Eternal Existence

Chapter 5357: Entering Guixu

"After the free space stabilizes, should I release the universe?" Chen Feng was a little entangled at this time.

After the war just now, Chen Feng felt that the free space was not too safe, but it was not okay to put it in his own origin.

After all, the origin he controlled was broken and would limit the development of the universe.

"Let's see the situation after it's over. If the Gate of Origin can completely repel these invaders this time, relying on its own powerful deterrence, it should not be a problem in a short time."

Finally, the opponent retreated, which also made Chen Feng a little disappointed, because he did not really hit the opponent hard.

In other words, the opponent still retains enough strength and will become an opponent sooner or later.

There are many origins in the four directions. If they want to deal with each other in the future, these origins will reunite.

In short, things will not be as easy as Chen Feng imagined.

Chen Feng noticed that the invaders gradually retreated, and there was only energy rolling outside the free space, and there were not many practitioners.

"So should we deal with Guixu next? No, there will definitely be some invaders in the free space, but these things are minor events, and I think the Gate of Origin can handle them by itself." Chen Feng communicated with the Time River and learned about the situation in the free space. Sure enough, there were still some invaders who had not left.

If these invaders are not dealt with quickly, the other party will also cause some unrest.

"Others have taken action, so we don't have to deal with them. I want to go to Guixu to take a look now." The Gate of Time and Space said.

"Okay, then let's go to Guixu to take a look." Chen Feng agreed, and then looked at the God of Nothingness: "Is Daoist friend interested?"

"Of course I am interested." Although the God of Nothingness did not want to continue fighting, Guixu was still very attractive.

However, some of the forces of Guixu have invaded the free space, and they still need to be dealt with.

Chen Feng did not know what the Gate of Origin was thinking for the time being, whether to advance little by little, or to directly enter Guixu to make trouble, or to cut off the invasion channel of Guixu.

But Chen Feng soon knew, because things changed again.

Guixu actually began to withdraw its power, and the speed of withdrawal was very fast.

If the power of Guixu was tentacles before, then the attack that penetrated into the free space has returned to the Guixu mainland.

Chen Feng looked at the collapsed space in front of him with some surprise. This was the free space covered by the power of Guixu.

Although the power of Guixu was withdrawn, the power of the covered free space was also withdrawn cleanly.

In other words, the free space was somewhat damaged in this battle, but Guixu's retreat made people think more.

Is Guixu not sure, or is it that the territory of Guixu was attacked and had to withdraw its power.

"Did the Gate of Origin do it?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It's possible, but their speed is quite fast." The God of Nothingness did not follow, so he didn't know what happened.

This possibility is very high, after all, the Gate of Origin went to the inside of Guixu.

"They are quite courageous." Chen Feng thought secretly. In Chen Feng's opinion, even if the Gate of Origin was powerful, they were still not as powerful as Guixu. You know, Guixu could swallow up a lot of origins, and there must be great emperors among them.

But Guixu's retreat also explained some reasons.

"Fellow Daoists, let's go into Guixu and see. Of course, we will start from the outer area first. If it is dangerous, we will rush out." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, if someone wants to withdraw, just let them know. The free space also needs manpower to stabilize."

A few people did hesitate, but no one spoke in the end.

It was definitely dangerous, but these people above Hunyuan did get some benefits from following Chen Feng. This time going to Guixu was also a good opportunity.

"Enter from another place."

Chen Feng was quite familiar with Guixu. He did not follow the direction of Guixu's retreat, but took a detour to enter.

Entering Guixu again, Chen Feng had an illusion.

"Guixu seems to have become stronger again. It seems that it has swallowed up other origins during this time." Chen Feng said.

"No one can tell how big Guixu is. According to my guess, as Guixu continues to expand, if the Gate of Origin is not avoided, it will be covered sooner or later." The God of Nothingness said.

"But don't underestimate the Gate of Origin. This guy is more powerful than I expected. Maybe he can really compete with Guixu."

"I have never underestimated the Gate of Origin, and I don't even underestimate the Emperor of Mind." Chen Feng said.

"There is nothing in this area. Maybe we need to go deeper." The God of Nothingness explored all around, and everything around was clear.

Chen Feng nodded: "Then hurry up, maybe the Gate of Origin has involved the power of Guixu, so there is no extra power to pay attention to us."

"Daoyou, I heard that the origin you mastered came from Guixu?" At this time, a person above Hunyuan suddenly asked Chen Feng,

"That's right!" Chen Feng did not perfunctory. Many people knew about this matter, and there was nothing to hide.

Hearing Chen Feng's answer, many people flashed with surprise in their eyes.

Chen Feng shook his head. Of course, he knew what these people were thinking, but how could it be so easy?

Besides, even if we can find the broken origin, how can we divide it with so many people?

However, Chen Feng also knew that it was normal to have such an idea. Maybe everyone believed that there was an opportunity for them.

"That's good. At least everyone is more motivated." Chen Feng thought about it and asked everyone to disperse a little so that they could explore more areas.

"The origin here is covered very tightly. If you don't explore carefully, you can't find it at all." Chen Feng talked about his previous experience.

"I have been to Guixu before, but I didn't gain anything, and even encountered extremely deadly dangers." One of the above Hunyuan said so.

After all, not everyone has such good luck as Chen Feng. It is unreasonable to say that the strength of these above Hunyuan is not strong enough. Chen Feng was not as good as the above Hunyuan at that time.

"I found a good place." After a while, one of the above Hunyuan said excitedly.

"It was found so quickly." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although the Eye of Insight was exploring, he really found a broken origin.

"What good luck."

"Whoever finds it will own it. Of course, if you can't refine it yourself, you can also share it with others." Chen Feng said this to avoid disputes.

The man above the primordial quickly tore through the layers of space and disappeared.

"Something is wrong, it seems dangerous." At this time, the God of Nothingness suddenly said.

"Is there an ambush?" Chen Feng did not notice the danger, but he was ready to respond at any time.

"It's the broken origin." The God of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng frowned, his eyes passed through the layers of space, and soon found the man above the primordial and the broken origin.

"So that's it, come out quickly, fellow Taoists, retreat quickly." Chen Feng shouted hurriedly, and at the same time waved his hand to release the sword formation.

Although he didn't know what happened, the White Mirror Swordsman immediately used the sword formation after seeing Chen Feng's actions.

The same was true for the sword cultivators present.

Then the space began to collapse first, spreading rapidly around the collapsed area. When it spread to a certain extent, energy that destroyed everything began to erupt at the center of the collapse.

It was like a volcanic eruption.

"The last part of the power of this origin just erupted like this. It was unnecessary." Chen Feng sighed.

This is also normal. Isn't it the same with the volcanic origin that I collected at the beginning?

The person above the mixed origin also rushed out during the energy eruption, but his body was constantly collapsing in the process of leaving.

This is the last sublimation of the origin of one side, and it is difficult for ordinary mixed origins to stop it.

Even if this person above the mixed origin does not die, his vitality will be seriously injured.

Chen Feng did not hesitate, went upstream, and quickly rushed to the other party.

At this time, Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, and no matter how strong this power was, it could not do anything to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng grabbed the other party to a safe area, and the person above the mixed origin breathed a sigh of relief. With the flashing of streamers, the damaged body was also recovering rapidly.

"Thank you." The person above the mixed origin hurriedly expressed his gratitude, but then shook his head in disappointment.

After finally finding a broken origin, I thought it would be a huge gain, but who knew I almost lost it.

"It's not that easy. We still have to be careful next. After finding the broken origin, we still have to block the four directions first, and then suppress it step by step." Chen Feng said.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng was also careless. It was not like this when he collected the origin. It can only be said that this Hunyuan Above was a bit unlucky.

"Let's go, this is a good thing, which shows that there are still origins in Guixu, but we made such a big noise just now. I don't know if it will attract the attention of Guixu." The God of Nothingness said.

"Maybe Guixu has noticed us a long time ago, but it just didn't mobilize its forces to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

After the little episode just now, everyone also saw the danger in Guixu.

Speaking of which, most of the Hunyuan Above present wanted to find the origin here, because most of them believed that the reason why Chen Feng was so powerful was because he got the broken origin in Guixu.

Guixu is too big, much bigger than Origin. Outsiders who enter it will be suppressed to a certain extent. If they want to be exempted from this suppression, they need to stay here for a long enough time or get the recognition of Guixu.

Chen Feng and all the Hunyuan who have been to Guixu are better off. Those who come here for the first time always feel very depressed and their combat effectiveness is also affected.

They can't help but feel uneasy, as if there is a deadly danger hidden around them.

"Ahem, even if you participate in the Gate of Origin, you won't have this feeling." Someone couldn't help but say.

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