Eternal Existence

Chapter 5485: Ran Away

Chen Feng was somewhat looking forward to what would happen next. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Great Emperor must have come here before, but the power of the sun still existed, which showed that the Great Emperor's power was not enough.

Not enough is one thing, but as a stronger being, the emperor can definitely make a bigger noise than the people present, so he may have a chance to fish in the chaos.

"It's Emperor Lieyang!"

"He is a new emperor who has risen recently, but he is very powerful. Let's stay away from him."

Some of these local cultivators recognized the person who was coming, and they all distanced themselves away, because there might be a fierce fight next, and it was better not to be involved.

"What a powerful force! This time I really came to the right place."

After Emperor Lieyang came in, he suddenly burst into laughter, and everyone present felt their souls vibrating again.

This is the gap between levels of life.

Before, they had thought of joining forces to deal with Chen Feng, but now they couldn't bring themselves to do so.

Emperor Lieyang did not pay attention to the practitioners present. After coming in, he simply looked at them and focused on the power of the sun, so Emperor Lieyang walked straight towards the sun.

As it reached a certain distance, the power of the ocean began to compress as before and then launched an attack on Emperor Lieyang.

"Although he is the Great Emperor, his physical body may not be stronger than mine. I want to see what this person can do." Chen Feng was still looking forward to it.

Sure enough, after the Lieyang Emperor reached a certain distance, damage began to appear on his body, but soon a dazzling light burst out from his body. These lights seemed to be erupting, but in fact they were intertwined and impacting each other, absorbing the power of the oncoming sun. Break up.

Moreover, the aura of Emperor Lieyang is getting stronger and stronger. This is to use powerful strength to fight against the power of the sun.

This also shows that under the power of the sun that burns everything, any tricks are useless, and you can only rely on your own strength to resist.

"I want to see what this emperor can do."

Emperor Lieyang has indeed exploded with strength that surpasses everyone, but it is still not enough to win the power of the sun.

The most important thing is that after feeling the threat, the power of the sun finally released its will attack.

Unlike Chen Feng, the Emperor's defense may not be as good as Chen Feng, but his will is definitely stronger than Chen Feng's.

So the two powerful wills started to fight, and I don't know how many times they met. Finally, a storm of wills swept around. Wherever it passed, the brilliance of the sun was swept away, and dense cracks appeared in the solid space.

Although the practitioners present had retreated far enough, they were still affected at this time.

Some practitioners who were not strong enough began to spit blood on the spot, and some even started to burn with flames.

Even Chen Feng couldn't bear it and had no choice but to retreat again.

"I was thinking that I could get involved and take advantage of the chaos, but I didn't expect that it would lead to such a situation. This is too dangerous. If you get close, you may be killed by these two." Chen Feng said. Sometimes I still have lingering fears, and I never dare to be as careless as before.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng had participated in higher-level battles in Guixu before. He thought he was very good, but then he realized that fighting alone was different from joining forces with friends.

The original participants were indeed stronger, but they had their own friends and allies at that time.

"Hey, you overestimated yourself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The emperor himself is powerful, there is no doubt about it.

"However, it is impossible for the opponent to continue fighting like this forever. Fellow Taoist, be prepared to take action." Chen Feng said.

"What! Take action, you are not mistaken, we should stay far away at this time." The true Taoist king continued to exude the power of truth while retreating.

It has to be said that the power of truth is indeed very strong. Under the impact of such a powerful storm of will, other Hunyuan superiors were either seriously injured or fled without knowing where to go. Although the true Taoist master was also injured, he was not too embarrassed, at least. He can also control his own power.

However, Master Zhendao still felt that Chen Feng was crazy about Chen Feng's proposal. Under such circumstances, would he still seek death?

Chen Feng did not answer, because the duel was over. The next moment, Chen Feng and Zhen Daojun disappeared from the place, and when they reappeared, they were already in front of the power of the sun.

"what happened!"

The real Taoist master knew that this was Chen Feng's method, but he was still startled. Then he saw Chen Feng reaching out to grab the power of the sun. During this period, the real Taoist master could even see the shadow between Chen Feng's actions. , which is the power of origin.

"Too risky."

Although he said this, the real Dao Lord quickly reacted. The real roulette appeared out of thin air and blocked Emperor Lieyang.

Yes, there was indeed a collision with Emperor Lieyang.

Originally, the True Dao Lord thought that Emperor Lieyang would join forces with him to plunder the power of the sun. Who knew that the other party actually wanted to take action against Chen Feng, so the True Dao Lord unleashed his full force without thinking.

The True Dao Lord is naturally no match for Emperor Lieyang, but it is enough as long as he can resist for a while.

The power of the sun suddenly became dazzling, as if it was a hundred times brighter. Not only was the real Taoist unable to open his eyes, but all his perceptions were also blinded. It seemed that he would melt into this light in the next moment.

"I don't know if I can stop him." At this time, the real Dao Lord was still worried about Chen Feng.


Chen Feng took the real Taoist master and disappeared in an instant, but the two of them soon reappeared, still enveloped by the power of the sun.

Looking at Chen Feng again, the melted palm was growing visibly.

"Did you succeed?" asked the True Daoist Lord curiously.

"A small part." Chen Feng smiled, and the True Daoist Lord felt that the power of the sun seemed to be a little incomplete and not as strong as before.


The True Daoist Lord had such an idea.

The Lieyang Emperor was furious. He was fighting head-on, but someone took advantage of the fire to rob. It was really abominable. He was thinking about solving Chen Feng, but he noticed that the power of the sun was weakened, so he still grabbed the power of the sun.


Who knew that the power of the sun suddenly burst out with more power. There was no time to see the result. Chen Feng and the True Daoist Lord quickly left the area.

Although they left the area, the power that burned everything caught up with them. It was not for the two of them, but the power of the sun was burning everything.

"The Lieyang Emperor is miserable." The True Daoist Lord said.


Another strong burst of power, but it was different from the power of the sun. Chen Feng knew that this was the outbreak of the Real Emperor, but the opponent's power was quickly overwhelmed by the power of the sun.

"Damn it!"

The Lieyang Emperor still escaped with serious injuries, but even so, the opponent did not run around randomly, but rushed towards the direction where Chen Feng and the others were.

It seems that the opponent also hates Chen Feng very much and wants to kill Chen Feng.

"The opponent is coming towards us." The Real Daojun was a little nervous. Although he had a brief confrontation with the opponent before, the Real Daojun knew that he was not the opponent of the Lieyang Emperor.

"It's just the injured emperor." Chen Feng said disdainfully, but took out the Spear of Destiny and took the initiative to attack.

"Since the opponent rushed up to give benefits, let the opponent be satisfied." Chen Feng said.


Seeing that Chen Feng and the Lieyang Emperor had already fought together, the Real Daojun sighed and killed him.

In fact, the Real Daojun was also looking forward to fighting with such a master, but after really going up, he found that he didn't seem to play a big role.

Chen Feng's fighting power was so strong that he could fight back and forth with Emperor Lieyang. Although Emperor Lieyang was injured, his fighting power did not decrease much.

"Not as strong as I imagined." Zhenren Daojun calmed his mind and used killing moves on Emperor Lieyang continuously.

"What is your relationship with Emperor Lieyang?" Emperor Lieyang did not underestimate Zhenren Daojun.


Zhenren Daojun felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that Emperor Lieyang was really strong, but one day his reputation would surpass the other.

"Damn it!"

Emperor Lieyang had a very bad temper. He thought he could easily deal with these two little reptiles, but he didn't expect to mutter to each other.

The strength of these two little reptiles was obvious at a glance. They were definitely not his opponents, but he couldn't take them down in a short time. Especially this spear even brought him a sense of crisis. It would not be pleasant if he stabbed them.

"Forget it, I won't bother with them. I'll settle accounts with them when I recover my strength." Emperor Lieyang also wanted to save face. He knew that this time there was a big commotion and it might attract some masters. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him? Another point is that Emperor Lieyang didn't want too many people to know that there was the power of the sun here.

He suffered a loss this time just because he was not prepared in advance.

Chen Feng also felt the thoughts of Emperor Lieyang and knew that the other party wanted to leave. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to severely injure the other party, but who knew that he still underestimated the other party.

After all, he is an emperor, and this is still the Yang Realm, the other party's talents can be brought into play to the extreme.

Chen Feng is not without other means, but after thinking about it, he decided not to use them.

It's not long since he came to the Yang Realm. Chen Feng doesn't want to expose all his strength, and the other party wants to leave. Even if he exposes other strengths, he can't keep the other party, at most he can take advantage of it.

He is not short of resources now, so it's not worth it to burst out with all his strength.

After colliding with Emperor Lieyang again, Chen Feng gave him a chance to leave. As expected, Emperor Lieyang did not hesitate and left after saying some harsh words.

This time, the True Daoist Lord was relieved. It must be said that fighting with such a master was still very stressful. If it weren't for Chen Feng bearing most of the pressure, the True Daoist Lord would have turned around and fled.

"The other party ran away, what a pity." The True Daoist Lord said afterwards.

"It's a bit of a pity. I thought I could take advantage of the other party's injury, but who knew that the other party ran away so quickly." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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