Eternal Existence

Chapter 5307 Shock

"But there are many forces coming this time. Of course, these are not important. I only care about the next invasion. We are not just here to help the Thunder Emperor deal with foreign enemies. Besides, I'm afraid the Thunder Emperor doesn't agree either. After all, The continuous war here may destroy the origin of Thunder." Speaking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again: "But that's not necessarily the case. Maybe this is what the Thunder Emperor is looking forward to, so that we can take the opportunity to solve the special area here. Only then can we truly control the origin.”

Seeing that Chen Feng was so familiar with the emperor, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were secretly shocked. In their opinion, it was nothing for Chen Feng to know the emperor, but the relationship was so harmonious that there was no hierarchy at all. There are differences between high and low. Could it be said that Chen Feng is also a great emperor.

"These two are my friends." Chen Feng introduced the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman.

"I've met senior." The second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman were very respectful.

"You're not welcome, just call me fellow Taoist." God of Nothingness said nonchalantly.

In the eyes of God of Nothingness, these two people are just stronger and nothing, but God of Nothingness soon focused his eyes and fell on the second generation.

"Senior, what is this?" The God of Nothingness tensed up, feeling like he was being seen through.

"Interesting." The God of Nothingness retracted his gaze, but his eyes were deep in thought.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"This friend of yours is not simple." God of Nothingness said.

"How do you say that?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"I felt the Great Emperor's mark from the other person. It was not left by another Great Emperor. This Great Emperor's mark belongs to him." God of Nothingness said.

"That means he is a clone of the Great Emperor?" Chen Feng said. Before, Chen Feng knew that the second generation was somewhat mysterious and had something to hide, but he didn't think much about it. Everyone has their own secrets, which is normal. But when the God of Nothingness said this, Chen Feng had to be surprised. This was beyond his previous guessing.

"Maybe it's not a clone?" God of Nothingness said slowly.

"Not a clone? What is that, the second generation, the second generation, it can't be the Great Emperor's re-cultivation, right?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly, thinking that his guess should be close to the truth, but it was still a little strange, what kind of special training was this? Kung Fu is a choice made out of desperation.


Although it was a summons, the second generation was not stupid, so he could naturally see the communication between the two.

"It's nothing, my friend is here, and more forces behind me are also dispatched. Some of them stay outside the origin to fight, and some of them enter the origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then do we want to continue?" White Mirror Swordsman said, looking up at the same time, as if curious that Thunder Origin no longer transmits power.

"Now that we are involved, unless we choose to escape, we have no choice but to continue." Chen Feng said with a smile, still urging Origin.

This time Chen Feng made another change, stimulating the origin of the volcano while also releasing the power of the origin of the gale.

Chen Feng was also doing his best to block the opponent's ordinary Hunyuan.

According to Chen Feng's strength, it is not a problem to stop dozens of ordinary opponents. Even the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman can handle a lot.

At this time, Chen Feng thought of True Lord Thunder again. It was good for the four of them to join forces. Unexpectedly, True Lord Thunder also represented a force. In fact, it was nothing. However, he and the Thunder clan became enemies. Chen Feng believed that True Lord Thunder You must be in a bit of a dilemma.

Although the God of Nothingness appeared, he did not take action. Instead, he stood not far away from Chen Feng and held down the formation.

Having such a master beside you will naturally make people full of confidence.

During this period of time, the Thunder Origin side also gained some helpers. They were not many in number, but they were all very powerful. Especially after the two origin beings appeared, they were able to truly block the opponent's invasion momentum.

Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, we are prepared, but it would be very dangerous." The second generation said.

The two of them chose to participate before with hesitation and consideration. In addition to Chen Feng's factors, as two powerful adventurers, they did not want to leave.

The two of them naturally want to gain benefits and are ready to fight hard, but it is impossible to force themselves to fight.

The fight between the two sides was not much different from the origin battle that Chen Feng had encountered before, and this fight did not last long.

When the strength of the origin of Thunder reached a certain level, this group of invaders chose to retreat.

The other party walked very quickly, and the original being took action and took everyone away directly. As long as the beings who entered the independent space to fight before also left, Chen Feng did not know for the time being.

If it were in his own territory, Chen Feng would definitely choose to chase him, but this time the Thunder Emperor did not ask Chen Feng to do so.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment but did not catch up.

If Chen Feng doesn't move, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman will naturally not move either.

"The other party didn't really leave. It still originated here. It just moved its place and seemed to have merged with other forces." The God of Nothingness is powerful and he practices the way of nothingness, so he can naturally sense it further.

"I think I understand what the Thunder Emperor is thinking by letting the other party in so easily," Chen Feng said.

Not only that, according to Chen Feng's speculation, the true body of the Thunder Emperor should no longer be here. Otherwise, without the Emperor in charge, even if a few intruders come, they will eventually be killed by the Thunder Emperor.

"Maybe he stopped other emperors outside the origin. Most of the news that Emperor Thunder said before was true or false. There were so many powerful beings, but in the end, Emperor Thunder ruled this origin. I don't know how many things happened during this period. Emperor Thunder must be more powerful than I thought." Chen Feng thought so in his heart.

At this time, Chen Feng received news from the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng didn't want to pay attention to it, but the Gate of Space and Time also sent news. Chen Feng had no choice but to change his route.

"Trouble!" Chen Feng shook his head.

Originally, Chen Feng planned to continue to go to the special area to get some benefits. Although Emperor Thunder said that it might alarm the opponent and cause some bad changes, in such a chaotic situation, Chen Feng naturally had to take advantage of the chaos.

Once he followed the instructions of the Gate of Origin, he would not be free next, and many people would pay attention to his every move.

"What is this, fellow Daoist?" Second World asked curiously.

"The forces behind me are calling me." Chen Feng told him bluntly.

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman did not choose to leave. Seeing their decision, Chen Feng directly used the power of the long river of time.

The power of time washed away Chen Feng and his companions and they traveled through infinite time and space and came to the edge of the Thunder Origin.

"So fast."

Although the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also had strong magical powers, they were still not as fast as the flow of time. Moreover, the power of time had spread in the Thunder Origin. As long as the power of time moved, they could reach any place they wanted to go. Moreover, they had reached a cooperative relationship with the Thunder Emperor, and the other party would not stop them. In this way, the speed was even faster, which was naturally not comparable to some above the Hunyuan.

"This is it!"

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman looked at each other. Although they had guessed before, they still took a breath of cold air after seeing the real situation.

A full two hundred above the Hunyuan gathered together and saluted after Chen Feng arrived.

Although most of them are ordinary Hunyuan Above, far from being the opponents of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, but the number is large enough to surround and kill the two, not to mention that there are also some masters among them, and some of them make the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman tremble with fear.

This is nothing. In addition to these Hunyuan Above, there are some existences that are looming in time and space.

Or a portal, or an ocean, or a constantly changing appearance that can't be seen at all.

But these existences have one thing in common.

"These are the origin existences, much more powerful than those Hunyuan Above, it seems that they are here to suppress the formation." The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman communicated like this.

But the next moment these origin existences all rushed towards Chen Feng, only to see the light flashing around Chen Feng, the power shaking, and soon returned to calm.

These origin-level existences chose to follow Chen Feng.

The Hunyuan Above, who knew some inside information, was not surprised to see this scene, after all, they had been surprised before, but those who saw this situation for the first time were envious and jealous.

This is too much of a show.

As for the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, they were already numb with shock. They believed more and more that Chen Feng was the Great Emperor, and everything before was just a disguise.

"It's a bit ostentatious, but it doesn't matter." Chen Feng shook his head slightly, and began to communicate with the Gate of Time and Space.

Chen Feng felt that the Gate of Time and Space had become stronger. Although they were not the real bodies, their current strength was comparable to the real bodies when he first saw them.

"It seems that the Gate of Origin also knows that the situation is serious this time, so it asked you to mobilize more forces to come." Chen Feng said.

"This is also related to the Gate of Origin becoming stronger, and the power that becomes stronger after we leave the Gate of Origin is not controlled by the Gate of Origin like the real bodies." The Gate of Time and Space said to Chen Feng.

"That is to say, if you continue to become stronger, you can even condense a second clone, which can be regarded as truly getting rid of the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

"Now only Good Fortune is free, but even if it is free, Good Fortune's real body is still in the free space, and we are still some distance away." The Gate of Time and Space said.

"Don't worry, I will help you. One day I will be on equal footing with the Gate of Origin, and I will naturally let you go free then." Chen Feng said.

The Gate of Time and Space were a little shaken, but they didn't say anything. The reason why these origins invested in Chen Feng was not for these. As Chen Feng became stronger, especially when he took them away from the Gate of Origin to run around, the Gate of Time and Space also saw hope and believed that Chen Feng could do this in the future.

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