Eternal Existence

Chapter 5441: Different from what I imagined

"I've been waiting outside for some time. I'm anxious and have to come in to take a look." The Second World said so, and then told Chen Feng what he had seen and heard before.

"The Great Emperor can still take risks. Although these Hunyuan Above are strong, they are here to die." Chen Feng looked at those Hunyuan Above who joined forces to form a battle formation. It was extremely stable and kept rushing forward.

Those who dared to participate in this situation were naturally not simple people. The fighting power of many Hunyuan Aboves has exceeded that of the Great Emperor.

But it's useless. Even if the Great Emperor came, he would die. In this situation, it's not that more people can play a role. Maybe they will replenish the opponent's energy.

"What should I do?" Although the Second World has restored the strength of the Great Emperor, he is still scared. This kind of opponent may die on the spot if he is not careful.

"Ahem, I am also a little hesitant." Chen Feng said helplessly.

"Where is Jiuling Zhenjun?" asked the Good and Evil Daojun.

"Jiuling Daoyou is not simple. The strength he just burst out is beyond reach. Now he is heading straight for the opponent's lair." Chen Feng stretched out his finger and pointed.


The Good and Evil Daoist was a little surprised, but after a little contemplation, he actually rushed into the chaos.

"Be careful!"

Chen Feng and the Second World suddenly disappeared from the spot, making the silent True Yuan Light fall.

"What a strong attack." The Second World couldn't help but say.

"It's a bit weird!" Chen Feng said.

"What's weird?" The Second World was a little curious.

"The opponent's attack is a bit monotonous. They don't think that they can kill all invaders with this method alone." Chen Feng said.

"It's a bit monotonous, but this attack is really strong. Look at those practitioners who blocked it." The Second World said.

It turned out that the battle formations jointly arranged by those Hunyuan above had been penetrated by the True Yuan Light. These people tried their best to use all their means to resist it. If it weren't for a few origin-level treasures for self-defense, these Hunyuan above might have been torn into pieces, and even now they can't hold on for long.

"Daoyou, save me." One of them asked Chen Feng for help.

Chen Feng didn't want to care at first, but he changed his mind and took action. He only saw the wings of the divine movement behind Chen Feng flashing, and the cultivator who asked for help appeared in Chen Feng's hands.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"Tell me, how did you get here."

The other party was still hesitating, Chen Feng waved his hand, and a beam of light flew out, defeating the oncoming Zhenyuan light.

Seeing Chen Feng's means, the cultivator did not dare to hide it anymore, and said: "We also heard about the Zhenyuan Daochang by accident. I heard that the Zhenyuan Emperor was not dead and there were countless treasures here, so we thought of taking risks here. Now it seems too risky."

"It's normal. Without the spirit of adventure, you can't practice to this point." Chen Feng nodded, knowing that he couldn't ask anything. Besides, even if he knew the reason why the other party came here, what would it matter? Now he is facing the Zhenyuan Emperor.

Chen Feng had thought about running away immediately before, but now seeing that the other party did not have the ability to kill him instantly, he felt a little relieved.

Especially thinking that Jiuling Zhenjun took the initiative to step forward, there must be a reason.

"If you want to be the jackal, you're afraid that if you go too late, all the good things will be snatched away by others. If you go too early, you'll face the crisis again. Oh, it's so tangled." Chen Feng sighed.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the Second World was suddenly shocked. It turned out that the True Yuan Light was sweeping over again, leaving no dead corners.

"Fight it head-on." Chen Feng had armor transformed from magic weapons on his body, but it was not enough. Not to mention that he didn't want to get hurt, he also had to help the people around him.

So Chen Feng still used the power imprint, and a thick barrier collided with the True Yuan Light.

This time it was blocked again, but Chen Feng had wounds on his body, but they healed quickly.

The Second World and the Hunyuan Above were scared. They didn't expect the opponent's attack to be so strong. If it weren't for Chen Feng, they might have been crushed to pieces.

"Such a powerful attack, even if there is only this one method, it is enough. I'm curious about how the Nine Spirits True Lord got the courage to go straight to the old nest in such a dangerous situation. This is simply suicide." The Second World said.

"The more dangerous it is, the greater the reward." Chen Feng said.

"I'm afraid it's too dangerous, and then my death will be worthless." The Second World shook his head.

In a short time, half of those above the Primordial Chaos died, and the rest all rushed to Chen Feng with all their strength, naturally asking for help.

Chen Feng was also a soft-hearted person, and he still saved these above the Primordial Chaos, which made the Second World a little curious, and he didn't understand why Chen Feng did this, because the current situation was already difficult to protect himself, so how could there be extra strength to help others.

However, the Second World soon knew Chen Feng's thoughts.

"Friends, it's better to leave this place." Chen Feng said this first, but after seeing these people refuse, Chen Feng asked them to follow him and rearrange into a battle formation.

"Even if they serve as the opponent's nourishment, they are still a considerable fighting force when added together, and they can still play a role." Chen Feng said this.

In addition to these practitioners, there are many practitioners who have just arrived here. Under Chen Feng's control, they choose to join in.

In this way, dozens of powerful above the Primordial Chaos gathered together and could even compete with several emperors.

"Since everyone is unwilling to leave, let's unite and continue to move forward. We can't give all the benefits to others." Chen Feng told everyone about the previous situation. When they heard that someone rushed up, they certainly didn't think they had no chance to take risks.

In this way, under the leadership of Chen Feng, the team became stronger and stronger. Later, two emperors of unknown origin joined.

"Is it okay to continue like this?" The second generation was a little worried, fearing that Chen Feng could not control these forces, and these forces would bring trouble to himself in the end.

"It's just a group of cannon fodder. In fact, they also understand that in this situation, they can either withdraw or cooperate with us." Chen Feng said so.

The second generation nodded, knowing that what Chen Feng said made sense, and was afraid that these cannon fodders would boost the opponent's strength.

"Then let's rush up next."


Chen Feng and the second generation rushed to the front, and those who formed a battle formation above the Hunyuan followed closely. No matter how powerful the true light was, everyone joined forces to fight.

Chen Feng and the Second World rushed to the front to deal the main damage. These above-the-primordial masters also showed their best skills, and even had several more weapons of the origin level.

So everyone kept moving forward, but it was still not enough. Chen Feng knew who had made the move, but the other party had not shown up, and Chen Feng could not lock on the other party at all.

In addition, Jiuling Zhenjun and Shane Daojun had rushed up early, so was there no movement?

"Will he not be killed by Zhenyuan Emperor?" Chen Feng had such a thought, but then shook his head. Looking at Jiuling Zhenjun and Shane Daojun, it showed that they would not be so reckless.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the two emperors behind him caught up.

"Two Taoist friends, maybe we need to communicate." One of them said.

In Chen Feng's opinion, these two newly joined emperors are actually quite ordinary at the level of emperors, but they are emperors anyway. The reason why they chose to join in is, on the one hand, to let Chen Feng and the Second Emperor take the lead, and on the other hand, the means shown by Chen Feng are indeed very powerful. Coupled with some other small thoughts, these two emperors are willing to mix with dozens of Hunyuan above.

But now they take the initiative to come out, which is not beyond Chen Feng's expectations. Those who can come here have reasons. Even if they are lured here, they still choose not to leave after seeing the power of the True Yuan Emperor. Isn't this just seeking wealth and honor in danger?

"What do you two want to say." Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Of course it's about the True Yuan Emperor." One of the emperors said.

"I would like to hear the details." Although Chen Feng understood that even if he knew more information, it might not change the situation, but since the other party said it, it would probably have some effect.

"In fact, the True Yuan Emperor is not as powerful as everyone imagines. It can be seen from the methods in front of us. Although it is powerful, it is very monotonous, and this method cannot last for too long."

Hearing the other party say this, Chen Feng suddenly asked: "Have you refined the power of the True Yuan?"

"I have refined some. I know your worries, but the power was still dispersed by us. Unless we can really solve the True Yuan Emperor, refining the power of the True Yuan rashly will only bring trouble to ourselves." The emperor said with a smile.

"It seems that the two Taoist friends know a lot." Chen Feng nodded.

"So we need to cooperate. The True Yuan Dojo seems deserted, but the real situation is not what we know on the surface. In addition to the owner of the True Yuan Emperor, there are several areas that hide enough benefits, although these benefits are not so easy to get." One of the emperors said.

"Such important news, you two told us just like that, it's really shameful. Well, since you two are so sincere, let's join forces, but let's not worry about other places for the time being, or think about how to deal with the True Yuan Emperor." Chen Feng said.

"The True Yuan Emperor is indeed very strong, but it's a pity that he was severely injured in the battle with Guixu and was cursed. If he hadn't relied on the adventurers who came in from time to time to provide strength, he might have really fallen. Don't look at the opponent's True Yuan Light, which is extremely powerful. In fact, it is just a wave of frenzy. When this wave of attack is over, it will be our chance to attack." The emperor said.

"I see, then be prepared to attack." Chen Feng nodded.

Another overwhelming True Yuan Light came, and although several people communicated, they still did not dare to take it lightly, and at the same time burst out powerful means to counter the True Yuan Light.

"Be careful, I think these two know a lot, maybe they have their own calculations, and they may use us as cannon fodder." The Second Emperor secretly sent a message to Chen Feng.

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