Eternal Existence

Chapter 5309 Take a Risk

As a result, before he could do so, several opponents appeared directly in the fortune array.

This surprised Chen Feng.

Of course, the opponent was not willing to die, but wanted to go straight to Chen Feng's lair.

If it was done well, it would naturally play a big role, but if it was not done well, it would be a way to his own death.

Of course, Chen Feng understood that there must be a reason why the opponent dared to do this.

Sure enough, these opponents who came in gave birth to some energy balls and disappeared from the fortune mirror in an instant.

Then the energy balls exploded, generating powerful destructive power, and began to sweep through the fortune array.

But soon, whirlpools appeared in the fortune, swallowing up these destructive forces.

At the same time, there was another opponent who did not have time to escape and was tied up by chains. Then he was quickly killed by everyone.

Chen Feng was a little emotional. If he had not been prepared before, Chen Yi released the power of the origin of the whirlpool in the fortune lens, some of the explosions just now would really shake the fortune array, and even hurt some practitioners.

As for the opponent who did not escape, it was naturally tied up by the God of Nothingness.

It was the Void God who took action at the critical moment.

"The opponent's situation is really hard to figure out." Void God said.

"Indeed, this is the first time I have encountered this situation. It seems that I need to open up a new road. After solving the opponent, I will find a way to kill into the opponent's origin and plunder the opponent's core law. This can also save my time for cultivation." Chen Feng said.

After seeing the specialness of the opponent's magical power, Chen Feng naturally moved his mind and thought of some subsequent things.

However, those things can only be pushed back. The most important thing at the moment is to solve the situation in front of him.

The means used by the opponent before were actually successful, but they were resolved by Chen Feng and Void God. This also made many Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin complicated. They immediately corrected their attitude and never dared to underestimate the opponent again.

Everyone gathered together and was almost successfully attacked by the opponent. If Chen Feng had not successfully extracted the destructive power generated by the explosion of the opponent's energy ball, those Hunyuan who were close would have been severely damaged.

Just when Chen Feng was guarding against the opponent's reversal magical power again, Chen Feng saw that those masters were also in trouble.

Originally, those masters united to form a battle formation that was invincible, and they also severely damaged some opponents along the way. Who knew that just when Chen Feng suppressed the fortune formation diagram, the formation arranged by those masters actually collapsed from the middle.

Although these masters are very strong, only the strength of the individual is left after the formation collapses, which means that the combat effectiveness is still affected.

Then chains appeared in the opponent's camp, trying to trap these masters.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng frowned a little. He wanted to rescue them, but he felt a sense of oppression.

"Could it be that there are still opponents in the dark?" After thinking of this, Chen Feng suddenly operated the fortune formation diagram with all his strength. A stronger torrent of power rushed out of the formation diagram, directly impacting the opponent's camp into pieces.

Doing so can also help the trapped masters. At the same time, Chen Feng also wanted to force out the hidden dangers that may exist in the dark by attacking the opponent.

As a result, the hidden dangers in the dark did not appear, and the masters hidden in the opponent's camp broke out.

Two beams of light crossed and tore everything apart, and rushed to Chen Feng in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt a stronger crisis than before. He realized that the other party still had a master, and this was a hidden one looking for an opportunity.

Now the opportunity has come.

The other party wants to hunt him.

Once successful, the fortune array will be broken without attack.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate anyone." Chen Feng sighed.

The other party was obviously in a weak vision, but he had accidents one after another, and now he wanted to behead him.

A group of sword light exploded, forming layers of shields, which smashed the two indestructible beams of light into pieces.

Not only that, the sword light exploded and enveloped the other party.

And Chen Feng only punched one, and one of the opponents was thrown out by Chen Feng.

Another Hunyuan saw that the situation was not good, not only did he not escape, but he took the initiative to attack Chen Feng.

As a result, he was pierced through the body by the sword of Bai Jing Swordsman.

"These two are killers." Bai Jing Swordsman reacted a little slower, but still took action immediately.

At the same time, the White Mirror Swordsman was also muttering in his heart. If it were him, he might not be able to resist.

Fortunately, Chen Feng was well prepared.

The Second World immediately attacked, and the severely injured assassin was torn into pieces, and then swallowed by the Creation Array. If he entered the Creation Array, the fate of the opponent could be imagined.

The other master who was thrown out escaped from Chen Feng's disaster, and disappeared the next moment. Even Chen Feng could not catch the trace of the opponent when he used the Insight Technique.

This surprised Chen Feng a little. He did not expect that the opponent would have such a method.

In this case, if the opponent did not attack him, it would be difficult to find the opponent.

"I can block the opponent's sneak attack, but other ordinary Hunyuan above will be dangerous." Chen Feng had such an idea, but when he thought that all the people on his side were in the Creation Array, unless the opponent could sneak into the Creation Array, then the opponent could not escape.

But the opponent was not stupid, and he would definitely not be fooled so easily.

At this moment, the power of time was lost, and the opponent disappeared, but suddenly appeared again.

Chen Feng knew that this was due to the law of time reversal.

When he saw the opponent appear, Chen Feng immediately pulled the opponent into the Creation Array.

Although the opponent was struggling violently, he still could not get rid of the shackles of the Creation Array.

What's more, this is not a simple Creation Array, there are so many powers above the Primordial.

Even if the opponent is an emperor, he can't rush out so easily.

You can imagine what the opponent's fate will be like?

Chen Feng was relieved to solve the two powerful assassins in one fell swoop. Compared with other opponents, such an opponent has too many hidden dangers.

"Then what other means does the opponent have next?" Chen Feng continued to use all his strength to activate the Creation Array. Originally, the Void God who was sitting in it seemed to want to solve the dispute in front of him as soon as possible, and began to take the initiative. In this way, the power of the Creation Array became stronger.

Kill the opponent and retreat step by step.

Even if the opponent used the inversion magic, he was quickly suppressed.

In front of the existence of the great emperor level like the God of Nothingness, these special magical powers are not so magical.

What's more, the God of Nothingness can also mobilize the power of the end of creation, which is the power that can be exerted by two hundred or so above the Primordial.

Finally, Chen Feng seized the opportunity. After more than ten years, the above the Primordial was involved in the Creation Array. Before the opponent could resist, he was pulled into the long-prepared killing array in a blink of an eye. Even if there were some fluctuations, they soon subsided.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. So far, his side has really gained the upper hand and will win soon.

Compared with the previous worries, his side has not suffered any damage at the moment, which is also the best situation.

The opponent began to choose to retreat, and did not collapse, but chose to retreat in an orderly manner.

"It is indeed a wise choice to retreat at this time, but it is not to leave whenever you want. You have to leave something behind." Chen Feng naturally wanted to pursue the victory. Even if he could not completely leave the opponent, he had to try his best to injure some of the above the Primordial.

In this way, the opponent's strength can be reduced. Anyway, there will still be a fight next.

Now there are only a few opponents, which can also reduce some troubles in the future.

However, in the process of chasing, a shadow of the origin appeared in the distant time and space. Just when Chen Feng thought that the other party was going to send power for support, who knew that this origin actually emitted a summoning force and directly moved all these opponents back by means.

At the same time, it also emitted a piece of light, blocking Chen Feng's distance. Although this piece of light quickly dissipated under the impact of the fortune array, the other party's purpose was achieved.

Looking at the empty void in front of him, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly. He was still run away by the other party, but this is normal. If all the other parties died here, they would not be worthy of the realm achieved after practicing for so long.

"It should be the reverse origin that appeared just now. I didn't expect the other party to appear directly. Good thing." Chen Feng laughed.

When the other party appeared, Chen Feng had locked the other party's position. Although he could find it if the other party did not appear, it would take some time.

"The other party directly dispatched the power of the origin. It seems that this origin is not very good and there are no masters available." The second generation analyzed.

"That's about right. But even so, it's still an origin. We can't be careless. But it will be easier for us to attack. But the other party took all the allies away. It's also quite particular. In this way, if we attack the inverted origin, the other party's allies will also attack." Chen Feng said.

"According to the plan of the forces behind you, these origins will be confronted sooner or later, and maybe they can be divided up. It's a pity that the other party ran too far and sent out the power of the origin right away. Now think about it, it's decisive." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"Fellow Daoist, since the other party retreated, what should we do next? Should we return to the Thunder Origin?" At this time, someone asked, it was one of the six masters.

Chen Feng guessed that the other party probably received the news from the Gate of Origin, but he was the boss here. Even if the other party had any thoughts, he could only suppress it now.

"Take a short break." Chen Feng said lightly.

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't say much, the eyes of the Hunyuan above flashed, but he still regained his calm.

In fact, Chen Feng wanted to attack the Origin of Reversal, but he was not clear about the true situation of the Origin of Reversal, so he did not dare to take the risk.

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