Eternal Existence

Chapter 5447 Recovery

This is the case when Chen Feng and the Second World had stripped away some of the evil power before, otherwise the pressure would be even greater.

Two more emperors rushed directly to the meat mountain. There were bursts of explosions, and Chen Feng saw that several chains that bound the meat mountain were dancing and whipping these emperors.

In the long years, the True Yuan Emperor could activate some of the curse power, so naturally he could also unlock some chains.

The chains that can bind the meat mountain are not ordinary goods. I am afraid that even some origin-level magic weapons will find it difficult to do this.

One person was tied up by the chain without paying attention. I, who was at the level of the emperor, couldn't struggle free. Then another chain also whipped over. Just once, the emperor's body cracked.

Another time, the emperor collapsed directly, but he also took the opportunity to open the restraints and reshape his body not far away. There was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"What a pity!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng secretly felt sorry. It was just a little bit, and an emperor would be killed.

"It's still bound. If all these chains can be cut off, it should be free again." Chen Feng felt that he had miscalculated at the beginning. He shouldn't have collected the evil power right away. These chains are also excellent things. Each one is no less than the origin-level weapon. If one or two can be obtained, it will be a good harvest.

In addition to the swinging of the chains, there is also the continuous rolling of evil power. Although this is the existence of suppressing the meat mountain, it also poses a great threat to these emperors when it is exerted at this time.

"It should be fine." Chen Feng felt that the situation was still controllable, but as soon as this thought came up, the opponent in front of him actually retreated and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The opponent of the second life was the same. Chen Feng hurriedly looked over and saw that the emperors who besieged the meat mountain had also left one after another.

"This is over." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"No, my body was attacked." The flesh roared, and a stream of power emanated, traveling through time and space to bless the original body.

"I see, but compared to that, the original body of the True Yuan Emperor should be more difficult to deal with. The best way is to mobilize all the strength to deal with the other bodies first." Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he still decided to help the True Yuan Emperor.

But just when Chen Feng and the Second World wanted to leave, they were stopped by the Meat Mountain again.

"My original body can handle it. Now is a good opportunity. Come and help me get out of trouble." The Meat Mountain said, and powerful power gushed out from the flesh and blood, and the chains tied on it were all rattling.

"Let me try!"

Chen Feng held the Spear of Destiny and stabbed it hard on a chain. A powerful force burst out from the chain and actually blocked Chen Feng's Spear of Destiny.

"It's not that simple." Chen Feng nodded, but he was not disappointed. If it was easy to break, then the Meat Mountain in front of him would not be trapped here.

"The material of these chains is very hard. In addition, it also contains the special will of Guixu, plus some changes in strength. It seems that attacking this is actually fighting against all the chains. It took me a long time to break a few of them, and I have to suppress them all the time, otherwise, the broken chains will heal again." Roushan said.

Before, it was only Roushan who took action. Now there are Chen Feng and Ershi. Both of them have the origin-level killing weapons in their hands. There is still hope for the three of them to cooperate.

Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny and stabbed in one direction again and again. Chen Feng believed that this should be the hardest thing he had ever encountered.

Hard work pays off. This chain was still pierced, but the Spear of Destiny in his hand was also slightly damaged, which made Chen Feng feel a little distressed.

So he put away the Spear of Destiny and changed to the Sword of Cangsu. Finally, a chain fell into his hands.

This is a good thing. Chen Feng quickly put it away. Although the weapon was a little broken, this chain was enough to compensate.

Next, the chains were also cut off and fell into the hands of the Second World.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a strong chain. It was really unexpected, or something I didn't dare to think about before." The Second World said with a smile.

Although it paid some price, the harvest this time was also great.

Then the meat mountain opened a chain by itself, and the pervasive evil power was dispelled, replaced by a thick blood light.

Chen Feng's blood avenue was all ready to move, and he wanted to extract the power in front of him and strengthen himself.

However, Chen Feng still endured it. After all, this was the body of the True Yuan Emperor, and he didn't dare to do this.

As the chains were cut off one by one, the reluctant flesh began to expand continuously. It can be seen that the other party was a little anxious. The chain was tightly penetrated into the flesh and blood, regardless of it.

"Speed ​​up." Chen Feng and the Second World attacked frantically, and the two were also a little anxious.

It was not because of the True Yuan Emperor that they were anxious, but once the other party broke free from the restraints, then the two of them would not be able to get any benefits.

Fortunately, the two of them each collected a chain.

The meat mountain in front of him finally got out of trouble, and the powerful force directly shattered the surrounding space.

The next moment, the meat mountain disappeared.

The two knew that the other party had gone to join the battle, but it had been a while, and they didn't know how the fight on the side of the Zhenyuan Emperor was going?

"I think we should not go to join the battle. It's better to continue to go to other areas and help the other party get rid of the flesh body. Maybe we can get some other benefits." The second said.

"Yes, this is a good idea." Chen Feng naturally agreed.

After leaving this area, it didn't take the two of them long. In fact, it was easy to find.

The powerful power fluctuation informed the direction of the two people.

"That said, there is a possibility that we will still participate in the fight."

Chen Feng and Er Er looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, but still went over.

When I got there, I realized I had made a mistake.

There is no body of the True Yuan Emperor here. Although the existence here is also very powerful, the two of them are definitely not related to the True Yuan Emperor.

"Zhenyuan Dojo, it seems that this is also a master who practiced here before. Although he is not as good as the Zhenyuan Emperor, his strength is also impressive." Chen Feng said.

This is a skeletal being with almost no flesh and blood on his body, but he is very powerful. He holds a bone spear and fights against several emperors.

"Let me just say, how can Emperor Zhenyuan alone resist Gui Xu for so long? There is indeed a powerful presence here, but if this is the case, do we still need to go on stage to help?" Chen Feng and the Second Emperor were a little hesitant.

Because he was not sure whether the other party wanted help from the two of them. Seeing that the other party was so powerful, he might kill them both easily.

After thinking about it, the two immediately chose to leave.

When the two wanted to continue exploring other areas, they were finally blocked.

The four great emperors in front of him were all acquaintances. Except for True Lord Nine Spirits and Lord Good and Evil Dao, the other two great emperors had also been met before.

Speaking of which, everyone is still a companion.

"It's not interesting for two Taoists to do this." One of the great emperors said.

Chen Feng and Er Er sneered: "We have nothing to do with each other. Meeting here can only be regarded as a chance encounter. No one will be responsible for others. What's more, each of you has your own thoughts, so you don't You are qualified to speak to us with this attitude.”

"It seems that the two fellow Taoists are determined to have their own way."

"I'm a little curious. The Zhenyuan Dojo is in chaos right now, and you guys together can be considered a considerable force. At this moment, we should join forces to take advantage of the chaos, but we are blocked here. I still think that Are we two easy to deal with?"

Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny in his hand, and strands of cursed power emitted. Under Chen Feng's control, these cursed powers seemed to have life and kept moving around, and soon formed a silk thread. The net was about to cover the four people in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Jiuling Zhenjun and others also changed their expressions. Of course they knew how terrifying this power was, but they didn't expect that Chen Feng had also mastered it. In this case, the fight between the two sides would be a bit bad.

Even if we can deal with the two people in front of us, we will have killed a thousand enemies and injured ourselves eight hundred times, and others may take advantage of them.

And seeing that the two of them are so confident, they might have some hidden tricks. Otherwise, why would they be able to cooperate with Emperor Zhenyuan?

Thinking of this, Zhenjun Jiuling changed his previous thoughts and said with a smile: "You two fellow Taoists don't need to think too much, maybe there is something we need to cooperate with."

"Cooperation?" Chen Feng glanced at the other party and couldn't help but smile.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. Instead of dealing with Emperor Zhenyuan, it's better to deal with other adventurers. Don't you think the two of us have gained some benefits?"

When Chen Feng said this, Lord Jiuling really hesitated, but quickly shook his head.

"Fellow Taoist, you still need to think carefully. The Guixu side has made up its mind this time. They will definitely find a way to surround and kill the Zhenyuan Emperor. The Zhenyuan Dojo will definitely collapse this time." Jiulingjun said.

In the end, there was still no fight between the two parties. Watching Chen Feng and the others leave, the complex look in Jiulong Zhenjun's eyes gradually disappeared.

"Why didn't you take action just now? So what if the other party has mastered some curse power?" One of the emperors asked.

"I really want to take action, but I feel the danger." Lord Jiuling said calmly.

"You mean the other party is hiding something." The emperor asked.

"Even if the opponent hides some strength, as long as we attack with all our strength, we are still sure to defeat the opponent, but it will be more difficult to kill the opponent, and I feel like we are being targeted." Jiuling Zhenjun had just finished speaking. , they saw a huge mountain of meat suddenly descending, knocking four people directly and rolling them away.

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