Eternal Existence

Chapter 5296: Endless Means

The Second World did not rush to attack like the other two, but began to mobilize his own strength and quickly set up an offensive and defensive domain around him.

But the next moment, the ocean of good fortune in front of him was surging, and the waves hit and washed fiercely, and the domain set up by the Second World collapsed directly.

Seeing that the Second World was about to be pulled into the ocean, Chen Feng and the White Mirror Swordsman attacked again, and the power they burst out caused a storm.

The Second World successfully escaped.

The Ocean of Good Fortune calmed down a little, but whirlpools began to form one by one, as if the infinite power contained in the ocean was about to burst out, which brought great pressure to Chen Feng and the other two.

"I think we might as well choose to leave." The White Mirror Swordsman suggested this, looking a little guilty.

Chen Feng also became a little hesitant.

At this point, although a few of them were very brave, they had to judge the situation. Since they felt that the other party was strong, it was better not to fight hard.

However, Chen Feng was just a little hesitant. After all, the ocean of good fortune in front of him was too useful to him. Whether he could get it or not, he had to try it.

"Come out, I want to see what kind of existence you are." Chen Feng shouted coldly, holding the Spear of Destiny and walking forward.

The waves that swept over were defeated by a spear before they approached Chen Feng. Chen Feng's power was endless, and he burst out with all his strength every time. Seeing Chen Feng step into the ocean step by step.

"It's a bit risky." The Second World sighed, and the whole body burst out with light, and the domain was re-formed. This time the scale of the domain was somewhat compressed, but it became more stable, and it could even be squeezed by the power of creation.

"I want to see it too." The White Mirror Swordsman followed with a long sword.

The ocean was boiling more fiercely. This was not just as simple as the power of creation. It also contained an unparalleled will. Even the countless laws in it were emitting power, trying to penetrate the bodies and souls of the three intruders.

Chen Feng rushed in with all his strength, but the more he went back, the greater the resistance. Chen Feng personally felt the various magical changes caused by creation. His creation skills were simply a world of difference compared to the other party.

"You have luck, I have fate, I also have the power of evil, destruction, end, etc., I even have the power beyond the origin." Chen Feng sneered, various avenues continued to emerge, a single avenue could not fight, but Chen Feng controlled many avenues.

Since the origin war, Chen Feng has been constantly using the power of the avenue, one is to temper, and the other is that the avenue has great potential. Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Chen Feng's avenue clones once joined forces to fight against the emperor.

What's more, Chen Feng has several avenues that have indeed reached a very high level. In addition, there are origin-level magic weapons sitting in front of him, and he can even deal with some Hunyuan alone.

The avenue of reincarnation emerged, and the power of reincarnation combined with the spear of destiny produced a very strange change, which made Chen Feng's power suddenly stronger and directly blasted out a channel.

Originally, Chen Feng's speed slowed down, and this time the critical hit made the whole person feel relaxed and comfortable.


Chen Feng did not expect such a change, so he struck while the iron was hot and continued to explode, waiting for the other party to mobilize the power to erase the reincarnation fate bit by bit.

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were about to catch up with Chen Feng, thinking that it would be safer for the three of them to fight side by side. Who knew that Chen Feng suddenly sped up, and seeing the constant squeeze of the power of good fortune around them, the two of them continued to explode under the pressure, almost to the point of desperately trying.

As the avenues continued to flash, two more avenues finally merged and burst out with stronger power.

They were the Zhoutian Avenue and the Five Elements Avenue.

These were also the avenues that Chen Feng opened up the earliest, and they merged early, but the effect of this fusion was better.

"My current ability can only burst out in the best state when two are merged." Chen Feng had tried to merge more avenues together in the past, but this time he planned to try two by two.

The Space Avenue merged with the Time Avenue, the Poison Avenue merged with the Evil Avenue, and after a round of rotation, Chen Feng merged the Reincarnation Avenue and the Destiny Avenue again, but this time he merged the Cause and Effect Avenue.

The initial fusion was still very smooth, producing a stronger power, but it suddenly collapsed in the later stage.

In other words, Chen Feng's mastery of this power was not yet mature.

Seeing the power of good fortune coming from all directions, Chen Feng suddenly used the replication law.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to use the avenue of replication, but unfortunately, Chen Feng's avenue of replication was not strong enough, so he could only use the power of the replication law.

Only a group of flashes of light were seen, and all the avenues that Chen Feng had used before were copied and swept around.

At this moment, Chen Feng had the upper hand, and the power of creation rolled back, and the entire ocean of creation shook violently, and even this area of ​​life began to vibrate, and the well-hidden barrier was revealed, and it burst into dazzling light.

"So strong!"

The Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, who had finally caught up, stopped involuntarily. In their eyes, Chen Feng was like an invincible god of war, stirring up the void in all directions and shattering all dimensions.

"This is just a short burst. If it can burst for a long time, wouldn't it be possible for one person to break through this ocean." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"The power of fusion!" The Second World was most touched, because the Second World also practiced the power of fusion, and compared with Chen Feng, the Second World's attainments were higher.

But Chen Feng opened up a lot of avenues, which made the Second World look at him differently. In fact, even if different avenues merged, the Second World could accept it. It was just that the last one, copying all the avenues and exploding together, shocked the Second World.

"Can you copy all these powers together?" The Second World looked at the White Mirror Swordsman.

The White Mirror Swordsman's body is a magic mirror, so he should have more say in this matter. The White Mirror Swordsman said solemnly: "I can copy, but Fellow Daoist Changtian seems to have used a law, a powerful law that I have never seen or even heard of."

"You said it's a law." The Second World's eyes burst into a dazzling light. Although there were also guesses, he was still shocked to hear the White Mirror Swordsman say this.

Just as the White Mirror Swordsman said, the Second World also saw such a powerful law for the first time.

"How many good things are there in Changtian? He can't be the emperor." The Second World said, and secretly added: "He can't be re-cultivating in his first life."

"He doesn't look like the emperor." The White Mirror Swordsman shook his head.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this, let's go and help." The Second World said and rushed up quickly.

Although the scene in front of him was a bit scary, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman were not simple either, and they had enough means to participate. Besides, even if they didn't fight hard, they could still entangle some of the power of this ocean of good fortune.

Chen Feng was getting more and more addicted at this time, and he had to fight even if he was not the opponent's opponent.

This was simply a good opportunity to hone himself.

Besides, it was hard to say who would win or lose after fighting to this point.

Chen Feng's upper hand did not last long. Speaking of it, Chen Feng's means just now were just a full-strength burst. Unless he could solve the opponent in one go, once this ocean digested his attack, it would still return to its previous state.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess was correct, even if the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman came to kill him, it would be useless.

This ocean of good fortune seemed to have an endless supply of power and soon began to fight back.

"This is almost comparable to the origin of one side." Chen Feng sighed.

Chen Feng had fought with the origin many times before. At this moment, he only felt that he was fighting against one side of the origin. Even if it was the previous situation, he would not bear such strong pressure if he used this method.

Fortunately, the copy law still did not disappoint Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng was willing, he could completely use the power of the copy law to leave this place, even leaving the Thunder Origin would not be a problem.

This is also Chen Feng's confidence.

"But if the other party also has hidden means, it's hard to say."

"Daoyou, it's probably not possible to fight like this, unless the core of the other party is wiped out in one fell swoop." The second generation said.

"What I am worried about now is that this ocean is the core of the other party, unless you can suppress this ocean in one breath, or you can really injure the other party." Chen Feng said.

"Didn't Daoyou injure the other party just now?" The second generation asked.

"It was originally severely injured, but the other party recovered quickly, unless it was sealed, or the swallowing technique was used to eat away this ocean bit by bit." Chen Feng said.

"Is that so." The second generation was a little silent.

Originally, the second generation wanted to burst out the power of fusion, but now after hearing what Chen Feng said, it would be a waste of effort even if he took action.

"Maybe you can give it a try. I have a sword that can penetrate the opponent." White Mirror Swordsman suddenly said.

"Are you sure?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he also knew that this method of White Mirror Swordsman would definitely come at a price. If he could use it at will, he would not have hidden it in the previous fight.

"I am sure, but you two are also needed to contain them." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"I will use my methods to contain one or two." The Second World volunteered.

As soon as he said he would start, the Second World burst out the methods he had prepared long ago. It was indeed more powerful than before. The power of multiple different attributes merged together and produced drastic changes, just like the energy ball that Chen Feng had studied before.

Chen Feng noticed that the Second World's explosion was slightly less powerful than the energy explosion of the Void God, but the Second World made a lot of fusion energy balls. Each energy ball that exploded could cause a tsunami in the ocean or an underwater volcano eruption.

Even Chen Feng was surprised. These two really kept giving him surprises.

"Ahem, these are all my past accumulations. If I can use this method at any time, I will be invincible." The Second Emperor explained.

In such chaos, the White Mirror Swordsman has been preparing.

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