Eternal Existence

Chapter 5456 The Great Emperor of Eight Desolations

Now it is a good opportunity for everyone to join forces. Otherwise, there may be so many masters gathered in the future. Once a person is targeted by the other party, he will die in the hands of the other party.

Chen Feng and others all had such thoughts, so they cooperated with each other, surrounded the other party and prevented the other party from leaving.

"If I can kill such an existence, then I will have no regrets in this life." Emperor Tianyun also changed his previous style. The whole person became very domineering. The whip in his hand whipped wildly, and he actually faced the tough guy Emperor Bahuang head-on.

Chen Feng, holding the Spear of Destiny, finally seized an opportunity and stabbed the opponent fiercely, breaking the opponent's defense and piercing into the opponent's flesh and blood. The powerful force of the contradiction of destiny broke out in an instant.

No matter how strong the opponent is, Chen Feng is also confident that his attack can cause some damage to the opponent.

As a result, Chen Feng did it, but he was beaten away by the opponent without expanding the results of the battle.

Emperor Bahuang used eight different weapons. These eight weapons changed in a thousand ways when fighting against the enemy, just like a three-headed and six-armed fighting body.

Moreover, it was an origin-level weapon. With the help of the powerful strength of the Eight Desolate Emperor, he was not afraid of a melee.

"Since his defense can be broken, he is not an invincible person. He will die in our hands this time." Chen Feng ignored the broken wounds on his body and continued to kill with a spear in his hand.

Emperor Tianyun was also beaten and rolled out by the opponent, but he also left a hideous wound on the body of the Eight Desolate Emperor.

In this way, the fight between the two sides became more and more intense, and the scene was very bloody. Even the extremely powerful energy was swept away.

The movement here was too loud, which naturally attracted the attention of other practitioners. After seeing such a scene, they were also very shocked. They did not dare to approach for fear of being affected.

And there were also people watching from a distance, thinking that maybe both sides would be injured in the fight, and they could take the opportunity to pick up some bargains.

No matter what these people thought, Chen Feng and others' fight never stopped. Fortunately, the Eight Desolate Land was alone and had no other helpers, so Chen Feng and others could handle it.

Chen Feng and his men wanted to surround and kill the other party, but the Eight Desolate Emperor showed no sign of retreating. He was very ruthless, and various magical powers appeared from time to time. The most important thing was that the other party had a momentum to fight to the end.

This was strange. Chen Feng was very curious about where the other party got the confidence to deal with his people. Although the other party was very strong, it was not realistic to want to kill him and others.

"Could it be that the other party has helpers? But unless the other party has such a powerful figure, otherwise, ordinary emperors can't change the situation, and we are not without helpers." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The Gate of Origin has also been looking for opportunities. If the other party has any means, the Gate of Origin will also take action.

"Who is the other party?" Chen Feng wanted to know more about the Eight Desolate Land, but the Emperor Tianyun didn't know much. He just knew that the Eight Desolate Emperor was very powerful and very domineering, and didn't know the specific origin of the other party at all.

"That's enough. From this, we can see that the other party is very difficult to deal with. Such people usually have a strong desire for revenge. If we don't get rid of the other party, it will be troublesome if they target us." Taishi Emperor continued.

"Then find a way to kill the other party, but I think it's a bit difficult, unless our strength can be stronger. Even so, the other party can just leave, unless there is a stronger existence to take action." A gleam of light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

The strongest existence mentioned by Chen Feng finally appeared.

After the Zhenyuan Emperor arrived, he established contact with Chen Feng as soon as possible, but the other party did not take action right away, but was exploring the situation in this area.

However, the Eight Desolations Emperor felt the danger and became a little anxious. He began to rush madly, trying to break out of the encirclement.

"Fellow Daoists, fight to the death with the other party, don't let the other party leave." Chen Feng hurriedly notified others.

The Eight Desolations Emperor gradually concentrated his strength on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was constantly injured, but Chen Feng did not retreat at all, and the Spear of Destiny in his hand was also stabbing madly. This is a lose-lose style of play.

The Second Emperor and the others naturally would not let Chen Feng bear so much pressure, and they blocked the four directions while they attacked.

Because they heard the meaning of what Chen Feng said just now, until the next thing might change.

The True Yuan Emperor finally attacked, even if the Eight Desolate Emperor felt the danger, he could not dodge it.

Because the True Yuan Emperor, who had merged with the broken body, was stronger than the Eight Desolate Emperor, the Eight Desolate Emperor, who did not change his face in the face of the siege by everyone, finally got a little scared.

He was hit hard right at the beginning.

Chen Feng could see that even if there were no people surrounding him, the Eight Desolate Emperor would not stop the True Yuan Earth from attacking.

The appearance of the True Yuan Emperor made the practitioners present go from shock to fear.

I thought the Eight Desolate Emperor was already very powerful, but I didn't expect there was a stronger existence. However, some people remembered the origin of the True Yuan Emperor, but they didn't expect why the True Yuan Emperor would attack? Could it be related to Chen Feng and the others?

This was soon proven. The severely injured Emperor Bahuang tried desperately to escape, but faced with the siege of the crowd and the obstruction of Emperor Zhenyuan, it seemed that he could not escape.

Chen Feng was a little excited. This should be the most powerful existence who died in front of him.

If the True Yuan Emperor had not appeared, the Eight Desolate Emperor would have chosen to leave even if he was injured under the siege of the crowd, but now Chen Feng believed in the True Yuan Emperor even more.

Killing such a powerful existence, it would be enough for him to share a little bit of the benefits.

However, things often change unexpectedly. Just when the Eight Desolate Emperor was about to be killed, who knew that a scorching sun rose up and collided with the True Yuan Emperor.

Although the scorching sun was broken by the True Yuan Emperor, a loophole appeared in the encirclement. The severely injured Eight Desolate Emperor took the opportunity to escape and distanced himself from the crowd under the cover of chaotic energy.

As long as the Eight Desolate Emperor was allowed to take a breath, the opponent's serious injuries could be quickly recovered.

"The one who attacked was a master of the Yang Realm." Chen Feng could see some clues from the breath of the scorching sun.

I didn't expect the masters of Yang Realm to intervene, and they were not afraid of offending the True Yuan Great Emperor. But then again, since the other party dared to intervene, then they must have a certain degree of confidence. From the scorching sun just now, it can be seen that the person is stronger than the Nine Suns Great Emperor and his men.

"More and more powerful masters are beginning to appear, and there are not many good things left for us. It's really a pity!" Chen Feng thought so.

The True Yuan Great Emperor was a little angry that he did not solve the Eight Desolate Great Emperor. He directly locked the attacker and arrived in front of the other party the next moment.

Here, the True Yuan Great Emperor is the strongest. Whether the others join forces or not, it is probably useless.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng followed him. The others did not have the courage of Chen Feng. Although they had joined forces to fight the enemy before, if such a powerful existence as the True Yuan Great Emperor really turned his face and attacked, no one could resist.

However, after Chen Feng left, Emperor Tianyun decided to take a closer look, and it was obvious that Chen Feng had some relationship with the True Yuan Great Emperor.

Before Chen Feng arrived, he saw that the Zhenyuan Emperor had already made a move. Compared with the might of the Eight Desolations Emperor before, the Zhenyuan Emperor was even more violent at this time.

Chen Feng knew that this was because the Zhenyuan Emperor had been suppressed and sealed for too long, and he was frustrated.

"Does anyone know who that person is?" Chen Feng was concerned about the cultivator who was like a blazing sun. Although he knew that the other party came from the Yang Realm, he didn't know the specific situation of the other party.

The other party's strength was stronger than that of the Nine Suns Emperor, but he was still not the opponent of the Zhenyuan Emperor. However, with the Eight Desolations Emperor, it was different. The combat power of the Eight Desolations Emperor, who had recovered, was naturally not affected. The two of them joined forces to block the attack of the Zhenyuan Emperor.

"It's a pity that the Zhenyuan Emperor has not recovered yet, otherwise, even these two would not be able to resist." Chen Feng shook his head, swept his eyes, and saw the Nine Suns Emperor and others again.

The other party was also eager to try in the distance, but did not dare to participate. Similarly, the Nine Suns Emperor and others also saw Chen Feng.

As a result, a stalemate formed between the two sides.

It's not that we can't intervene. Several emperors joining forces are also a very strong force. If we really participate, it can also play a role.

But it's not time for a melee yet.

"Daoyou has a relationship with the other party. Should we take action?" Taishi Emperor chased up and asked Chen Feng secretly.

Taishi Emperor and Jiuling Emperor didn't know that Chen Feng knew such a powerful existence, and it seemed that the relationship between the two sides was not ordinary. At this time, they were still in a state of shock.

Although they were very envious, the two of them also put the overall situation first. Besides, everyone was originally a companion with Chen Feng. Chen Feng had a relationship with such a powerful existence, which was also a good thing for them.

"I would like to take action, but you see this level of fighting, it's unrealistic for us to rush forward rashly, and once we take action, Jiuyang Emperor and others will not be idle, so let's look for opportunities." Chen Feng shook his head.

The appearance of these masters in succession also proved that things had changed a lot and were completely out of control.

Chen Feng even felt a little lucky. If these masters came in early, it might not be his turn to take over the mountain range.

"It's because of us, the Great Emperor Zhen Yuan, that we're involved. It's not appropriate for us to just watch the fun here." The Second Emperor said.

Chen Feng nodded: "That's true. If that's the case, then let's do it."

Chen Feng also understood that he really couldn't just watch the fun here, otherwise it might make the Great Emperor Zhen Yuan unhappy.

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