Eternal Existence

Chapter 5360 Trapped

"So, I am trapped here?" Chen Feng sighed.

Apart from knowing that he was trapped in an origin, he knew nothing else and could not contact the Changhe of Time and the others, which made Chen Feng feel a little uncertain.

"Everything still depends on my own strength." Under Chen Feng's full operation, the power of the copy law was constantly recovering.

And Chen Feng was also moving the things suppressed in the copy law to the origin.

In the past, Chen Feng mobilized the power of the origin to fight desperately, but this time he changed his means and needed a means of escape.

The danger finally came.

When Chen Feng saw the appearance of the Real Emperor, he was extremely nervous and wanted to use the power of the copy law to leave immediately.

"A great emperor actually used this method to hunt other practitioners. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by others if you tell others?" Chen Feng laughed.

"My origin has been divided up. Do I still care about these?" The Real Emperor said lightly, and then released the power of the real to corrode Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's previous injuries were very serious, but he has recovered with his super strong physique. However, he was attacked by a great emperor with special power while being suppressed. Chen Feng knew that this was the real crisis.

Thinking back to when Chen Feng was suppressed by five origin mountains for a period of time in the origin, the opponent at that time was an origin, but the danger was far less than now.

At that time, the origin only used part of its power to deal with Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was sure to protect himself.

But now it is an emperor, the opponent can use all his power, and the real power is really difficult to resolve.

And this origin, Chen Feng has not figured out where he is yet.

"I am focused on defense, even if you are an emperor, you can't do anything to me." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Really? I want to see how you can stop it." The real emperor was not in a hurry, and suddenly the real power pounced on Chen Feng.


Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, trying to resolve the erosion of the real power, but the suppression of countless silk threads made Chen Feng only able to exert part of his power.

The two sides did not hold out for long before the power of reality broke through Chen Feng's defense and entered Chen Feng's body.

It was not that Chen Feng was not strong enough, but that the opponent was too strong.

Wherever the power of reality passed, no matter what obstacles were in front, they would be eroded, and then become real, becoming the power of the Real Emperor.

"It is your honor to let me take action. In fact, if you hadn't made trouble again and again, I would not have taken action against you. Your strength is too low." The Real Emperor said it easily, but in fact, the speed of his action was not slow, because the Real Emperor was also worried about changes.

Although this place is relatively secretive, even if the Gate of Origin and them find it, it will take time, but nothing can be said for sure. Maybe the other party has a way to find it quickly.

Moreover, the Real Emperor did not underestimate Chen Feng. He had seen Chen Feng's methods and dangers before, otherwise he would not have used his methods to let Chen Feng go here.

This origin was originally a method prepared by the Real Emperor for other emperors of the same level, but he did not expect to use it on Chen Feng.

But it doesn't matter. Let's deal with Chen Feng first. Anyway, these origins are here, and there will be opportunities in the future.

It seems that the Real Emperor made a light move, but in fact, he also used his true nature.

The special real power is difficult for other emperors to resist even at the same level.

If the Real Emperor had not been besieged by many masters at the beginning, he would not have ended up like this.

Now it is definitely no problem to deal with a small figure like Chen Feng.

In the eyes of the Real Emperor, it is an honor for Chen Feng to do this.

"I know you have some broken origins. Can you use them to try to get rid of the crisis in front of you?" The Real Emperor kept making moves while communicating with Chen Feng.

"I will let you see it." Chen Feng said calmly.

The power of reincarnation is constantly running in the body, which can dissolve part of the real power.

But in the final analysis, Chen Feng's strength is not strong enough, and the power he controls is not as good as that of the Real Emperor.

But in Chen Feng's opinion, it is still okay to delay for some time.

However, when this side of the origin also began to increase its strength, Chen Feng felt a little scalp numb.

Whether it is an origin or an emperor, Chen Feng can handle it alone for a while.

But now the two have joined forces, and he was suppressed before, which is a bit bad.

Chen Feng now regrets that he should not have compromised so quickly and let the other party seal him. He should have rushed out desperately from the beginning.

In this situation, even if he uses the replication law, it may be useless.

"The main reason is that I don't know this origin, and there is not enough time. Otherwise, I can know the situation outside and make some responses." Chen Feng has various calculations in his mind, and there is only one way in the end, that is, to ask for help.

He had already used means to transmit it out, but there has been no response. Chen Feng suspected that it should be this origin that blocked the news.

Chen Feng even used the power of the replication law to transmit it slightly.

"In fact, the reincarnation road is very strong, but it is not strong enough now." Chen Feng's reincarnation power was defeated by the real power, and even the various powers mobilized by Chen Feng could not stop the real power.

In this case, not only the physical body will be damaged, but even the road will be assimilated by the real power.

Then once the foundation is destroyed, the end is no different from falling, and even resurrection is a problem.

"It's not at the same level at all." Chen Feng tried to burn some origin fragments and used the power imprint, which slightly blocked the invasion momentum of the real power.

Then Chen Feng took this opportunity to devour these real powers and moved them to other origins.

The whole person was relieved.

Relaxation is only relative. After this short period of time, the pressure followed again.

"Fortunately, this origin only has the function of binding and suppressing, and there is no other means of attack. Otherwise, it would be more troublesome, or the Real Emperor did not fully master this origin." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Chen Feng thought he could hold on for a while, but when a beam of light penetrated his body, the sense of crisis was raised to the extreme.

The light of truth.

This is the strongest power of the Real Emperor, the compressed original power.

"Very strong body." Although it penetrated Chen Feng's body, although the beam of real light entered Chen Feng's body and caused crazy damage, the Real Emperor was still a little surprised.

In this case, if it were any other Hunyuan, his body would collapse under his attack.

Chen Feng's body did not collapse, and even if there were a few signs of collapse, it recovered quickly.

And Chen Feng's wounds were also recovering quickly.

In addition to his strong body, Chen Feng also possessed super life force.

"But how many times can you block it?" The Real Emperor said and sent out another beam of real light.

It still broke Chen Feng's body, but this time it did not penetrate.

It seemed that the real power was raging in Chen Feng's body, but after Chen Feng's wounds recovered, it seemed that Chen Feng absorbed the opponent's real power.

In fact, Chen Feng was indeed trying to do this, and he really absorbed some of the real power, and the real road became stronger.

But the opponent's real power was too strong, and it also contained his own will, so Chen Feng could only throw most of the real power into the origin and find an opportunity to refine it later.

In other words, Chen Feng's current situation is somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, he hopes that the Real Emperor will attack with more original real power, and on the other hand, he is worried that he can't bear it.


The Real Emperor saw that he did not penetrate Chen Feng's body this time, so he changed his attack mode. It was still the power of reality, but it condensed into an arc and cut towards Chen Feng like a saw.

The power of reality changed, and it became stronger.

It seemed that he wanted to cut Chen Feng into two pieces.


Chen Feng released the power imprint and special energy in succession. Although the attack of the Real Emperor became stronger this time, he did not hurt Chen Feng at all.

"Okay, hand over the two powers you have, and I will let you go." The Real Emperor made such a decision with a flickering look.

And Chen Feng just smiled.

"At our level, you don't have to worry about me not keeping my word." The Real Emperor stopped attacking, but the attack from this origin became fierce, and the silk thread that bound Chen Feng also turned into countless saw blades, constantly cutting. Although it could not hurt Chen Feng for the time being, it would definitely cut through Chen Feng's defense over time.


Chen Feng still just smiled.

"Forget it, since you want to die, I will grant you your wish, but it will only take a little more time." The Real Emperor said and suddenly launched a will attack.

After all, he was higher than Chen Feng's level, so Chen Feng was affected. Then the Real Emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed, and a kind of magical power enveloped Chen Feng.

The power in Chen Feng's body began to lose control, and the power imprint and special energy were ready to move.

"Sure enough." Chen Feng snorted coldly and suppressed his power with all his strength.

If it weren't for his long-term sacrifice of these two powers, he really couldn't resist the deprivation power of the Real Emperor.

But even now, Chen Feng is still struggling to resist.

"You are worthy of being an emperor." Chen Feng sighed.

Chen Feng resisted the squeezing and cutting of this origin while enduring the deprivation power of the Real Emperor. It must be said that the situation is very bad.

Finally, the rioting origin became more riotous, and beams of light kept hitting Chen Feng. Although they were not as good as the real light, they also left wounds on Chen Feng.


Chen Feng had no choice but to use a power beyond the origin.

"Hey, where did you get these powers?" A light flashed in the eyes of the Real Emperor.

"Hehe, I have a lot of this kind of power, it's nothing." Chen Feng said as he took out the fourth power beyond the origin.

Moreover, the two different powers were directly blended together, and the powerful force generated directly made Chen Feng out of control.

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