Eternal Existence

Chapter 5530 The Origin of the Three Lights

Although he had some means, he was only above the Primordial Realm and had not reached the level of the Great Emperor. Even with the blessing of the Origin, he was no match for Chen Feng at this time.

Especially since the opponent chose to fight with Chen Feng in close combat, he misjudged Chen Feng's strength and was seized by Chen Feng. He was hit hard one after another, and later he was firmly suppressed with a mountain of the Origin.

This time, Chen Feng did not want to kill the opponent on the spot, but directly dragged the opponent into the Origin to suppress him.

This is the important reason why Chen Feng can continuously solve opponents stronger than himself after obtaining the Origin.

As long as he seizes an opportunity to pull the opponent into the Origin, he will slowly solve it later.

After being suppressed by Chen Feng, this person above the Primordial Realm was still struggling and wanted to rush out, but he felt that the pressure on his body was getting stronger and stronger, as if he was carrying the entire Origin. Only then did he understand what happened, and his eyes were filled with ashes, knowing that he was probably doomed this time.

However, there is still some hope, that is, he expects the existence behind him to break this Origin, so that he can have a chance to escape.

Chen Feng didn't care what the other party thought. After solving this Hunyuan, Chen Feng exploded one after another and suppressed all the other life Hunyuan in the origin.

Everywhere he passed, the opponents were cleared. Although he didn't solve the emperor, Chen Feng's actions still surprised others. Even the Soul Emperor didn't expect Chen Feng to explode suddenly.

But no matter what, solving these Hunyuan also relieved some pressure on his side. After all, after the continuous blessing of the origin behind them, these Hunyuan were also a bit tricky.

Chen Feng wanted to help others, but he felt a strong pressure again, and then he noticed that he was locked by the distant origin.

I don't know if it was the powerful existence in the origin or the origin itself. After locking Chen Feng, it directly suppressed him with a special means.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt the pressure from a sealed origin.

This is not a broken origin, but a complete and powerful origin.

Chen Feng shook his head. Originally, this kind of pressure should be borne by the Yin Realm, but who knew it fell on him.

However, these were already in Chen Feng's calculations. He already controlled a part of the underworld, and also controlled some broken origins.

At this time, Chen Feng mobilized a part of the power of the underworld, and combined with the power of the two broken origins, he resisted the opponent's pressure.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng was difficult to resist, but the opponent would not mobilize all his strength to deal with Chen Feng.

So although Chen Feng seemed to be carrying an origin, he did not feel embarrassed, but took this opportunity to rush to a great emperor.

At this time, the Shadow Emperor and his men were fighting fiercely with their opponents, but they did not expect Chen Feng to rush in. Chen Feng's own strength did not matter, but the power of the origin he carried and the deterrence brought by the distant origin actually made both sides feel the impact, and the battle situation was suddenly affected.

The Soul Emperor also felt a little funny. Chen Feng's seemingly reckless behavior had some incredible changes.

Especially the underworld patrollers, they once again mobilized the power of the underworld and separated the two emperors who had just met.

Even if they get the blessing of the origin, their strength and number are here after all. Unless the combat power can be doubled, otherwise, after a fight, the situation will still not really change.

"Kill them. Since this origin has come to our class, don't think about leaving." The Yin Realm Patrolman said murderously.

Chen Feng didn't know that he helped the Yin Realm to block the pressure of the origin and brought some help, causing the Yin Realm to mobilize more power.

Just a will descended, and a great emperor was severely injured.

Originally, this great emperor could barely deal with the attack of the Shadow Emperor and others, but who knew that the will of the Yin Realm would change everything.

The great emperor's will was damaged, his soul was broken, and his combat power dropped sharply. He was pierced through the body by the Shadow Emperor and the Shura Emperor on the spot, and then he remembered Chen Feng's previous methods and directly used the sealing technique to suppress it.

It is still difficult to kill this level of opponent on the spot, so suppress it first and then slowly clean it up.

Besides, those above the Hunyuan have been solved by Chen Feng. If the remaining two great emperors can't be solved, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing?

So the Shadow Emperor and several others used their trump cards, and with the cooperation of the will of the underworld, in the end, none of the two emperors escaped, and they were jointly suppressed, and then sent to the depths of the underworld by the underworld patrol.

This way, the other party could not escape.

As this group of practitioners was solved, the phantom of the origin in the distance slowly disappeared.

However, Chen Feng felt that the other party was still staring at him tightly, knowing that the other party had locked his breath, and there might be some trouble in the future.

After all, he was targeted by a powerful origin, but he could not avoid such things since he participated in it from the beginning, so Chen Feng had nothing to regret.

He just asked: "What is the origin of that origin?"

"It is the origin of the three lights, which is quite far from here. We have had some dealings with it in the past, but I didn't expect that this time it would dare to invade our underworld. After this matter is over, we must uproot the other party." The underworld patrol sneered.

"Since it is an enemy, it is best to disperse the other party this time." Chen Feng said so.

"It makes sense. After solving the opponent's two great emperors and so many Hunyuan, I think the opponent feels more distressed." Chen Feng, the inspector of the underworld, had a much better attitude.

Fortunately, Chen Feng used his strength just now, otherwise things would not have gone so smoothly. Moreover, Chen Feng had just mobilized the power of the underworld, which also showed that Chen Feng was one of his own.

"The momentum of Taiyuan's advance has slowed down. It seems that Emperor Yinyue and the others did not disappoint us." Emperor Shura said at this time.

A few people were just a hunting team, and the real power was still with Emperor Silver Moon and the others.

"Now that we have blocked the opponent's invasion, we can continue what we were doing before."

Continue to hunt the other invaders.

"It's better to deal with the Emperor of the Yang Realm." Emperor Shura said.

But soon everyone present shook their heads. Whether it was the Great Spiritual Emperor who had detected the news, or Chen Feng and others who had received the news from the will of the Yin Realm, they all knew that the power of the Yang Realm was now gathered together, because no one was left alone. Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to rely on a few people to hunt the opponent. Even if he goes there, he will not be able to take advantage.

"How about dealing with the Queen Mother?" the Spiritual Emperor suggested.

"Don't worry, the Zerg army hasn't been dispatched yet." Emperor Changhe shook his head and refused.

"Waiting until the Zerg army breaks out before dispatching, it will already have an impact on the underworld." The Soul Emperor said.

Everyone was hesitant and couldn't make up their minds for a while, mainly because they couldn't find a suitable opponent in a short time.

After all, choosing to come to music to cause trouble and being invisible is a very dangerous thing, so even some scattered practitioners will choose to get together.

As for those practitioners from big forces, they will form camps and attack cities and territories.

Even if there were some who were alone, weren't they hunted by several people before?

"So what we have to do next is to fight against the opponent's base camp. This is far less interesting than hunting." Chen Feng said this.

"That's true, but even so, we can also carry out a sneak attack. As long as I am entangled by the opponent, then we will retreat immediately after hunting and look for opportunities from other directions." Emperor Shura said.

"This is the only way to try it."

Then a space crack appeared in front of everyone. They entered along the crack and soon came to a battlefield.

This is a battlefield dominated by the Yang Realm. The two major life areas of the Yang Realm and the Yin Realm are fighting fiercely at this time.

Moreover, the Yang Realm had the upper hand, and several masters on the Yin Realm side were seriously injured. They seemed unable to withstand the attack, but they were still holding on.

In other words, Chen Feng and others arrived at the right time, but it was impossible for them to conduct a sneak attack.

First of all, this is a very powerful battlefield. It is difficult to hide under the powerful power fluctuations. Coupled with the strong power of the Sun, almost all concealment techniques can be burned. Even the magical power of the Shadow Emperor can't be used here. been significantly weakened.

But it doesn't matter. I have already made such a plan as a human being, and when I arrived, I immediately unleashed the powerful means that I had prepared long ago.

With just one blow, it was like countless thunders exploded and swept away in all directions. The power of the Yang Realm, which had just reached the Yang Realm, was dispersed, leaving patches of open space. In the process, some practitioners of the Yang Realm were naturally swept away. Heavy damage, including two great emperors.

After all, in the face of absolute power, it is useless even if the opponent is prepared.

"It seems there is no need to leave in a hurry. Maybe we can take the opportunity to deal with each other." Emperor Shura held a weapon and locked an opponent firmly.

This was a patrolman borrowed by Yang. His strength was not annoying, but he retreated continuously in the face of Emperor Shura's attack.

Chen Feng still cooperated with the Great Soul Emperor. With the help of the Great Soul Emperor, Chen Feng only had to attack with all his strength. The Spear of Destiny kept stabbing at an Emperor. Suddenly, the power in front of him became loose, and the Spear of Destiny took the opportunity to penetrate. In the past, it left a bloody hole in the opponent's body.

It seemed easy, but in fact, Chen Feng had already exerted all his strength, and he had really hurt his opponent after all. Chen Feng struck while the iron was hot, and was already prepared for the power to spurt out from the Spear of Destiny.

Even the emperor would not be able to withstand these powerful powers that Chen Feng mastered so easily.

If the two sides were one-on-one, this great emperor would naturally not take Chen Feng seriously. Even if he was accidentally injured, he could quickly suppress it.

But this is also different. Chen Feng is not alone. He also has the help of the Spiritual Emperor. To be honest, the Spiritual Emperor is stronger than him.

This resulted in the current situation.

Of course Chen Feng understood this, so he took this opportunity to expand his results. In addition to injuring his opponent to a greater extent, Chen Feng was also looking for opportunities to plunder the opponent's strength, so that he could make up for his previous losses.

Moreover, the power of the emperor is enough to bring corresponding benefits to himself, not to mention that this is the emperor of Yang Realm, which is exactly the power he needs.

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