Eternal Existence

Chapter 5440: Each has his own plan

Chen Feng actually thought so too. Even if there was danger ahead, the two sides would have to go back and forth, and they would have to explore first.

The other party fell before they saw anything.

Next was death. The powerful true essence light could easily tear apart the body of Hunyuan.

Chen Feng didn't dare to resist even with such a powerful body. In addition to dodging, he used weapons to resist.

The most important thing was that the opponent's attacks were endless. If they continued like this, they would not be able to hold on for too long.

This true essence light firmly locked the two people, and they couldn't even escape if they wanted to.

However, the two could still communicate, but communication could not change the situation.

"It's really a bit unwilling to run away now. Originally, this stop should have been the last one, but these two guys called it. Who knew that they didn't even have the strength to resist. It's really disappointing." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

In fact, it cannot be said that the two practitioners were not strong enough. It can only be said that they were too unlucky. The strongest attack was encountered by the first one, and Chen Feng and the other two followed closely. The attack they encountered had weakened a lot. In addition, the two were prepared, so even so, they were very embarrassed.

Finally, Chen Feng could not dodge and was hit by a beam of light, and his skin and flesh were immediately torn.

But fortunately, it did not penetrate Chen Feng's body.

This also shows that Chen Feng's body is very strong, but the damage caused by this power is not only that, but also drilling into Chen Feng's physical strength, trying to affect all the power in Chen Feng's body. Once Chen Feng can't resist, he will explode.

Chen Feng immediately used means to suppress the power entering his body. Although it was not so easy, Chen Feng could still do it.

The next moment, the injuries on Chen Feng's body also returned to their original state.

But Chen Feng, who followed closely, was shrouded in death interwoven with the light of true essence.

If Chen Feng could not dodge, he would become riddled with holes and might even be cut into pieces.

Before the power descended, waves of light burst out from Chen Feng's body, and each layer of light represented a different power.

Even so, under the descending of the true essence light, it was still shattered quickly. The wings of the god behind Chen Feng were cut to pieces, and the wounds on his body were crisscrossed, which looked terrible.

Fortunately, Chen Feng managed to hold on. The previous defense dissolved part of the attack power, and the remaining power only caused some flesh wounds.

Chen Feng still did the same thing and soon returned to normal.

This scene shocked Jiuling Zhenjun who was not far away. It was not that Chen Feng's defense method was amazing, but that Chen Feng's body was so strong.

Chen Feng suffered such a fierce blow, and Jiuling Zhenjun was not easy. Unlike Chen Feng, Jiuling Zhenjun used a defensive magic weapon, and it was still at the origin level. Even the extremely powerful defensive treasure had countless cracks.

Seeing that this defensive treasure was about to collapse, Jiuling Zhenjun quickly put it away and took out another defensive-level treasure, which was still at the origin level.

"Retreat, leave here quickly." Jiuling Zhenjun shouted.

"Haha, there are attacks from behind, we have become live targets, it's not that easy to leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Under such circumstances, Daoist friend can still laugh, do you have any tricks?" Jiuling Zhenjun asked curiously.

"I don't have any tricks, I just don't believe that the opponent's attack can continue." Chen Feng said.

The next moment, Chen Feng was once again covered by the silk net formed by the true light, but this time Chen Feng did not resist it, only to see the tattered divine wings suddenly burning with flames, and the next moment Chen Feng seemed to disappear from this world, making the silk net fall.

Chen Feng appeared in another direction, and the tattered divine wings had been restored in the flames.

"Huh, I didn't expect that my divine movement technique would break through under such circumstances, not bad." Chen Feng laughed, and then he no longer resisted the attack, but could get rid of the opponent's lock with a thought. It seemed that Chen Feng did not move in the same place, but in fact he had changed countless positions in an instant.

In this situation, even if the opponent launched a net-like attack, Chen Feng would not be able to do anything to him.

Is it that simple? This time, the opponent is the True Yuan Emperor, who is at the same level as the Real and Real Emperor.

When conventional attacks could not do anything to Chen Feng, the True Yuan Light suddenly increased, and gathered together, overwhelming Chen Feng.

In this situation, it was impossible to dodge, but Chen Feng's divine movement technique broke through, and he was in a wonderful state, feeling that he could dodge.

Who knew that in the process of changing positions, Chen Feng was locked by a will, and Chen Feng's actions were affected while he was relaxed and happy. The next moment, Chen Feng was enveloped by the True Yuan Light.

Seeing this scene, Jiu Ling Zhenjun's face changed, and then a bunch of streams of light were released from his body. There were a total of nine streams of light of different colors, which were the origins cultivated by Jiu Ling Zhenjun. I saw that these nine streams of light intertwined together and immediately formed a field. As the field expanded, it actually pushed the True Yuan Light out.

This is not a simple defense, but a counterattack. In other words, after Jiuling Zhenjun used this method, his combat power doubled again, which is simply incredible.

Jiuling Zhenjun did not rescue Chen Feng, nor did he escape from this place, but continued to move forward.

In such a situation, Jiuling Zhenjun still dared to move forward, which must not be seeking death, but had a certain confidence.

This is what Chen Feng thought.

Chen Feng's whole body was burning with flames, and he walked out of the light of true energy that could destroy everything. He looked calm and didn't care about his injuries at all.

Of course Chen Feng was injured in the situation just now. The reason why he was able to rush out was to learn from the methods of Jiuling Zhenjun. Chen Feng himself was physically strong, and then used the original level treasure to turn into a thick layer of armor. That's why Chen Feng can block it.

Of course Chen Feng saw the actions of True Lord Jiuling, and he was also curious in his heart. How could True Lord Nine Spirits have the confidence to commit suicide in such a situation.

Just when Chen Feng hesitated, a group of practitioners rushed in, including the second generation and the Taoist Lord of Good and Evil.

"Why are you here?" Chen Feng asked curiously. He had agreed before that he would need to inform them before he could come in. He was thinking about the danger here and whether he should retreat.

"I have been waiting outside for some time, and I was anxious, so I had to come in and take a look." The second said, and then told Chen Feng what he had seen and heard before.

"The Great Emperor can still come to take risks. Although these Hunyuan Superiors are quite powerful, they are willing to die here." Chen Feng looked at the Hunyuan Superiors who had jointly arranged a battle formation. It was extremely stable and kept rushing forward. .

Naturally, those who dare to participate in this situation are not simple people. The combat power of multiple Hunyuan masters has surpassed the emperor.

But it's useless. Even if the emperor comes, he will die. In this case, it doesn't mean that more people will have an effect. Maybe it will replenish the opponent's energy.

"What should I do?" Although the Second Emperor had regained the strength of the Great Emperor, he was still worried. Such an opponent could be killed on the spot if he was not careful.

"Ahem, I'm a little hesitant too." Chen Feng said helplessly.

"Where is True Lord Jiuling?" Lord Good and Evil asked.

"Fellow Daoist Jiuling is not simple. The strength he just burst out is unmatched, and now he is heading straight to the opponent's lair." Chen Feng pointed with his finger.


The Taoist Lord of Good and Evil was a little surprised, but after some contemplation he rushed into the chaos.


Chen Feng and his second son suddenly disappeared from the spot, causing the light of true energy that came silently to fail.

"What a powerful attack." The second generation couldn't help but say.

"It's a little weird!" Chen Feng said.

"What's weird?" The second generation was a little curious.

"The opponent's attack is a bit monotonous. I don't think that this method alone can kill all the intruders." Chen Feng said.

"It is indeed a bit monotonous, but this attack is indeed very strong. Look at the practitioners who blocked it." said the second generation.

It turns out that the battle formations jointly arranged by those above Hunyuan have been penetrated by the light of true essence. These people tried their best to use all means to resist it. If it were not for a few origin-level treasures to defend themselves, these above Hunyuan would have been blocked. It's torn into pieces, and even now it can't hold on for long.

"Fellow Taoist, save me." One of them asked Chen Feng for help.

Chen Feng originally didn't want to take care of it, but after a change of thought, he took action anyway. He only saw the divine wings behind Chen Feng flickering, and the practitioner who asked for help appeared in Chen Feng's hands.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"Tell me how you got here."

While the other party was still hesitating, Chen Feng waved his hand and a beam of light flew out, defeating the oncoming light of true energy.

Seeing Chen Feng's methods, the practitioner did not dare to hide anything anymore and said: "We also overheard the Zhenyuan Dojo and heard that the Zhenyuan Emperor was not dead and that there were countless treasures here, so we thought of taking risks here. It seems too risky now.”

"It's normal. If you don't have the spirit of adventure, you won't be able to cultivate to this point." Chen Feng nodded, knowing that he couldn't ask anything. Besides, what would he do if he knew the reason why the other party came here? We are not facing the True Yuan Emperor now. .

Chen Feng had thought about running away immediately before, but now that he saw that the other party was not capable of killing him instantly, he felt a little more relaxed.

Especially when you think about the Nine Spirits Lord moving forward, there must be a reason.

"If I want to be an oriole, I'm afraid that if I go late, the good things will be taken away by others. If I go early, I'll face the crisis again. Oh, it's so confusing." Chen Feng sighed.


At this time, the second generation suddenly turned pale with fright. It turned out that the light of true energy was once again overwhelming and there was no blind spot.

"Just resist." Chen Feng had armor made of magic weapons, but it was not enough. Not only did he not want to get hurt, he also wanted to help the people around him.

So Chen Feng still used the power brand, and a thick barrier collided with the light of true energy.

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