Eternal Existence

Chapter 5361: The Fire of Truth

It looked like the power of truth was raging in Chen Feng's body, but after Chen Feng's wounds recovered, it seemed that Chen Feng had absorbed the opponent's power of truth.

In fact, Chen Feng was indeed trying to do so, and he really absorbed a part of the power of truth, and the truth became stronger.

But the opponent's power of truth was too strong, and it also contained his own will, so Chen Feng could only throw most of the power of truth into the origin and find an opportunity to refine it later.

In other words, Chen Feng's current situation was somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, he hoped that the Real Emperor would attack with more power of origin truth, and on the other hand, he was worried that he could not bear it.


The Real Emperor saw that he did not penetrate Chen Feng's body this time, so he changed the attack mode. It was still the power of truth, but it condensed into an arc and cut towards Chen Feng like a saw.

The wanton change, the power of truth also became stronger.

It seemed that he wanted to cut Chen Feng into two.


Chen Feng released the power imprint and special energy in succession. Although the attack of the Real Emperor became stronger this time, he did not hurt Chen Feng at all.

"Okay, hand over the two powers you have, and I'll let you go." The Real Emperor made such a decision with a flickering look in his eyes.

And Chen Feng just smiled.

"At our level, you don't have to worry about me not keeping my word." The Real Emperor stopped attacking, but the attack from this origin became fierce, and the silk thread that bound Chen Feng also turned into countless saw blades, constantly cutting. Although it can't hurt Chen Feng for the time being, it will definitely cut Chen Feng's defense over time.


Chen Feng still just smiled.

"Forget it, since you want to die, I will fulfill your wish, but it will only take a little more time." The Real Emperor said and suddenly issued a will attack.

After all, he was higher than Chen Feng's level, and Chen Feng was affected this time, and then the Real Emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed, and a kind of magical power enveloped Chen Feng.

The power in Chen Feng's body began to lose control, and the power imprint and special energy were ready to move.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks." Chen Feng snorted coldly and suppressed his power with all his strength.

If it weren't for his long-term sacrifice of these two powers, he really couldn't resist the deprivation power of the Real Emperor.

But even now, Chen Feng is still struggling to resist.

"You are worthy of being the emperor." Chen Feng sighed.

Chen Feng was fighting against the squeezing and cutting of this origin, and at the same time he had to bear the deprivation power of the Real Emperor. It must be said that the situation was very bad.

Finally, the rioting origin became more riotous, and beams of light kept hitting Chen Feng. Although it was not as good as the real light, it also left wounds on Chen Feng.


Chen Feng was helpless and had to use a power beyond the origin.

"Hey, where did you get these powers?" The Real Emperor's eyes flashed with a meaningful light.

"Hehe, I have a lot of this kind of power, it's nothing." Chen Feng said and took out the fourth power beyond the origin.

Moreover, the two different powers were directly blended together, and the powerful force generated directly made Chen Feng out of control.

He injured himself, but at the same time, he also made the Real Emperor choose to retreat, and the restraints on his body turned into ashes.

The Avenue of Life emerged, quickly repairing Chen Feng's injuries.

The next moment, Chen Feng disappeared.

"Want to run? How can it be that easy?" The Real Emperor was very calm, and he was sure that Chen Feng could not escape.

Chen Feng used the power of the replication law, and originally thought that he could take this opportunity to rush out. As a result, he did travel a long distance, but in the process of moving forward, he encountered an increasingly strong binding force, and the entire origin was targeting him.

Finally, Chen Feng's speed became slower and slower, and Chen Feng had to use all his strength to send out a sword. This sword actually tore through layers of space and felt the breath outside the origin.

"Guixu, or Guixu." Chen Feng understood where he was. It turned out that he was still in Guixu.

"The origin in Guixu, is it broken? It doesn't look like it. Since it was found by the Real Emperor, why didn't he take it away, but used it as a trap?" Chen Feng was curious.

But now is not the time to think about these things. As long as he can rush out of this origin, Chen Feng believes that he can get rid of the Real Emperor.

Even if he can't get rid of it, and only the Real Emperor is left, his pressure will be reduced a lot.

However, things are not that simple. Just as he was about to rush out, a stronger binding force appeared, and the passage opened by the long sword healed.

The Real Emperor appeared in front of Chen Feng silently, the space was constantly turbulent, and the power swept from all directions.

Although Chen Feng came to the edge of the origin, Chen Feng returned to his previous state.

"You have a lot of good things, and you almost escaped, but you still underestimated this origin." The Real Emperor said and waved his hand, and the real power formed an energy storm to sweep towards Chen Feng.

Changed the means of attack, and the large-scale attack was also worried that Chen Feng would escape.

Only by suppressing Chen Feng first can he use the killing move like before.

Although the Real Emperor is stronger than Chen Feng, after the confrontation, he knows that Chen Feng is not so easy to kill.

Especially the power beyond the origin that Chen Feng mastered, and the means of escaping are also very headache.

Not escaping from such an origin made Chen Feng very depressed, but he also knew that the other party would not give him another chance. The most important thing next is to deal with the attack from the Real Emperor.

It didn't take long for the two sides to fight, and Chen Feng was suppressed again.

From the beginning, Chen Feng could only use defensive means, and now he has returned to the previous situation.

There is no way to do this, the gap between the two sides is too big.

Not being killed instantly by the opponent already shows how powerful Chen Feng is.

"This time the opponent is prepared, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to use the copy law to escape." Chen Feng thought so.

But there is really no good way except the copy law.

Fight desperately?

It is useless to fight desperately when the gap between the two sides is too big.

"We still need to find an opportunity."

Chen Feng was hit just after this thought flashed through his mind. The attack from the Real Emperor tore open Chen Feng's defense, and the real power continued to invade everything of Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, it seems that your reinforcements can't come, so you will die here today, don't think about delaying time with defensive means." The Real Emperor said slowly.

The gap in strength, as long as the Real Emperor takes action step by step, he can solve Chen Feng.

Chen Feng also understands this, but Chen Feng still believes that he can extend this time with his own means.

Chen Feng didn't believe that the Real Emperor could attack him for a long time.

Chen Feng was completely in a defensive state, using the power beyond the origin, using various avenues to dissolve the invasion of the real power, and also using the magic weapon of the origin level and the power of the broken origin.

All these powers were used for defense, and as a result, the multiple attacks from the Real Emperor were all dissolved by Chen Feng one by one. Although he was also injured, Chen Feng could bear it.

Under the constant urging of the Avenue of Life, there were signs of advancement, which surprised Chen Feng a little.

I thought that the Avenue of Life would be affected by the reduction of life force, but who knew that there would be a breakthrough under pressure.

The main reason was that Chen Feng's savings were too deep. Many of the resources he obtained exceeded Chen Feng's own existence. After refining, some of them became life force to perfect the Avenue of Life.


Chen Feng's body began to break, and the next moment it returned to normal. It seemed that the real power was absorbed together.


The Real Emperor smiled and chose to continue attacking.

Sure enough, after several times, Chen Feng's seemingly intact body cracked uncontrollably, and the power of reality raged in it.

"Do you really think my power is so easy to absorb?" The Real Emperor laughed.

In fact, Chen Feng can absorb it, but it takes time, and these real powers contain the will of the Real Emperor, so everything is under the control of the Real Emperor.

But soon the smile on the face of the Real Emperor disappeared.

The injuries on Chen Feng's body recovered instantly, and even the real power that was raging just now disappeared.

It seemed that there was a bottomless pit in Chen Feng's body that isolated everything, swallowing up all the invading power.

The Real Emperor soon knew the reason and frowned.

Chen Feng's realm is not to be feared, but the power of control is indeed a bit tricky.

The disappearance of the real power just now must be related to the broken origin.

Unless Chen Feng can be severely injured in one fell swoop and hurt Chen Feng's roots, it will work.

"Well, let me show you my methods." After the Real Emperor finished speaking, the attack of this origin on Chen Feng became stronger, and the shadow of the origin appeared behind the Real Emperor.

"It seems that some things are still preserved." Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Feng was also a beneficiary when the Real Origin was divided. Naturally, he knew the situation of the Real Origin, and later he joined forces to kill an incarnation of the Real Emperor.

It can be said that the Real Emperor was very miserable, so as a great emperor, it is reasonable to sneak attack Chen Feng and others.

So this time, I will certainly not let Chen Feng go if I seize the opportunity.

"It has been delayed for a long time." The Real Emperor said lightly.

After the Real Emperor finished speaking, the powerful force began to attack Chen Feng continuously.

There were flames burning in the shadow of the origin behind the Real Emperor. Every time a flame rose, Chen Feng felt a little hot in his heart.

Later, Chen Feng felt that his heart was about to burn.

"What kind of weird attack method is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. If it weren't for his extraordinary heart, he would probably have given up.


Chen Feng activated the power of the Origin Furnace, and the power of melting everything helped Chen Feng resolve the crisis.

Chen Feng returned to normal, and also noticed that a special flame appeared in the Origin Furnace.

However, although this flame was very strange, it would be melted into pure power after entering the Origin Furnace.


The Real Emperor was a little surprised, but he did not stop, but continued to use this method.

Later, the origin shadow behind the Real Emperor even turned into a sea of ​​fire.

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