Eternal Existence

Chapter 5358: Sneak Attack

"Someone is attacking us." Chen Feng knew what happened immediately, and was even more shocked.

What kind of means can make the Hunyuan disappear quietly? Even a great emperor would find it difficult to do this.

"It's the old man in the spirit realm." The news from the God of Nothingness was followed by a series of explosions.

The God of Nothingness fought with the other party, and Chen Feng quickly released the fortune formation diagram, and the scattered Hunyuan above entered it.

"This situation is too terrifying." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"The emperor actually hid in the dark to attack, this is not a face at all." The second generation also said so.

"The origin of the other party has been destroyed by us, so it is normal to use this method. I just didn't expect that the other party had never appeared in the previous fight, but now he is staring at us. Speaking of it, we are quite unlucky." Chen Feng said.

"Be careful, it should not be just the old man in the spirit realm himself." At this time, the God of Nothingness continued to send news.

In the previous battle between the emperors, the old man in the spirit realm had a helper, who disappeared quickly after being found by the Soul Emperor.

"Could it be that there are two emperors? That would be troublesome. We came to Guixu to seek benefits, but now we have become the target of the other party. If there is only one emperor, even the old man of the soul can fight with our strength, but we don't know what the other one is capable of. And so far, some of us have disappeared and our strength is weakening. This is troublesome. Notify the Gate of Origin immediately. Only the Gate of Origin can help us change the dilemma." Chen Feng asked the River of Time to contact. There was no good way to do it next, so he could only wait.

Next, he could only rely on himself, because Chen Feng was not sure whether the Gate of Origin could take action? After all, the opponent was Guixu.


At this time, the second emperor hidden in the dark finally appeared.

It turned out that after Chen Feng took everyone back to the Pure Land of Creation, the opponent could no longer sneak attack, so he could only attack face to face.

This emperor, whom Chen Feng had never seen before, was obviously confident in himself, and even disdained to sneak attack Hunyuan, because the one who had taken action before was also the old man of the Spirit Realm.

"We have no grudges, why should we take on such a big cause and effect? ​​Daoist friend, you should think it through." Chen Feng threatened.

But the other party remained silent and came up with a great magical power.

Since he chose to follow the old man in the spiritual realm, the emperor naturally made a good choice.

Chen Feng hurriedly fought with the other party, and the two sides had their first collision.

As expected, different cultivation methods and different magical powers, but Chen Feng was also very experienced and still resolved it very well.

Although the emperor was stronger, in the eyes of the emperor, Chen Feng and others were also unfamiliar practitioners, and they also mastered unfamiliar methods. In particular, Chen Feng's gathering of everyone's strength also made the emperor feel some crisis.

"I really underestimated you." The emperor finally spoke.

"You didn't underestimate us, otherwise you wouldn't hide in the dark to launch a sneak attack. If you really have enough confidence in your own strength, you wouldn't use this method." Chen Feng mocked.

It was just that the two sides had not fought for a few rounds when the Void God suddenly appeared. It was not that the Void God wanted to come over, but that he had just been blinded by the power of the Spiritual Realm Elder and had no choice but to retreat.

In other words, the Void God was not the opponent of the Spiritual Realm Elder.

But only the Void God could barely resist at the moment, and no matter how many people Chen Feng and others had, they could not dissolve the opponent's blinding power.

Before, Chen Feng had seen how powerful the opponent's power was, and he had also suffered losses in the confrontation with the opponent.

But even so, Chen Feng still could not break the opponent's blinding power.

The power of truth could, and Chen Feng also constructed the law of truth and the road of truth, but Chen Feng's power was not strong enough.

And the Real Emperor was also his enemy.

When Chen Feng thought of this, he felt even more headache.

At the moment, he could only hope that the Void God could entangle the opponent, and the Gate of Origin would come to rescue quickly.

"It's a bit strange, the opponent's strength has become stronger." The Void God secretly communicated with Chen Chenfeng.

In the previous fight, the old man in the spirit realm was already seriously injured. Although as a great emperor, he can recover from his injuries quickly, it is difficult for him to make significant progress after practicing to this point.

Now the two sides have just started fighting, and the God of Nothingness can no longer resist. Fortunately, there is the existence of the God of Nothingness, otherwise, Chen Feng and others don’t know how many people will fall into the cover of the blinding power.

However, there is a little bit of good news, that is, the Hunyuan who disappeared before was just blinded and may still be alive for the time being.

Then they can be rescued after the old man in the spirit realm is solved, but this kind of thing can only be thought about.

Then Chen Feng was horrified to see that the body of the God of Nothingness began to disappear little by little, and his will completely disappeared.

"Something is wrong, the opponent's strength has become too strong, run away." Finally, Chen Feng received the will fluctuations of the God of Nothingness.




Chen Feng began to fight desperately, fully mobilized his own strength, and merged the strength of everyone as much as possible to explode.

If you are not careful, the power is out of control.

Chen Feng was blown back repeatedly. Seeing Chen Feng fighting so desperately, the emperor also kept his distance cautiously.

However, there is a gap in strength between the two sides, and it is useless even if they fight desperately. Fortunately, the old man in the spirit realm and the God of Nothingness disappeared together. Otherwise, under the attack of these two emperors, Chen Feng might have a problem escaping.

And the departure of the old man in the spirit realm is not necessarily a good thing. Maybe the God of Nothingness can be dealt with soon.

When Chen Feng thought of this, he became more anxious.

If he had known that he would encounter this situation when entering Guixu, he would never come in.

But when he thought that the opponent was the old man in the spirit realm, he would be hunted by the opponent no matter where he was.

"Trouble, the Gate of Origin is not coming quickly."


Chen Feng was suddenly hit, and deep wounds appeared on his body.

"Now is not the time to be distracted, but your physical body is really strong. I can't bear to kill you now. Maybe I can refine you into my clone." The emperor said.

"You are not the first one to have this idea." Chen Feng said.

"Daoyou Changtian, please use whatever means you have. We will provide you with mana cultivation." Someone shouted anxiously.

It's not that these Hunyuan are not strong enough, but that the opponent is too strong.

"Is there anyone who can deal with the power of blinding?" Chen Feng quickly explained the situation of the old man in the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng didn't have much hope at first, he just wanted to give it a try.

Who knew that someone would respond.

"I have a magical power that can be tried."

"Okay, in that case, you take the lead." Chen Feng first attacked with all his strength, and then exchanged positions with this person above the primordial.

Then this person above the primordial displayed a magical power, which actually stirred up the power of blinding.

"Okay, it works, continue." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he rushed out quickly again, and there were dozens of people above the primordial with him.

The power of the fortune array was divided into two, so the pressure on Chen Feng's side would become stronger, after all, the opponent was a great emperor.

The person above the primordial displayed magical powers continuously, and only saw the space constantly rippling until the God of Nothingness rushed out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was more and more surprised. He didn't expect it to be effective. He didn't know what magical power the other party used. It was just that his own strength was slightly weaker. If the strength was equal, then he would be the nemesis of the old man in the spiritual realm.

"Okay, continue to use this power." The God of Nothingness said, and then took the initiative to rush towards the old man in the spiritual realm.

After a melee, the two Hunyuans who had been there before were also rescued by the God of Nothingness.

In this way, Chen Feng was more relieved, and at the same time he notified the God of Nothingness that he must protect the Hunyuans, which was the key to dealing with the old man in the spiritual realm.

At this time, the Emperor of the Heart sent a message, and Chen Feng was relieved in his heart, knowing that the crisis was about to be resolved.



An extremely powerful force appeared almost out of thin air. Chen Feng was originally fighting against the emperor, and this time he had no power to resist.

So he was hit. Although the power in his body was released instinctively, his body still began to collapse.

"The power of truth is the Real Emperor." Chen Feng had long thought about how his enemy would appear, but he did not expect that the other party would not only sneak attack, but also join forces to sneak attack.

The Avenue of Life roared crazily, and the Law of Life spread all over Chen Feng's body, but the power of truth was constantly eroding Chen Feng's body.

The power of truth is also a very difficult power to deal with.

The Real Emperor is the strongest emperor Chen Feng has ever seen except the Gate of Origin.

"It's over, I'm not going to die this time." Chen Feng had such a thought.

"Looking for death."

The power of the mind continued to vibrate, blocking the Real Emperor's further attack. Some of the Hunyuan Above led by Chen Feng were injured, and some began to fight desperately, temporarily entangled another emperor.


At this time, the Real Emperor used a magical power to act on Chen Feng. The next moment a vortex appeared and Chen Feng disappeared.

And the Soul Emperor arrived immediately. At this time, the Soul Emperor was full of fighting spirit, which was a little different from the past. After arriving, the attack continued to cover the Real Emperor.

"Old rival, I wonder if your strength has recovered?" The Soul Emperor asked coldly.

The original incarnation of the Real Emperor was killed, which was considered a serious injury. The Soul Emperor was surprised that he appeared so quickly, but he also despised some juniors for secretly attacking them.

"Changtian should be fine." The Soul Emperor still believed in Chen Feng, but now was not the time to think about these things. Since the old rival appeared, could he find a chance to kill him?

But in Guixu, it might be difficult.

The Soul Emperor and the Real Emperor fought for many rounds, and they were evenly matched for a while, and finally the Gate of Origin appeared.

The moment the Gate of Origin appeared, the old man in the Spirit Realm chose to leave.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy." The God of Nothingness cooperated with the Hunyuan who performed special magical powers. They finally caught some clues. How could they let the other party leave?

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