Eternal Existence

Chapter 5335: Bewitched

"It shouldn't be that simple." Chen Feng still felt something was wrong, but since he came here, he must take action, not to mention that they have entered his trap.

This also shows that there is indeed no emperor.

According to Chen Feng's previous calculations, there is not much confidence to hide from the emperor.

Now there are so many Hunyuan on the battlefield just rushing into the trap he set up. Although Chen Feng is very satisfied with his methods, he still feels a little incredible.

Where did these people come from? Even if they are Hunyuan, it is not so easy to cultivate, and there are so many of them, but no one noticed something wrong.

"Don't worry about it for now. Since the other party has appeared, just take action directly. If there is really an emperor, then deal with it at that time. And naturally there is the Gate of Origin to solve it. So many Hunyuan in front of us are not so easy to deal with." Void God said.

"Indeed." Chen Feng nodded. When these unknown practitioners completely entered the trap set by Chen Feng, Chen Feng immediately launched the attack. He used various void means to separate these above Hunyuan. Then the killing array was activated, and several above Hunyuan were injured.

However, those origin-level beings reacted very quickly. They were compatible with each other's power at the first time, forming a special field. On the one hand, they competed with Chen Feng, and on the other hand, they were constantly pulling the above Hunyuan separated by Chen Feng.

It must be said that the opponent's reaction and response were very perfect. Even if Chen Feng set up a trap, the opponent quickly counterattacked.

The Void God did not choose to attack, but guarded against the stronger existence that might appear around.

Although the number of opponents was slightly larger, Chen Feng's side had a lot of manpower, and Chen Feng also released the battle puppet, which was prepared in advance, so he still had the upper hand.

At the same time, Chen Feng was also communicating with the Gate of Origin. If the Gate of Origin could bless the power, then the combat effectiveness of his side would be further improved.

But the response of the Gate of Origin made Chen Feng seem to be poured with a bucket of cold water.

"What's going on?" The God of Nothingness felt that something was wrong with Chen Feng.

"These are the reinforcements of the Gate of Origin." Although Chen Feng said this, he still had no means to stop attacking.

"How is this possible?" The God of Nothingness also felt a little incredible.

Although he didn't believe what Chen Song said, the God of Nothingness also understood that what Chen Feng said should be true.

"I was deceived by the Long River of Time, and there was a problem with the Long River of Time." Chen Feng immediately communicated with the Long River of Time, and sure enough, there was no response this time.

Chen Feng calmed down and carefully calculated, and finally got some clues. This clue might be the truth. After knowing the truth, Chen Feng was even more shocked.

"It turns out that I was moved out of that origin, not only because of the power of that origin, but also because of the Long River of Time. It has been bewitching and luring me to come here, in order to let me stop this group of practitioners, because these practitioners are allies found by the Gate of Origin. The other party moved me out of the origin and blocked such a force. It is simply killing two birds with one stone." Chen Feng said.

"Since that's the case, you're still not relaxed now." Void God said, and then Void God also understood why Chen Feng didn't stop.

Both sides have caused casualties. Even if he stopped, the other side would not give up.

Moreover, the hatred between the two sides has been formed. The other side can no longer be an ally of the Gate of Origin, and will only mobilize forces to deal with the Gate of Origin.

As for whether it was calculated or not, the other side didn't care at all. Besides, even if they wanted to investigate, they would find the Long River of Time, and the Long River of Time belongs to the Gate of Origin. This matter is the same in the end.

However, after thinking about it, Chen Feng gradually gathered his manpower. Without these Hunyuan Above sitting in, the magic arrays arranged by Chen Feng quickly collapsed. After the other side tore apart all of Chen Feng's traps, Chen Feng also led people away.

These Hunyuan Above were a little confused. The other side had the upper hand just now, why did they suddenly withdraw their troops?

Although they didn't know what happened, these Hunyuan Above still gathered together and stopped rushing on the road, and then passed the message back, waiting for the next response.

"There is a problem with the Long River of Time. The news I received is also false and true. It seems that it is fighting with other Long Rivers of Time and being invaded by the other party. Then, can I still trust the Long River of Time in the future?" Chen Feng gathered people into the Creation Formation, and then used the magic of walking to quickly rush to the Gate of Origin.

This time Chen Feng successfully came to the Gate of Origin, and it was indeed besieged.

Chen Feng saw three battlefields, and behind each battlefield was an origin.

This scene made Chen Feng a little anxious.

The Gate of Origin fought everywhere, and finally came to besieged by other origins. Even if the Gate of Origin is very powerful, how much can it fight?

"The Long River of Time did not lie to me on this point. The origin is indeed in trouble. In this way, the Long River of Time is not completely chaotic." Chen Feng guessed in his heart and quickly locked a force.

Chen Feng did not step forward to attack, but was looking for the location of the other party's nest.

Instead of attacking this force, it is better to directly attack the origin behind the other party, so that the other party will naturally return to rescue.

Of course, Chen Feng was taking some risks in doing so. If the origin of this party was strong enough, then he might have thrown himself into a trap.

Origin Gate finally responded to Chen Feng. At this time, Origin Gate's attitude was very calm, without any panic. It seemed that it was well prepared for the situation in front of it, but it was a little surprised by Chen Feng's arrival. Through communication, it became clear that the river of time had appeared. problem.

"Don't worry, I will solve it here. The identity of Time River is still there, and I will bring order to the chaos. Since you are determined, just do it according to your own ideas, and I will find a few more helpers for you." Origin Zhimen said so.

In this case, Chen Feng felt a little relieved, so he took people to the origin of the side he had targeted.

The distance between the two sides was actually very far, so Chen Feng had to rely on the power of the God of Nothingness, but even so, it took some time.

After all, the origin of this party is far away, and they have used means to send people here before.

"We are sure to attack. We won't find any more helpers." God of Nothingness asked.

The attacking side's origin is a bit weak, especially when I think about the previous encounter with the origin of illusion, I feel even more unsure.

"Do it!"

Chen Feng simply showed up and rushed forward. Under the powerful force, with a roar, the edge of the origin in front of him began to collapse.

The formation of creation appeared and began to expand continuously, directly and fiercely originating like this.

Dozens of battle puppets were also arranged in battle formations to follow.

"I don't believe that every origin is that powerful. If the other party was really powerful enough, they would have taken it out long ago." Chen Feng said.

Besides, even if he knew there was danger ahead, Chen Feng would still take action.

Chen Feng temporarily gave control of the Creation Formation to the Second Generation and the others, and then released the Origin of No Return himself.


Chen Feng sighed, his origins kept suppressing things, and now there are fewer and fewer origins that can be used, otherwise he would not have used the origins evolved in the underworld before.

The God of Nothingness broke in immediately and immediately went to look for the Great Emperor who might exist here.

"It's weird. There is no aura of the emperor. Even if we are far away, such a big movement should have appeared." God of Nothingness looked at Chen Feng and others who kept running rampant, feeling a little curious in his heart.

If there is no Great Emperor here, then how can we have the confidence to invade the Gate of Origin?

Finally, practitioners above Hunyuan appeared, but unfortunately they collapsed immediately after they rushed up. The number above Hunyuan was too small, and even the top masters could not stop Chen Feng's momentum.

“Easier than expected!”

Chen Feng also felt a little confused. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly. After repelling a wave of opponents, Chen Feng collected some origin fragments and distributed them to everyone.

"If this momentum continues, carving up this origin will not be a problem." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Since the other party has not mobilized enough force to block it, then our side must speed up.


Under Chen Feng's urging, Wuhui Origin expanded even faster, and at the same time, it also frantically plundered the surrounding Origin fragments.

The fastest thing is for the origins to devour each other, and the digestion speed of the origins does not seem to be fast, but the scale is huge, so it is very scary to digest. The previous illusory origins can even absorb the power of so many advanced practitioners.

Only by plundering the fragments of this side's origin can we truly injure the other side, otherwise the other side can recover over time.

The number of people above Hunyuan increased, but there were only dozens of them, and they still could not stop Chen Feng's invasion.

"Find an opportunity to deal with them." Chen Feng saw that these Hunyuan masters were beaten back every time, and it didn't matter even if they were injured.

So when the opponent rushed up again, Chen Feng suddenly released the copying law, directly trapping the two Hunyuans. Before anyone could rescue them, Chen Feng punched them to pieces one by one, and threw the opponent's weapons and magic weapons with them. Entered the formation of creation.

Above the ordinary Hunyuan, Chen Feng really looked down on the chaos-level weapons and magic weapons.

Now that the two opponents were successfully dealt with, the copying law once again showed its power and extended directly to other Hunyuan Shang. Although the opponents were prepared, they could not escape at all.

Not to mention being in this origin, even if the opponent can leave this origin in a short period of time, Chen Feng can quickly catch up with the opponent through the copying law.

I think that Chen Feng directly traveled to the origin through the copying law under the threat of the emperor.

Just like this, two Hunyuan superiors died in Chen Feng's hands.

Seeing this scene, even the God of Nothingness secretly sighed. In any case, this was still above Hunyuan. He didn't expect to die so easily. In the long years of practice, God of Nothingness had rarely encountered such a thing.

"Is there really going to be a big turmoil? I wonder if I can survive?" Niuwu Shen thought with some worry.

Just when Chen Feng was showing off his power, a beam of light suddenly blocked the way to copy the law.

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