Eternal Existence

Chapter 5303: A master appears

If the two sides fight again, it is hard to say who will win or lose without knowing each other.

Chen Feng took out the sword of Cangsu to block the oncoming light. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to chop the opponent into pieces with one sword.

As a result, this beam of light was extremely clever and could break through Chen Feng's defense line, bypass the sword light, and rush towards Chen Feng's face.

Chen Feng immediately felt that this attack method directly acted on his soul will.

But it didn't seem like a simple attack on will.

"Could it be that this is the opponent's magical power, the origin of the existence that is good at will, is still quite difficult to deal with." Chen Feng said that a beam of light also shot out from the center of his eyebrows.

This beam of light was colorful, representing Chen Feng's soul will, spiritual power, origin light, and seven different powers.

This is also a method that Chen Feng practiced on weekdays. Chen Feng rarely used it to fight against the enemy. This time he wanted to try it.

Because the previous fusion of the avenues gave Chen Feng some inspiration, so this method also had some breakthroughs.

Sure enough, the opponent's particularly flexible attack methods were wiped out bit by bit by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. Only when his seven kinds of power were completely dissolved, could it be considered that the opponent's power was completely wiped out.

This shows that the opponent's power is indeed very strong and very pure.

Of course, it is also related to his own insufficient cultivation.

"Sure enough, this fight is still quite tricky. For such a level of existence, I still hope that the Thunder Emperor will stop it. My current situation is only suitable for entanglement with some Hunyuan." Chen Feng said so.

The next moment, the injured practitioner had already killed in front of him. Chen Feng knew that the opponent was prepared this time. Even if he was in the time before the action, it would be difficult for the opponent to be hit.

So Chen Feng fought with the opponent with a long sword. At the same time, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also blocked an opponent each.

The two sides fought for several rounds. Chen Feng thought about it, and three whirlpools appeared, wrapping the three opponents in it.

This is not a strong attack method, but to move the opponent out.

The opponent was once again caught off guard by Chen Feng's elusive means, and when he came to his senses, he had already left Chen Feng's territory.

Chen Feng once again controlled the origin and retreated a distance.

Chen Feng's actions could also be regarded as buying some time for the Thunder Origin. After all, the three of them alone could not stop the opponent, and the real main force was still the Thunder Origin.

At first, the Hunyuan on the Thunder Origin side was killed and fled everywhere, mainly because they did not have enough manpower.

Now with the appearance of Chen Feng and the other two, a line of defense was constructed, temporarily blocking the opponent's attack.

These Hunyuan on the fleeing side also began to slow down, and some even stopped.

Then the space fluctuated, and some cracks appeared, and in these cracks were local practitioners.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of local Hunyuan on gathered.

This was the Thunder Emperor's pre-mobilization.

They gathered together and started to counterattack.

Moreover, the original existence that attacked Chen Feng before was also entangled by the power of the Thunder Origin.

In this way, the crisis felt by Chen Feng and the other two dropped sharply.

Chen Feng even saw several familiar Hunyuan. He had seen them in the picture created by Emperor Lei Ting before, but he didn't expect them to be mobilized now.

"Just some ordinary practitioners, they can't play a big role. Only those top masters can come." Chen Feng said.

At this time, the master who was fighting with Chen Feng suddenly stopped: "You are not local practitioners, why do you want to get involved."

Compared with local practitioners, the difference between Chen Feng and the other two was finally seen.

"Take money from others to help them eliminate disasters." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Daoyou, this is a good opportunity. If you divide this origin, you can get more benefits." The other party continued to persuade.

"According to you, only by solving this origin can you get benefits, and I have already got the benefits first. What do you say to choose." Chen Feng said, a beam of light descended on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's mana cultivation rose steadily.

"Look, this is another benefit. You didn't mention giving me benefits, just empty talk, so it's such a simple thing." Chen Feng said with a smile, and after a little operation, he infused the power he just got into the vortex origin.

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also received the blessing of the Thunder Origin, so they were not afraid of consumption and their combat effectiveness could be maintained at the peak.

So the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman used all kinds of final means to push their combat effectiveness to the extreme for a while.

"Since you are so stupid, don't blame us for being rude. This time the Thunder Origin is destined to be divided. You can imagine your fate at that time." The cultivator knew that persuasion was useless, so he had to find a way to deal with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng actually wanted to talk more with the other party, so that he could delay some time. As a result, seeing that the other party was coming aggressively, he had to deal with it carefully.

After the two sides fought for a while, Chen Feng's vortex origin was broken again, and several cultivators came in.

They knew that Chen Feng and the other two were amazing, so they did not send out ordinary Hunyuan above. In this way, they would be useless except for being cannon fodder.

So the masters broke the formation right at the beginning.

Chen Feng tried his best, but still couldn't stop the opponent's momentum. The origin of the vortex was turbulent. It didn't collapse because Chen Feng's strength was getting stronger and stronger.

But even so, he couldn't hold on for long.


A cultivator used a magical power, not to attack Chen Feng, but to continuously vibrate the origin of the vortex, so that more power from his side could rush in.

"What a strange magical power!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The opponent's magical power was indeed a little strange. If it was said that the attack was on himself, it would not hurt his body at all.

But now it can make the origin of the vortex vibrate violently, and his control has been seriously affected.

If the opponent uses this magical power several more times, then he really can't control the origin of the vortex anymore.

Without the origin of the vortex to protect the four directions, then the combat effectiveness of his side will drop sharply.

After all, the power of the origin of one side is higher than that of the mixed origin, and Chen Feng has prepared it long ago.

It can even affect some emperors.

"I don't know where these opponents come from? Not only are they powerful, but their methods are also quite special. I caught them off guard before, but now they have come to their senses and started to think of ways to deal with me, but I have more methods that I haven't used yet." Chen Feng thought to himself.

When the opponent saw that this magical power was useful, he used it one after another, and finally the origin of the vortex collapsed.

The defense that enveloped the three people disappeared. In the battle, the pressure of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman suddenly increased exponentially. Only then did they understand how much pressure the origin released by Chen Feng helped them block.

Now that the origin has collapsed, should Chen Feng choose to retreat?

But his opponent was entangled very tightly.

Just when the two were a little anxious, the collapsed origin suddenly formed a vortex.

The power generated by these vortices entangled several practitioners, and Chen Feng released another kind of origin power.

This time the power was more invasive, more explosive, and more powerful.

This time, Chen Feng used the volcanic origin, which is also the most frequently used origin since Chen Feng mastered the origin, so naturally it is also the most proficient.

So this time, many practitioners, including the powerful opponent who fought with Chen Feng, were all involved in the powerful force. Before they rushed out, they were shattered.

"So far, I have used two origins, which can be regarded as showing my sincerity." Chen Feng said so.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng's use of one origin is already considered to be all-out.

The opponent did not expect Chen Feng to use another origin, which can be said to have caused heavy casualties.

The momentum of the attack was directly blocked, and the outbreak on Chen Feng's side even affected the entire invasion.

Although the opponents of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were not torn into pieces, they were also severely injured, and then they were directly blown up by the two of them when they took the opportunity.

"This is the power of the origin. It seems that I have to practice quickly and open up my own origin." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"This is not my origin. This is another origin that Changtian Daoist collected. After refining it, I took it for my own use. Although it is not as good as the real complete origin, it is also a powerful weapon. Now it seems to be effective." The second generation obviously has a better vision than the white mirror swordsman.

"So that's the case, but in this case it is still not as good as the origin I opened up myself, but that's not right. The origin I opened up myself must not be that strong in the early stage." The white mirror swordsman communicated with the second generation, but he was not idle. The second generation took the initiative to help Chen Feng stop the other party.

Not to mention that Chen Feng used a broken origin, even a complete origin could not stop the other party.

After all, the other party directly broke through the defense of the Thunder Origin.

In addition, Chen Feng severely damaged so many opponents in one fell swoop, so he finally alarmed the real masters in the other camp.

It's not that the other side has no masters, but they have other things to do. How could they go out for a little thing?

But this time, the movement made by Chen Feng and the other two was not a trivial matter.

A master appeared out of thin air in front of Chen Feng, stretched out his palm and grabbed him, and the world turned upside down, and Chen Feng entered the other party's palm world.

If Chen Feng couldn't rush out, then the origin of the surroundings would naturally be broken, and Chen Feng would also be suppressed by the other party.

Seeing Chen Feng being captured by the other party in the blink of an eye, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were surprised. They didn't expect that the other party would actually send out such a master. Could it be that this is the emperor?

Who knew that the other party grabbed again, and the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman also fell into the other party's palm.

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