Eternal Existence

Chapter 5304: The glued situation

After a battle between the two sides, Chen Feng's vortex origin was breached again, and several practitioners rushed in.

They knew how powerful Chen Feng and the other two were, so they did not send out ordinary Hunyuan above, which would be useless except for being cannon fodder.

So the masters broke the formation right away.

Chen Feng tried his best, but still could not stop the opponent's momentum. The vortex origin was turbulent, and the fact that it did not collapse was because Chen Feng's strength was getting stronger and stronger.

But even so, it could not last long.


A practitioner performed a magical power, not to attack Chen Feng, but to continuously vibrate the vortex origin, so that more power from his side could rush in.

"What a strange magical power!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The opponent's magical power was indeed a little strange. If it was said that the attack was on himself, it would not hurt his body at all.

But now it can make the vortex origin vibrate violently, and his control has been seriously affected.

If the opponent uses this magical power a few more times, then he really can't control the vortex origin anymore.

Without the vortex origin to guard the four directions, the combat effectiveness of his side will drop sharply.

After all, the power of one side's origin is greater than that of Hunyuan, and Chen Feng has prepared it long ago.

It can even affect some emperors.

"I don't know where these opponents come from? Not only are they powerful, but their methods are also special. I caught them off guard before, and now they have come to their senses and started to think of ways to deal with me, but I have more methods that I haven't used." Chen Feng said in his heart.

When the opponent saw that this magical power was useful, he used it one after another, and finally the vortex origin collapsed.

The defense that enveloped the three people disappeared. In the battle, the second generation and the white mirror swordsman felt that the pressure suddenly increased exponentially. Only then did they understand how much pressure the origin released by Chen Feng helped them block.

Now that the origin has collapsed, should Chen Feng choose to retreat?

But his opponent was entangled very tightly.

Just when the two were a little anxious, the collapsed origin suddenly formed a vortex.

The power generated by these vortices entangled several practitioners, while Chen Feng released another kind of origin power.

This time the power was more invasive, more explosive, and more powerful.

This time Chen Feng used the volcanic origin, which was also the most frequently used origin since Chen Feng mastered the origin, so naturally it was the most proficient.

So this time, many practitioners, including the powerful opponent who fought with Chen Feng, were all involved in the powerful force, and they were shattered before they rushed out.

"So far, I have used two origins, which can be regarded as showing my sincerity." Chen Feng said so.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng's use of one origin is already considered to be all-out.

The opponent did not expect Chen Feng to use another origin, which can be said to be a heavy casualty.

The momentum of the attack was directly blocked, and the explosion on Chen Feng's side even affected the entire invasion.

Although the opponents of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were not torn into pieces, they were also severely damaged, and then the two took the opportunity to blow them up directly.

"This is the power of the origin. It seems that I have to practice quickly and open up my own origin." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"This is not my own origin. This is the other origin that Changtian Daoyou collected. After refining it, I took it for my own use. Although it is not as good as the real complete origin, it is also a great killer. Now it seems to be effective." The second generation obviously has a better vision than the white mirror swordsman.

"So that's the case, but in this case it is still not as good as the origin I opened up myself, but that's not right. The origin I opened up myself must not be that strong in the early stage." The white mirror swordsman communicated with the second generation, but he was not idle. The second generation took the initiative to help Chen Feng stop the other party.

Not to mention that Chen Feng used a broken origin, even a complete origin of one side could not stop the other party.

After all, the other party directly broke through the defense of the Thunder Origin.

In addition, Chen Feng severely damaged so many opponents in one fell swoop, so he finally alarmed the real masters in the other camp.

It's not that the other side has no masters, but there are other things to do. How could they go out because of a small matter?

But this time, the movement made by Chen Feng and the other two was not a small matter.

A master appeared in front of Chen Feng out of thin air, stretched out his palm and grabbed, the world reversed, the stars moved, and Chen Feng entered the other party's palm world.

If Chen Feng couldn't rush out, then the origin of the surroundings would naturally be broken, and Chen Feng would also be suppressed by the other party.

Seeing Chen Feng captured by the other party in the blink of an eye, the second generation and the white mirror swordsman were surprised. They didn't expect that the other party would actually send out such a master. Could it be that this is the emperor?

Who knows that the other party grabbed again, and the second generation and the white mirror swordsman also fell into the other party's palm.


Thinking that it was easy to capture, the master thought that the matter was solved, but suddenly his palm shook violently, and a volcanic force could not be grasped, and the palm was about to explode.

And the other palm also sent a sharp sword light, constantly cutting everything.

"It's really some tricks, but it still can't rush out in my palm." Since this master used this method, he naturally believed in his own strength.

So there is naturally a way to suppress it.

Besides, even if he couldn't suppress it, as long as he gave himself some time, he could mobilize more means again.

As a result, this master still overestimated himself, or underestimated Chen Feng and the others.

First of all, without Chen Feng's control, the volcanic origin released before was still erupting crazily, and the power generated swept towards this master together.

At the same time, Chen Feng finally rushed out of the other party's palm.

The master was very surprised that Chen Feng could break out of his control.

Originally, Chen Feng was bursting with powerful power.

There are masters' means here in Waigao, even if Chen Feng's burst of mana is strong, it is useless, because his own means are specifically for this situation.

But Chen Feng came out.

Because Chen Feng used the copy law and easily broke the other party's control.

It is called control, but in fact it is a special blockade.

Chen Feng used the copy law to trap even one side of the origin, and the powerful emperor could not stop Chen Feng from staying.

Although the master in front of him is very powerful, he still has not reached the level of the emperor.

After Chen Feng appeared, the shadow of the copy law immediately extended to the other hand's other palm.

The next moment, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were led out by Chen Feng.

This was not over yet. The two of them used all their prepared strength to kill the master.

Originally, the White Mirror Swordsman and the Second World wanted to use it to break the other party's restraints. Now that Chen Feng helped, they naturally had to change their strategic means.

The master had no time to be surprised and hurriedly used means to deal with it. Since Chen Feng had used the copy law, he didn't want to take it back immediately.

The power of the copy law was revealed, and Chen Feng's attack means, plus the attack means of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were copied together. This was equivalent to doubling the combat power of Chen Feng and the other two.

The master felt a strong threat and dared not underestimate it anymore. A hurricane spun around him, trying to block the attacks from all directions.

The next moment, Chen Feng used the law of time again, and the means that appeared before were copied again.

The combat power was superimposed again.

The defense layer around this expert was directly broken. Even if there were some means, they could not stop such a fierce attack.

This scene surprised the two of them. Could it be that such a powerful expert was going to die in front of them?

"It may not be so easy to kill the opponent, but it is no problem to seriously injure the opponent." Chen Feng said so.

This time Chen Feng used so many means, it can be said that he has exceeded his own limit. If he still can't do anything to the opponent, then he can only turn around and leave.

However, Chen Feng was still quite cautious. After seeing the opponent's defense broken, Chen Feng held a long sword and performed the magic of walking directly in front of the opponent.

Chen Feng noticed that there were some scars on the expert's body, but they were not as serious as he imagined.

This shows that in addition to some powerful magical powers, the opponent's physical defense is also extremely good.

"I really underestimated you. No wonder you came to us alone with such a big fanfare." Chen Feng sneered, and then pierced the opponent's body with a sword.

The opponent could no longer defend against this sword, and then the attacks of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also fell on this expert, making the opponent's injuries more serious.

Since they have the upper hand, they must make a concerted effort.

Since the opponent wants to capture them, they can also suppress them.

Chen Feng continued to urge the power of the origin while attacking the opponent.

Once the opponent is pulled into the origin, the opponent will not be able to rush out again.

He can suppress the existence stronger than the opponent.

But Chen Feng also understands that he is not just this opponent, because the opponent has other companions, and there are many companions.

When the opponent's helper came, some of Chen Feng's ideas were shattered, and the injured expert also readjusted.

Although he looked calm, he could easily feel the anger suppressed by the opponent.

"What a pity." Second World said.

"It's really a pity. If the opponent didn't have helpers, he would be dead this time." The White Mirror Swordsman also shook his head.

When I think of such a powerful existence almost dying in front of me, this kind of thing is still a little exciting.

"Be careful, there are many experts in the other camp. They suffered a loss before because they underestimated us. Now they are prepared, which is not good." Chen Feng said.

"We are helping this side to fight, not the main force." The second said.

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