Eternal Existence

Chapter 5557: Hunting Everywhere

And this is just the beginning. A huge portal appeared almost out of thin air, and a simple and pure force of suppression fell on this powerful being.

This time, this powerful being finally had emotional fluctuations, and the situation that could have controlled everything collapsed.

And Chen Feng also took the opportunity to get rid of the other party's restraints.

At this time, Chen Feng had reached the true peak of his cultivation so far because of burning everything, but Chen Feng did not choose to fight desperately, but entered the seat of this portal in an instant.

Then the divine wings behind Chen Feng completely collapsed, and the power in Chen Feng's body began to get out of control.

Although these are all Chen Feng's strengths, it must be said that Chen Feng's previous accumulation is too strong, especially the explosion under desperate efforts just now, which made Chen Feng unable to gather these powers in the first time.

Even the avenue opened up by Chen Feng began to collapse.

Cracks appeared in Chen Feng's body, and the whole person began to break further.

In this case, although he did not die, he would definitely be seriously injured, because this time Chen Feng was injured in the origin and foundation.

But at this moment, a bunch of light came to Chen Feng, and each beam of light represented a great emperor, who was helping Chen Feng stabilize his own state.

But these great emperors mostly provided power output to the portal to fight against that powerful existence.

"The Gate of Origin is coming."

Seeing Chen Feng being taken away by the Gate of Origin, the Soul Emperor was relieved, and at the same time felt a little strange, that is, how did the Gate of Origin become so powerful.

You must know that the Soul Emperor has fought side by side with the Gate of Origin. Although he also knew that the Gate of Origin was hidden very deeply and that the Gate of Origin had some clones, it was now ridiculously strong.

After all, the Gate of Origin only came from afar, not fighting on the homeland. Besides, even if it was fighting on the homeland, it should not be so strong.

Because the Gate of Origin appeared here not only to deal with this powerful existence, but also to appear on the battlefield so easily, which was not an easy thing to do, and as the pure and powerful repressive force descended, some other powerful beings were also affected.

It can be said that the Gate of Origin was so overbearing that it was frightening, but it was also because of the power of the Gate of Origin that Chen Feng was able to save his life.

"It was really dangerous!" Chen Feng said with some emotion.

The Avenue of Life ran through Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng stood up, the flames on his body had been extinguished, and the power in his body seemed to have subsided. It seemed that Chen Feng had returned to normal, but only Chen Feng knew how much he had paid this time, and his injuries were far from being repaired.

However, compared with the previous crisis, the current situation is really as good as it can be.

"You are lucky to survive from such a master." A great emperor said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party and didn't know him, but it didn't matter, there were still a few acquaintances around him.

Tai Shi Emperor, Jiu Ling Emperor, and Tian Ting Emperor did not have the fate clone of the Gate of Origin, but Chen Feng knew it after a little thought, most of them were merged with the Gate of Origin.

However, in addition to these three, there are two other great emperors.

"Let me introduce them. This is the Great Emperor Taigu, and this is the Great Emperor Supreme. They are all friends from the Gate of Origin." The Great Emperor Taishi introduced.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoists." Chen Feng expressed his gratitude. If it weren't for the help of these five great emperors, he might not be able to stabilize his own state.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood why the Gate of Origin could burst out with such a powerful force. It turned out that in addition to its own strength, there were five great emperors as helpers.

"But it seems that the Gate of Origin can't solve that powerful existence." Chen Feng recovered his vitality while looking at the situation outside.

The situation is very simple. The will of the underworld and the suppression of the Gate of Origin still can't do anything to the other party.

However, this powerful existence is no longer as relaxed as before, for example, letting Chen Feng run away is the best proof.

"Why is the opponent so strong?" The Great Emperor Jiuling suddenly said, and at the same time looked at Chen Feng strangely.

It's really amazing that Chen Feng can persist in front of the opponent.


The Gate of Origin did not use any other means, but simply suppressed it, but it blocked and imprisoned the four-sided space. A sneak attacker hidden in the dark was exposed, and his body began to collapse.

From this point, we can see how strong the power of the Gate of Origin is, but the powerful existence can still withstand it, but there is no extra power to deal with the patrol of the underworld. In addition, the will of the underworld and the attacks of the Emperor of Mind are continuous, and this powerful existence finally tried his best.

"So strong!"

Chen Feng wanted to take action, but after thinking about it, he still held back. His current state is not good, so he should take a rest.

The light flashed, and the Emperor of Mind, the God of Nothingness, the Emperor of Thousand Mountains, the Emperor of Double Fire, the Emperor of Ten Thousand Daos, the Ancestor of Virtual Beasts, the Emperor of Psychedelic, and the Emperor of Magic entered the Gate of Origin one after another.

After they arrived, they instantly understood the intention of the Gate of Origin, so they each output a large amount of mana.

These magical powers were absorbed by the Gate of Origin and then suppressed fiercely. This time, the powerful being finally couldn't bear it anymore. His body shrank and dense cracks appeared.

"Can it withstand so much power?" Chen Feng was a little worried at first. Although the Gate of Origin is all-encompassing and can accommodate power of different attributes, the power of so many emperors present is very strong, not to mention that they have to deal with such an extremely powerful existence.

However, since the Gate of Origin did this, it seems that there is no problem.

"It would be great if we could suppress the opponent. Even if we can't, even if we can injure him, it's fine." Chen Feng had some expectations in his heart, but he didn't expect things to change.

According to Chen Feng's thoughts, the Gate of Origin was not an opponent of this powerful existence, but now it seems that the situation is different. The Gate of Origin has used some means, and the will of the underworld is also taking action. This is a good opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to deal with the opponent in the future.

It's a pity that the opponent is not alone, and the opponent has helpers.

Seeing that the situation of this powerful existence is not good, a wave of power rushed towards the Gate of Origin frantically.

This is the emperor among Taiyuan and the sneak attacker. There are originally many of them. Chen Feng and the Emperor of the Heart were pulled to the Gate of Origin, so their opponents were naturally vacant, so it is normal to explode at this time.

So when Chen Feng saw all this, he secretly felt sorry, knowing that he would be unable to do anything to the other party.

Sure enough, after someone shared the pressure, the cracks on the body of this powerful being healed, and then his body began to grow stronger.

It seemed that he wanted to fight back, but at this moment, the Yin Realm Will that was originally attacking the powerful being suddenly changed its target.

So one emperor was severely injured, and then the second emperor.

After three emperors were severely injured by the will, the Yin Realm Will stopped.


This powerful being knew that he could not continue, so he pulled away suddenly, grabbed several injured companions and left the place.

The Gate of Origin naturally did not want the other party to leave, but the power was too strong, and it could not be contained in an instant. After suppressing it, the space began to collapse layer by layer, and both sides of the war were affected.


The Soul Emperor shouted.

So the Gate of Origin jumped and disappeared from the spot, and when it appeared again, it was already in another part of the battlefield.

The powerful being was not found, but another emperor rushed into the battlefield.

"This is an existence at the origin level." Through the Gate of Origin, everyone can see that the emperor's body is a long river of origin.

This kind of existence has a strong foundation and can be regarded as the embodiment of the rules in the origin of one side. It is normal to have the strength of an emperor. It's a pity that this time it was targeted by the Gate of Origin.

Just one suppression, this existence began to collapse, turning into the power of origin to conflict around, which was useless, and was directly pulled to himself by the Gate of Origin.

During this process, other practitioners came to rescue, but they could not break the confinement power of the Gate of Origin, and even affected themselves.

Chen Feng understood why the Gate of Origin targeted this origin existence, because the Gate of Origin was easier to refine and absorb the other party.

So after the other party was pulled in by the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng and others did not go to divide it, but others were different.

The Gate of Origin suppressed again, and two more emperors were severely injured, and part of their bodies were pulled into the Gate of Origin.

This time it was divided by everyone, but Chen Feng did not participate, just focused on repairing himself.




Although the strength displayed by the Gate of Origin was extremely powerful, there were still powerful forces attacking the Gate of Origin. The Gate of Origin seemed to be in the midst of a storm, and the whole thing was shaking slightly.

So the Gate of Origin jumped and disappeared again.

Chen Feng originally thought that the first target of the Gate of Origin was that powerful being, but when the Gate of Origin suppressed an origin-level being again, Chen Feng understood in his heart.

The Gate of Origin also came to gain benefits and to strengthen itself.

But this is normal. The Gate of Origin consumes power when it comes here, not to mention that the previous battle with the powerful being must have consumed more. It may be that swallowing the opponent in front of it is to make up for itself.

After all, the Gate of Origin did not come from the main body. If it could not get the supplement of power, it would not last too long if it kept fighting.

Another origin-level being was swallowed by the Gate of Origin, but this time the opponent's counterattack was stronger, but they still could not do anything to the Gate of Origin. Even if they made some surprising power chains, they did not play a big role.

However, just when the Gate of Origin was about to attack a new target, the powerful being that had left before finally reappeared.




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