Eternal Existence

Chapter 5540: Arrangement

Chen Feng and the Mind Emperor could understand Changhe Emperor's thoughts. Speaking of which, this was his territory, and he didn't want to be lazy here even if he was injured. But Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor are different. They are willing to contribute, but they must also consider their own situation first.

"It is still necessary to take a short rest. Only by restoring our strength to its peak can we better deal with our opponents. Besides, our rest time is not long. We just sort out ourselves first and sort out the previous gains. Among the origins I have mastered I have suppressed several emperors, and now I am reaching the limit. I need to deepen the seal again, not to mention that we suppressed the emperor just now, and we also need to share the benefits," the spiritual emperor said.

"Yes, I think this war will last for a long time. Even if we keep fighting desperately, we can't change the overall situation. No matter where we are, taking care of ourselves first is the most important thing." Chen Feng also said.

Hearing Chen Feng and the Heart Emperor say this, Emperor Chang He couldn't say anything. If he objected, it would be impossible to continue to join forces with the two of them. If Chen Feng and the two were really unhappy, it wouldn't be the same. A good thing.

Seeing that Emperor Changhe agreed, the three of them took action first and repaired the broken space battlefield to prevent anyone from breaking in.

However, when the repairs were about to be completed, two practitioners still broke in. They did not come here specifically, but were inadvertently involved by the energy of the war. After all, the entire battlefield was too chaotic.

Fortunately, the two Hunyuans were easily eliminated by two people.

At this time, Chen Feng had some ideas.

"Two fellow Taoists, I have some ideas. This space battlefield is a good place. After we sort ourselves out first, we may be able to bring in some opponents to deal with them, or we can directly let the will of the underworld take action and move some opponents in. , so that we can occupy a favorable position and hunt down the opponent bit by bit, it is better than hunting everywhere in the chaotic battlefield outside," Chen Feng said.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, the Heart Emperor and Changhe Emperor's eyes also lit up, thinking that Chen Feng's method was really good.

"It's a pity. If we had found such a good place from the beginning, our hunting team would not have been scattered. Maybe we could find a way to inform the Shadow Emperor and them." Emperor Changhe said.

Now that they have an idea, the three of them are also thinking of ways to notify others while resting. As for whether they can receive the news and whether they can come over, that is another matter. However, the three of them are not really idle, but I started to build this space battlefield, and at the same time I was still communicating with the will of the underworld. With the help of the will of the underworld, this space battlefield quickly became operational again.

Magical formations are also hidden in the dark. These magical formations alone can temporarily trap some emperors. In this way, the three of them feel more confident.

The three of them took action without much rest, and through the previous calls and the participation of the underworld minders, they had successfully teleported the Shadow Emperor.

It's not that the others didn't receive the notice, it's just a pity that they each have opponents. And if you want to enter this space battlefield, you may be discovered by others.

The situation of the Shadow Emperor was different. His own hidden magical powers allowed him to travel through the battlefield, and with the help of the will of the underworld, he successfully arrived here.

So I have to say that it was really luck that Chen Feng and the three of them entered here.

"Then let's start to bring some opponents in now. There are also risks in doing so. Maybe our area will be exposed. When the time comes, many opponents will swarm in, and the previous plan will be in vain." Chen Feng said.

"So we need to be careful, and we can't be impatient. We can only wait for a while. If an opponent happens to be nearby, maybe we can take action directly." This suggestion from the Mind Emperor is relatively conservative, but it is also the best way.

"It's better to just let the underworld pass people in." Emperor Changhe said.

"It's not that easy, and doing so may alert the opponent's masters. There is no need to rush this matter. You can only do it slowly. It's best if you can succeed. If you can't succeed, you can only think of other ways." Shadow Emperor Not as anxious as Emperor Changhe.

So the next step is to follow the advice of the Mind Emperor. First, explore the surroundings, especially if the Mind Emperor is exploring, the effect will be better.

I have to say that the luck of these people was pretty good. They discovered a practitioner from Taiyuan near the space battlefield right at the beginning.

It's also interesting to say that the other party was injured in the war and was hiding to heal. It can also be said that the other party was lazy, and he was unlucky.

When the other party felt something was wrong and chose to fight back immediately, it was already too late. Looking at the surrounding situation, he suddenly understood everything.

"I didn't expect that there is an independent space battlefield here. Now I'm in trouble." Although this practitioner is not the Great Emperor, he still has a combat power that is infinitely close to the Great Emperor. Besides, in this case, even if he has The emperor doesn’t even have the strength

"It's not bad. Although the opponent's strength is weaker, it also proves that the previous idea is correct." The psychic emperor was not disappointed. He just used a psychic attack and stopped taking action.

Even Chen Feng didn't take action. Emperor Changhe and Emperor Shadow quickly eliminated the practitioner.

After the first success, everyone gained confidence, and then they solved several practitioners one after another.

It's a pity that they are all above the level of Hunyuan, and several people are a little disappointed.

But soon they found a good opponent.

It was a life cultivated by the origin-level existence in Taiyuan. The other party has the combat power of the emperor, and he is not lazy, but was beaten to this area.

Before the other party got up again, he was trapped by the mental chain, and then attacked by the will, and then covered by the shadow magic, and pulled to this space battlefield.

"What a pity!"

Chen Feng felt a little emotional. The process of nurturing such an origin-level existence is very difficult and long. It is even more rare to be able to cultivate into an independent life in the eyes of Chen Feng and Chen Feng, but now he is going to die here.

There is no suspense about the outcome of the matter. Under the joint efforts of several emperors, even if the opponent struggles desperately, he can't make any waves.

"I hope you can kill an emperor next." Changhe Emperor said.

Although everything is going well, just solving these Hunyuan-level existences will not affect the overall situation. If you can solve a few emperors, that will be the real result of the battle.

However, if we want to deal with the emperors, we can only deal with them one by one. If a few emperors suddenly break in, then this space battlefield will really become a battlefield.

Unfortunately, the luck in the next few years will not be so good. There is no such good opportunity nearby. Instead, we found a group of practitioners fighting. However, everyone was afraid that the other party would find out about the situation here, so they dared not show up.

Of course, everyone can also have other choices, that is, rush out to fight, but this will expose this space battlefield.

"It's not that there is no way. After all, this space is built by the underworld. Since no practitioners come here, we can move over." At this time, the Shadow Emperor suddenly said.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. This is indeed a good idea, so he began to communicate with Yingjie's will, and everyone began to prepare.

The underworld will naturally agreed, and he moved a underworld patroller over.

Compared with Shadow Land and others, the underworld patrollers can better represent the underworld, so from this point, it can be seen that the underworld is very concerned about this matter.

"I don't know if the underworld will use this method in other space battlefields." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Under the control of the Yin Realm Patrolman and the Yin Realm Will, this space battlefield began to move, and the process was very smooth. It stopped soon and pulled in some more practitioners one after another.

However, except for one origin-level existence, the rest were all emperors.

"The opponent is not stupid, and will definitely notice something wrong." Chen Feng said so.

In fact, everyone knew this, but they just had some expectations in their hearts, hoping that this situation could last for a little longer.

"If we can't deal with a few more emperors, wouldn't it be a waste of our arrangements." Changhe Emperor said.

"But no matter what, we still have to prepare for the worst." Shadow Emperor said.

The next moment, this space battlefield tore open a hole, and a group of practitioners were moved in.

There were dozens of Hunyuan and above. The reason why the Yin Realm could move the opponent in one breath was because there was still a part of the Yin Realm area wrapped.

Although the number scared everyone, but seeing that they were all Hunyuan and above, Changhe Emperor and others didn't take it seriously, but when another wave of practitioners came in one after another, everyone felt the pressure.

When the number of above Hunyuan reaches a certain level, it is natural to surround and kill the emperor. Besides, some above Hunyuan are even as powerful as the emperor.

"The will of the Yin Realm seems to be a little anxious. It really thinks highly of us and sends so many people to us at once." The Emperor of the Heart said.

"It stands to reason that the strength of the Yin Realm has become stronger, or is it just a simple mobilization of power to free up more power to deal with other opponents." Chen Feng said.

The others did not think as much as the two did. They took action after the opponent appeared. In their opinion, dealing with these above Hunyuan was simply a massacre.

However, after the fight, they found that these above Hunyuan were quite powerful and it was really impossible to clear the field in a short time.

"Let's do it." The Emperor of the Heart also took action. A wave of mental power almost swept all the opponents. Chen Feng locked the opponent in front and rushed over.


When the two sides fought, they were evenly matched. Chen Feng sighed a little. The opponent had the potential to be an emperor, but this time he was going to die here.

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