Eternal Existence

Chapter 5364: Trouble Again

"Haven't the Gate of Origin and the God of Nothingness come yet? It seems that they are entangled by the power of Guixu." Chen Feng still expected external helpers, but until now, there has been no movement.

"And what happened to the previous origin? Was it from Guixu or an external change?"

"It didn't even struggle. Are you accumulating strength? It's useless. You can't escape no matter what means you have in my hands." The Real Emperor seemed to see through Chen Feng.

"Whether you can escape or not is not up to you. As a great emperor and the controller of an origin, you can't even deal with a small person like me. You have nothing to be proud of. Think about your origin was divided up cleanly." Chen Feng sneered.

The Real Emperor was still calm and was not provoked by Chen Feng at all. It was unknown how long it took for the Real Emperor to stop.

Because Chen Feng was sealed, he didn't know where he was, but according to Chen Feng's guess, he thought that he might have arrived at another origin.

"I didn't expect that the Real Emperor knew a lot about Guixu, and he had arranged his own methods early on. This shows that there is a certain relationship with Guixu. If so, it will be even more difficult to deal with." The reason why Chen Feng thought so was because the Real Emperor did not attack him immediately, but chose to leave.

Seeing that the Real Emperor had not come back for so long, Chen Feng understood that the Real Emperor was probably going to deal with the Gate of Origin.

According to the strength of the Real Emperor, if he launched a sneak attack, even the earth of the same level would be severely damaged.

As for the Hunyuan Above who are not even emperors, the end can be imagined.

Chen Feng was worried about the Origin Gate.

This time, the Hunyuan Above led by him also entered Guixu. If they were targeted by the Real Emperor, I am afraid that no one would survive.

Although he was worried about Chen Feng, he had no choice. The seal he endured this time was too solid, and he could not rush out even if he mobilized all his strength.

Especially the all-pervasive power of truth, which not only restricted Chen Feng's actions, but also blocked the power in Chen Feng's body, and even continued to erode everything in Chen Feng.

Although the Real Emperor left, he left a powerful enough power here.

And since the Real Emperor dared to leave, he must have made sufficient preparations.

"But the departure of the Real Emperor is also an opportunity for me. I still have to find a way to see if I can rush out." Chen Feng naturally would not sit and wait for death, but used various means to find loopholes and wanted to get rid of the crisis of money.

On the other side, the God of Nothingness has been wandering in Guixu.

Only the God of Nothingness has been looking for Chen Feng's whereabouts. As for the Origin, they are still fighting with Guixu.

"Strange, why can't I find Chen Feng all the time? Is it possible that he is not in Guixu." The God of Nothingness stopped, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

However, the God of Nothingness still believes in Chen Feng. In the eyes of the God of Nothingness, although Chen Feng's strength is not as good as the emperor, he has many means.

He has been in contact with Chen Feng for a long time. If Chen Feng really falls, he should also feel it.

Since he was exiled by the Real Emperor, he must be trapped somewhere.

According to the calculation of the Void God, he should be in Guixu, but he has not gained anything from the search during this period of time.

This made the Void God doubt his previous calculations.

However, if he left Guixu, there would be no place to find Chen Feng.

"They have not responded to the Gate of Origin. It seems that they are still entangled by Guixu." The Void God has been looking for Chen Feng in Guixu. To be honest, he has good luck. Except for not finding Chen Feng, he has not encountered any obstacles or troubles.

Just when the Void God was a little anxious, he suddenly felt something.

It was Chen Feng's power.

The Void God hurriedly accelerated and soon caught a beam of sword energy.

It was released by Chen Feng.

Although Guixu has the power to melt everything, Chen Feng's sword energy is very strong after all, and it has not been too long, so this beam of sword energy has not been completely consumed.

Since Chen Feng's power has been found, the Void God is more relieved.

After some exploration, he finally found an origin.

"I didn't expect there would be a broken origin here."

The Void God said with a smile, but soon found that something was wrong with this origin. He didn't see anyone taking action, but this origin was constantly shrinking, and the power it emitted was continuously integrated into Guixu.

"It was Guixu who took action."

The Void God understood that it was Guixu who was calling this origin.

This was the first time that the Void God saw this situation in Guixu. Although he had found some broken origins before, most of them were covered by Guixu, and it took a long time to digest them bit by bit.

The speed of refining in front of him was so fast that it was really eye-opening.

"Could it be that Guixu needed more power to deal with the Gate of Origin?" The Void God came to this conclusion, and then the Void God hesitated for a moment and took the initiative to enter this origin.

The Void God felt more things in this origin.

For example, the large amount of power fluctuations left by Chen Feng, and the real power that had not yet dissipated.

"So that's how it is. The Real Emperor actually left a trap here. It's really insidious. But now it seems that the two of them have left this origin, which means Chen Feng is running for his life." After searching carefully, the Void God found nothing and left this origin again.

Next, the Void God kept finding some clues left by Chen Feng, knowing that he was getting closer and closer to Chen Feng.

"But I'm afraid I'm not the opponent of the Real Emperor alone. I still have to notify the Gate of Origin." Although the Void God is proud, he is not arrogant. Facing an opponent like the Real Emperor, the Void God still has self-knowledge.

It's just that it's far away from the Gate of Origin now, and it's still a question whether the information he sent can be received.

Although he is not sure, the Void God still sent a message to the Gate of Origin and the Soul Emperor.

"Strange, they left again here." The Void God stopped and walked, and sometimes lost some traces of Chen Feng.

But in the end, he kept searching.

The Void God felt that he had walked a long way in the ruins during this period of time, much farther than he had walked before.

"Could it be that Chen Feng was captured? It seems like this." The God of Nothingness calculated some of the situation at that time.

There was some relief here, but also some worries.

It means that Chen Feng is still alive, but if Chen Feng is captured, then the situation is not good.

"I hope I can hold on for a while." There is no good way now, I can only hope that Chen Feng's strength is strong enough to hold on until I arrive.

Just when the God of Nothingness felt that he was about to find Chen Feng, he finally encountered trouble in Guixu.

More than a dozen powerful Hunyuan Above collided with the God of Nothingness.

Originally, both sides had some restraint.

These Hunyuan Above are a very strong force, but the God of Nothingness is not easy to mess with.

The two sides paused at first, and even thought that they would just pass by without conflict.

Who knew that these Hunyuan Above received news from Guixu, so they attacked the God of Nothingness.

The God of Nothingness was a little helpless. After a fight between the two sides, the God of Nothingness successfully injured an opponent, but the remaining Hunyuan Above still refused to give in, and the God of Nothingness also felt the increasing pressure from all sides.

Knowing that this is the power from Guixu.

So the Void God stopped entangled with them and tried to rush out. Who knew that these Hunyuan above would not give up and still chased after him.

"You must make me stop and get rid of all of you." The Void God was a little angry. It was not because he was afraid of the other party, but after the fight just now, he lost the trace of Chen Feng.

So the Void God stopped and continued to fight with the other party. Suddenly, the space collapsed and countless cracks appeared.

Then the Void God felt the breath of Chen Feng.

It takes no effort to find it.

The Void God did not expect to find Chen Feng here, so he flashed and entered the crack.

"Someone is coming." Chen Feng was still suppressed, but he was alarmed by the change. When he felt the breath of the Void God, Chen Feng couldn't help showing surprise.

The reinforcements finally arrived.

But then Chen Feng found that the Void God also had a group of opponents, but Chen Feng was not worried about them.

After the Void God found Chen Feng's location, he immediately sent a clone to help Chen Feng escape.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to break free of his restraints and regain his freedom.

Next, Chen Feng did not join the battle immediately, but first solved the real power on his body.

"It seems that you are fine, so I am relieved." Void God said so.

After Chen Feng solved the problem on his body, Void God had already dispersed his opponent, so Chen Feng did not have time to make a move.

Those above Hunyuan were not stupid. They could not solve Void God together, let alone the existence of Chen Feng.

Even with Guixu's urging, they chose to leave. They would come back when they had enough strength. There was no need to fight desperately here.

"You came at the right time, but what about those people?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I met them on the way." Void God said briefly, and then smiled and said: "It's amazing that you can survive in front of the Real Emperor until now. I was worried that I couldn't find you."

"It's really dangerous." Chen Feng told what he had encountered before, and Void God sighed again and again.

Chen Feng did not lie. If he didn't come, the situation would really be out of control.

"Strange, then where did the Real Emperor go?" The God of Nothingness was a little curious.

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