Eternal Existence

Chapter 5446: Meat Mountain

"You have great potential, and you haven't practiced for a long time, so don't be so anxious to enter the next level." Zhenyuan Emperor said so.

Chen Feng nodded naturally, because he had always done this.

Chen Feng thought that this was the benefit given to him by Zhenyuan Emperor, but who knew that Zhenyuan Emperor took out three more treasures.

All of them were the Origin God Mountain, and Chen Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

"These are some small things I refined in the past. They are not very useful to me, but I think you like them very much." Zhenyuan Emperor directly gave these three Origin God Mountains to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that there were no marks or restrictions in them after a little investigation. As long as he left the marks, he could completely master these three treasures.

If there were benefits, Chen Feng would certainly not push them away, and of course he took them with a smile.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, I am in a good state now, and I can help you remove some more curse power." Chen Feng got so many benefits, of course he wanted to contribute, otherwise, he would feel guilty if he took them.

As a result, the Emperor Zhenyuan shook his head: "The power of the curse does need to be refined, but now I need you to help me strip away other powers."

Because of the previous communication, Chen Feng naturally understood what the Emperor Zhenyuan said, and he was also very curious, so he nodded and agreed.

Then the Emperor Zhenyuan pointed his finger, and a passage extended out, and Chen Feng led the Second World into the passage.

Soon they came to a special area. As soon as they came in, Chen Feng felt the breath of the Emperor Zhenyuan and the constant fluctuations of the Emperor Zhenyuan, and knew that there was also a part of the body of the Emperor Zhenyuan here.

"Daoyou has gained a lot, which is really enviable." The Second World said.

"It's really lucky, but I also took a big risk. It's very easy for such a powerful existence to kill me." Chen Feng said.

"That's right. If it were me in the previous situation, I'm afraid I wouldn't agree to cooperate with the other party. Besides, I can't do anything about the curse power." The Second World said with some regret.

"Look here, maybe there is a power suitable for you." Chen Feng walked forward, and there was no obstruction at all. He soon came to the front of the Zhenyuan Emperor.

Unlike the previous Zhenyuan Emperor who could move, there was a giant meat mountain in front of him, covered with chains, and the thick black gas emitted wrapped this giant meat mountain tightly.

"Daoyou, you are here, help me peel off these evil powers quickly." The meat mountain in front of him said.

"Evil power." Chen Feng felt a trembling soul at a glance.

The power in front of him was too evil, even stronger than the evil swamp.

This was a power of the same level as the previous curse power, and it was equally difficult to deal with. Moreover, this evil power was very chaotic. Chen Feng carefully observed and distinguished various evil and sinister powers such as decay, decline, end, destruction, evil, and darkness, and even curse power mixed in it. It was simply an enhanced version of the source of all evil.

Chen Feng was a little excited. This was an excellent source of power for him. The most important thing was that it was of extremely high quality. But with such a high quality, could he still strip off the curse power as easily as he did?

"What an evil power. Just by looking at it, I felt that my soul was about to be polluted. I dare not touch this kind of power at all. This is a method that only Guixu has, so I am a little curious now. In this case, why doesn't Guixu use this method to deal with outsiders like us?" The Second World couldn't help but say.

"That's because you are not qualified, and these powers are not available to Guixu at will. In order to suppress me, Guixu spent a long time to extract these powers. It's simply a waste of talent to deal with adventurers like you." The giant meat mountain in front of him said so.

Chen Feng nodded. It sounded true. Chen Feng didn't care about the attitude of the True Yuan Emperor, but began to study these evil powers carefully.

Chen Feng first tried to extract some, and was surprised to find that although the quality of these powers was not inferior to the curse power, it should be easier for him to strip off.

After Chen Feng extracted the strands of evil power, they were directly sent into the avenue of the same attribute.

The avenue was immediately polluted, but soon this pollution was assimilated by Chen Feng, which means that Chen Feng could refine these powers.

It just depends on how fast it is.

"Daoyou, there are good things here. Even if you don't need them, you can practice some magic weapons, such as practicing some divine thunder. I think it will be effective to use it against the enemy in the future." Chen Feng said to the second generation.

The second generation nodded, thinking that what Chen Feng said made sense. Besides, since he came here, he certainly couldn't leave empty-handed. He would stay here for a while depending on the situation.

Compared with the previous random wandering in the Zhenyuan Daochang, the current situation is really better.

So the second generation also began to try to collect this kind of power.

Because of the cooperation and suppression of the Zhenyuan Emperor, it was relatively easy for Chen Feng and the second generation to search for this kind of power.

Especially since Chen Feng had the help of the Origin Furnace, plus his previous experience of sorting out the avenues which had increased his own strength, and he also had the origin for storing resources, Chen Feng almost never stopped once he started.

Although it was only a trace of collection, it continued without stopping, and the quantity was still considerable.

Especially after Chen Feng integrated some of his power into the origin of the corrosive energy, the speed of this stripping was even faster.

Moreover, the True Yuan Emperor was constantly purifying his power, and after giving it to Chen Feng, he could refine and absorb it better, and even the special power that surpassed the origin was supplemented.

Just when this process was going well, trouble came.

At first, Chen Feng thought that it was an adventurer who had mistakenly entered this place, but after seeing that the other party came here with a fierce and prepared momentum, he knew that Guixu must have seen through the situation here and began to arrange people to deal with the True Yuan Emperor, probably including himself and the Second World.

Because Chen Feng felt the lock in the dark after the other party appeared.

"We are opponents of Guixu, so it doesn't matter, but I don't know if the people who come this time are enough?" Chen Feng shook his head and felt a little regretful.

The arrival of the other party disrupted his actions. To be honest, this is a feud between the two sides.

"Do you have the confidence to resolve the crisis?" Chen Feng asked the Zhenyuan Emperor. After all, the opponent was the main force, and he had extracted some of the opponent's restraints during this period, so he thought that the Zhenyuan Emperor could burst out with stronger combat power.

But the Zhenyuan Emperor was more cautious this time: "Since Guixu has taken action, I think he is well prepared. You two should be careful. If something goes wrong, I can arrange for you to hide in some areas. Of course, if you can get rid of the opponent, it will be a small gain."

"Three emperors, aren't you here to die?"

"There must be other forces, but I don't know if other places have been attacked."

The three emperors came with great momentum. They did not attack the meat mountain at the beginning, but directly locked Chen Feng and the second generation.

During this period of practice, the two can be said to have gained a lot, and they just wanted to find an opponent to learn from.

Now that the opponent has come, it couldn't be better.

Chen Feng didn't even use his weapons, but just pushed the power of the avenue, and resolved the opponent's attack with one punch after another.

"Have I become so strong now?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. After all, the one who came was a real emperor. Although he might not be the opponent's opponent, Chen Feng felt that it would be difficult for the opponent to do anything to him.

The reason why Chen Feng used the power of the avenue was that he had his own ideas. On the one hand, he wanted to test his own strength, and on the other hand, he was worried that the Zhenyuan Emperor would do something. Now he used various avenues to fight in order to crush the possible hidden dangers.

Not long after Chen Feng and his opponent fought, the meat mountain began to shake violently.

Finally, other emperors appeared, just like the situation with the Kong Zhenyuan Emperor before, but this time they were all unfamiliar emperors, and the Jiuling Zhenjun and others did not appear. Chen Feng wondered if they were hiding in the dark.

"Be careful! Let's not be ambushed." The Second World said to Chen Feng.

The Second World was also fighting fiercely with his opponents. The two opponents seemed to have received orders and launched a strong attack on Chen Feng and the others, looking murderous.

"Why bother, fellow Taoist? It's very dangerous to participate in such a fight. It's not easy to cultivate to such a level. It's better to stay away and find a place to practice. Isn't it a good thing?" Chen Feng said.

"Haha, that's exactly what I want to say to you." The opponent sneered.

In fact, from the opponent's point of view, Chen Feng and the other two are ignorant of life and death. After all, the opponent they are facing is Guixu.

Both sides know that what they said is nonsense. In the end, it's the strength that matters.

The role played by Chen Feng and the Second World is to delay the two emperors, which is also a great role for the meat mountain.

However, Chen Feng can see that the meat mountain is worried. This kind of emotion should not exist. The previous Zhenyuan Emperor was not afraid of so many opponents. This time, is it because he knows that there are many opponents coming?

Soon Chen Feng knew what was going on, because this meat mountain was bound, not like the previous Zhenyuan Emperor holding a weapon and moving around.

Because it was bound, it became a target of attack, and its combat effectiveness was seriously affected.

Then the meat mountain can't handle the same number of opponents.

This is the case when Chen Feng and the Second World had already stripped away some of the evil power, otherwise the pressure would be even greater.

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