Eternal Existence

Chapter 5481 Special Area

Maybe this will cause more trouble, but if you really encounter a situation where you need to use the origin law to bless yourself, the previous troubles will be nothing.

Seeing that Chen Feng chose to stop, the real Taoist was relieved, and then he practiced quickly, wanting to push his strength up again.

Because the real Taoist felt that he might encounter some disputes with Chen Feng next, and it might be very intense.

Especially seeing that the longer Chen Feng practiced, the more intense this feeling became, thinking that Chen Feng would not really have a big battle.

As a result, the two of them were found before they took action. The moment the barrier was broken, Chen Feng and the real Taoist woke up and operated the magic circle to resist the invaders.

"It's those guys again. How did they find us?" The real Taoist was a little curious.

"After all, this is in the other party's territory, and some means are also normal. Since they came to the door, there is no need to be polite this time." Chen Feng exuded strange fluctuations, and these fluctuations enveloped the real Taoist.

Daojun Zhenren suddenly felt that the rejection from the Yang Realm had disappeared, and his fighting power could be fully exerted.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks." Daojun Zhenren was overjoyed, took out the Real Roulette, and the power of the Reality swept out overwhelmingly.

Although the attribute power of the Yang Realm is very strong, the power of the Reality is not vegetarian. To be honest, when two practitioners of equal strength fight, the power of the Yang may not be the opponent of the power of the Reality.

"What is your relationship with the Real Emperor?" One of the practitioners asked in surprise.

Daojun Zhenren did not answer, and the other party's misunderstanding was also normal, which made Daojun Zhenren more curious about the Real Emperor.

It is obvious that the Real Emperor has a better reputation and is stronger than himself.

"There is no grudge between us. Isn't it inappropriate for you to come to kill like this?" Chen Feng said with a smile, not worried about the other party's attack at all.

Although there are a few more people coming this time, there is really no one who can threaten him.

"Hand over the guarantee of Emperor Yiyang, and I will let you leave." One of the practitioners said so.

Chen Feng laughed: "I have completely digested the things left by Emperor Yi Yang. If you want something, you need to get rid of me first. It seems that the contradiction between us is irreconcilable."

"You can digest it in such a short time." These practitioners naturally still don't believe it, but seeing the power fluctuations emanating from Chen Feng, they have to think so.

It is obvious that the Yang Realm has no suppression on these two, which means that the other party has mastered the power of the Yang Realm.

It is impossible to change completely, and it must have absorbed a part.

After thinking about this, these practitioners are more because they can't let the two go this time.

However, the idea is good. After the real communication, I realized that these two outsiders are not so easy to deal with.

The real power itself is very powerful, and people dare not underestimate it. But Chen Feng has not used his full strength yet. They are also worried that Chen Feng will use the means left by Emperor Yi Yang.

However, when Chen Feng really broke out, these practitioners finally felt fear.

The Spear of Destiny pierced through the body of a practitioner, and the powerful curse power continued to erode along the wound. Although they practiced the power of the Yang, they were far inferior to Emperor Yuanyang, so even if they could restrain the curse power, it would be greatly discounted.

So, on the one hand, this curse power is very strong, and on the other hand, these practitioners are not strong enough.

So the situation has reversed.

"I know you made various preparations when you came, but it seems that there is one thing wrong, that is, you misjudged my strength, so you are going to be unlucky. I am very curious about how you practiced to such a level. Now I think it should be greed." Chen Feng said lightly, without looking back, he punched backhand, hard against hard, this punch directly blew up the opponent's body, and the opponent's compressed pure Yang power did not break Chen Feng's defense.


The real Daojun was very shocked by Chen Feng's explosion. He knew that Chen Feng was powerful before, but the explosion just now was too strong.

With such strength, there was no need to dodge before.

"The opponent's attack is too weak, and even my defense can't be broken." Chen Feng said lightly, and avenues emerged one after another, trying to suppress all the opponents on the scene in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng used the strongest avenues. In the past, the clones condensed could besiege the emperor. This time the outbreak really made the opponent feel scalp numb. Only then did he realize that he had misjudged the situation before. This opponent was really strong.

"Is the avenue used in this way?" The real Taoist muttered, and then released a real domain, directly trapping the opponent in it.

It's called a domain, but it can actually be said to be a small origin, but it still needs enough time to grow.

After the real Taoist used this method, the whole person's combat power doubled directly. The opponent couldn't resist at all and was constantly eroded and assimilated by the real power.

Not only that, the real Taoist shouted, and the real domain pulled another practitioner in.

One against two, with ease.

"Sure enough, there is great potential. Maybe you can really reach the realm of the real emperor in the future." Chen Feng was also amazed when he saw this scene.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that if the real Daojun did not follow him out and kept guarding his own little piece of land, then his achievements would be limited. However, if he went out and entered a new world, the situation would be different, with infinite possibilities.

"Let's fight quickly and make a quick decision." Chen Feng waved the Vein of Destiny and pierced an opponent. The opponent could not even deal with Chen Feng's Dao, so how could he have extra strength to fight against the Spear of Destiny.

Chen Feng's mana increased greatly. Although he had not cultivated as long as other Hunyuan above, he had already cultivated his mana for dozens of kalpas. Chen Feng had few opponents below the emperor.

None of the emperors came. Even if there were more Hunyuan above, Chen Feng could kill them all.

He just didn't want to expose his strength so early. Now that he had used the curse power in the Spear of Destiny, he just wanted to fight quickly and make a quick decision.

Although many emperors in the Yang Realm had gone out to explore, there must be some who stayed behind to take charge. Even if there were no emperors, if the Yang Realm attacked him, he would have to run for his life.

Seeing Chen Feng severely injure his opponents one by one, the True Dao Lord was already somewhat numb in his heart. He did not expect Chen Feng to be so powerful. Could it be that practicing multiple avenues was the right choice?

But then the True Dao Lord shook his head again. If he were to do it himself, it would definitely take a long time. But as long as he persisted in practicing the power of truth, he would be sure to become stronger in a short period of time, and then he would be able to close the gap with Chen Feng.

Besides, although the strength Chen Feng showed just now was very strong, it was not to the point of being outrageous. He might be able to catch up.

At this moment, the True Dao Lord had forgotten that Chen Feng had obtained the inheritance of Emperor Yiyang before. Even if he could remember it, he would think that he might have such an opportunity in his future adventures.

Seeing Chen Feng so cruel, these practitioners no longer had the thoughts of the next life before, and began to flee frantically. Fortunately, Chen Feng had no intention of chasing and killing them, but only severely injure these opponents.

"Let's go. There's no need to get entangled with them. If they come again next time, just blow them up." Chen Feng was a little surprised to see that the True Daoist Lord actually suppressed a cultivator, but he didn't say much. After all, he was above the Hunyuan level and had some treasures on him. The True Daoist Lord just came out and always needed some resources.

"But you still have to refine it as soon as possible. After all, you are in the Yang Realm and be careful of any trouble." Finally, Chen Feng reminded him.

After leaving this area, Chen Feng was slightly relieved. The Yang Realm did not take action. It seems that the power of the previous outbreak was not too great, that is, the Yang Realm did not target him.

"In fact, I really just played here this time. Who knew that these guys would come to my door? This is not my fault. It can only be considered their bad luck. However, some disputes have already occurred, so it's better to go to some places in advance. There is no need to continue looking for places to practice." Chen Feng said.

"In fact, changing places is also a rest. Because of the fight just now, I am a little curious about the area I will go to next." The True Daoist Lord said so.

"The area we're going to this time is interesting. Of course, this is only for you, because I've been to this type of area before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Can you tell me in advance so I can be prepared?" asked the True Daoist with some curiosity.

"According to the memory I got from Emperor Yi Yang, the area we're going to this time has a power beyond the origin. According to my previous speculation and Emperor Yi Yang's speculation, that area didn't belong to the Yang Realm before. Maybe it was brought to the Yang Realm, or maybe it was embedded in the Yang Realm for some other reasons, but it has never been truly integrated into the Yang Realm." Chen Feng said.

"Power beyond the origin." The True Daoist was a little excited. Even if the area Chen Feng mentioned was dangerous, he wanted to go and see it. The True Daoist even thought that this was his chance.

"But that area has existed for a long time, and I don't know if it still exists now. After all, there are many masters in the Yang Realm, and maybe someone has already got there first." Chen Feng said this again.

"I hope there are still good things left for us." The True Daoist was a little worried.

"I hope so, but that place is still quite secretive." Although he was always on the road, Chen Feng had been using his means to detect possible dangers. At least in his perception, no one was watching him.

"It should be this area." Chen Feng said, looking at the void in front of him.

"I can't see anything unusual." The True Dao Lord said and began to use the power of reality to explore. He only saw his eyes flashing, and his gaze condensed into substance and swept back and forth.

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