after walking in, I felt the power fluctuations emanating from the emperor-level practitioners.

"The army from the Taiyuan Land should have passed long ago, and only a few practitioners are left behind. However, the power fluctuation coming from the front does not look like the practitioners from the Taiyuan Land." Chen Feng felt it carefully and said.

"Would you like to go and take a look? You still need to be careful in battles at the emperor level." The second said.

After all, this is someone else's enemy, and it is different from the origin of one party. It is still necessary to keep a low profile until it is figured out.

"Go and have a look." Chen Feng said, since he came in anyway, he would have to deal with the life here sooner or later.

Follow the power fluctuations, everyone be careful

Moving forward, we soon found the battle area.

It is indeed a battle between great emperors, and there are only two of them. One of them is huge and covered with tentacles. He can mobilize the power of the surrounding energy storm when waving, and he can also create his own energy storm, and the power of the storm is Even stronger, Chen Feng looked at it and saw that practitioners above Hunyuan could not resist it and might be cut into pieces.

It was obvious that this was the original life form. The other emperor was holding a weapon and looked majestic. The two sides were fighting inextricably. Chen Feng looked at it and was not sure if the other person was a practitioner from the land of Taiyuan, but he had never interacted with him before. .

The situation was better than expected. After all, there were only two warring parties, and even the Great Emperor Chen Feng could handle it.

The two warring parties naturally noticed that there were spectators in the secret, and the great emperor said: "I don't know where the secret Taoist friend came from. Please help me and kill the magnetic beast together."

"Magnetic beast!" Chen Feng's heart moved. It seemed that the other party knew this kind of creature very well.

So Chen Feng waved his hand, and Nie Mie and Jianhun rushed forward.

It seemed that the two sides had been fighting for a while, but no reinforcements appeared from the other side. However, Chen Feng was still not careless. He and others were on guard around them. Nirvana and Sword Soul were both at the emperor level, and both had strong attack power.

After adding these two people, the strange creature was quickly dealt with.

Chen Feng noticed that during the battle between Nirvana and Sword Soul, they were affected by the power produced by the other party. It was like the power of the magnetic pole that he had seen before, and he mentioned that he had also practiced this kind of power before.

"No wonder it's called a magnetic beast, but after all, it's a local life form, and it's still at the emperor level. If it was killed by us like this, there shouldn't be any problems, right?" Chen Feng was a little worried.

"Don't worry if you're in place. The King of Magnetic Beasts left before and hasn't come back yet, so he won't pay attention to what happens here." The man saw Chen Feng's worry and said.

"We ventured here from a very far away place. We don't know much about the situation here. I wonder if you can tell us something?" Chen Feng asked.

After talking, I learned that this person is called Wutian Daojun. He wandered from a very distant area. It is also not the first time he has entered an energy storm. However, the reason why the other person came here is to practice, so he is not interested in it.

The situation here is relatively clear.

However, what surprised Chen Feng was that the other party had never heard of the land of Taiyuan, but he also knew what happened before.

It turned out that the cultivators from Taiyuan land had a conflict with the owner of this place, the King of Magnetic Beasts, and the two sides had a fight. The King of Magnetic Beasts suffered a loss and led people to chase and kill him. Therefore, there were not many magnetic beasts left in the energy storm. This is also the reason why Wu Tian Dao Jun was able to fight for so long. In the past, he might have been surrounded and killed by magnetic beasts.

"I have never heard of Taiyuan land before, but I have seen it this time. The opponent is very strong. The aura emitted by several of them makes me feel scared, but their strongest is not as strong as the King of Magnetic Beasts, so this time it is also a fierce fight, most of which is a situation of both sides losing." Wu Dao.

"Is the King of Magnetic Beasts so strong?" Chen Feng and others showed shock in their eyes. In Chen Feng's opinion, except for the True Yuan Emperor, Yuan should be the strongest, but he did not expect the King of Magnetic Beasts to be stronger.

At first, Chen Feng was a little skeptical, but he thought that Wu Tian Dao Jun had no need to lie to himself, and the other party was the emperor, so he still had good eyesight. Besides, if the King of Magnetic Beasts was not so strong, this area would have been destroyed by Taiyuan land long ago.

Another point, since Wu Tian Dao Jun didn't hear about Tai Yuan Land, it seems that Tai Yuan Land is still in an extremely remote area.

"But why invade the Yin Realm when it is so far away? Why not mobilize forces to solve this area?" Chen Feng still didn't think that this energy storm could really stop the attack of Tai Yuan Land.

"Or is it that the resources here are not worth what Tai Yuan Land has done." Chen Feng said.

"The King of Magnetic Beasts is usually hard to be alarmed. This time it was deliberately because of the appearance of masters. I think you Taoist friends should not come here simply to take risks. If you want to pass through this energy storm, now is a good time." Wu Dao.

"Thank you for the news, Taoist friend." Chen Feng nodded. It should not be dangerous for him and others to pass through this energy storm, but the follow-up manpower of the Yin Realm may be in trouble.

However, the news has been passed back, and Chen Feng will not ask more about the specific choice.

To Chen Feng's surprise, Wu Tian Dao Jun actually chose to act with Chen Feng and others, and wanted to see Tai Yuan Land.

Originally, Wu Tian Dao Jun came here to practice, but who knew that he would learn from Chen Feng that there was such a powerful life area in Taiyuan Land, so he naturally wanted to go there.

"In fact, this energy storm is quite suitable for practice." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Although he said so, the environment here did not have much impact on Chen Feng, or Chen Feng did not go to the core area.

But now everyone has made up their minds, and under the leadership of Wu Tian Dao Jun, they spent some time to successfully pass through the energy storm.

"Don't say it, I only felt how depressed I was just now after I walked out." Jiemie couldn't help but say.

"The residual energy here is very strong, it seems that a fierce battle took place before." The Second World said.

Everyone could sense that Chen Feng even took action to collect some energy of different attributes. In addition to the energy left by the practitioners of Taiyuan, there was also the breath left by the assassins.

"Even the assassins took action, it seems that the magnetic beast brought them a lot of pressure." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go, keep moving forward."

After there were obvious traces, everyone sped up and only slowed down when they encountered some life areas.

Chen Feng continued to release his clones, but this time even Chen Feng was a little overwhelmed. Condensing so many second-life clones in such a short time was a big consumption for Chen Feng. If he continued, his foundation would be damaged.

So Chen Feng began to absorb some resources to replenish himself. Whether it was the Yin Realm or the Origin of Chaos, Chen Feng had gained a lot of benefits. Now was the time to use them.

In fact, even if Chen Feng did not deliberately practice, the Origin Furnace in his heart alone was still providing energy.

But a short time is also time. After passing through the energy storm, although it was still far away from the Taiyuan Land, from the Origin of Chaos, the distance everyone had traveled was not short. Besides, weren't they speeding up now?

"It's interesting to say that although I have been to this area many times, I have never been to the direction I went deep into this time." Wu Tian Dao Jun said with a smile.

"This is also our first time here, but we know some news. The Taiyuan Land is a very powerful life area. I think fellow Daoist will definitely be satisfied." Chen Feng said.

The two sides had a pleasant exchange, especially after becoming companions, they told each other a lot of news, and each learned about the wider world from the other.

However, Wu Tian Dao Jun was a great emperor, and he had practiced for a long time and had been to many places. It can be said that Chen Feng and others gained a lot.

And Chen Feng also understood that the place where Wu Tian Dao Jun came must not be simple, but he also knew the specific location, which also showed the other party's sincerity.

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