Eternal Existence

Chapter 5455 Accident

In comparison, Chen Feng can only strip these special energies with the premise that he has mastered the power beyond the origin in the past.

Compressing them into energy balls is the slowest way.

If one person can still say it is a coincidence, but multiple practitioners can strip the energy here, which makes Chen Feng know that he may not stay in this area for too long.

When he thought that it would be divided up by everyone, Chen Feng became a little anxious.

But it is useless to be anxious, and you can't collect these special energies quickly.

As long as there is a way to collect the energy here, the practitioners basically don't want to fight with others, but just want to get more benefits quickly.

"I wonder if there are other things besides these energies?" Chen Feng had a special idea.

After all, a piece of matter was discovered before. If some other resources can be found, such as laws and the like, then maybe we can go and rob them.

But so far, nothing else has been found, and Chen Feng can only helplessly find a way to strip the powerful energy here.

In fact, Chen Feng's speed is not slow, even faster than many people.

After all, in addition to mastering the power imprint and special energy, Chen Feng also collected two kinds of energy beyond the origin. In this way, Chen Feng was equivalent to taking a big advantage. Wherever he passed, energy with similar attributes was pulled out by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng would only stop when he was strong and saturated with energy.

You said that although Chen Feng could also collect some energy of other attributes, the speed was not fast. When he saw so many people plundering constantly, Chen Feng became a little anxious.

"What a pity! The situation can only be like this." Chen Feng sighed and put away a compressed energy ball.

Chen Feng was still ready to fight at any time. These energy balls can play a big role, especially when used in this area, not only can the power of the energy ball itself burst out, but also some chain reactions can be caused.

It's just that Chen Feng has been preparing, but no trouble has appeared. Even if someone envied Chen Feng's means of plundering energy, they didn't come forward to cause trouble, which made Chen Feng a little disappointed.

"This area is also the most heaven-defying place I have seen in all these years of cultivation. I am afraid that there will be no such harvest in the future. But has Guixu never found a way to deal with this area? If these powers can be absorbed, it is conceivable that Guixu will become stronger. Once these energies can be used as a killer, won't we outsiders all end up being slaughtered?" Someone suddenly said this.

But some people refuted: "How can it be so easy? We have all felt the power of this area. Even Guixu is difficult to deal with, otherwise it would not have stayed until now. However, this time Guixu only sent some practitioners, which is a bit surprising. Logically speaking, since the situation here has been opened, it must have triggered its own power."

"So you have to be careful, you must attack us, especially whether you will snatch the resources here from us?"

Just as these practitioners were communicating, the power of Guixu finally invaded on a large scale.

The mighty power rushing into this area quickly disappeared.

Although the power that must be mobilized looks very strong, it is still far behind the energy here. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

However, the power of Guixu is too strong. Even if the power rushing in is dispersed, the power behind is still rushing in continuously and becoming stronger and stronger.

And in this process, Guixu is also eroding the powerful energy of this area bit by bit. Although the silkworm process is very slow, it also proves that Guixu can digest this energy.

The most important thing is to prove that Guixu is now entering on a large scale, and it is really using its own means.

The previous practitioners are just part of the power mobilized by Guixu, but even so, it is the strongest force among all adventurers.

"I wonder if Guixu itself will participate?" After knowing that the power of Guixu is surging, Chen Feng became curious and began to pay attention to the movement over there.

When Chen Feng felt that the energy here was accelerating and merging into the energy of Guixu, he realized that this should be Guixu's action in secret.

If Guixu uses strong means at the beginning, it will easily attract everyone's joint attack, but now it is eroding little by little. When everyone finds out, I am afraid it will be too late to stop it.

Chen Feng did not choose to tell others about this. It was not that Chen Feng was afraid of Guixu, but Chen Feng thought that even if he told others, it would not change the status quo.

Everyone would not stop to fight against Guixu. Instead of fighting with Guixu, it is better to save strength and collect more energy here.

"It's a pity that I can only go this fast." Chen Feng looked at the energy ball in his hand. It contained more than a dozen energies of different attributes. It had been compressed to the extreme by Chen Feng. If it continued, it would explode and might cause serious injuries.

This was due to Chen Feng's own strength. If it was stronger, then this energy ball could accommodate more energy.

So if Chen Feng's strength was strong enough, he could compress all the melee energy here into an energy ball.

"I wonder if anyone can do this, or is the chaotic energy here itself caused by the explosion of an energy ball?" Chen Feng was shocked by his own thoughts. If this is the case, how powerful will the opponent be? , maybe even stronger than True Source Earth and them.

Thinking of the True Yuan Emperor, Chen Feng frowned again: "There is so much movement here, wouldn't the True Yuan Emperor and the others be moved?"

Chen Feng didn't believe that Emperor Zhenyuan and the others were not interested in such a treasure, so either they had something to do and couldn't come, or they were entangled by Guixu.

"It would be more interesting if these masters come. I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties." After all, Chen Feng is very aware of the power of a being like the True Yuan Emperor.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to further verify his guess, he finally received news from the Gate of Origin.

"I knew that such a big movement would attract a lot of people. The Gate of Origin knew about this area before, but it never told me. If it weren't for Emperor Taishi and the others, I probably wouldn't know it until now. But now that I have entered this area, the Gate of Origin must also rely on my power." Chen Feng had to think this way.

Chen Feng thinks that his guess is correct, but Chen Feng will naturally choose to understand this kind of thing. Who doesn't have his own thoughts yet? If he discovers such a good place, he doesn't want to tell others.

After all, I came here because of the Gate of Origin, and I have received such great benefits. Naturally, I still have to thank the Gate of Origin.

Even without these reasons, the cooperation between himself and the Gate of Origin will continue.

The current situation is chaotic. Facing so many powerful masters and the invasion of Guixu, Chen Feng naturally needs the help of the power of the Gate of Origin to open a hole and further expand the results.

It's a pity that the power transmitted from the Gate of Origin is not too strong, or it is not enough to deal with the powerful practitioners here.

But if you use it well, you can assassinate people like before, provided that Chen Feng needs to cooperate.

"It's like this again." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. Although he had succeeded many times before, it was different now. There were too many masters here this time, and it was not so easy to plot against others.

But now that the power of the Gate of Origin has been transmitted, I think the other party already knows the situation here, so he should have some confidence and means.

Besides, this time he also had some helpers on his side. Chen Feng looked at Emperor Taishi and Emperor Jiuling, and sure enough, they nodded to Chen Feng, indicating that they had also received the message from the Gate of Origin.

So this is a good thing, as long as we can find the lone emperor, we can succeed.

But then again, if there is a lone emperor, these people can completely solve it, and there is no need for the Gate of Origin.

This thought flashed through, and suddenly there was some abnormality in the energy in front of them. The next moment, a practitioner appeared in front of everyone.

It can be seen from the confused look on the other side that the other side doesn't know why he is here.

But Chen Feng had a thought, and then saw that Emperor Taishi and Emperor Jiuling had already taken action.

Chen Feng sighed, the Gate of Origin really has some tricks!

So Chen Feng also took action, and the three of them worked together to severely injure this emperor-level practitioner.

Then the river of time appeared and sucked the other person into it, the waves rolled, and a great emperor just disappeared.

This scene shocked everyone else present. When Emperor Tianyun wanted to ask something, another practitioner suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This time Chen Feng was prepared, and the second generation also took action. The moved practitioner was immediately torn into pieces. The power of the river of time appeared again. Don't sweep the opponent away.

The matter is over for now.

Including actually getting rid of two great emperors in a short period of time, no matter who it was, it was a bit incredible.

"There are masters behind these fellow Taoists." Emperor Tianyun finally spoke. At the same time, some people were wary and looked at Chen Feng and others.

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry, we have no malicious intentions, and this method cannot be used often." Chen Feng said.

"This is a good thing. With two fewer competitors, we can share more energy." Emperor Taishi said.

Emperor Tianyun is still a little hesitant. The scene just now was a bit too scary. Who knows if an accident will happen if the two sides continue to join forces.

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