Eternal Existence

Chapter 5510: Zerg Army

However, Chen Feng was curious about the power the other party possessed. This was a power he had never seen before.

This is strange.

You must know that Chen Feng has a lot of power. Even some unfamiliar powers will have similar attributes to the power Chen Feng has.

But this time it was different. This was a power that Chen Feng was completely unfamiliar with.

This is difficult to deal with in itself, not to mention the other party is so powerful.

"Find a way to get rid of each other!"

After Chen Feng fought with the opponent for several rounds, he found an opportunity to use the art of divine movement. During the process, Chen Feng kept changing directions and even prepared to use the copy law, but the opponent did not catch up.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, and wondered if the other party was hiding in secret and preparing to give him a hard blow. After observing, Chen Feng came to the conclusion that the other party actually did not choose to pursue him from the beginning.

Chen Feng carefully recalled the previous fight and determined the opponent's strength, but why he didn't pursue him.

Something unexpected happened, or the other party simply gave up because they knew they couldn't catch up with him.

No matter what the reason was, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He was definitely no match for such a master.

"It's a little weird. Why is the Origin of Chaos so powerful? It feels more powerful than the underworld." Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea.

The attribute masters I have seen during this period are each more powerful than the last. Some attribute masters are the best in other origins, and this is only a part of the ones I have seen. According to the news I received before, most of the attribute masters in the origin of chaos The power is not there.

So think about it for yourself, Chaos Origin is ridiculously powerful.

However, after Chen Feng calmed down, he felt something was wrong. This was just a bit beyond his previous imagination. To be honest, the underworld was still more powerful than the Origin of Chaos.

What he went to was just one of the battlefields in the underworld. He had not yet seen the true master of the underworld.

Even if the companions this time are not several great emperors, especially the Shadow Emperor, the role they can play is greater than that of several great emperors.

What Chen Feng didn't know was that the powerful being had no intention of chasing after Chen Feng after seeing him leave, nor did he encounter any emergencies. He just watched Chen Feng disappear before turning around and leaving.

"There's no point in fighting and killing, so let's leave for a while first, but isn't it good for him to leave like this? Yes, I just beat away a strong little guy. If someone comes to the door again, I will I don’t mind taking action again.”

After some exploration, Chen Feng decided on a direction.

It seems to be a coincidence that Chen Feng met several practitioners on the road. He secretly eavesdropped on their conversations and learned some information from the contents of their conversations.

As a result, Chen Feng was disappointed when he arrived.

This is indeed an attribute origin area, but it has declined and there is nothing useful at all.

"I wonder what happened here?" Chen Feng didn't bother to guess. Anything could happen in the long years.

So this trip was in vain again, which made Chen Feng a little depressed. He finally found two source areas, but all his efforts were in vain.

"Sure enough, I have to find out in advance before coming here. It is much easier than me spending all my time searching for it. But I am still experienced and I am pretty good at finding the source." Chen Feng is still very confident. If no one stops him, he will Spend some time and you can find the origin in the origin.

However, in the past, the origins were all from one or a few origins. However, the origin of chaos is divided into many origins due to different attributes. However, in addition to the attribute origins, there is also the most powerful origin, which is the origin.

It's not that Chen Feng has never had this thought, but when he thinks of the other party's strong will before, Chen Feng feels guilty. He alone is not enough. If he goes there, he will die. Even if he doesn't die, he will be sealed by the other party.

So for the sake of keeping a low profile, don’t mess with Unless for the time being.

Unless Chaos Origin really falls apart.

"With so many attribute masters, you need to invest enough power." Chen Feng thought of the underworld. Although the underworld is strong, it also has other opponents, and the Origin of Chaos is only one of them.

Just as Chen Feng continued to search for the origin of other attributes, he suddenly felt something in his heart and couldn't help but stop.

Soon a practitioner appeared in Chen Feng's perception.

When the other party noticed Chen Feng's presence, he paused for a moment. After seeing Chen Feng not moving, he thought for a while and moved on.


Chen Feng was able to make a judgment just by looking at him. He was still a somewhat eccentric outsider.


The other party was the first to say hello, and he was also examining Chen Feng.

"Fellow Taoist came here to take risks alone. It seems that he has enough confidence." Chen Feng said.

"It's said to be a risk, and I definitely don't have much confidence, but aren't fellow Taoists also a person?" the practitioner said with a smile.

"I'm not alone." Chen Feng said meaningfully.

The scene was a bit calm after that, and they didn't know how to continue the communication. The two met accidentally, each with their own purpose, and they were a little wary.

At this moment, power fluctuations came from the distance. The two looked at each other and hurried over. Before they reached the place, they saw large areas of space collapse.

"Could it be that Chaos Origin is about to collapse?" Chen Feng had this thought for the first time, but soon learned that this was not the case.

A group of familiar creatures appeared in Chen Feng's perception.

"Zerg army!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect to encounter a Zerg army here. According to the information he had learned before, there shouldn't be a queen in the origin of chaos.

This origin is so powerful, with so many attribute masters, even if there is a queen, she would have been wiped out long ago.

However, it is clearly a Zerg army in front of him. The number is not too large, but it is very powerful. To be able to drive so many Zergs, there must be a queen here.


The cultivator frowned, revealing a trace of disgust, and then flicked his fingers, and a group of air flew out. In front of the Zerg army, the air turned into a bunch of powerful sword energy and pierced the Zerg army.


Chen Feng's heart moved. The other party only made a slight move, but showed a powerful attack power.

"It should be a pure swordsman! I just don't know how strong the other party is?" Chen Feng knew the Zerg very well. After a little observation, he invaded the consciousness of some sub-insects and followed the other party's thinking to find the queen.

Soon, a powerful spiritual force swept over. Chen Feng knew it was the Mother Queen, so he also used his spiritual force to fight against the other party.

Chen Feng opened up the spiritual avenue, dealt with the existence of the Spirit Emperor, and controlled some of the Mother Queens, and even trained the Mother Queens into his own clones, so Chen Feng's spiritual force was also very powerful.

But now he was fighting with the other party, and Chen Feng was defeated in just one collision.

The spiritual power between the two was not at the same level at all.

In fact, think about it, even if the two were equally powerful, the other party was best at spiritual power, and Chen Feng's spiritual power was just one of them.

The other party not only defeated Chen Feng's spiritual power, but also tracked up and locked Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng not only mastered the spiritual power, but before the other party's power arrived, Chen Feng suddenly burst out with the soul will, and directly caught the other party off guard.

The powerful spiritual power was wiped out by the soul will, but soon the other party used a stronger spiritual power.

Spiritual illusion!

Chen Feng was directly pulled into the illusion.

But this could not do anything to Chen Feng. As Chen Feng released the fire of origin, the illusion was naturally broken.

"Interesting, if the Soul Emperor knew that there was such a powerful mother queen here, he would definitely be very excited." Chen Feng said with a smile, and he successively performed the art of fate and the law of reincarnation, and fought with the other party along the line of cause and effect.

No matter what means Chen Feng used, the other party was only the power of the mind, and the two sides fought extremely fiercely in a short time.

However, Chen Feng knew that the other party only used part of his power to fight with him, because the mother queen also had to control a large number of insects and deal with the swordsman.

The two did not know each other, but now they tacitly dealt with the Zerg army, or in different ways.

Chen Feng fought remotely, and the swordsman was killing.

The sword energy was unparalleled and sharp, no matter how many insects approached, they would be pierced.

But when a group of insects above the level of Hunyuan appeared, the swordsman was not so relaxed, but took out the long sword and burst out with stronger combat power.

"It's really the Great Emperor. Are Great Emperors so common now?" Chen Feng was a little emotional, but thinking about such a situation, if the Great Emperor couldn't get involved, even the Great Emperor would be extremely dangerous.

For example, when the swordsman was fighting with the insect, the Great Emperor also appeared in the insect army.

This was a bit beyond Chen Feng's expectations.

Chen Feng could roughly determine the strength of the Queen Mother, but with the Great Emperor under his command, wouldn't he be afraid of any chaos?

What's more, Chen Feng didn't even have a insect above the level of Hunyuan, let alone an Emperor. Compared with the Queen Mother, the Zerg army under Chen Feng's control could only be somewhat impressive in terms of quantity.


Chen Feng suddenly punched and shattered the void, and a insect appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Although it was a Zerg, it was actually a giant monster at first glance. The sharp teeth, claws, and spikes on the body that were comparable to the origin-level weapons all showed that the opponent was not easy to mess with.

"A fighter who is proficient in stealth, and at the level of a great emperor, really opened my eyes." Chen Feng said with a smile, and his body was shining with golden light, and he also put on the armor.

Although he looked relaxed, Chen Feng was actually very cautious. In addition to dealing with the mother queen's mental attack, he did not dare to be careless about the defense of his body. He wore the latest armor on the outside, and other armor was integrated into his flesh and blood. In addition to his own defense, and the hidden domain, it can be said that Chen Feng has achieved the ultimate defense.

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