Eternal Existence

Chapter 5531 Kaitian Great Emperor

"How did this kid master this level of power?" The emperor of the underworld was also very surprised.

At first, he didn't take Chen Feng seriously, but now he felt a strong crisis.

But he didn't give him time to think about it, because his mind was severely injured, and his whole mind became a little fuzzy.

Before he came to his senses, there were a few more holes on his body.

"Not good."

Under the stimulation of the crisis, the emperor burst out with the power of the origin, just like a super-large star exploding, the most rigid and yang power swept around, trying to dispel all the unfavorable forces.

In fact, this desperate method did work. Chen Feng retreated again and again, and it seemed that he could not bear the power of the emperor.

Even the power of the mind was weakened.

But the emperor didn't feel happy for long, and a sacred mountain suddenly descended and knocked the emperor down.

Then the stronger power of the mind was like a poisonous needle that pierced the emperor's mind with holes.

The Soul Emperor was just a supporting player at first, but now he has seized the opportunity, and his powerful soul power is ever-changing, and he actually wants to get rid of this emperor in one go.

But this is also an emperor after all, and he is still struggling even if he is suppressed.

But it is just a struggle.

At this time, the Soul Emperor was ruthless, and the continuous attack of the soul power made the emperor have no room to fight back.

What's more, Chen Feng was madly swinging the Spear of Destiny.

The two different ways of attacking cooperated with each other, and the continuous output made the emperor's injuries more and more serious.

The Origin God Mountain seized the opportunity to suppress it fiercely. It fell before, but this time it really wanted to suppress and seal this emperor.

Even if this emperor desperately burst out a more powerful extreme yang power, this power can burn everything, but it can't turn the tables in the face of absolute power.

Even though Chen Feng was constantly hit by this power, his body began to melt a little bit, but he didn't retreat at all.

Because Chen Feng knew that the opportunity that was finally opened in front of him could not be missed, and he had to fight against the opponent even if he was injured.

That's right, even at this point, Chen Feng only wanted to severely injure the emperor in front of him. As for wanting to solve the opponent, Chen Feng only had this expectation, and did not feel that he could really do it, even if he cooperated with the Emperor of Mind.

In this situation, Chen Feng and the Emperor of Mind did not communicate with each other, but they cooperated very tacitly. Seeing that the emperor was still bursting out crazily, the Emperor of Mind's attack suddenly changed the mode.

The power of the mind suddenly condensed into substance, forming a root of mind chains, binding the emperor from the outside.

I saw these mind chains blooming with dazzling light, and the light was optimized into runes, which wrapped the emperor tightly in the blink of an eye.

Although these runes were collapsing under the impact of the opponent's natural force, even the mind chains were melting.

But with the blessing of the Emperor of Mind's means, more chains and more runes were also derived.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng fiercely stabbed the opponent with the Spear of Destiny, and the power of curse, evil power, and imprisonment runes erupted together.

Chen Feng didn't even have time to take a breath, and directly mobilized part of the power of the vortex origin and directly blessed the origin mountain.

I saw that the origin mountain also produced chains, which once again bound the emperor.

"Quickly suppress the opponent in the origin." At this time, the Soul Emperor said.

"I suppressed many opponents before, and now I haven't spared the power. Why don't you use this method." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"Okay." The Soul Emperor did not refuse. A phantom of the origin appeared behind him and directly pulled the emperor in.

Chen Feng just pulled out his Spear of Destiny, and he didn't worry about whether his Origin Mountain could be taken back.

"You said it was just a soul clone, but now you still carry an origin with you." At this moment, Chen Feng saw some of the truth of the Soul Emperor.

If he said that the other party was just a spiritual clone, then Chen Feng would choose to believe it. If he said that the other party had no other means, then he would naturally not believe it.

Just now, it was also a test. The Soul Emperor still had some final means. As for the fact that the emperor was suppressed by the other party, Chen Feng did not care. Anyway, he had to share half of this benefit.

It was not that he could not suppress the other party. After all, this was a great emperor. If he suppressed it with his origin, he would need to spend enough of his own strength and would also involve his origin.

But no matter what, the two people joined forces to solve a great emperor. This scene shocked others again.

In fact, even Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor did not think that they could solve the other party. After all, as a great emperor, he could kill it if he tried his best, not to mention that this was a master from the Yang world.

But the other party fell into the hands of the two. Since he had been suppressed, it would be difficult to escape again.

Unless the other party could solve the Soul Emperor.

"Keep going."

The Soul Emperor looked at other opponents again, but this time the opponent had already begun to flee.

With their minds set on escaping, Chen Feng and the others had no other options. Even if the underworld intervened and used some means to stop them, it was useless.

But no matter what, they had won a complete victory this time.

Not only did it solve some of the opponents, but it also freed up some of the fighting power of the Yin Realm.

"Continue to go to other places." The Yin Realm patrol said.

It is obvious that the situation is developing in a good direction. If this situation can continue, the Yin Realm will soon turn defeat into victory.

However, just when everyone gathered together and had not left, the surrounding space was suddenly burned.

A strong sense of crisis surged in my heart.

"Be careful!" Chen Feng hurriedly retreated, and the others reacted quickly.

However, although everyone was retreating, they did not escape. Instead, they separated and blocked the four directions, wanting to see what kind of opponent came here.

In any case, there were many emperors present, and even the strongest opponents could be surrounded and killed here.

But Chen Feng felt the crisis, just like when he was facing the Zhenyuan Emperor.

"Could it be that he is a Zhenyuan Emperor-level existence? Even so, I am afraid he can't sweep all of us." Chen Feng said in his heart.

In addition to himself, there were six emperors present. This is an extremely powerful force. What kind of master can bring a threat to being a human being?

A beam of dazzling light shot out. It was an arrow, and the target was one of the underworld inspectors.

Such a simple attack made the underworld inspector feel like he was facing a great enemy. Although the opponent broke the arrow, the powerful force still made the underworld inspector retreat a few steps. The extremely strong and positive power burst out from the arrow was like a super-large star self-detonating.

And this was just the beginning. Then the second, third, and more arrows appeared, locking everyone present.

One of the dazzling lights came straight to Chen Feng. Chen Feng swung the Spear of Destiny and collided with the opponent accurately.

Then Chen Feng felt like he had a head-on collision with a great emperor.

"So powerful."

This was indeed one person. The opponent attacked everyone present at the same time, and no matter who it was, there was no real dodge. No matter what means were used to resist, they were beaten back by the opponent.

But to be honest, the opponent did not have the strength to crush him, but Chen Feng did not relax at all, because the sense of crisis was getting stronger and stronger.

A practitioner holding a gorgeous longbow appeared. It was obvious that the attack just now came from this person.

"It's the Emperor Kaitian. The longbow in his hand is a treasure of the origin level. This person is very powerful." The Yinjie Patrol recognized the other party's origin.

"I can see it, but we won't be afraid of him if we join forces." Chen Feng asked.

The opponent in front of him did bring him great pressure, but Chen Feng had a vague feeling that the other party was still not as good as the Zhenyuan Emperor.

But why is the sense of crisis so strong?

"The other party is indeed very strong. We won't be afraid of him if we join forces, but I'm afraid there are other companions." The Yinjie Patrol said.

Chen Feng's heart moved. From what the other party said, even if everyone joined forces, they might not be able to do anything to the other party. If this Kaitian Dadi has helpers, then the situation will be bad.

"Be careful, the Emperor Kaitian and the Zhenshi Emperor like to act at the same time. Maybe the other party is hiding in the dark." The Yinjie Patrol said.

"Such a powerful existence still chooses to sneak attack, isn't it a loss of identity?" Chen Feng sneered.

After this statement, everyone present was a little embarrassed. After all, everyone was a hunting team. How could they say anything about others now?

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to come back from the origin of chaos so soon." Kaitian Great Emperor swept his eyes across, and everyone present felt that they were locked, and this feeling was very strange. No matter how they dodge, they can't get rid of the other party's lock.

Sure enough, Kaitian Great Emperor made another move, and pulled the longbow in his hand suddenly. This time, he shot three arrows at a time. Each arrow was condensed from the most rigid and yang power. The power contained in it didn't seem to be condensed by the other party just now, but more like it was prepared in advance.

"Go, the opponent's attack is indeed very strong, but it won't kill us." The underworld patrol blocked an arrow and then rushed towards Kaitian Great Emperor.

Chen Feng was not attacked this time. After looking at the Emperor of the Heart, he was about to step forward, but saw a shadow behind the Emperor of the Heart. This shadow looked like the Emperor of the Heart, also holding the Kaitian bow, and also shot three arrows at a time. This time Chen Feng and the Emperor of the Heart were attacked.


Chen Feng once again felt the powerful impact of the arrow, and was shocked. This should be a magical power of the opponent.

One attack evolved into a double attack, but the power was just as strong, which was equivalent to a person having twice the combat power.

"But this method can't be used all the time. If so, this person would be invincible, and he must have weaknesses." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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