Eternal Existence

Chapter 5334: Move Out

Chen Feng didn't know the new emperor, but since he appeared, Chen Feng felt relieved.

Next, if he joined forces with this emperor, he might be able to defeat his opponent.

"I am Changtian, from the Gate of Origin. What's your name?" Chen Feng took the initiative to greet him.

"The Twin Fire Emperor has some connection with the Gate of Origin." The emperor said.

Chen Feng immediately understood why the other party chose to help him. It turned out that he had something to do with the Gate of Origin.

In this case, Chen Feng was relieved.

Since he had something to do with the Gate of Origin, he was his ally.

Sure enough, Chen Feng and the Twin Fire Earth joined forces to kill the other party and retreated repeatedly, but Chen Feng had already seen that the opponent was not from this illusory origin.

"My fellow Taoist, we all come from outside, why don't we divide this origin in a chain? We fight here, and in the end, it's all the advantage of this origin." Chen Feng was also trying to seduce the other party.

As an emperor, the other party was of course unmoved.

Although he was at a disadvantage now, the earth was also certain in his heart.

"I hope I can injure another emperor next time. It would be great if I can defeat him." Chen Feng naturally wanted to kill him.

If he could defeat him, then his side would be full again.

Chen Feng also knew that it was not that easy. He knew that he had not exerted his full strength from the calmness of the other party.

Moreover, although the battle between the emperors seemed to be more chaotic and fierce, in fact, they did not fight desperately most of the time.

How could he kill his opponent if he did not fight desperately?

Even the Twin Fire Emperors did not exert their full strength. To participate in this level of battle, Chen Feng went all out every time.

Fortunately, Chen Feng could handle it.

But it was still a bit of a burden for him to go on for a long time.

"It would be great if there was one more helper." Chen Feng took a look. The Void God and the Soul Emperor each had their own opponents and could not come to help him.

As a result, a cultivator really appeared, but it was a pity that he was an opponent.

The opponent was not an emperor, but he burst out with the fighting power of an emperor.

Just one sword left a wound on Chen Feng.

"What a powerful swordsman, even more powerful than the White Mirror Swordsman." Chen Feng immediately judged the opponent's strength.

He wanted to release the White Mirror Swordsman to fight with the opponent, but he knew that the White Mirror Swordsman was no match for the opponent.

So how did Chen Feng let the Second World come forward to stop the opponent.

But then practitioners of this level appeared one after another.

He was not afraid of the opponent in a one-on-one fight, but after six or seven appeared, Chen Feng felt the pressure.

He no longer had to think about solving the previous emperor.

Self-protection was the most important thing next.

The situation turned into a real melee, and Chen Feng had no choice but to fight with the opponent to the best of his ability.

In fact, this kind of scene is more normal. How could he always kill the opponent? It is very likely that he would be killed by the opponent.

He was lucky, and the opponent had cultivated to this point, and he was also blessed with good luck.

In this way, the two sides fought for a while, and a violent explosion caused some turbulence in the entire battle situation.

Another huge multi-attribute energy ball exploded. Although everyone was prepared because of Chen Feng's previous actions, it takes time to prepare, and energy balls cannot be condensed at any time.

So a great emperor was seriously injured, and several practitioners around him were crushed to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was also shocked. Fortunately, he did not release those above the Hunyuan to fight, otherwise he would definitely be affected.

"In such a chaotic situation, they still use this method. Aren't you afraid of not distinguishing between friend and foe." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Dear Taoist friends, I think we should join forces to solve this origin first. The other party is simply thinking about letting us fight each other so that they can take advantage of it. Don't you feel that this origin has been absorbing our power?" Chen Feng said again.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to Chen Feng at all. Maybe some people were touched in their hearts, but the fight had reached such a state, and they were still intertwined. It was still difficult to separate.

No one wanted to stop first, otherwise they might be seriously injured.

When another energy ball exploded, everyone finally stopped.

On the surface, it looked like the same energy ball as before, but the explosion was a little different.

This time, the energy ball exploded, which caused time and space turbulence. Some practitioners were moved to unknown places. Even some emperors were affected. They were a little unstable. How could they fight?

"It seems that we still have to solve this origin first." Chen Feng said.

The opponent was too weird. How could he have so many energy balls of the origin level?

If he continued to explode like this, even the emperor would be killed one by one.

This was what Chen Feng saw. How many practitioners died in those places that he couldn't see?

Chen Feng stopped, but he was swept away by a turbulence of time and space before he got close to the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng resisted as much as he could, but he still couldn't stop this strange force.

When Chen Feng appeared again, he was outside the origin. The surroundings were empty, and there was not even any energy fluctuation.

"I was moved out this time. That's bad. Could it be that the other party wants to leave this place?" But then Chen Meng felt a little confused. If the other party wanted to leave, why would he move himself out?

Compared with those lands, the threat to this origin should be very small, and this land should be thinking about how to catch everyone in one fell swoop.

Moreover, Chen Feng did not sense the existence of other people. Chen Feng began to think that it was possible that other people did not move out.

Chen Feng immediately communicated with the Long River of Time. When the Long River of Time responded, Chen Feng was relieved.

But soon Chen Feng felt that something was wrong with the Long River of Time.

"I was severely injured. The other party used the law of time, which should be said to be the self-explosion of the thunder of time." The Long River of Time said so.

"Who is the opponent? Is it this body source?" Chen Feng asked.

"It doesn't belong to this origin, but it should be an ally of this origin. However, the other party should have mastered the new Time River, otherwise, it would not have condensed such a powerful Time Thunder, and there is a force that is looking for the Gate of Origin and wants to attack the Gate of Origin itself." Time River said.

This made Chen Feng a little worried. Although the Gate of Origin was very powerful and seemed unfathomable, Chen Feng's friends and family were all staying at the Gate of Origin. If there was a large-scale invasion, they might be affected.

This situation happened once before, and it was solved by the Gate of Origin. Can the Gate of Origin still handle it this time?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng didn't want to stay here and wanted to return to the Gate of Origin.

And Time River said this because he wanted Chen Feng to take people to stop the other party.

It's just that I just came out of the Illusionary Origin and haven't figured out the situation yet. Even if I want to leave, I have to prepare.

Although the armies above the Hunyuan are all around me, Chen Feng still wants to call the God of Nothingness.

Otherwise, Chen Feng has no idea.

"That origin is moving, and I can't communicate with it now." The Long River of Time said.

"Can I know where the other party is? I still want to go in and take a look." Chen Feng decided not to leave now.

Then, under the guidance of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng found this origin.

The other party moved very quickly. If it weren't for the guidance of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng would not be able to find it at all.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to break through the barrier and go in, the God of Nothingness was also moved out.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Could it be that this origin knew what he was thinking, so he moved the God of Nothingness out.

In this case, then he didn't need to go in again. As for what happened to the Soul Emperor and the others, Chen Feng didn't think too much.

Anyway, even if he found the Soul Emperor, the other party would not leave with him.

There is also the Lord of Void Sale.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng hesitated a little.

But in the end, Chen Feng made up his mind and told the God of Nothingness about the matter. After thinking about it, the God of Nothingness nodded in agreement.

In fact, the Void God still wanted to go back, but when he thought that the other party could move him out of the origin, he might be in danger if he went back.

"But if we leave, the ancestors of the virtual beasts may be in trouble." The Void God still said.

"There are also the Soul Emperor and the Gates of Origin, plus there are other lands of the same camp, I think it should not be a problem." Chen Feng said.

"Since the other party can move me out, then they can also buy other emperors to move out separately, so that they may be able to defeat them one by one." The Void God was still worried.

Chen Feng knew this, but there was no way, the Gate of Origin was the most important.

"Then make a quick decision." Chen Feng said.

Then, with the help of the power of the long river of time, they soon arrived at a vast area.

After stopping, Chen Feng immediately set up.

Using the broken origin and the power beyond the origin to set up a trap, Chen Feng believed that even if the emperor was in it, it would be difficult to pull out.

But would the other party be so easily fooled?

If I hide in front of the other party to set up a trap, can the other party not detect it?

Although Chen Feng was unsure, he set up the trap quickly. He released his clone to speed up the trap, and with the help of the God of Nothingness, he finally set up the trap.

Unless the other party noticed it in advance or took a detour, they would definitely pass this direction.

Not long after the trap was set up, a transmission channel came straight to the direction where Chen Feng was.

This was the other party rushing on the road. It seemed that the speed was not slow, but it was still not as fast as the speed of the long river of time. This was why Chen Feng was able to stop the other party.

"There are hundreds of Hunyuan above. It's strange that there is no earth in charge. Even if we don't come, I think the Gate of Origin can handle it." The God of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Hundreds of Hunyuan above are already a force that can destroy the origin of one side. The Gate of Origin had withdrawn most of the Hunyuan above under its command before, otherwise I wouldn't be so anxious to come here."

Since there is no emperor in charge, even if there are a few origin-level beings, Chen Feng is confident that he can stop them.

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