Eternal Existence

Chapter 5352: Strategy

However, since the Origin Gate dares to attack Guixu and can directly defeat the opponent's will, it shows that the Origin Gate is not without the power to fight.

"Yes, the Gate of Origin has not yet extracted the power of free space." Chen Feng thought that the Gate of Origin could become stronger.

If you burn your source and work hard, you might be able to kill some intruders.

"But there is a lot of noise this time. I hope it won't attract too many opponents." At this time, Chen Feng thought of the real emperor and other masters who had troubles in the past. Even Chen Feng had so many enemies. Chen Feng believed in the Gate of Origin. There must be one, and even if it doesn't, the origin of one party is enough to attract many people to come here to carve it up.

If four or five emperors really appeared all at once, it would be a question whether the Gate of Origin could escape. Chen Feng believed that he would not be able to escape by then.

Chen Feng did not dare to continue wandering around Guixu, but turned around again.

"Anyway, the situation has become like this, why not continue to find the invader's lair." Chen Feng thought.

"The only thing I'm worried about is that the intruder's lair is very dangerous. Not to mention the emperor waiting for me, even a group of powerful Hunyuan masters will be a huge trouble."

Chen Feng was confused and helpless. If he really left this area, he would not worry about the situation of the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng joined the others in this state.

"Ahem, fellow Taoists, what do you think?" Chen Feng asked everyone.

At this time, Chen Feng had dozens of Hunyuan and above under his command, and some of Chen Feng's clones had also returned. It would be no problem to break out and create a team of a hundred people at the critical moment.

Everyone was silent at first, and then started talking about it. Some were willing to go to other origins to cause trouble, and some were willing to stay. In short, it was a mess.

"Forget it, let me take care of it." Chen Feng waved his hand and did not want to ask for advice.

"Go to other origins, but before that we must be prepared, that is, go all out. Fellow Taoists, I hope you will take out all your clones." Chen Feng said.

There was some commotion.

Chen Feng sighed, but said no more. Speaking of it, it was good for these people to persist until now. Some practitioners did not participate in this kind of war at all, and left early when they encountered danger.


After Chen Feng finished speaking, the gate of time and space appeared, loaded everyone into it and began to travel through time and space.

When the gate of time and space stopped, everyone realized that they had arrived inside the origin of Yifang.

The Gate of Time and Space is only responsible for teleportation and does not have extra power for combat.

"Where is this?" someone asked curiously.

"One of the intruders, let's take action. Make some noise first and see the power here." In fact, Chen Feng didn't know the origin of this party, but he also made a plan to leave directly if there was any danger.




Everyone exuded a strong aura, the space suddenly collapsed, and the thick pressure began to radiate to the entire origin.

Chen Feng noticed that someone had released clones, even more than one.

The team finally surpassed the number of one hundred.

Think about it, even Chen Feng can create dozens of clones. Any one of these Hunyuan people has been practicing for much longer than Chen Feng. He has accumulated enough in the long years, as well as the means to save his life. Without some clones, even a fool would believe it.

Some people also released clones in the previous fight, but Chen Feng also knew that they did not use their full strength.

At this time, the Gate of Origin was at a critical juncture, and Chen Feng could only encourage his morale.

This side's origin reacted quickly. When Chen Feng and others released their pressure, this side's origin also released their pressure to suppress it. Immediately after the space fluctuated, some powerful practitioners were mobilized from everywhere.

It has to be said that the response from this side of Origin is very fast, but it doesn’t seem to be too much sitting on top of Origin’s Hunyuan.

Thinking about it, the masters here are of course going to the Gate of Origin to snatch the benefits. In their view, the various forces are invading and the Gate of Origin is too overwhelmed to take care of itself, so there is no spare power.

But something went wrong, and Chen Feng actually brought people here.

"The scale of this origin is not small." Someone said.

"No matter how big or small the scale is, since we are here, we must mess up this place."

"It's not enough to cause chaos, we have to divide this place up."

"Stop talking nonsense and take action." Chen Feng no longer asked everyone to enter his origin as before, but began to mobilize his troops and generals, and several people formed a small battle formation to kill the practitioners who appeared.

Of course, you must seize this good opportunity while the opponent's number is small.

It stands to reason that this is the period of the Origin War. Even if the opponent sends some of its forces, the entire Origin is still in the preparation period, and some hidden masters must be ready at any time.

Therefore, Chen Feng can easily determine how many masters there are in this origin and the level this origin is at.

In fact, there are still very few people who can reach the level of the Gate of Origin. Although there are many invading forces this time, except for Guixu, none of them can compare with the Gate of Origin.

"So this place doesn't matter. Instead of fighting with other intruders, it's better to go straight to the opponent's lair and fight in the same way. Maybe you can get some benefits." Chen Feng said, already using the devouring technique with all his strength.

Energy gathers and space distorts. When the energy is extracted by Chen Feng, this area becomes extremely fragile and will collapse if he makes even the slightest move.

However, although Chen Feng's swallowing technique is powerful, it is not enough to swallow the entire origin.

Chen Feng did this to force the other party out, and swallowing some unfamiliar power was good for Chen Feng's practice.

This was originally Chen Feng's path of cultivation.

"There are not many people above Hunyuan here." Not only Chen Feng, but others also discovered this, so after repelling the opponent, they began to look for the life area.

Some people have even begun to use means to find the core of the origin of this party.

"It is best to make as big a movement as possible to allow the opponent's power to return." Chen Feng said.

Of course Chen Feng wants to carve up this side of the Origin, but he also knows that it cannot be done in a short time. If an intruder can return, it will reduce the pressure on the Origin Gate.

At that time, you can completely divide your troops into two or more groups and go to other origins to cause trouble.

Although it is risky, it is also the best way to reduce the pressure on the Origin Gate.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one around Chen Feng, and the cultivator who had been repelled before took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

Because Chen Feng's Devouring Technique became stronger and stronger, all the energy in his path was completely devoured.

"Well done!"

Chen Feng is not worried about anyone affecting him. Being able to kill a Hunyuan is comparable to the amount of energy he swallowed.

Although Chen Feng has no helpers around him, it is still too easy to deal with ordinary Hunyuan.


Chen Feng directly suppressed the opponent with a punch, and was cut into pieces by the sword array before the opponent could rush out.

"I didn't take action directly just now. You don't think I'm easy to bully." Chen Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, the sword formation expanded. The other two Hunyuan Shang were so frightened that they fled quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng did not chase the opponent, but took a step forward and started to shuttle.

"Let's see who finds the core area first." Chen Feng said.

But before Chen Feng could go far, he suddenly stopped again and said with some surprise: "You came back pretty quickly."

It turns out that Chen Feng had just received news from the Gate of Time and Space that a force that invaded the Gate of Origin had returned.

The reason why he came back so quickly is that the power of the Gate of Origin did not entangle him, but he relied on the power of the origin.

"On top of the hundreds of Hunyuan, a few origin-level beings are indeed a considerable force, but without the Great Emperor, haha, if you rashly participate in an origin-level war, you will be destroyed easily." Chen Feng quickly judged the opponent's strength.

Then Chen Feng took the initiative to launch an attack.

Of course there is a reason for doing this. Chen Feng wants to delay time for others and the Gate of Origin.

If we leave now, this force will still gather together to attack the Gate of Origin.

However, Chen Feng only attacks from a distance. With so many opponents, it would be a dead end if he came forward to fight.

Even if there weren't those origin level beings, Chen Feng wouldn't come forward.


Chen Feng's attack was naturally counterattacked, and several Hunyuan superiors left the team to chase Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, gathered his strength and ran away quickly.

As long as the other party catches up, you can find a place to kill them.

Chen Feng has already passed on the news. These returning intruders will definitely go to find the practitioners on their side.

It's just that this time we are fighting on the opponent's territory, which is a bit disadvantageous. However, Chen Feng also said that if there is danger, he will immediately choose to leave this side.

"To them, we are also intruders." Chen Feng smiled, but it was just the jungle of the jungle, the winner is king.


Chen Feng didn't run very far when he was stopped by the force from this source. Chen Feng slowed down slightly, and the pursuers behind him arrived.

Attack after attack overwhelmed Chen Feng, but Chen Feng soon came out intact.

At this time, the pursuers already felt bad, but this was their home court, and several people were still attacking one person, so these Hunyuan superiors did not choose to retreat.

But after Chen Feng broke out, these Hunyuan superiors regretted it. One of them was directly beaten by Chen Feng, while Chen Feng blocked their attacks very well.

The gap between the two sides is obvious, how can we fight this?

Just when Chen Feng was about to start a massacre, Fang Yuan's will came and defeated Chen Feng's attack.

The will of the origin of one party is not easy to resist, and Chen Feng does not dare to be careless. In this way, he will no longer be able to deal with the Hunyuan superiors in front of him. On the contrary, he will be besieged by the opponent.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's defense is strong, otherwise a few ordinary Hunyuan and the will of one party could completely defeat Chen Feng.

"But I still have a way." Just when Chen Feng wanted to use his ultimate move, time and space fluctuated, and the stars moved. Coupled with the unavoidable will of origin, Chen Feng knew that the opponent was moving away from him.

I just don't know where it will be moved.

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