Eternal Existence

Chapter 5380 Hidden Means

If that were the case, they should have eliminated all the opponents without hiding their power.

But Chen Feng was worried that his judgment was wrong, and that he would alert the enemy and prepare for the existence in the dark.

Just when Chen Feng was a little entangled, the long river of time and the gate of time and space, which had been controlling the whole scene and acting as an auxiliary, suddenly broke out.

The opponent did not discuss with Chen Feng before the outbreak, which surprised and dissatisfied Chen Feng, but he soon knew their plan.

The long river of time and the gate of time and space broke out with a more powerful force than what was revealed just now, directly submerging several opponents, which gave Chen Feng's side an opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, these several opponents were severely injured, and then they were wrapped by the power of time and pulled into the gate of time and space.

After entering the gate of time and space, Chen Feng had already guessed the end.

Although only a few opponents were eliminated, it didn't seem like much, but it had a great impact on the battle situation.

The opponent's power was weakening, so the strength of his side naturally increased. Not only did he kill the opponent and make him retreat again and again, but even the blinding power that was spreading around was alleviated by the power of time and space that was released by the long river of time.

"It turns out that the will of the Gate of Origin is still here, but the other party has never told me before." Chen Feng thought about it for a while and thought that there must be a reason why the Gate of Origin kept it a secret from him, and the specific reason was to deceive Guixu.

However, Chen Feng didn't care about these. Since the Gate of Origin chose to take action, it was really possible to attract a big fish this time.

So Chen Feng naturally prepared to cooperate.

Then the power of the long river of time became stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng even suspected that the main body of the long river of time had also come here.

Cooperating with the Gate of Time and Space, several more opponents were solved in the blink of an eye.

In this way, the situation was completely favorable to Chen Feng's side.

The opponent was about to collapse, and Chen Feng knew that what was coming was coming.

Sure enough, the emperor appeared, and everything in the four directions was affected wherever the opponent passed.

Whether it is power or time and space, they have been severely excluded. Chen Feng noticed that two practitioners have displayed the power of the other party. Although they are still there, they seem to have entered into a fantasy.

The power of the other party is indeed blinding, but it is not the old man in the spiritual realm.

This makes Chen Feng a little different. This is completely different from what he imagined before.

However, since the other party has appeared, this is the next opponent, and the other party has indeed reached the level of the emperor in addition to the power that has burst out.

Although it is not the old man in the spiritual realm, Chen Feng has already determined that the other party is the existence behind the scenes.

The mutant life did not appear. It may be hidden in the dark, but it is more likely to deal with the God of Nothingness.

However, now that a great emperor has appeared, the previous goal has been achieved.

"Someone actually cultivated the same power as the old man in the spiritual realm. Although it is a little different, it is also the power of blinding with similar attributes." Chen Feng was not too surprised.

After all, there are so many practitioners, it is normal for the power they cultivate to be somewhat similar, even if the power attributes are the same.

And Chen Feng has some more ideas. Maybe the other party really has some relationship with the old man in the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng told others about this idea and asked them to be prepared.


Chen Feng did not wait for the opponent to get close before attacking, otherwise his side might suffer more casualties.

Since the opponent appeared, he would act immediately.

The power of time rushed towards the unknown emperor first, but was quickly resolved by the opponent.

Although the long river of time continued to wash, it could not really get close to the opponent.

Although the long river of time was very powerful and had some different characteristics, it was still no match for the emperor.

But all the long river of time had to do was to buy a little time.

The gate of transcendence, the gate of Taixu, and the gate of origin rushed out of the gate of time and space one after another, each occupying one side, blocking the emperor in the center.

This was not the first time that this method was used. In the war of the gate of origin, this method was used to solve a great emperor.

This was also a method that had been prepared as soon as the gate of time and space appeared. Otherwise, Chen Feng would not have fished for those above the primordial.

Now that the big fish has taken the bait, the next thing to do is to solve the opponent.

Such a big fish is more important than those above the primordial.

The opponent did not seem to expect such a change, but rushed out at the first opportunity.

The violent collision caused the Gate of Time and Space to tremble constantly, and even some cracks appeared, but it soon returned to normal.

Because the Gate of Time and Space shared the power, otherwise the Gate of Time and Space alone could not withstand the attack of the emperor.

However, this time the opponent was indeed very powerful. Although the Gate of Time and Space cooperated tacitly, they could not suppress the opponent in a short time.

The emperor kept colliding, leaving cracks on the major portals from time to time. Seeing that the opponent was fierce, Chen Feng took the initiative to step forward and fight with the opponent.

This was the second time Chen Feng used this fighting method, so he was very experienced. Once he was not the opponent's opponent, he quickly went into the portal to hide.

Try it out. Chen Feng's defense is very strong now, not inferior to the Gate of Time and Space. However, the Gate of Time and Space is an origin-level existence after all, especially the control of the law of power is not comparable to Chen Feng now. More importantly, these portals can share power.




Chen Feng used a lose-lose style of fighting. Although he was injured, he successfully broke through the opponent's defense and left a wound.

Then Chen Feng entered the Gate of Time and Space. When Chen Feng came out of the Gate of Origin, his injuries had long recovered.

This time, Chen Feng did not fight hard immediately, but released the prepared array.

Not just one array, but five arrays, all of which were made by Chen Feng in the past, and then continuously strengthened.

But with a series of explosions, the arrays continued to collapse, leaving only the last array to trap the emperor in it.

In a short time, the emperor rushed out again, but then faced the attack of four portals together.

The sticky power, the crisscrossing chains, and the flashing flying runes drowned the emperor for a while.

This level of existence is not as simple as simply pulling it into the portal, but suppressing the opponent, firmly suppressing it, so that the opponent can be safely received into the portal.

Pah pah pah!

Pah pah pah pah!

However, although the preparations of the Gate of Time and Space are sufficient and the power is also very strong, with the outbreak of the power of the emperor, these means are quickly broken.

"With you, the means are good, but the power is not enough. Today, let you see the real power." With a wave of will shock, the next moment Chen Feng was overwhelmed by a strange will and couldn't help himself. In this situation, Chen Feng couldn't even enter the portal.

Then Chen Feng felt that his whole body was constantly oppressed by the power, and then he realized that he was bound by the other party.

Chen Feng didn't worry at first. Even if he couldn't move, there were still the Gate of Time and Space.

But when Chen Feng noticed that the other party had not pulled him into the portal, he realized that things were not that simple.

Patterns spread on the four portals, constantly covering the surface of the portals, looking extremely strange.

This is the opponent's power, relying on his own power to suppress the four portals, plus Chen Feng.

"So powerful, worthy of being the emperor." Chen Feng knew that this was a use of the power of blinding, which looked simple, but was actually extremely terrifying.

If this goes on, the Gate of Time and Space will all be covered by power, and then everything will be at the mercy of the opponent.

However, Chen Feng was not worried, because he still had power on his side.





Beams of light rushed out of the Gate of Time and Space, and the powerful sharp power cut everything, and the blinding power was shattered wherever it passed.

The Sword of the End, the Wheel of Destruction, the Spear of All Evil, and the Spear of Judgment, these four killing weapons were finally no longer hidden, and the strongest blow burst out as soon as they appeared, almost focusing on the emperor at the same time.

Even though this emperor had a very strong power, he had already reached his limit by fighting against the four portals. Now he could not withstand the attack of the Sword of the End and his body was broken. Before the opponent could reshape himself, he was pulled into the four portals.

Even Chen Feng took the opportunity to suppress part of the opponent's body.

Before the Gate of Time and Space, they did not dare to suppress the opponent, but now it is different. The opportunity is just right.

"Another emperor has been dealt with. Speaking of which, I have also suppressed some of the emperor's bodies. If I refine and absorb them, my cultivation and mana will also increase greatly." Chen Feng was secretly happy.

Although there was such a plan before, there was still some satisfaction after it was really successful.

This is the body of the emperor. If you really use resources to describe it, this is the top resource.

Although it takes some effort and even some risks in the process of refining, it is not a complete emperor after all, so Chen Feng can still deal with part of the body.

In comparison, Chen Feng was even a little worried that the Gate of Time and Space would not have an accident.

"The big fish behind was killed, and he was able to comprehend and absorb the opponent's power, the power of blinding. Maybe he can use this to find a way to deal with the old man in the spiritual realm." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After the Great Emperor was dealt with, the remaining Hunyuan Above were frightened and began to flee. However, after the power was completely exposed, how could Chen Feng let the other party escape?

The four portals suddenly opened up the distance and expanded the coverage. The remaining Hunyuan Above were all blocked by the portals.

Next, the Sword of the End began to shuttle back and forth, without Chen Feng's action. These Hunyuan Above were solved cleanly, and everything after death was divided up cleanly, but this time Chen Feng did not plunder the benefits, because Chen Feng understood that the Gate of Time and Space also consumed a lot of resources and needed resources to replenish itself.

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