Eternal Existence

Chapter 5482: Power of the Sun

"This is a threat from the power of the sun. It's not so easy to take it." Chen Feng tried to integrate this power into the Great Yang Avenue, but he almost lost control.

He knew that he couldn't extract a lot of this power of the sun, but this level of power couldn't stop him.

After a careful experience, Chen Feng continued to move forward, but he was much slower than before, but he went step by step with the same determination.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the practitioners who were ready to watch the fun were all worried. They didn't expect Chen Feng's strength to be stronger than they imagined.

"Naive, you will know why we practice so far away later?"

"Actually, there is nothing to laugh at. When we first came here, we also experienced this trick. If it were me, I would not listen to the advice."

"That's true, but this fellow Taoist is quite strong, but he is a little weak in practicing the Great Yang Dao. It seems that he is not from our Yang Realm."

"In this case, the speed at which the other party absorbs the power of the sun cannot be compared with ours, so there is no need to be afraid."

While everyone was discussing, Chen Feng was still moving forward. At this time, the power of the condensed power of the sun was getting stronger and stronger. Chen Feng also compared it secretly. If he changed to other Hunyuan, his physical body might not be able to resist the penetration of this power. Even he himself was a little uncomfortable now.

In this case, if some magic weapons such as protective armor were used to resist, even the magic weapons of the origin level would be damaged.

Chen Feng continued to move forward, wanting to see how far this power could reach.

In fact, if the power of the sun was spread out, Chen Feng could resist the impact of this power.

But now, because of Chen Feng's provocation, the power of the sun is constantly compressed and gathered together, so the destructive power that erupts is rising in a straight line.

Seeing that Chen Feng is still approaching the sun, all the practitioners present are shocked beyond words. If it were them at this distance, they would have been penetrated by the power of the sun, and even if they used defense, they would not be able to stop it.

It's not that no one has tried it before, and it's not that no one has been penetrated before. Some people even have their origin-level magic weapons damaged.

So it's better to stay away from it than to practice close.

But the distance Chen Feng has advanced now has exceeded the limit of everyone present.

"The physical body is indeed very strong, but it should have reached its limit. Even the emperor can't bear this level of solar power." Someone said.

"Look, the other party took out a treasure to resist."

"There is a time for him to regret. Hasn't he felt the power of the sun yet? Even the hardest material can't resist the melting of the sun's power."

But soon this kind of words could not be said. There was a shield in front of Chen Feng, which blocked the impact of the sun's power very well.

A beam of compressed solar power shone on the shield, just like a stream of water hitting a smooth rock, and then rushing around along the rock.

"I think these people should be shocked." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Seeing that what Chen Feng took out blocked the impact of the solar power, the True Daojun also quickly came to Chen Feng's side.

Fortunately, there was Chen Feng, otherwise, he would not be able to withstand this level of solar power.

"What kind of treasure is this? It's so strong." The True Daojun looked at the rough shield held by Chen Feng and said curiously.

In the eyes of the True Daojun, the shield in Chen Feng's hand is indeed a bit crude, and it doesn't look like a magic weapon at all, but it is extremely strong, and the defense is extremely strong. Such a material is simply the only one he has ever seen in his life.

This is of course a special material that Chen Feng got in Guixu. At the beginning, different kinds of energy beyond the origin gathered together, but they couldn't do anything to this strange material.

Although the solar power in front of him is also very strong, it is not so easy to melt this material.

What's more, Chen Feng deliberately polished this material into the shape of a shield, and these compressed solar forces will disperse after the initial collision.

In short, even if this face card is finally penetrated, it is nothing to Chen Feng, and he still has a lot of this material.

Moreover, after seeing the power of the sun, Chen Feng also had some ideas, that is, to use this solar force to help himself condense magic weapons.

However, this idea is good, but it is not so simple to use it. Chen Feng is now understanding the power of the sun little by little.

This power is too strong and cannot be mastered in a short time.

However, Chen Feng is very proficient in the method of sacrifice and refining. After he had an idea in his mind, he began to prepare.

Soon Chen Feng took out some very solid materials, and just slightly attracted some solar power, and these materials melted quickly.

"It really saves time and effort." Chen Feng was very satisfied.

After the hard materials were melted, some impurities in them were burned cleanly under the extremely strong solar power.

Nothing is more suitable for smelting treasures than the power of the sun.

"It would be great if I could fuse the power of the sun into my own furnace. In this way, I might be able to increase the power of the origin furnace." Chen Feng had more ideas.

"Maybe I can give it a try."

It must be said that Chen Feng was very courageous. He did it as soon as he thought of it. Strands of the power of the sun were integrated into Chen Feng's heart and were soon absorbed by the origin furnace.

So Chen Feng began to extract more solar power and send it to the Origin Furnace. In the process, he also deliberately extracted a part of it and integrated it into his body.

Refining the treasure while refining the body can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. Moreover, the Origin Furnace has been integrated with the heart, so it can be said that it is more effective on himself.

Seeing that Chen Feng actually extracted such a strong power to practice, the True Daojun was very shocked, and once again realized that Chen Feng's body was so strong.

However, the True Daojun was not idle. Since there was such a good opportunity, he would certainly not miss it. The True Daojun was also collecting the surrounding solar power.

"Such a powerful force, it has surpassed my real power in level. Perhaps only my real power can be comparable to this power after transformation and entering the next level." The True Daojun calculated in his heart.

If Chen Feng knew the idea of ​​the True Daojun, he would definitely find it funny, because such a powerful solar power cannot be compared even with the power mastered by the True Daojun, unless it is the uncompressed solar power, the two are comparable.

After fusion and compression, the power of the sun, which can melt everything, is too strong.

Chen Feng didn't even dare to fight with his body. You have to know that Chen Feng once honed his body in the powerful torrent of power. Even if his body was broken and his bones were injured, it was just a part of his training. Later, Chen Feng would become even stronger.

But it doesn't work here. The result of this kind of sun power is destruction. Think about it, if you use your body to resist here, your body will be penetrated and your flesh and blood will be burned clean. This is simply asking for trouble.

Seeing that the two newcomers were so close to the sun power and practicing safely, the practitioners present finally came to their senses after being shocked.

"What kind of material is the treasure made of that can actually block the power of the sun? I think all the Taoist friends present know how strong the compressed power of the sun is."

"Yes, it seems that the other party is well prepared, but in this way, the other party has absorbed a lot of solar power. If so many people add up, I am afraid that they will not get as much as the other party. This is really unpleasant."

"What do you think? Do you want to fight with the other party?"

"I have no problem. It is not impossible for so many of us to fight."

"I don't think it is necessary to fight right away. Since the other party can get close, it can be regarded as helping us block part of the power of the sun. We can also take the opportunity to get closer. After all, coming here to practice is the most important thing. Don't fight internally unless it is absolutely necessary."

Some people choose to join forces to deal with Chen Feng and others, and some choose not to cause trouble. Since they disagree, no one will take action for the time being.

However, these practitioners still moved forward for a distance, so that they can absorb more and stronger solar power.

But this caused a huge change. A compressed solar force came and easily penetrated a practitioner's body. There was still flames burning at the wound.

The practitioner quickly retreated. After extinguishing the flames, the wounds on his body slowly recovered.

Then the solar force locked these practitioners. People were constantly injured. They waited until they were far away to get rid of this situation.

"Why are we being attacked?"

"Don't worry, the other party is also under stronger attack power."

Sure enough, Chen Feng and the real Taoist also encountered trouble. Originally, Chen Feng only needed to use a shield to block the solar force, but now the solar force seemed to be endowed with spirituality. Since it could not penetrate the shield, it took a detour and shot at Chen Feng and the others.

Chen Feng did not expect such a change. Although he quickly tried to resist, he still had some wounds on his body. The real Taoist was even more miserable. The real force guarding around his body could not resist the penetration of the solar force, and holes appeared on his body.

"We can't resist, let's retreat quickly." Zhenren Daojun said anxiously.

"Retreating like this is not my style." Chen Feng was not in a hurry. Although he was injured, he could still bear it. However, it would be troublesome if Zhenren Daojun couldn't resist.

He wanted to release the domain to try, but he gave up the idea because even if multiple domains overlapped, they couldn't resist the penetration of the sun's power.

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