Eternal Existence

Chapter 5505: Lord of Power

Chen Feng used his pupil technique to observe the four directions. It seemed that the sky was full of stars, but in fact they were all related to each other. They were densely packed and formed a special starry sky. Chen Feng was also familiar with this scene, and the same was true of the cave in his body.

From the beginning of the practice, when I entered the final stage, I began to explore myself bit by bit. Later, when I opened up mysterious acupoints again and again, I truly entered the highest level of practice.

When it comes to studying the physical body, Chen Feng's confidence is not inferior to others, so at this time, he used the pupil technique to explore and naturally discovered many mysteries that were not visible on the surface.

Through this layer of mystery, you can see the more mysterious structure hidden.

The tiny fibers emitted by these stars have not actually reached their limit, but have just begun. Looking inside the fibers is a new world. The world also contains countless other dusts. If you click on an inconspicuous dust, Maybe there is another world in it.

Although this kind of insight is very careful, the speed is really too slow.

Chen Feng couldn't wait any longer, so he sensed countless thoughts emitting, and each thought could release overwhelming will. In this way, Chen Feng could multi-purpose and explore more things at the same time.

The reason why they can safely explore here is because no one encountered any obstacles.

Unlike those who enter the origin of other attributes, there are no practitioners and no attribute masters.

The practitioners present all wanted to obtain the secret of the Lord of Power, so they did not destroy it as soon as they came up like before.

After all, who doesn’t want to have great power?

"Even if the Lord of Power is not here, Chaos Origin will not just watch us collect benefits here." Someone said curiously.

"This is not like an illusion, so what we see is a real picture, and I did capture countless subtle laws just now. I even think that as long as I copy all these laws, I can master the power that can rival the Lord of Power. Power." Someone else said this.

"Even if this approach is correct, with our strength we still need to spend a long enough time here. The other party will not let us stay here, and they might take action at some point." The Shadow Emperor became impatient and ran directly to Rushing in one direction, at the same time, the shadow origin was emitted and began to selectively cover some stars.

Chen Feng frowned a little.

The Shadow Emperor's actions undoubtedly affected everyone, but there were many stars present, covering some of them, so locking them up would have little impact unless everyone chose to practice here for a long time.

"Or is it that the Shadow Emperor discovered something?"

The reason why Chen Feng did not use the Devouring Technique to plunder the stars here as before was because he did not want to destroy the various connections and changes between these stars. Otherwise, even if all the stars were taken away, the order would be completely chaotic. It loses the power of the strength attribute.

"It's a bit troublesome. Either copy this place perfectly and copy the various changes in it, or directly obtain the memory of the Lord of Power. Otherwise, it is almost unrealistic to reach the realm of the Lord of Power." After thinking about this, Chen Feng began to use the method of copying, and every detail was imprinted by Chen Feng.

We will study it slowly in the future. This is the best approach that Chen Feng can think of, and Chen Feng is not sure whether it will be useful.

It's just that the stars here are vast and endless. Even if Chen Feng can easily swallow up a universe, even if it is the origin, it will still take a long enough time to copy these stars and the various changes in them.

Moreover, Chen Feng noticed that he seemed to have copied it once, but with various new changes.

It seems to be endless and endless.

Chen Feng thinks that he has a strong talent for cultivation and is considered top-notch in terms of perception, but now he has not developed any useful feeling for the physical body, nor has he found any experience in it.

"Something is wrong." Chen Feng felt as if he had been deceived by something, so he stopped using the copying method. The gaze in his eyes changed. He no longer stared at the stars for insight as before, but looked at the whole from a macro direction. observe.

As Chen Feng used his methods, all the stars seemed to be shrinking, and the starry sky in front of him was also compressed, until it finally looked like a nebula.

And Chen Feng also used the art of divine movement to transcend, pushing it to a limit. Chen Feng felt that a layer of invisible restrictions had been broken, and he could truly see this area from outside the starry sky.

So Chen Feng saw other starry skies, similar to star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and star fields. They were densely packed and unknown. What his people saw was just a piece of starry sky among them. Putting this time's perception It's not even dust in the range it reaches.

Chen Feng was a little shocked, and even thought that there was a real hidden universe here.

In fact, a simple universe is nothing, but this is the original area that brings power to the Lord of Power, so that is different.

In this case, it is simply impossible to control the power.

"But it's okay to simply destroy it." After thinking about it, Chen Feng became a little anxious. Once everyone discovers such a situation, I'm afraid no one will immerse themselves in it and practice, but will use a simple and crude method to destroy it. If it falls, it will affect the Lord of Power and the origin of this chaos. This is also the purpose of everyone coming in in the first place.

Chen Feng's thoughts were racing, and his eyes were full of layers. He wanted to see everything, but also wanted to copy everything.

Chen Feng didn't want to delay, he just wanted to get the benefits as quickly as possible in the shortest time.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to use the power of the origin. After a little hesitation, Chen Feng still took out the replication law.

This time it was not for hurrying, but for another purpose.

In fact, the replication law is still very magical, with more than one function. I think Chen Feng and others were trapped in it.

Under Chen Feng's urging, the direct replication law became like a road, and it was still spreading. Countless tentacles began to split, covering the sky and the earth wherever they passed. Each tentacle extended to one of the stars, and then the tentacles completely wrapped the star.

As the replication law spread, the stars began to extinguish in large areas, and this speed was faster than the Shadow Emperor's use of the origin to cover.

Compared with the Shadow Emperor's selective collection, Chen Feng simply collected it thoroughly.

As the speed became faster and faster, the dazzling starry sky became pitch black. From a distance, the replication law was like a terrifying monster. This monster floated in the starry sky and used its body to devour everything here.

Chen Feng's actions quickly alarmed the others. The first to jump out was the Nether Emperor, followed by the Shadow Emperor, and finally all the others present jumped out of the starry sky. Only then did they understand how big a shock the situation they had seen before was compared to the real situation.

"It seems that practicing here is not possible. We can only find a way to destroy it." The Shadow Emperor said.

"Everyone, go ahead, but don't affect me." Chen Feng's will shook violently.

The practitioners present were very strong and very courageous. They all noticed some changes in Chen Feng, and guessed in their hearts that Chen Feng's strength had become stronger in a short period of time.

"The Lord of Power is not here, and there are no other powerful practitioners. This is a good opportunity for us." The Shadow Emperor said first, and then urged the origin to start large-scale swallowing.

This area is indeed not simple, but that's all. As long as the Shadow Emperor is given time, he can completely cover this origin area with his own strength, not to mention that there are other people present.

Everyone took action. Some used the killing technique to destroy the stars, some used the devouring technique to plunder, and some used the law plundering technique to extract countless laws here.

After seeing this, Chen Feng looked calm, but he had more expectations in his heart.

Because Chen Feng knew that things would not be so easy, and there would definitely be some changes next.

Facts proved that it was indeed the case.

I thought it was the origin of chaos that took action, but it turned out not to be.

The stars in the sky flickered for a moment, and everyone instinctively felt something was wrong, and then the power gathered and formed a fist.

Just one punch, a practitioner was knocked out.

"Did the Lord of Power take action?"

"It is also possible that we have touched the rules here, but although the attack power of the fist just now is very strong, it can't do anything to us."

"I am afraid that the other party has only mobilized part of the power."

Sure enough, as the stars flickered, power began to gather again. This time, Chen Feng carefully captured the other party's every move and saw some of the power of the stars surging, passing through the path formed by the fibers, and after various changes, finally forming a fist.

The process is very complicated, but the time is very short.

That is to say, the power changes with the thought.

The Nether Emperor took the initiative to step forward and smashed the oncoming fist, and everyone quickly gathered together.

Since there is a change, we must be careful to deal with it.

Sure enough, the stars changed more and more violently, and the power surged more and more violently.

When the Nether Emperor retreated again and again after welcoming a fist, everyone's expressions became extremely solemn.

The Lord of Power has not yet appeared, but he can mobilize such a powerful force. If the Lord of Power's true body appears.

"I am now looking forward to the Lord of Power not being in the origin of chaos."

"Instead of thinking like this, we might as well leave here quickly."

"This is a good idea, but the other party may not let us leave so easily now."

The stars around moved, just like a maze, making people lose their direction and not knowing where to go.

Of course, this situation is actually useless to everyone, but the frequency of the fists condensed by power is getting faster and faster, and if you want to leave, you can only fight and retreat.

Besides, does the other party have other means besides fists? These need to be well guarded.

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