Eternal Existence

Chapter 5541 Collapse

"I didn't expect that there is an independent space battlefield here. Now I'm in trouble." Although this practitioner is not the Great Emperor, he still has a combat power that is infinitely close to the Great Emperor. Besides, in this case, even if he has The emperor doesn’t even have the strength

"It's not bad. Although the opponent's strength is weaker, it also proves that the previous idea is correct." The psychic emperor was not disappointed. He just used a psychic attack and stopped taking action.

Even Chen Feng didn't take action. Emperor Changhe and Emperor Shadow quickly eliminated the practitioner.

After the first success, everyone gained confidence, and then they solved several practitioners one after another.

It's a pity that they are all at a level above Hunyuan, so a few people were a little disappointed.

But he soon found a good opponent.

It is a life cultivated by the original-level existence in Taiyuan. The opponent has the fighting power of a great emperor, and he is not lazy, but was beaten into this area.

Before the other party could get up again, he was trapped by the spiritual chain, and then was attacked by his will. Then he was shrouded in the shadow magical power, and was pulled into this space battlefield.

"such a pity!"

Chen Feng felt a little emotional in his heart. The process of gestating such an origin-level existence was very difficult and long. Being able to cultivate an independent life is an even rarer opportunity for Chen Feng, but now he is about to die here.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the matter. With the joint efforts of several great emperors, even if the other party struggled desperately, they could not make any waves.

"I hope you will kill an emperor next." Emperor Changhe said.

Although everything is progressing smoothly, just solving these Hunyuan ones will not affect the overall situation at all. If a few great emperors can be solved, that will be the real result.

However, if you want to deal with the great emperors, you can only come one by one. If several great emperors suddenly break in, then this space battlefield will really become a battlefield.

It's a pity that the luck in the next few years will not be so good. There are no such good opportunities nearby. However, a group of practitioners are found fighting. However, everyone is also worried that the other party will discover the situation here, and they do not dare to show their heads at all.

Of course, everyone can also have other choices, that is, rush out and fight, but this will expose this space battlefield.

"It's not impossible. After all, this space was created by the underworld. Since no practitioners are coming, we can move there." At this time, the Shadow Emperor suddenly said.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, this was indeed a good idea, so he began to communicate and everyone began to prepare.

The will of the underworld naturally agreed, and he moved a patrolman from the underworld over.

Compared to Shadow Earth and the others, the Netherworld Patrollers are more representative of the Netherworld, so from this point it can be seen that the Netherworld is very concerned about this matter.

"I wonder if the underworld will use this method in other space battlefields." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Under the control of the inspectors of the underworld and the will of the underworld, this space battlefield began to move, and the process went smoothly. It stopped not long after, and some practitioners were pulled in one after another.

However, except for one origin-level existence, the rest are all great emperors.

"The opponent is not stupid either. He will definitely notice that something is wrong." Chen Feng said.

In fact, everyone knows this, but they just have some expectations in their hearts, hoping that this situation can last a little longer.

"If we can't deal with a few more emperors, wouldn't it be a waste of our arrangements." Emperor Changhe said.

"But no matter what, we still have to prepare for the worst." The Shadow Emperor said.

The next moment, a hole opened in this space battlefield, and a group of practitioners were moved in.

There are dozens of Hunyuans, and the reason why the Yin Realm can move the opponent over in one breath is because there is still a part of the Yin Realm area wrapped around it.

Although the number shocked everyone, at first glance, they were all above Hunyuan. Emperor Changhe and the others did not take it seriously. However, when another wave of practitioners came in one after another, everyone felt the pressure. .

When the number of Hunyuan masters reaches a certain level, they can naturally surround and kill the emperor. Besides, some Hunyuan masters are even as powerful as the emperor.

"The will of the underworld seems to be a little anxious. It really thinks highly of us. It sent so many people to us in one go." The Great Spiritual Emperor said.

"It stands to reason that the strength of the underworld has become stronger, or is it just a simple mobilization of power to free up more power to deal with other opponents." Chen Feng said.

The other few didn't think as much as the two of them thought. They took action after their opponents appeared. In their opinion, dealing with these Hunyuan superiors was simply a massacre.

However, after the fight, it was discovered that these Hunyuan masters were very powerful and could not clear the field in a short period of time.

"Let's do it." The Great Psychic Emperor also took action, and a wave of psychic power swept away almost all opponents. Chen Feng locked on the front opponent and rushed over.


When the two sides fought, they were evenly matched. Chen Feng sighed a little. The opponent had the potential of a great emperor, but this time he was going to die here.

Not long after Chen Feng fought with the opponent, the inspector from the underworld came to help after solving the other opponents.

The final result was of course that these practitioners were completely eliminated. However, after the opponents were eliminated, before everyone had time to rest, another group of practitioners was moved in.

"This simply treats us as a war machine." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"It seems that the Yin Realm is still under great pressure." The Soul Emperor said.

This time, there are more opponents, and there are several masters among them. Chen Feng and others cannot defeat them one-on-one. Fortunately, there is a formation that has been prepared long ago to trap the opponent in it, which gives them the upper hand. Although they cannot solve the opponent in a short time, they don't have to worry about the opponent breaking this space battlefield.

All they need is some time.

But things have changed again. Another crack appeared in the space battlefield. This time it was not a crack broken by the will of the Yin Realm, but someone tore it from the outside.

This is an emperor from Taiyuan. The opponent felt something was wrong, so he used his means to find the space battlefield. After tearing the hole, he understood the situation in an instant.

The opponent is strong, reacts quickly, and did not participate. He decided to leave immediately. Chen Feng and others had no time to stop him.

"Not good, the space station is about to be exposed." Chen Feng was surprised. Although he knew this would happen, he found that things would become as tricky as before when it was really exposed.

There is no way to solve the opponent here. Is there anything better than this? If it can continue, then you can get a surprising harvest. Even if there are more opponents being moved here, even if it is more tiring, it is relatively safe.

No one chased that person, but just quickly dealt with the opponent in front of them, and at the same time communicated with the will of the underworld to change the direction of this space battlefield quickly.

"Let me try!"

The Shadow Emperor released his magical powers to cover the entire space battlefield, but it is hard to say how much effect it can have under this situation.

As a result, cracks appeared in the space, and another group of practitioners were moved in.

"What is the will of the underworld doing? Now is not the time to continue throwing people." Chen Feng was a little angry, and hurried to communicate with the will of the underworld. As a result, the will of the underworld did not respond, but gave everyone some power, and then more than a dozen Hunyuan were sent in.

"If you don't know, you would think we were hunted." The Soul Emperor said so.

At this time, the number of opponents sent in has far exceeded the expectations of Chen Feng and others. Even without the emperor, everyone felt that the situation was a little out of control.

"The underworld wants us to fight to the death." The Soul Emperor quickly analyzed the current situation. Although there are many practitioners coming, they can still deal with it, but they need to pay more effort and cost.

To put it bluntly, the will of the underworld is squeezing himself and others.

It's okay for the underworld patrollers to not care, but Chen Feng and he are outsiders after all. Isn't it too much to do this?

"Can we just leave now?" Chen Feng smiled.

Although the two were dissatisfied, they still had no intention of leaving. The two entered a chain formation, and with the help of the power of the formation, they could entangle more opponents.

And Chen Feng even released four clones transformed by the origin of the mountain to sit in the center of the formation, and dozens of combat puppets formed a formation, so that more opponents could be entangled.

"You just meet the expectations of the underworld by doing this." The Soul Emperor said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm working hard now, and the underworld will not treat me unfairly." Chen Feng didn't care.

Constant fighting only consumes some mana. Besides, he also likes this kind of scene. Chen Feng even wants to release some clones. This can be regarded as a kind of training for himself.

But after all, there are many opponents. Even if the Yin Realm Patrolmen deal with multiple opponents, they are still too late. Finally, the magic circle collapses.


Chen Feng couldn't help frowning. Fortunately, the Yin Realm Patrolmen also released a large formation at this time, which was controlled by clones and quickly entangled with the extra Hunyuan.

"This space battlefield is worthy of its name." The Soul Emperor said with a smile.

"I don't know if there will be helpers coming." Chen Feng said.

At this time, several opponents have already rushed into the magic circle, and the battle puppets released by Chen Feng before have been damaged.


A powerful force rushed straight to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny to dissolve it.

"There is a master." Chen Feng said in his heart.

It is not easy for the opponent to find him accurately in the large formation, and the outbreak just now also made him feel tricky.

The other party was clearly just above Hunyuan, and he had been low-key before, but who would have thought that he would suddenly explode now.

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