Eternal Existence

Chapter 5379 The Strange Emperor

Since the power of time can come here, Chen Feng and others can use it to leave.

As expected, it didn't take much time to get into the rules.

"I should really leave this time, and I won't be deceived by the other party again like before." Chen Feng looked around and saw that it was indeed the area in Guixu, but this kind of situation had not been encountered before, and he was worried about it. Still the existence in the dark continues to take action.

On the surface, Chen Feng and others looked worried, but in fact they were waiting for Wan Zhong to take the bait.

Now that you have enough power, solving the opponent is the most correct way.

But will the other party get there?

And who can be brought out? Is he an old man in the spiritual realm?

When he thought that the opponent he was facing was an old man in the spiritual realm, Chen Feng still felt unsure, even if he had a helper this time.

But things still have to go on.

Now that the power of time and the gate of time and space have been exposed, let's be prepared to have this power around us first.

Before Chen Feng could think of what to do next, the surrounding time and space changed again. This time, Chen Feng and others felt it more clearly.

"rush out."

Chen Feng shouted loudly and immediately used the power of time to leave here.

As a result, there was an invisible collision between the two sides, and Chen Feng became clearer and saw the power of darkness.

It was indeed a deception, but this time Chen Feng could also be sure that his people had left the area created by the other party before, and now the other party's power was just catching up again.

The two sides collided fiercely, and Chen Feng also led everyone to take action. The surrounding area continued to collapse, and Chen Feng directly released the origin to plunder.

In this way, he was digging into the opponent's foundation. Finally, the existence hidden in the dark couldn't stand it any longer, so he finally called in the practitioners.

In one breath, several real names appeared above Hunyuan. They were opponents who had fought against Chen Feng before.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw someone appearing, which meant that his opponent was starting to use his secrets.

And since these practitioners are here, it means that the other party has not dealt with the God of Nothingness.

"But it's still not enough. Since the other party only has so much strength, we can take the opportunity to deal with him." Chen Feng also had his own plan. Since the opponent was coming to his door, there was no need to rush out like before, and he could still Take the opportunity to deal with these Hunyuan above.

Everyone present began to explode. Chen Feng was the first to break through the opponent's defense line, and went straight into the opponent's camp. Then he carried out crazy destruction, powerful force swept around, and in the blink of an eye there were dozens of Hunyuan. The one above was beaten back by Chen Feng.

Seeing that these Hunyuan were about to be eliminated bit by bit, the space was shattered, and a large formation that Chen Feng was very familiar with descended.

It was the formation that trapped Chen Feng before, and the cultivator sitting at the eye of the formation has not changed.

They are all old rivals.

"Another wave of Hunyuan is coming." The second generation was a little worried.

"This is a good thing, it is better than the Great Emperor coming." said the White Mirror Swordsman.

"I'm afraid that the emperor is peeking in the secret and will take action at any time." The second generation is stronger than the White Mirror Swordsman. He feels more things and thinks further.

Chen Feng did not speak, but focused on several of the strongest opponents. If these few were not entangled, they would cause fatal blows to others.

The master of Hunyuan is stronger than the White Mirror Swordsman in one-on-one, and he is good at cooperation. Even Chen Feng is at a disadvantage when they join forces.

However, Chen Feng still did not use his hidden power. Although he was at a disadvantage, he could still control the situation. As for the River of Time and the Gate of Time and Space, their power was to help others at critical moments.

What Chen Feng wants to do is to attract stronger opponents. This is actually a bit risky because Chen Feng is not sure what will happen next.

And if the fight continues like this, there will definitely be damage to one's own side.

But if you want to solve the existence behind it, you can only do this.

"It would be great if the Emperor could help." Although Chen Feng said a little more help, he also knew that they could not come to the Gate of Origin, and the situation they were in was also very dangerous.

The reason why some forces can be sent here is because these forces will be helpful to Chen Feng, but they will not be of much help to the fight between the Gate of Origin and others.

Finally, someone on Chen Feng's side was injured, which Chen Feng expected.

Chen Feng held back the turmoil in his heart and continued to output, but he could only barely pester the opponent.

As mentioned before, these opponents are very strong. Chen Feng can pester the opponent, but he cannot use some of the power of origin, and the opponent has no desperate plan.

The positions of the two sides are different, and the fighting power they unleash is also different.

Then after people on both sides were injured one after another, Chen Feng finally became a little anxious, and the secret existence never appeared.

Could it be that the opponent's plan was not what he had imagined, and that he only wanted to use these Hunyuan as cannon fodder to consume the power of his own people.

If that were the case, then they should have eliminated all these opponents without even bothering to hide their strength.

But Chen Feng was worried that his judgment was wrong. When the time came, he would alert the snake and prepare for the secret existence.

Just when Chen Feng was a little entangled, Shi Changhe and the Gate of Time and Space, who had been controlling the audience and acting as assistants, suddenly erupted.

The other party did not discuss with Chen Feng before the outbreak, which surprised and dissatisfied Chen Feng, but he soon knew their plan.

The long river of time and the gate of time and space burst out with a more powerful force than what was revealed just now, directly submerging several opponents, which gave Chen Feng's side an opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, these opponents were severely injured, and then they were wrapped by the power of time and pulled into the gate of time and space.

After entering the gate of time and space, Chen Feng had already guessed the end.

Although only a few opponents were solved, it didn't seem like much, but it had a great impact on the battle situation.

The opponent's power was weakening, and the strength of his side was naturally strengthened. Not only did he kill the opponent and retreat again and again, but even the blinding power that permeated the surroundings was alleviated by the power of time and space that bloomed from the long river of time.

"It turns out that the will of the Gate of Origin is still here, which the other party has never told me before." Chen Feng thought about it for a while, and thought that there must be a reason why the Gate of Origin kept it from him, and the specific reason was nothing more than to blind Guixu.

However, Chen Feng didn't care about these. Since the Gate of Origin chose to take action, it is possible that this time it will attract a big fish.

So Chen Feng naturally prepared to cooperate.

Next, the power of the Long River of Time became stronger and stronger. Chen Feng even suspected that the main body of the Long River of Time had also come here.

Cooperating with the Gate of Time and Space, several opponents were solved in the blink of an eye.

In this way, the situation was completely favorable to Chen Feng.

The opponent was about to collapse, and Chen Feng knew that what was coming was coming.

Sure enough, the emperor appeared, and everything in the four directions was affected wherever the opponent passed.

Whether it was power or time and space, they were severely excluded. Chen Feng noticed that two practitioners had displayed the power of the opponent. Although the people were still there, they seemed to have entered a fantasy.

The opponent's burst was indeed the power of blinding, but it was not the old man in the spiritual realm.

This made Chen Feng a little different, which was completely different from what he had imagined before.

However, since the opponent appeared, this is the next opponent, and the opponent's strength has indeed reached the level of the emperor in addition to the burst.

Although it is not the old man in the spiritual realm, Chen Feng has already determined that the opponent is the existence behind the scenes.

The mutant life did not appear, it is possible that he is hiding in the dark, but it is more likely that he is still dealing with the God of Nothingness.

However, now that a great emperor has appeared, the previous goal has been achieved.

"Someone actually cultivated the same power as the old man in the spiritual realm. Although there are some differences, they are both the power of blinding with similar attributes." Chen Feng was not too surprised.

After all, there are so many practitioners, it is normal that the power they cultivate is somewhat similar, even if the power attributes are the same.

And Chen Feng has some more ideas, maybe the other party really has some relationship with the old man in the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng told others about this idea, and also let them prepare.


Chen Feng did not wait until the other party got close before taking action, so that there might be more casualties on his side.

Since the other party appeared, then take action immediately.

The power of time rushed towards the unknown great emperor first, but was quickly resolved by the other party.

No matter how the long river of time continued to wash, it could not really get close to the other party.

Although the long river of time is very powerful, although it has some different characteristics, it is still not the opponent of the great emperor.

However, all the long river of time has to do is to buy a little time.

The Gate of Transcendence, the Gate of Taixu, and the Gate of Origin rushed out of the Gate of Time and Space one after another, each occupying one side, and blocking the emperor in the center.

This is not the first time that this method has been used. In the previous war at the Gate of Origin, this method was used to solve a great emperor.

This is also a method that has been prepared as soon as the Gate of Time and Space appeared, otherwise Chen Feng would not have fished on those Hunyuan.

Now that the big fish has been hooked, the next thing to do is to solve the opponent.

Such a big fish is more important than the previous Hunyuan.

The opponent did not seem to expect such a change, but still rushed out at the first time.

The violent collision caused the Gate of Time and Space to tremble constantly, and even some cracks appeared, but it soon returned to normal.

Because the Gate of Time and Space shared the power, otherwise the Gate of Time and Space alone could not withstand the attack of the emperor.

However, this time the opponent is indeed very powerful. Although the Gate of Time and Space cooperated tacitly, they could not suppress the opponent in a short time.

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