Eternal Existence

Chapter 5506: Influencing the Situation

Emperor Netherworld took the initiative to step forward and smash the oncoming fist, and everyone quickly gathered together.

Now that there are changes, we must deal with them carefully.

Sure enough, the changes in the stars became more and more intense, and the surge of power became more and more violent.

When the Netherworld Emperor stepped back in response to the fist that came out, everyone's expressions became unusually solemn.

The Lord of Power has not yet appeared. Such a powerful force can be mobilized. If the Lord of Power appears in person.

"I now look forward to the absence of the Lord of Power from the Origin of Chaos."

"Instead of thinking like this, let's leave here quickly."

"This is a good idea, but now I'm afraid the other party won't let us leave so easily."

The stars move around like a maze, making people confused and unsure of where to go.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done about this situation, but the fists made of power appear more and more frequently, and if you want to leave, you can only fight and retreat at the same time.

Besides, whether the opponent has any other means besides fists, you need to be on guard against these.

"Then the Lord of Power will show up?" Chen Feng had some expectations in his heart. The stronger the other party, the more expectations he has, even if it means danger.

Then the Lord of Power appeared.

All the stars were rushing in one direction quickly, forming a galaxy of stars in an instant.

The picture was so shocking that even if Chen Feng's perception was pushed to the extreme, he could not keep up. In the end, he could only watch these galaxies entering the body of a cultivator.

The source of power disappeared, leaving only a tall figure standing in front of everyone, giving people a spiritual shock.

"Lord of Power!" The Shadow Emperor said slowly, activated his magical power, and the whole person disappeared silently.

The Lord of Power took a step forward and delivered a simple punch. There was nothing fancy about it. Even a mortal without any training could deliver this punch.

But the space collapsed, and the Shadow Emperor rushed out in a panic.

"Very strong." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, secretly estimating the opponent's strength.

"They are both attribute masters, but the one in front of me is ridiculously strong."

Chen Feng has dealt with many attribute masters. Some attribute masters are only above the level of Hunyuan. They are already very powerful if they can reach the level of the Great Emperor.

But the Master of Power is undoubtedly the strongest Master of Attributes that Chen Feng has seen so far.

"It's not as good as Emperor Zhenyuan, or even as good as Emperor Yuanyang, but it shouldn't be much different. No, we still need to fight to see which one is stronger and which one is weaker." Chen Feng felt that just by the opponent's attack, Boxing, I still can't make an accurate judgment.

"What a pity. How can I benefit from such a powerful existence? I'm afraid that the other party will turn against me and want to devour me."

As soon as this thought appeared, Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he saw the Lord of Power stepping in front of him.

It really came to me.

Chen Feng knew that the other party must have seen his strong body.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing Chen Feng standing still, someone shouted anxiously, "Don't you see that even the Shadow Emperor can't resist him? Why don't you get out of the way quickly?"

Instead of dodging, Chen Feng took the initiative to step forward and hit the opponent head-on with the same punch, without any tricks.

Two fists bumped together.

At this moment, time stops and space is imprisoned.

Even the emperor present felt his will was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, countless stars erupted and exploded, and the dazzling golden light seemed to turn into viscous water, which was very dazzling.

"Go together!"

It must be said that the Shadow Emperor reacted very quickly. When he saw Chen Feng confronting the opponent head-on, he immediately chose to take action.

As a result, fists came flying towards his face, and the emperor was thighed again.

Then the Lord of Power moved his body, and a roar sounded in his body, like thunder rolling.

Then the Lord of Power punched out again, this time targeting the Netherworld Emperor who had just rushed forward.

No matter how sharp the weapons in the Netherworld Emperor's hands are, the Lord of Power relies on his fist.

As a result, in a head-to-head confrontation, the weapon in Netherworld Emperor's hand almost flew away.

The two sides clashed, but Chen Feng retreated from the golden light. Every step he took was shattering layers of void, and cracks appeared on his body.

However, Chen Feng's vitality was very strong, and the cracks were quickly repaired as soon as they appeared.

Although Chen Feng seemed to be intact in the end, it was obvious that Chen Feng was at a disadvantage in the collision just now.

In fact, Chen Feng's strength is far inferior to that of the Master of Power, because Chen Feng uses his strongest means to fight against the opponent, and it seems that the situation is close to evenly matched.

But no matter what, Chen Feng's performance just now calmed everyone, including the Lord of Power.

When Chen Feng recovered, he saw that although the Lord of Power was besieged, he still had the upper hand.

You must know that there are currently three great emperors on your side of the underworld, and several Hunyuan masters whose strength is close to that of the great emperors.

Even under siege, the Lord of Power could not be affected, so the strength of Power became increasingly clear in Chen Feng's estimation.


The Shadow Emperor finally seized the opportunity and stabbed the Lord of Power with a spear burning with dark fire.

It seems that the Lord of Power's defense has indeed been broken, but before the Shadow Emperor can be happy, a ball of starlight explodes, and the powerful force hits the Shadow Emperor and makes him retreat again and again, and the broken wounds are also restored in the twinkling starlight.

"The opponent's body is very strange, not like a normal flesh and blood body, more like a starry space, but even so, it should be hit." Although the Shadow Emperor was surprised, he kept adjusting his fighting methods.

Some attacks from others also fell on the Lord of Power, but they also did not have any effect.

However, the Lord of Power's fist can lock the opponent firmly every time, making the opponent unable to avoid it and can only resist it.

This is not good. The Lord of Power uses his strongest and most proficient means to carry out precise strikes, and no one present can bear it.

Just when several Hunyuans joined forces to resist the falling fist, Chen Feng arrived.

At this time, Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, and he shouted and waved his fists to fight hard. Because there were others to share the burden, this time Chen Feng was not like before, but endured it very well.

Next, Chen Feng used his boxing skills to fight the Lord of Strength in close combat. With Chen Feng's participation, the others were more relaxed than before.

Finally, Chen Feng also seized the opportunity. A clone came out and stabbed the Lord of Strength with the Spear of Destiny.

The result was the same as before. The starlight burst out, and the powerful force made Chen Feng retreat again and again, and the broken wounds were also recovering quickly.

"It's just a combination of the flesh and the starry sky. The laws are very complicated. As long as the power is strong enough, it can still hurt the opponent, or the Lord of Strength is injured now, but can withstand it." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Maybe this won't work, but since it has been tried, some conclusions can be drawn, and then other methods can be tried.

If it weren't in the origin of chaos, even if the Lord of Strength was strong, Chen Feng and others could fight with the opponent.

But in the opponent's territory, everything is hard to say.

Whether it is the suppression of this origin, or the direct attack of the origin will, or the appearance of some local helpers, it is not good for these outsiders.

Another point is very unfavorable to everyone, that is, it is difficult to retreat unscathed.

"What a strong power! If I can control it, my body will break through. At that time, I can fight the emperor with the strength of my body alone." Chen Feng's heart was very hot.

"What a good body!"

The Lord of Strength also looked at Chen Feng with a hot look.

"I am very curious about how you cultivated your body to such a level. It can be seen that although your body is innate, it is more of the result of acquired efforts. It seems that your experience must be very exciting. In this process, you have great perseverance, otherwise you would not have come this far."

"I understand what you think, but my strength is stronger than yours, and I have a greater chance of killing you."

The Lord of Strength didn't care about the injuries on his body. Suddenly, he punched Chen Feng and made him retreat again and again.

"Become stronger!"

"Everyone be careful!"

However, even the reminder could not make up for the gap between the two sides. A practitioner was beaten to pieces by the Lord of Strength.

It is obvious that the Lord of Strength is concentrating his strength to deal with the opponent. Although the Lord of Strength was also injured, it is obvious that the Lord of Strength has taken advantage this time.

And then the Lord of Strength set his sights on another person.

Pick the soft persimmon to squeeze.

The Lord of Power decided to pick the easy ones to deal with first.

With unparalleled power and sufficient defense, even if the moves are simple, this kind of existence is very difficult for most practitioners.

"Join hands to launch a will attack!" Shadow Emperor sent a message.

So everyone urged their will to attack together, and it really worked this time. The Lord of Power was obviously affected in both movement and attack power.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng sighed a little. Isn't it the same for him? Compared with the powerful body, the soul will is a little unbalanced.

If he hadn't been robbing and robbing, directly refining and devouring the will of the master, then his will would really be weak.

In fact, to be honest, whether it is Chen Feng or the Lord of Power, they are not weak in soul will. Compared with the existence of the same level, they are stronger. They are naturally not afraid of one-on-one situations, but they seem a little difficult to deal with the storm of will of everyone working together.

However, although it has an effect, it is still unrealistic to solve or severely damage the Lord of Power.

Everyone still plans to leave.

The premise is to cause enough trouble and trouble to the Lord of Power.

The situation was very good, but the opponent's helper arrived.

Although it was only some above Hunyuan, it was enough to affect the current situation.


Chen Feng was about to take action, but he saw the Shadow Emperor and the Nether Emperor released their clones.




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