Eternal Existence

Chapter 5558: Seriously injured and resting

The Gate of Origin is also here to reap the benefits and to strengthen itself.

But this is normal. The Gate of Origin consumes power when it comes here, not to mention that it must have consumed more power in the previous battle with the powerful existence. It may be that it is swallowing the opponent to make up for itself.

After all, the Gate of Origin is not the main body. If it does not get the power replenishment, it will not last long if it keeps fighting.

Another origin-level existence was swallowed by the Gate of Origin, but this time the opponent's counterattack was stronger, but they still couldn't do anything to the Gate of Origin. Even if they made some surprising power chains, they didn't play much role.

But just when the Gate of Origin was about to attack the new target, the powerful existence that left before finally appeared again.

Before, this powerful existence just left under the suppression of the Gate of Origin, and he was not actually injured. Now he can return after adjusting his state.

But now the power of the Gate of Origin is stronger than before. The powerful existence is at a disadvantage after the two sides collided.

But the opponent also understood the state of the Gate of Origin, so he did not choose to retreat, but mobilized other people to fight against the Gate of Origin.

The Gate of Origin can gather the power of other emperors and burst out a powerful force of suppression, and this powerful existence actually has this method. He can mobilize the power of other emperors on the side of Taiyuan.

With the power of many emperors on his body, the strength of this powerful existence actually increased linearly.

The two sides collided again and again, causing violent fluctuations, and even the entire Yin world seemed to shake.

Under the powerful force, some practitioners with insufficient strength had been swept away far away, even some powerful Hunyuan could not stand steadily, and were swept in without paying attention, and the whole person was torn to pieces.

This is also the most intense collision that has erupted in a war so far. Even the King of Gods and Emperor Taiyin who were fighting in other places were alarmed.

In fact, they had already sensed that this powerful existence and the breath of the Gate of Origin were still there, but they did not expect that the two warring parties were still increasing their strength.

Emperor Taiyin was even a little worried that if this continued, the Yin world might really collapse.

However, the King of Heavenly Gods and the Great Emperor Taiyin also had their own opponents, and they could not get rid of the situation in front of them for a while, no matter how anxious they were.

The Yin Realm also felt the threat, so it began to give up some areas, gather a stronger will, and at the same time draw some power from the Yin Realm.

Practitioners can fight desperately when they encounter danger, and the origin of one side can also make some choices.

So this time the Yin Realm not only burst out with will, but also countless energy condensed spears and arrows shot like rain, and each long hair contained the destructive power of killing Hunyuan.

This is the advantage from the local area. Under this level of attack, the invaders actually have no better way and can only resist.

This is the previous situation again. The Gate of Origin alone cannot really suppress this powerful existence, and the Yin Realm is also difficult to threaten the opponent, but the situation is different with the cooperation of both sides.

Although the power of other emperors was drawn, this powerful existence is still a bit overwhelmed.

Because the situation caused by both sides is relatively stalemate, it is not so easy to run even if you want to.

Finally, a spear broke through the layers of defense and landed on the body of this powerful being. Although it did not break the opponent's defense for a while, it also brought a great impact to this powerful being.

Chen Feng and others were watching the battle in the Gate of Origin. Seeing this scene, they were very upset, but they also knew that they could only do this.

"Where did such a powerful being come from?" Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

No one knew, but the other party came from Taiyuan.

"It should be the boss in Taiyuan, just like the existence of Taiyin Emperor, or it may be the will of Taiyuan." The Soul Emperor said so.

"It is indeed possible." Chen Feng also felt that if it was really a life cultivated by the will of Taiyuan, then everything would make sense, and it was normal to be so powerful.

But in the final analysis, Taiyuan was still unfamiliar. Apart from this fight, he had no idea about the situation in Taiyuan, and just thought it was as powerful as Guixu.

Sure enough, this time the Gate of Origin erupted with even more powerful power, and so did the Yin Realm, and it forcibly suppressed this powerful being, and some spears of power also pierced the other party, but the other party escaped again.

This is a bit of a headache. At least Chen Feng knows that even if he breaks through, he is still far from being the opponent of this level of existence.

Moreover, if such a powerful existence appears in the war, the situation in the underworld will not really improve.

"If that's the case, the underworld will be even more worried." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Seeing the other party escape, this time the Gate of Origin did not chase like before.

Chen Feng was a little confused.

"The same method cannot be used again. If you continue to chase, you may fall into the trap set by the other party." The Soul Emperor understood the Gate of Origin's approach.

After all, I have chased the opponent once before. The most important thing is that the opponent's power is equivalent to that of the underworld, and he must have enough means. Maybe there are many emperors waiting in ambush. If the Gate of Origin falls into it, it will be equivalent to everyone. They were all caught in an ambush. If something unexpected happened, the loss would be too great.

But now the Gate of Origin is an extremely powerful force that can truly affect the entire battlefield.

Although Chen Feng's side had more than a dozen emperors before, they had been fighting against opponents of equal strength. Except for Chen Feng and the spiritual emperor, the others did not get any benefits, and even suffered losses in previous sneak attacks. Some losses.

But it was different with the addition of the Gate of Origin, not to mention that the Gate of Origin also brought help this time.

It can be said that this force has grown again, but it is still difficult to really help the underworld win this war, but it can at least play some role.

"If that powerful being hadn't appeared, with our current strength, we could have killed everyone. As long as we were not trapped by the opponent, even if we encountered Emperor Yuanyang, we would have found a way to severely injure the opponent." Chen Feng Said so.

"Don't worry, there is no sign of the war ending so far. On the contrary, more and more masters are appearing, so it's hard to say how things will go next." The Spiritual Emperor said.

"It all depends on how things develop. I won't be able to take action anyway." Chen Feng felt a little regretful. His current state was not very good. Even with the help of the emperors, it would take some time to truly recover.

"Although you were injured before, being able to face a master of that level will be of great benefit to your practice." The Great Spiritual Emperor comforted you.

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded, but thinking about the situation he faced before, Chen Feng still felt a little scared. The previous scene was really too dangerous. If the Gate of Origin hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have really This is a near-death situation. Even if you survive, you will only escape part of your strength, and your body will die here. Even if you can practice again in the future, it is hard to say whether you can recover to the current point.

To put it bluntly, the loss is too great, even the entire foundation is gone, and then the future future will be cut off.

Immortality does not mean that you can climb to the top again.

"If you encounter an expert of this level in the future, you must stay far away. Don't be as impulsive as before." Chen Feng was very alert this time, and now he could be said to be frightened.

However, Chen Feng believed that this was also a good thing. He was just in awe, not that he was really frightened and lost his ambition to make progress.

"You have practiced the Dao of Life, and your Chaos Body is very special. It is not troublesome to recover it. As for recovering the mana consumed before, this should not be a problem for you." The Emperor of Mind still understands Chen somewhat. Maple's.

"That's true, I'm just a little reluctant." Even if Chen Feng consumes too much mana, he is not too worried. The resources he has will be replenished soon.

"At worst, you can find a way to add another emperor to make up for your losses." The spiritual emperor said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else present couldn't help but look at the two of them. Suppressing an emperor? Is it easy to say this? Is it so grand to say it? But it sounds like the two of them have done it before.

Chen Feng nodded. He was really not worried about the loss of mana. The most important thing now was to repair the foundation and repair the avenue. This was not something that could be done in a short time. After all, even the avenue of life was somewhat damaged.

"Hold it, we really can't participate in the war anymore."

When he thought about not being able to participate in the war, Chen Feng was once again a little depressed, but he soon felt relieved. He had experienced many battles before, and the gains were indeed not small. It was really time to take a rest.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng didn't bother to look at the situation outside. With a thought, the cave appeared out of thin air, and Chen Feng entered it and simply practiced in seclusion.

After the Avenue of Life was completely repaired, Chen Feng's recovery speed was faster, but he still had to take it step by step. Only when his heart began to beat vigorously could Chen Feng's recovery process truly be on the right track.

Repair yourself, and then repair the avenue. Only the magic weapons and weapons that suppress yourself are not damaged. At most, some power has erupted before.

As long as Chen Feng is willing, these magic weapons and weapons can also turn into clones to help Chen Feng practice.

It was said that he was in seclusion, but in fact, after Chen Feng's heart repaired, he paid attention to the situation outside.

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