Eternal Existence

Chapter 5484 The Great Emperor Appears

Before, the power of the sun was only compressed in a small range. This time, all the radiated power of the sun was converged, and the sun seemed to be frozen. But the next moment, a torrent rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's actions angered the other party, and the power of the sun finally locked Chen Feng.

This time, even the shield in front of him began to melt visibly, and the swallowing vortex released by Chen Feng could no longer play a role, because the swallowing vortex would disappear as soon as it appeared.

"So strong!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but admire, so he quickly took out more materials.

Chen Feng didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. With these solar powers to help him smelt, he could soon refine them into mountains of origin.

Fortunately, these materials are hard enough, otherwise they would be turned into ashes under the burning of the power of the sun.

"It turns out that it's not a magic weapon, but a very hard substance. Strange, is there such a hard substance?"

"I haven't seen it before."

"Speaking of which, because our Yang Realm is too powerful, many substances are very hard, but they are still more than one level lower than the substances in front of us."

"Hey, refining this substance into armor is simply invincible."

"I see that this Taoist friend has a lot of substances in his hands, maybe we."

"Don't think about it, the other party is very powerful, even if we join forces, I'm afraid we can't do anything to the other party."

"I mean, we can exchange things with the other party."

"That's okay, ask the other party what resources they need later."

Everyone was shocked by Chen Feng's strength, and envied the things in Chen Feng's hands. As for whether anyone planned to rob, it has not been seen yet.

Chen Feng was very happy. He was just thinking about collecting some solar power. Who knew there would be such a change.

"If only my origin furnace was so powerful." Chen Feng thought to himself. If he could reach this step, it would be considered a true smelting of all things. Even if the emperor was sealed in it, he could be quickly refined into ashes.

However, this kind of thing is just a thought. Chen Feng has no idea what he can achieve in the future.

Just when Chen Feng was using the power of the sun to refine the treasure, a strong sense of crisis quickly approached.

Chen Feng hurriedly gathered all his strength. Sure enough, a strong will was transmitted along with the power of the sun.

Chen Feng could not resist. As soon as the two sides came into contact, they were severely injured. Flames erupted from the seven orifices, and the power in the body began to space and time.

Seeing Chen Feng injured, the True Daojun was a little anxious and immediately released the true will to help Chen Feng. As a result, the next moment the True Daojun was struck by lightning, and the power in the body began to lose control.

"Not good, it's the will of the Sun Emperor." Someone exclaimed, but then this person was also severely injured, and because of his strength, this person's situation was even worse, and the breath on his body began to wilted.

But at this time, a shocking scene appeared. After being severely injured, Chen Feng did not retreat, but burst out with all his strength, rushing towards the sun against the melting defense material.

"Are you looking for death?" Someone couldn't help but say.

Chen Feng's actions at this time were like a moth flying into a flame. Even though Chen Feng had just shown his powerful means, now that the Sun Emperor had taken action, he should run for his life at the first opportunity.

Facts have proved that everyone's guess was correct. Chen Feng was hit hard again not long after he advanced. Not only in terms of will, but also in his body, he was almost penetrated by the power of the sun.

Chen Feng finally chose to retreat and returned to the side of the True Dao Lord. He also had many more wounds on his body, and the materials he took out were covered with traces of melting.

"Is Daoyou okay?" The True Dao Lord asked with some concern.

"It's okay, just a minor injury." Chen Feng didn't care much. This kind of injury on his body was far less than the touch of will.

Chen Feng was still a little worried, fearing that the other party would chase him closely. No matter what means he used, he could not resist the will attack of this level of existence, and it was inevitable to get hurt.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had fought with this level of existence before, and there had been collisions in will, so Chen Feng was also very experienced.

"I have to say that you are really powerful. You can get close to the power of the sun. It's a pity that you are just a little bit away from collecting it." said the real Taoist.

"If I really took away the power of the sun, the practitioners present would definitely join forces to besiege me." Chen Feng said so.

In fact, seeing Chen Feng injured and retreating, some people have already thought about taking action, but it's a pity that Chen Feng's injury does not seem to be serious, which is regrettable.

"Some can take this opportunity to join forces to deal with this strongest existence. Now it seems that we need to continue to look for opportunities. Maybe I will continue to take action in a while." Someone had such an idea in his mind.

Some people even began to communicate secretly. Although everyone is an opponent, when things change, they can join forces.

"What will you do next?" asked the real Taoist curiously.

"Don't worry, I just used the power of the sun to melt some materials, and I can take the opportunity to make treasures." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although I was injured just now, I also successfully melted that hard material, which can be said to have saved Chen Feng a lot of effort.

When I was refining the Origin Divine Mountain, I asked a lot of people for help, but now we don’t need to go through so much trouble.

"I forgot to ask, where did this hard substance come from? I have never encountered it, and I have never even heard of it." asked the True Daoist.

"I got this in Guixu before. I have to say that although Guixu is very dangerous, there are many good things. I will take you there in the future." Chen Feng said.

The will of the sun did not continue to attack, which made Chen Feng feel relieved. At the same time, he also understood that if he had not been too close, nothing would happen.

"It is quite interesting, but I still don't understand why the power of the sun appeared?" Chen Feng really didn't understand, because the power of the sun disappeared.

Chen Feng came to the cultivator he had talked to before and asked, "Did the power of the sun last for such a short time before?"

The cultivator was really shocked to see Chen Feng suddenly appear, and then shook his head: "It didn't last for such a short time before. This time, something unexpected must have happened."

It is obvious that Chen Feng can hear what the other party meant by the unexpected.

"So that's how it is. Will it appear again next time?" Chen Feng was a little worried. If the power of the sun didn't appear again, it would be a waste of time for him to stay here. He might as well go somewhere else to have a look.

"Maybe it will appear. No matter what, I have to wait here for a while." The cultivator said.

"Then we'll wait for a while." Chen Feng felt that he didn't need this time. He just needed to refine the Origin God Mountain and absorb the power of the sun he had obtained before.

Although it didn't last long just now, Chen Feng still swallowed some of the power of the sun, which also needed to be taken out and absorbed.

To Chen Feng's surprise, he had already prepared to leave, but it didn't take long for the power of the sun to appear again, and this time the power it emitted was stronger.

"Why did it appear so quickly?" The cultivators present were a little surprised. Chen Feng also understood that it would not have such a high frequency before.

"Is it all because of the noise I made before?" Chen Feng thought to himself. From the information he collected, it seemed to be the case.

Since the power of the sun has appeared again, it is right to find a way to collect some of the power. Although Chen Feng has mastered many powers beyond the origin, it must be said that this level of power is very rare.

Not to mention that it has a great effect on my cultivation of the Great Yang Avenue.

"But if I can get the power of the sun completely, then my Great Yang Avenue will become the Great Yang Avenue." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"There is no benefit without reason. Even if the Great Emperor Yi Yang left a legacy, he wanted someone to avenge him. Could it be that there are strong people here who deliberately use this method to select successors? But if so, they should have found it long ago."

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about how to collect this ball of sun, another cultivator came, and it was still a very powerful existence.

The other party shook the whole area as soon as he appeared.

"The Great Emperor!"

Chen Feng was looking forward to what would happen next. In Chen Feng's opinion, there must have been an emperor here in the past, but the power of the sun still existed, which showed that the emperor's power was not enough.

Not enough is one thing, but as a stronger existence, the emperor can definitely make a bigger fuss than those present, so he may have a chance to fish in the chaos.

"It's Emperor Lieyang!"

"He's a newly rising emperor, but he's very powerful, let's stay away."

Some of these local practitioners recognized the newcomer and pulled back to keep their distance, because there might be a fierce fight next, and it's better not to be affected by it.

"What a strong force! This time he really came to the right place."

After Emperor Lieyang came in, he suddenly laughed, and everyone present felt the soul vibrating again.

This is the gap between the levels of life.

Before, they were thinking about joining forces to deal with Chen Feng, but now they can't think of such a thing.

Emperor Lieyang didn't take the practitioners present seriously. After coming in, he just looked at them briefly, and then focused on the power of the sun, so Emperor Lieyang walked straight towards the sun.

As they reached a certain distance, the power of the ocean began to compress like before and attacked Emperor Lieyang.

"Although he is an emperor, his physical body is not necessarily stronger than mine. I want to see what this one has." Chen Feng was still looking forward to it.

Sure enough, after the Emperor of the Lieyang reached a certain distance, damage began to appear on his body, but soon a dazzling light burst out from his body. These lights seemed to be erupting, but in fact they were intertwining and impacting each other, dispersing the oncoming power of the sun.

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