Eternal Existence

Chapter 5511 Communication

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect to encounter a Zerg army here. According to the information he had learned before, there shouldn't be a queen in the origin of chaos.

This origin is so powerful, with so many attribute masters, even if there is a queen, she would have been wiped out long ago.

However, it is clearly a Zerg army in front of him. The number is not too large, but it is very powerful. To be able to drive so many Zerg, there must be a queen here.


The cultivator frowned, revealing a trace of disgust, and then flicked his fingers, and a group of air flew out. In front of the Zerg army, the air turned into a bunch of powerful sword energy and pierced through the Zerg army.


Chen Feng's heart moved. The other party only made a slight move, but showed a powerful attack power.

"It should be a pure swordsman! I just don't know how strong the other party is?" Chen Feng knew the Zerg very well. After a little observation, he invaded the consciousness of some sub-insects and followed the other party's thinking to find the queen.

Soon a powerful mental force swept over. Chen Feng knew it was the queen, and he also used mental power to fight with the other party.

Chen Feng opened up the spiritual avenue, dealt with the existence of the Spirit Emperor, and controlled some of the Mother Queens, and even trained the Mother Queens into his own clones, so Chen Feng's spiritual power is also very strong.

But now he is fighting with the opponent, and Chen Feng is defeated in just one collision.

The spiritual power between the two is not at the same level.

In fact, think about it, even if the two are equally powerful, the opponent is best at spiritual power, and Chen Feng's spiritual power is just one of them.

The opponent not only defeated Chen Feng's spiritual power, but also tracked and locked Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng not only mastered the spiritual power, but before the opponent's power arrived, Chen Feng suddenly burst out the soul will, and directly hit the opponent by surprise.

The powerful spiritual power was wiped out by the soul will, but soon the opponent used a stronger spiritual power.

Spiritual illusion!

Chen Feng was directly pulled into the illusion.

But this couldn't do anything to Chen Feng. As Chen Feng released the origin fire, the illusion was naturally broken.

"Interesting, if the Soul Emperor knew there was such a powerful Queen Mother here, he would definitely be very excited." Chen Feng said with a smile, and he used the art of fate and the law of reincarnation in succession, fighting with the other party along the line of cause and effect.

No matter what means Chen Feng used, the other party was only the power of the mind, and the two sides fought extremely fiercely in a short time.

However, Chen Feng knew that the other party only used part of his power to fight with him, because the Queen Mother also had to control a large number of insects and deal with the swordsman.

The two did not know each other, but now they were very tacitly dealing with the Zerg army, or using different methods.

Chen Feng fought remotely, and the swordsman was killing.

The sword energy was unparalleled and sharp, no matter how many insects approached, they would be pierced.

But when a group of insects above the level of Hunyuan appeared, the swordsman was not so relaxed, but took out the long sword and burst out with stronger combat power.

"It's really the Great Emperor. Are Great Emperors so common now?" Chen Feng was a little emotional, but thinking about such a situation, if the Great Emperor couldn't get involved, even the Great Emperor would be extremely dangerous.

For example, when the swordsman was fighting with the insect, the Great Emperor also appeared in the insect army.

This was a bit beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

Chen Feng could roughly determine the strength of the Queen Mother, but with the Great Emperor under his command, wouldn't he be afraid of any chaos?

What's more, Chen Feng didn't even have a insect above the level of Hunyuan, let alone an Emperor. Compared with the Queen Mother, the Zerg army under Chen Feng's control could only be somewhat impressive in terms of quantity.


Chen Feng suddenly punched and shattered the void, and a insect appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Although it was a Zerg, it was actually a giant monster at first glance. The sharp teeth, claws, and spikes on the body that were comparable to the origin-level weapons all showed that the opponent was not easy to mess with.

"A fighter who is proficient in stealth, and at the level of the Great Emperor, really opened my eyes." Chen Feng said with a smile, his body flashing with golden light, and he also put on armor.

Although he looked relaxed, Chen Feng was actually very cautious. In addition to dealing with the Queen Mother's mental attacks, he did not dare to be careless about the defense of his body. He wore the latest armor on the outside, and other armor was integrated into his flesh and blood. In addition to his own defense and the hidden domain, it can be said that Chen Feng has achieved the ultimate defense.

As soon as the two sides fought, Chen Feng felt a heavy pressure. Although he knew the Zerg very well, it was the first time he faced such a powerful Zerg opponent. Some of his previous plans did not work much.

Strength is everything.

This fighter is extremely strong in both defense and attack. Chen Feng is not his opponent in a one-on-one fight.

This is the first time Chen Feng has encountered such a situation since he mastered the Zerg army, and he was very emotional.

"But I am not easy to mess with." Chen Feng's advantage is that he has many means. After fighting with the opponent several times, he directly used the Origin God Mountain and smashed the opponent back several times.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother's mental attack disappeared at this time, allowing Chen Feng to fight with all his heart and soul.

But this was not a Great Emperor-level insect. When the second Great Emperor appeared, Chen Feng decisively chose to retreat.

If you can't fight, just leave. Anyway, these Zerg armies were not targeting themselves at the beginning. Since the other party appeared in the origin of chaos, the biggest opponent is naturally this origin. The stronger the Zerg army is, the more advantageous it is for outsiders like Chen Feng.

The swordsman was besieged by a Zerg army and then attacked by two emperors. It can be said that the pressure on the swordsman was several times that of Chen Feng, but the opponent was still violently erupting, fully exerting the killing characteristics of a swordsman.

"So strong, no wonder he came here alone." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Chen Feng wanted to call the other party to leave, but he hesitated when he thought of his attitude towards the Zerg before.

Zerg, destructive creatures, most practitioners have to kill them when they encounter them. Chen Feng also encountered them many times at the beginning, and even fought a long war.

Maybe the swordsman in front of him was just, or maybe he had a grudge against the Zerg.

But Chen Feng was different. Chen Feng first came here to plunder the resources of the origin of chaos, and strengthening himself was the first choice.

If possible, Chen Feng was even willing to join forces with the Queen Mother.

Seeing the fighter who had fought with him rushing towards the swordsman, Chen Feng decided to speak.

"Daoyou, you should retreat."


A beam of sword light was several times more blazing, and it actually split a Great Emperor-level insect in half.

This scene shocked Chen Feng. He also had an origin-level long sword in his hand, but it could not reach such an attack power.

I wonder if my defense can block the opponent's attack?

Chen Feng shook his head. It should be impossible to block it. It is inevitable to be severely injured.

Those Great Emperor-level insects are not much weaker than himself in defense. Thinking of this, Chen Feng carefully looked at the situation of the opponent.

The insect that was split in half has reshaped its body and looks intact, but Chen Feng can still see that the opponent is not feeling well. There is still residual sword energy in the body that has not been dispelled.

However, the injured insect only slowed down, and other Great Emperor-level insects rushed towards the swordsman again.

"Trouble, how can there be a Great Emperor-level Zerg here?" The swordsman came to Chen Feng and wanted to invite Chen Feng to kill the Zerg together, but after looking at the combat power of the Zerg, the swordsman hesitated.

"Sword Emperor, what is your name?" The swordsman asked while arranging the sword formation.

"Changtian!" Chen Feng said casually.

"Daoyou are still unwilling to leave? We are not the opponents of these emperor-level Zerg, nor are we the opponents of the Queen Mother hidden in the dark." Chen Feng said.

"Zerg, everyone can kill them. Daoyou has good fighting power, why don't you want to join forces with me to fight?" The sword formation of the Sword Emperor was formed in the blink of an eye, and it actually blocked the impact of two emperors. This surprised Chen Feng a little. The strongest point of the sword formation is naturally attack, but I didn't expect that the defense is also so strong.

It seems that the Sword Emperor still wants to continue fighting, but relying on his own strength is not enough, even if he adds himself.

At this time, Chen Feng received a mental fluctuation.

It was the Queen Mother.

The other party did not choose to attack this time, but communicated with Chen Feng.

The Queen Mother felt that Chen Feng and the Zerg had a deep cause and effect. The mental power confrontation just now and Chen Feng's attitude of retreating later made the Queen Mother change her strategy.

Although this was forced by the situation, Chen Feng didn't care.

"Let's deal with the origin of chaos together!"

The two quickly reached a consensus. The sub-insects that attacked the Sword Emperor chose to retreat, and the collapsed space began to spread in other directions.

The Sword Emperor frowned and wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Chen Feng.


"You want to stop me, you communicated with the Queen Mother, and you reached an agreement." The Sword Emperor's eyes were rolling with sword light, and he seemed to attack Chen Feng.

"I just don't want to see you do useless work, and are you sure you want to attack me?" Chen Feng smiled and looked at the Sword Emperor.

The two were deadlocked for a while, and the Sword Emperor lowered his eyes and turned away.

The two had not even really joined forces before they parted ways.

"What a pity!"

Chen Feng shook his head. This is a very good companion, but it's a pity that people with different ideologies cannot work together. However, since everyone is here, they may meet again next time.

The number of Zerg armies is still increasing. Not only that, in addition to the previous emperors, there are actually several more emperors.

The Queen Mother still doesn't know where she is.

Chen Feng took a breath of cold air. The Zerg army should not have compromised with him with such strength. This force has surpassed the force from the underworld.

Seeing that the other party really had no intention of attacking him, Chen Feng was not in a hurry to leave.

Sure enough, Chen Feng received another mental fluctuation from the Queen Mother, informing Chen Feng of the situation of the Origin of Chaos.

The Queen Mother had been in the Origin of Chaos for an unknown period of time, and had a better understanding of the situation of the Origin of Chaos.

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