Eternal Existence

Chapter 5365: Entanglement

"In this case, we can only go deeper, and I am also curious about how big the Guixu is. Is the place where we are located deep inside the Guixu?" Chen Feng said.

"I don't know about this either. We can only walk around and see. However, there are hidden dangers if we go deeper. Once we encounter trouble, it will be difficult for us to escape." Void God said.

"I thought about this risk before going back. Either I choose to withdraw, or if I want to get benefits, I can only continue to move forward. In this process, I have to guard against attacks from the Real Emperor. No, it should be a sneak attack. Who would have thought that as an emperor, he would choose a sneak attack. It's simply shameless to spread it out!" Chen Feng said.

"The other party's origin has been divided up by you, so what face do you still have? In addition to the other party's clone, it is normal for the Real Emperor to do anything." Void God said with a smile.

"This is not divided by us. Daoyou also participated, so Daoyou is also the target of the Real Emperor." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Although I am not as strong as the Real Emperor, it is not easy for the other party to sneak attack me." As the Void God was speaking, the space around him suddenly collapsed, and a real force wrapped up the Void God.


The next moment the Void God disappeared.

Chen Feng reacted quickly. The moment the Void God disappeared, Chen Feng burst out with his strongest strength and blasted in one direction.

Chen Feng's perception was very sharp and his judgment was very accurate, but he still failed.

The Real Emperor did not appear.

Chen Feng immediately understood that the Real Emperor should choose to deal with the Void God first.

In other words, the Void God's previous experience of bragging was the real experience. Although Chen Feng believed in the Void God, since the Real Emperor chose to take action, he must have some confidence.

Chen Feng thought of his previous experience and wondered if the Void God was also suppressed in the origin of one side, then could he rush out.

Although the Void God is an emperor, to be honest, some of his methods are not as good as Chen Feng's.

So the divine wings behind Chen Feng quickly spread out and wrapped up everyone present.

"That direction."

At this time, the Second World burst out with a strength that was infinitely close to that of the Great Emperor, and quickly determined the direction.

Chen Feng immediately chased after him.

Not to find the God of Nothingness, but to entangle the Real Great Emperor.

Because the God of Nothingness did not know where he was exiled, and he could not find him for a while, so as long as he entangled the Real Great Emperor, the Real Great Emperor would attack the God of Nothingness.

Even if the God of Nothingness was suppressed in the origin of one side, he could still escape by means.

It must be said that from the beginning of the incident to the various outbreaks that followed, Chen Feng made the best and fastest choice.

As for the direction of the next thing, Hunyuan could not grasp it.

"The Real Great Emperor's exile method is really amazing. If the other party could also exile other great emperors during the war, then he would not end up like this. Maybe the Real Great Emperor was careless at the time." Chen Feng guessed.

With the efforts of Chen Feng and the Second World, the Real Great Emperor was finally found.

At this time, the Real Great Emperor was actually very far away, but since Chen Feng and the Second World had locked the other party's position, they would naturally not let the other party leave so easily.

The Real Emperor also stopped his actions. After all, if he continued, he might take Chen Feng to find the God of Nothingness.

"Then let's deal with you first." The Real Emperor didn't take Chen Feng and others seriously.

Although there were more people, that was it.

However, as soon as the two sides fought, the Real Emperor realized that he did not underestimate Chen Feng, but underestimated those above the Hunyuan around Chen Feng.

Not to mention others, the fighting power of the Second World was very close to the Great Emperor level.

In comparison, the Second World was more threatening than Chen Feng.

Moreover, there were hundreds of above the Hunyuan in Chen Feng's divine wings, and a few of them were also masters. The most important thing was that they cooperated tacitly, and the combined strength was enough to make the Emperor feel threatened.

After many collisions, the Real Emperor did not take advantage, and he was somewhat impatient.

Just as Chen Feng thought, although the God of Nothingness was exiled, without the Real Emperor continuing to attack, the God of Nothingness might come back soon.

"You made a mistake." Chen Feng felt the emotional changes of the Real Emperor.

"I can't last long in this state. The opponent is too strong. Even if we join forces, we might still get hurt." At this time, the Second World secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"That's no choice. We can only fight to the end with the opponent, or the God of Nothingness can appear soon." Chen Feng said.


Chen Feng mobilized the power of everyone and suddenly rushed to the front of the Real Emperor. After a hard fight with the power of reality, Chen Feng suddenly retreated and avoided the magic weapon released by the Real Emperor.

And Chen Feng also released three sacred mountains in one breath, trying to suppress the treasure of the Real Emperor.

Because of the continuous explosion, the breath of the Second World began to fall.

"Haha, it's just a temporary explosion. I thought you really had such strength." The Real Emperor said disdainfully.

The Second World suddenly pulled away and entered Chen Feng's divine wings. As a result, Chen Feng suddenly felt the pressure increased.

"Fortunately, I have so many helpers above the Hunyuan, otherwise I really can't hold on until now by myself." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Speaking of this battle, Chen Feng felt a little interesting. Before, he was constantly running around under the pursuit of the real emperor, and he couldn't get rid of the real emperor at all.

But now he is trying his best to entangle the real emperor. The key is that he now has so many people above Hunyuan to help him, and he is not afraid of the real emperor at all.

Although the second generation returned to his previous state, others were still sending mana to Chen Feng in a steady stream.

Suddenly, all the Hunyuan suddenly dispersed and arranged according to the formation of creation, directly trapping the real emperor in it.

The formation was moving, its power exploded, and the real emperor was actually hit.

This surprised Chen Feng, but then he shook his head with regret.

In fact, this is a good opportunity, but it is a pity that the power on his side is still not strong enough. Otherwise, if there is an additional emperor, it is really possible to suppress the real emperor, just like how he solved the opponent's incarnation before.

Chen Feng did not underestimate the real emperor, but he still somewhat overestimated his own strength.

When a Hunyuan superior caught fire, Chen Feng remembered the real emperor's methods.

Behind the real emperor, a phantom of origin appeared, with balls of flames burning, and the power of reality sweeping everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, several more Hunyuan superiors were attacked. Unlike Chen Feng, they did not have strong defenses, so they were seriously injured soon.

Chen Feng was helpless and had to rush to the front to fight against the real emperor, but he still couldn't change the situation.

If this continues, the real emperor may be injured, but one's own side will also suffer heavy casualties.

"It's a pity. If only I could recruit more top masters here, it wouldn't be too many. With five or six masters like the White Mirror Swordsman, I can surely hit the real emperor hard." Chen Feng thought like this.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to bring everyone back into the formation of creation, several of the Hunyuan masters each used different magical powers. These magical powers not only defeated the power of reality, but also extinguished the burning power. flame.

This surprised and delighted Chen Feng. Although the real power of opportunity quickly gathered and the extinguished flames rekindled, it still had some effect.

If this continues, it is really possible to entangle the real emperor for a longer time.

And if it really comes down to consumption, no matter how powerful the real emperor is, he can't compare to so many Hunyuan masters.

In fact, if you put it this way, the Great Emperor is also a realm above Hunyuan, but he has just reached a peak.

If we really talk about savings and foundation, the Emperor is not much better than other Hunyuan masters.




Some more divine thunders were released from Hunyuan. After the explosion, there seemed to be a lot of movement. Although it did not really hurt the real emperor, it also played some role, at least it could neutralize the attack of the real emperor.

"These guys are quite capable." Chen Feng was determined.

"Fellow Taoists, this one is a very strong person among the great emperors, especially the true power of the opponent's cultivation is even more magical, so if we can kill the opponent, we can all gain enough benefits." Chen Feng began to boost morale. .

Sure enough, the Hunyuan present began to exert greater efforts, and various magical powers were continuously released.

Even the second generation, who had already broken out once, was starting to get ready to take action.

"If you are injured, step back and let others come up." Chen Feng began to mobilize.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't need to say much, everyone knew how to deal with the situation at hand.

What's more, Chen Feng devoted himself to fighting the real emperor up close and didn't have much time to pay attention to other people's situations.

However, Chen Feng's side was better because of the larger number of people. They rushed forward one after another, and some even released some clones or combat puppets. Later, the number of clones and combat puppets alone reached hundreds.

Compared with the original body, these clones and combat puppets will fall when they fall. Although it is a pity, they can make up for the losses if they succeed.

"Sure enough, except for me, they have all made progress." Chen Feng was secretly happy.

After all, these Hunyuan superiors followed Chen Feng to participate in the Origin War. Even if they did not obtain resources, they would make progress based on their knowledge alone. Besides, they had also shared some good things before.


Chen Feng was hit by a ball of real power, causing some damage to his chest. The real power followed the wound and drilled into Chen Feng's heart, but it was quickly absorbed by the origin furnace.

A smile appeared on Chen Feng's face, not because he had resolved the power of reality, but because the God of Nothingness had arrived.

However, the God of Nothingness did not show up immediately, but hid in the dark and looked for good opportunities.

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