Eternal Existence

Chapter 5306: Fluctuations in all parties

"It's a pity. If the other side didn't have helpers, they would have died this time." The White Mirror Swordsman also shook his head.

When he thought about such a powerful existence almost dying in front of him, he was still a little excited.

"Be careful, there are many masters in the other camp. The other side suffered a loss before because they underestimated us. Now they are prepared, it's not good." Chen Feng said.

"We are helping this side of the origin to fight, not the main force." The Second said.

"Although this side of the origin is also sending out forces, it's really disappointing. It's not as good as those special areas." The White Mirror Swordsman also said.

"That's true." Chen Feng nodded.

In any case, the fact is that if the Thunder Emperor can mobilize the power of these special areas, then I'm afraid these outsiders will be solved.

Don't look at the fighting here on Chen Feng's side. In fact, he has been secretly understanding the situation in other places through the long river of time. There is no special area that actively participates in the battle. Of course, there are outsiders who have entered the special area. As for what happened inside, it has not been explored for the time being. Chen Feng thinks it is not a good thing.

"Do your best. If we really can't resist, we will naturally choose to retreat. I think the Thunder Emperor should have other arrangements." Chen Feng said.

Even if the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman had not talked to the Thunder Emperor, they knew how powerful he was and understood that this origin was not so easy to resolve.

Maybe now they have withdrawn their strength to fight in other places.

Besides, things have developed to this point, and we can't just leave. If we withdraw our hands and ignore it, wouldn't it be a waste of effort before?

Seeing that the other party was about to attack again, the space cracked, and a cultivator came out with a weapon in his hand.

After the other party came, he nodded to Chen Feng and the other two, and then locked onto the master.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, a master of the same level came. Although he didn't know how strong the other party was, he still felt very strong.

Then an interesting scene appeared. Only chains appeared on the other party's body, and then the master and the local cultivator disappeared.

Chen Feng knew that they should have entered other spaces to fight, which was good. With one less expert, he would be relieved of a lot of pressure.

For Chen Feng, such an expert was equivalent to an ordinary Hunyuan for decades.

"But how could the other party only have this one expert?" Chen Feng said.

The expert just now was led away, but then Chen Feng felt stronger pressure.

This time it was the origin existence.

It seemed that a magic array appeared in Chen Feng's perception. Before the two sides fought, Chen Feng had already felt the pressure brought to him by the other party, as if he could suppress himself in the next moment.

"This is a suppression type existence, so the defense must be very strong. The existence of the origin level is personally stronger than the expert just now." Chen Feng said.

"In this case, should the Thunder Emperor mobilize the existence of the same level to deal with it? After all, this is not something we can deal with." The Second World said.

"It's not that we haven't fought before." Although Chen Feng agreed that what the Second World said made sense, he still wanted to fight with the other party.

It's just the origin existence. He has faced stronger opponents. Besides, Chen Feng is also looking forward to unfamiliar opponents, unfamiliar powers, and unfamiliar magical powers.

Seeing Chen Feng rushing up, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were also a little helpless, but they did not choose to retreat. They still followed Chen Feng, but did not rush to the front, but looked at the situation first.

It's okay to follow Chen Feng to fight a favorable battle, there is no need to rush to the front.


The powerful magic circle suppressed it, but was blocked by the origin.

Under normal circumstances, the origin existence is not the opponent of the origin, but now it depends on the controller of the origin.

"You only have a broken origin. You want to fight me with this means. You are simply courting death." This origin existence seemed to not take Chen Feng seriously. Pillars were arranged one by one, countless laws ran through the forest, and the domain expanded, covering the sky and the earth, as if an independent area was opened up in the thunder origin.

"It's interesting. If you can cultivate into a real life, you may become an emperor." Chen Feng nodded and said, still trying his best to activate the origin of the volcano. However, Chen Feng knew that relying on this method alone for defense was still possible, but he could not defeat the opponent, so Chen Feng planned to use more methods to try.

Just as Chen Feng was thinking this, a dark cloud suddenly floated over and stood in front of Chen Feng, blocking the opponent's expansion area steadily.

"The origin is coming." Chen Feng was certain in his heart that the existence that came belonged to the origin of thunder.

"The previous master was moved away, and this one was also stopped. Did the Thunder Emperor make arrangements in advance, or did he not think I could stop the other party?" Chen Feng said secretly, but he also understood that his guess might not be correct.

But this is the territory of the Thunder Emperor. The other party must have his own ideas and arrangements, and will not watch his territory being breached. Although a corner is broken in front of him, it seems that he will be able to correct the chaos soon.

"We are relieved again." The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Chen Feng was full of confidence, the two of them really had no confidence. Now, the masters will naturally be dealt with by masters, and the opponent of the origin existence will of course also be the origin existence, so that the power will be equal.

"There won't be another master coming out." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

The next moment, a cultivator appeared in front of the three of them. The aura on this person's body was completely restrained, but the casual look in his eyes made the two of them tremble, and their thoughts almost stopped.

"This is!"

"This is an existence at the level of an emperor!"

The two of them were extremely shocked. This was too unlucky. How could a being of this level compete? The previous masters and the original beings could still fight desperately. The person in front of them made it impossible for them to even think about competing.

"Fellow Daoist Changtian is no match for him, he should be able to escape."

Just when the two of them thought this, they saw that the emperor was having a friendly exchange with Chang Tian.


The two looked at each other and thought of another possibility.

"Fellow Taoist, why are you here?" Looking at the God of Nothingness in front of him, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, and he was ready to fight hard.

"I wanted to take a good rest for a while, but who knew you would do such a lively thing again? Of course I have to come and have a look." God of Nothingness said.

"It's very lively here, and it will be even more lively next time." Chen Feng knew that the God of Nothingness should have communicated with the Gate of Origin and knew the situation here, otherwise he would not come.

"Is there another Origin War? How many companies are participating this time?" God of Nothingness asked curiously.

"Many families." Chen Feng said simply.

"But now we are not here to carve up this origin, but to cooperate with this origin to deal with other invaders. What do you think?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I already know. It is indeed interesting to do this. I also learned something about the Thunder Emperor. He used to be quite famous, but it's a pity that he has never dealt with him. This time is an opportunity." God of Nothingness said.

"But there are many forces coming this time. Of course, these are not important. I only care about the next invasion. We are not just here to help the Thunder Emperor deal with foreign enemies. Besides, I'm afraid the Thunder Emperor doesn't agree either. After all, The continuous war here may destroy the origin of Thunder." Speaking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again: "But that's not necessarily the case. Maybe this is what the Thunder Emperor is looking forward to, so that we can take the opportunity to solve the special area here. Only then can we truly control the origin.”

Seeing that Chen Feng was so familiar with the emperor, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were secretly shocked. In their opinion, it was nothing for Chen Feng to know the emperor, but the relationship was so harmonious that there was no hierarchy at all. There are differences between high and low. Could it be said that Chen Feng is also a great emperor.

"These two are my friends." Chen Feng introduced the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman.

"I've met senior." The second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman were very respectful.

"You're not welcome, just call me fellow Taoist." God of Nothingness said nonchalantly.

In the eyes of God of Nothingness, these two people are just stronger and nothing, but God of Nothingness soon focused his eyes and fell on the second generation.

"Senior, what is this?" The God of Nothingness tensed up, feeling like he was being seen through.

"Interesting." The God of Nothingness retracted his gaze, but his eyes were deep in thought.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"This friend of yours is not simple." God of Nothingness said.

"How do you say that?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"I felt the Great Emperor's mark from the other person. It was not left by another Great Emperor. This Great Emperor's mark belongs to him." God of Nothingness said.

"That means he is a clone of the Great Emperor?" Chen Feng said. Before, Chen Feng knew that the second generation was somewhat mysterious and had something to hide, but he didn't think much about it. Everyone has their own secrets, which is normal. But when the God of Nothingness said this, Chen Feng had to be surprised. This was beyond his previous guessing.

"Maybe it's not a clone?" God of Nothingness said slowly.

"Not a clone? What is that, the second generation, the second generation, it can't be the Great Emperor's re-cultivation, right?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up slightly, thinking that his guess should be close to the truth, but it was still a little strange, what kind of special training was this? Kung Fu is a choice made out of desperation.


Although it was a summons, the second generation was not stupid, so he could naturally see the communication between the two.

"It's nothing, my friend is here, and more forces behind me are also dispatched. Some of them stay outside the origin to fight, and some of them enter the origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then do we want to continue?" White Mirror Swordsman said, looking up at the same time, as if curious that Thunder Origin no longer transmits power.

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