Eternal Existence

Chapter 5353 Crisis Crisis

"But I still have a way." Just when Chen Feng wanted to use his ultimate move, time and space fluctuated, the stars shifted, and with the inevitable will of origin, Chen Feng knew that the other party was moving him.

He just didn't know where he would move to.

He was really ready for a fight. In Chen Feng's opinion, the other party must have prepared various ambushes.

As a result, when Chen Feng appeared again, he was already outside this origin.

"They actually moved us out."

When Chen Feng was thinking about whether to go in again, the space fluctuated, and his companions appeared one after another.

Not long after, everyone gathered together.

And Chen Chong also received the will communication from this origin.

Since the other party chose to withdraw from this battle of origin,

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or not, the current situation was a good thing for Chen Feng.

His goal was temporarily achieved.

Originally, Chen Feng's worst plan was to defeat the other party one by one. Since everyone was gathered together now, it also showed that the other party should be sincere.

"Fellow Daoists, since the other party is so sincere, let's choose to leave." Chen Feng led his men away for a distance and found that the other party did not catch up, and the origin had disappeared.

So Chen Feng did not stay too long, and took people to find other invading forces.

Reducing an invading force can also reduce a lot of pressure on the Gate of Origin.

As for whether the two sides will deal with each other in the future, then naturally we will talk about it later.

Anyway, this side of the origin can't run away. If the Gate of Origin really has an idea, then we will find a place to fight back later.

"This side of the origin is very timid, in fact, the other party should fight us to the end." The second generation said so.

After all, the current situation is obviously unfavorable to the Gate of Origin. The other party entangled his group of people, which is equivalent to putting pressure on the Gate of Origin.

"It is normal for the other party to have such an idea. First of all, the strength of this side of the origin is not too strong. Secondly, they may not have entered the free space. There is no need to continue the war without benefits." Chen Feng said so.

"Maybe so." The second generation nodded.

Even if the other party has a conspiracy, it will be a matter for the future.

Next, Chen Feng did not use the power of the long river of time, but the gate of time and space took everyone to travel.

The speed was very fast, and they came to the origin again.

But this time, everyone was not so lucky.

This origin was already prepared, and the strength of this origin was also very strong. Chen Feng and others were ambushed as soon as they entered.

The other party sent out the existence of the origin level as soon as they came up. These few origins left behind were enough to suppress Chen Feng and others.

The two sides fought and could not tell the winner for a while.

When this origin directly mobilized its power to suppress, Chen Feng and others could not resist it.

Not to mention that the other party mobilized the invaders back, the current situation alone made Chen Feng and others fall into it.

It’s not that they can’t get out, but if they leave like this, then the purpose of coming this time will fail.

“Is there any problem with the gate of origin?” Chen Feng asked the gate of time and space.

“It’s still the same situation as before, or I will take you away?” The gate of time and space said so.

"Well, since it's useless to stay here, then choose to leave and make a long-term plan." Chen Feng didn't have a good solution, thinking that he might as well leave here first and then deal with other origins.

But when the gate of time and space appeared, a force came through and directly defeated the gate of time and space.

It turned out that the other party had been prepared, and the most important thing was that they were strong. Since the other party chose to break the gate of time and space, it meant that they wanted to keep Chen Feng and others here.

Chen Feng felt it was difficult, but he had no way. This level of struggle could only be resolved by relying on one's own strength. Everything else was nothingness, and conspiracy and trickery were useless.

"Fellow Taoists, please take out any means you have. Since the other party wants to calculate us, we must let the other party see our true strength." Chen Feng had to continue to boost morale and wanted to see if there were any hidden powers or masters.

"We have done our best." One of the Hunyuan said helplessly.

Everyone followed Chen Feng to fight continuously, and they did gain some benefits before, but now they are indeed a little powerless.

However, despite some complaints, some people still released some clones, and now some people took out the resources they had obtained before and burned them directly to enhance their combat effectiveness.

Although it did improve some strength, it still could not change the overall situation.

Although it was a bit regrettable, this was also within Chen Feng's expectations. He continued to fight with his opponent while communicating with the Gate of Time and Space.

As a result, the Gate of Time and Space did not respond, and Chen Feng went to communicate with the River of Time again.

Suddenly, the force that appeared before came through again, and this time the target was the White Mirror Swordsman.

Under normal circumstances, the White Mirror Swordsman could not resist it, but the White Mirror Swordsman was also prepared, and everyone was originally fighting together, so this force was shared by everyone.

The result was that a loophole appeared in the field controlled by Chen Feng.

"What a powerful attack." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

In the past, the opponent could directly defeat the Gate of Time and Space. Although the Gate of Time and Space was not the main body, it was still very powerful, especially the time and space involved, which was not so easy to hit.

Although there are some masters among the Hunyuan superiors present, they cannot block this attack.

Therefore, in addition to finding ways to enhance the power of the Creation Formation, Chen Feng also used the Great Way of Reincarnation to harmonize everyone's strengths.

You may not be able to block the opponent's attack, but you can also prepare in advance and dodge.

However, Chen Feng still felt something was wrong.

The opponent's attack does not appear casually, but is looking for loopholes, which will only appear when there is a suitable opportunity.

When Chen Feng re-healed the field, this kind of attack never appeared.

The more the other party held back, the more pressure Chen Feng felt, knowing that the other party was secretly watching him and could give him a fatal blow at any time.

"I wonder if my defense can block it?" Chen Feng hoped that the opponent's attack would be directed at him. If it were anyone else, even the second generation might not be able to block it.

Of course Chen Feng hopes that the second generation can continue to explode with strength close to that of the emperor, but it is obviously unrealistic. During this period of confrontation, the second generation has used such methods many times, and it seems that it has also had some impact on himself. Even if you get some resources to make up for it, it is not suitable for a long burst.

After all, the current strength of the second generation is still not strong enough.

Finally, the opponent attacked again, and the target was Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not mobilize the strength of others. After all, there were many opponents in front of him. Chen Feng went all out and finally defused the opponent's attack, but there were some damages on his body.

"It's okay, this should be the original light." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and as the power of life surged, the wounds on his body healed quickly.

The attacks from Origin were too familiar to Chen Feng, and he could even estimate the strength of Origin from the strength of the opponent's attacks.

"I can bear some injuries." Chen Feng made up his mind. When the opponent's attack appeared again and attacked others, Chen Feng immediately moved to help the opponent block this wave of attacks.

"But it's not an option to continue like this, otherwise we should find a way to leave." Second said.

"That's fine!"

Chen Feng promised and secretly summoned the Gate of Time and Space, but there was no response.

Once the Gate of Time and Space is defeated, even if the power is transmitted again, it will take time. The same is true for the River of Time.

In the past, the best way to encounter this kind of situation was to use the Copy Law, but now the Copy Law cannot be used, which makes Chen Feng very helpless.

"Everyone, let's fight out together." After Chen Feng said that, he quickly gathered everyone together, and the formation of creation directly entered the shadow behind Chen Feng, while Chen Feng used his divine wings to escape quickly.

"Where to escape!"

Chen Feng didn't run very far before he was stopped. However, at this time, Chen Feng used the power of everyone to launch a swift and violent blow, directly breaking the layers of obstacles in front of him, and even half of the body of one Hunyuan collapsed.

Next, Chen Feng no longer ran away, but began to attack. Every time the formation of creation flashed, Chen Feng would explode with a full blow.

After more than a dozen outbreaks in a row, not only were the attacks from this side dispersed, but several Hunyuans present were severely wounded.

Just when they thought Chen Feng was going to fight to the end, the divine wings behind Chen Feng suddenly flickered and then disappeared.

He still had to find a way to leave. Chen Feng's initial thoughts did not change at all.

But Chen Feng was stopped again, this time not by the origin, but by the existence of the origin.

This source is not like a weapon or magic weapon, but directly extends into a vast area, blocking Chen Feng's way.

In this case, Chen Feng couldn't even take a detour.

"Then just force your way through, so what if it's the original existence." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and exploded again.

Then they fell into a stalemate with the other party.

Let’s not talk about the attack of this original being, but the defense is really difficult.

Seeing the pursuers behind him, Chen Feng knew that he was about to get into a hard fight.

Just when Chen Feng was unable to escape, a battle between the Great Emperors was taking place in a mysterious and unpredictable space.

The God of Nothingness is involved, as is the Great Spirit Emperor. In addition, there is also the ancestor of the void beast. These three great emperors are a very strong force, blocking the great emperor among the intruders.

But the strongest one is the Gate of Origin.

That's right, the Gate of Origin exists in a state of life at this time, constantly changing its position, and bursting out with powerful blows from time to time.

No matter what the opponent is, no one dares to take this kind of attack head on.

But it's not enough.

"There are too many opponents. It seems that they are determined to carve up the Gate of Origin. Do we have any helpers?" God of Nothingness said.

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