Eternal Existence

Chapter 5310 Time

Perhaps other beings, including the original existence of the Gate of Time and Space, will obey the orders of the Gate of Origin, but Chen Feng will not. The two sides have always been based on a cooperative relationship.

Chen Feng also believes that one day he will become as powerful as the Gate of Origin. Besides, the power he now controls is not afraid of the suppression of the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng understands that the Gate of Origin also knows this, otherwise, the other party will not always treat him like this.

Although he has not been practicing for a long time, he has been to many places, accumulated some connections, and has some powerful friends. Together, they are also a considerable force.

This is why the Gate of Origin will notify Chen Feng every time an origin war occurs.

In the eyes of the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng is a very good fighter.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two sides is not bad. Even if Chen Feng does not obey orders, the Gate of Origin does not say anything.

In comparison, Chen Feng still cares more about the information collected by the Long River of Time. It’s just that although the Long River of Time has been here for a while, it still has not completely spread the Thunder Origin.

As for the void area outside the Thunder Origin, the scale is even larger. Besides, it is not so easy to detect opponents of the same level. Sometimes the power of time will be captured by the opponent or directly drawn away and wiped out.

"This has not really started yet. There are more and more videos participating. I just don't know how many real masters there are. These ordinary Hunyuan are just cannon fodder." Chen Feng analyzed.

However, Chen Feng also understood that casualties in the war between origins are inevitable. Even Hunyuan can't be sure to survive every conflict.

Even powerful origins, even emperor-level figures, may fall.

So Chen Feng has never been careless and has always prepared means to escape in danger.

If you can't even escape, then you are really dead.

What Chen Feng wants to wait for is the chaos of the entire Thunder Origin. Even if Thunder Origin has some helpers, even if the situation of Thunder Origin is special, Chen Feng believes that it is impossible to be intact in the next war, and there will definitely be some violent turbulence.

Maybe it will fall behind.

After all, up to now, no one can be sure how many forces will participate. Maybe there will be a force stronger than the origin of thunder, or it is possible that the helpers of the origin of thunder will turn against each other at a critical moment.

It's hard to say.

Things may change in any direction.

"What we need to do now is to get more benefits under the premise of ensuring our survival. If even our lives are seriously threatened, then we must give up the benefits. Survival is the most important thing. I think not everyone is willing to participate." Chen Feng said to the Hunyuan above.

Although many people are willing to take risks in different places and participate in higher-level battles after practicing to this point, there will also be many people who want to practice peacefully and are unwilling to take risks. After all, staying alive is the most important thing.

What's more, some people simply don't like fighting.

Some of these Hunyuan above must have come here out of helplessness.

Some people naturally agreed with Chen Feng's words, but some people were dissatisfied with Chen Feng's decision. They wanted to participate in more intense fighting, but they didn't want to refute successfully, or they didn't dare to confront Chen Feng head-on.

So some people chose to contact the Gate of Origin, but the Gate of Origin did not respond.

These people knew why Chen Feng had the confidence to do this. It turned out that even the Gate of Origin was unwilling to break up with Chen Feng.

Not to mention that Chen Feng didn't know about these little moves, even if he knew, Chen Feng wouldn't care.

"I sensed the breath of the emperor." At this time, the God of Nothingness said to Chen Feng.

"Finally, a master came. I wonder what the other party's origin is?" Chen Feng became interested.

"It should not belong to the Thunder Origin Party. Be careful. Maybe the other party will attack us. I can feel the other party's presence, and the other party must feel my presence. What's more, there are so many high-level lives here. Even if we hide, there is no place to hide." The God of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng nodded. This was also an important reason why he was unwilling to lead everyone to act at the beginning.

So many Hunyuan gathered together, it was too conspicuous. Even if they restrained their breath, they would be sensed by the other party. It would be better to act alone and be freer.

"Strange, I thought the other party would go directly to the Thunder Origin, but unexpectedly changed direction and disappeared." Void God carefully sensed the other party's situation, and was also worried that he would be attacked by his side.

"It is possible that the Thunder Emperor has left. The impact of this level of existence fighting is too great, and it may cause this side of the Origin to fall apart." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng tried to communicate with the Thunder Emperor, but there was no response. So Chen Feng thought about it and tried to communicate with the Gate of Origin again, but there was no response.

Chen Feng had more guesses in his mind.

"It seems that they are fighting the Emperor. Could it be that the Gate of Origin has really cultivated a life body? In this case, wouldn't it become the same as the Soul Emperor?" Chen Feng guessed that the Gate of Origin was hidden very deeply, and it was normal even if it was used in various ways.

Now that neither of them responded, Chen Feng was curious but also more relieved. Without their urging, he could decide what to do next.

And Chen Feng also knew that he was just one of the forces, and the Gate of Origin had arranged more Hunyuan Above in other places.

There were also Origin Existences.

For example, the Sword of the End, who was good at killing, did not follow Chen Feng this time. They must be fighting in other places.

Chen Feng had been waiting, but the Hunyuan Above under his command were a little impatient, and finally someone showed up.

It was the Hunyuan Above with the strongest life.

The other party wanted to leave alone, and they thought Chen Feng should not stop him. As a result, Chen Feng turned his face and directly used the Gate of Time and Space to suppress them. As soon as the two sides came into contact with these masters, they fell into a disadvantage. Seeing that Chen Feng was about to use other Origin Existences, these Hunyuan Above finally gave in.

"Since you are here, you must obey my orders. This is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. Maybe you have received orders from the Gate of Origin, but it is useless here. I hope you can recognize the reality." Chen Feng sneered.

The situation is stronger than people. Even if these Hunyuan are dissatisfied, they can only endure it. Who let Chen Feng control such a powerful force? If the two sides really fight, it will be unlucky for him. At that time, even if the Gate of Origin comes out, it will be too late.

"It's very lively here!"

The appearance of the ancestor of the virtual beast made Chenggong a little surprised.

Originally, Chen Feng did not expect the other party to appear, but now it seems that he can't bear the temptation.

However, after not seeing Chen Feng for a while, he felt that the ancestor of the virtual beast was stronger than before, which is a good thing!

With the presence of these two emperor-level masters, Chen Feng suddenly felt full of security.

"I wanted to come and see the excitement, and now it seems that I am not disappointed." The ancestor of the virtual beast said.

"Did Daoyou meet other masters?" Chen Feng asked.

"We haven't met yet, but I can feel the other party's aura. I didn't expect that you would still participate in this level of fighting when we met again. This is very dangerous." The Ancestor of the Void Beast said to Chen Feng.

"I can't help myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't think so at all. It's obvious that you took the initiative to participate. Although you haven't cultivated to our level, you have mastered the power of a higher level. As long as you are careful, you will have no problem protecting yourself." The Ancestor of the Void Beast knows Chen Feng better.

Chen Feng has more than one enemy at the level of the Great Emperor, so the origin war in front of him is nothing.

"The situation here is still brewing. It seems that I came a little early." The Ancestor of the Void Beast said.

"It's not too early. There are already Great Emperors fighting, but they are in a special independent area, and I can't intervene." Chen Feng said.

"There is such a thing." The Ancestor of the Void Beast became interested and wanted to find the other party immediately.

"I'm afraid you haven't recovered to your peak state yet. Be careful of your enemies from the past." The God of Nothingness said.

"I really hope that my opponent from that year will come here, so that I can seize the opportunity to take revenge, but according to my calculations, the opponent should not come here." The ancestor of the virtual beast said.

"Your previous calculations were correct, but after practicing to this level, the opponent will change his mind in a moment, and maybe you will meet the opponent from that time soon." The God of Nothingness said with a smile.

While the two sides were communicating, Chen Feng received news from the Long River of Time again.

Seeing Chen Feng frowning, the God of Nothingness asked curiously: "What happened? It won't be that you are asked to participate again, since you chose to participate, this kind of thing is inevitable."

"It's a bit strange. A part of the power of time disappeared. According to the guess of the Long River of Time, it is possible that another Long River of Time appeared. The key is that it is not the Long River of Time that we fought before." Chen Feng said.

"This is interesting. I mean, it's interesting to you." The God of Nothingness actually doesn't care much about these things.

But the Long River of Time and Chen Feng, who practiced the Avenue of Time, are still more concerned. After all, this is an important way to make yourself stronger quickly.

"Since it's the River of Time that has spoken, then we have to go, but we can't take everyone with us." Chen Feng knew that he would have to face the power of time next, and the more people went, the more chaotic it would be.

"I'll stay, you can go and do your thing." Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the Void God suddenly said.

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