Eternal Existence

Chapter 5295: Creation of the Ocean

"What good things are there?" asked the White Mirror Swordsman.

"The power of creation is more important to me. Of course, the two Taoists have not cultivated this aspect, so they may not be very interested." Chen Feng said.

"Since it is created by nature, there are still some lessons to be learned." The second generation became interested.

"In this way, the builders here practice the art of creation." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"This is on the one hand, but the main reason is that the power of creation here is very strong. If I guessed correctly, there should be an ocean of creation here." Chen Feng said.

"Creation of the ocean! No way, there will be such good things left here, and the other party is so relieved." The second generation was a little doubtful.

"Of course it is for better development here." Chen Feng said, he also left a lot of resources in the wild universe.

However, Chen Feng still didn't want to take it by force. Even if he took it, it would only be a symbolic part.

After all, such a living area is really perfect, and Chen Feng, who has no grievances and no hatred, does not want to cause too much killing.

Of course, it depends on how things develop next. If it is really important to him, Chen Feng will not be soft-hearted.

"Such a good place has always existed here, and it has not been invaded." Chen Feng did not act rashly, but was analyzing the situation here.

In the origin of one party, it is normal to fight with each other. Chen Feng does not believe that other beings will let such a good place go.

Or it means that the power here is extremely powerful, so outsiders cannot benefit from it.

"You clearly don't feel threatened, or is the other party too powerful? The threat is hidden very well. If this is the case, then it is the real threat." Chen Feng said.

"It is indeed a little weird. This shows that this life area is not as simple as we see. There must be some powerful means behind it to support the development of civilization." II said.

"As long as we get some benefits smoothly, it doesn't matter what the specific situation is here." Chen Feng said and quickly found the Ocean of Creation following the guidance of the long river of time.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to explore this land of life first, but now he just wants to get the benefits first.

"Sure enough, it is the ocean of creation. In addition to the energy of creation, what is more important here are the perfect laws. These laws support the entire living area. Once these laws are destroyed, then this living area will collapse. We are sure Do you want to do this?" II said.

Of course, the second generation is not soft-hearted. At first, he was worried that some changes would happen, but the ocean of creation in front of him is indeed an excellent thing.

Whether it is energy or the laws within it, they are useful to everyone.

Especially since Chen Feng has practiced the Dao of Creation, he naturally wants to integrate everything in front of him into the Dao.

"Yes, this is the benefit of opening up many avenues. No matter what kind of energy I encounter, I can refine and absorb it, and eventually turn it into my own power." Chen Feng believed that even the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman could Get benefits, but certainly not as good as yourself.

"It's better to collect some first and give it a try." The White Mirror Swordsman suggested.

"Since we are taking action, we might as well divide the benefits in front of us as quickly as possible. Even if there is danger, we have already got the things." The second generation said this.

Chen Feng has been communicating with Shi Changhe, wanting to know more about the situation here.

As a result, the power of time suddenly became distorted. Before Chen Feng could figure out what happened, all the power of time was twisted into a ball and then pulled into the ocean of creation.

"No, the land of time has been discovered." Chen Feng was surprised.

It doesn't matter if the power of time is discovered, but the other party can use this method to directly gather the power of time together and then solve it. This method is the most terrifying.

Chen Feng understood that his previous guess was correct. There was indeed danger here, but it was well hidden. The three of them had not noticed it before.

Unperceived danger is the real danger.

"Take action."

Chen Feng immediately took action and thrust out a spear, trying to penetrate the ocean of creation in front of him.

As a result, the power of destiny only advanced a little and was gradually absorbed by the ocean in front of him.


The same goes for the White Mirror Swordsman's attack. Although a beam of sword light that can cut through everything created a ravine, it was still contained by the ocean in front of him.

However, the second generation did not take action as anxiously as the two of them. Instead, he began to mobilize his own strength and quickly laid out an area that could be attacked and defended around him.

But the next moment, the ocean of creation in front of him was turbulent, and the waves were violently lapping and washing away, and the realm laid out by the Second Emperor collapsed.

Seeing that the second generation was about to be pulled into the ocean, Chen Feng and the White Mirror Swordsman took action again, and the burst of power caused a stormy sea.

The second generation managed to get out of trouble.

The ocean of creation became slightly calmer, but whirlpools began to form one after another, as if the infinite power contained in the ocean was about to burst out, which put great pressure on Chen Feng and the others.

"I think we might as well choose to leave." The White Mirror Swordsman suggested, looking a little guilty.

Chen Feng also became a little hesitant.

At this point, although some of them are very courageous, they still have to judge the situation carefully. Since they feel that the opponent is strong, it is best not to fight head-on.

But Chen Feng was just a little hesitant. After all, the ocean of creation in front of him was too useful to him. No matter whether he could get it or not, he had to try it.

"Come out, I want to see what kind of existence you are." Chen Feng shouted coldly and walked forward with the Spear of Destiny in hand.

The wave that swept over Chen Feng was defeated by a spear before it even got close to Chen Feng. Chen Feng's power continued to flow, and he exploded with all his strength every time. He watched Chen Feng enter the ocean step by step.

"It's a bit risky." The second generation sighed, and the light erupted from his body, re-forming the domain. This time the scale of the domain was somewhat compressed, but it became more stable and could be squeezed by the original force of creation.

"I also want to see something." Bai Jing Swordsman followed with his long sword in hand.

The ocean is boiling even more fiercely. This is not just the power of creation, but also contains unparalleled will. Even the countless laws in it are emitting power, trying to penetrate the bodies and souls of these three intruders.

Chen Feng rushed in with all his strength, but the resistance became stronger the further he went. Chen Feng personally felt all the magical changes that had occurred in creation. Compared with his opponent, his own creation skills were completely different.

"You have creation, I have destiny, I also have the power of all evil, destruction, end, etc., I even have the power to transcend the origin." Chen Feng sneered, various avenues kept emerging, and one avenue alone could not resist it, but Chen Feng There are many avenues for control.

Since the beginning of the War of Origin, Chen Feng has been constantly using the power of Dao. Firstly, it is for training, and secondly, Dao has great potential. Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Chen Feng's Dao clones once joined forces to fight against the emperor.

What's more, Chen Feng has several avenues that have reached very high levels, and with origin-level magic weapons at his disposal, he can even deal with some Hunyuan masters by himself.

The Avenue of Reincarnation emerged, and the power of reincarnation combined with the Spear of Destiny produced a very strange change, causing Chen Feng's power to become stronger and directly blast out a passage.

Originally, Chen Feng's speed had slowed down, but this time the critical attack became more relaxed and comfortable.


Chen Feng did not expect such a change, so he struck while the iron was hot and continued to explode, waiting for the other party to mobilize his power to eliminate the fate of reincarnation bit by bit.

The second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman were about to catch up with Chen Feng, thinking that it would be safer for the three of them to fight side by side. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng suddenly accelerated his speed. Seeing the surrounding forces of creation constantly squeezing, these two He also continued to explode under pressure, almost to the point of desperate efforts.

As the avenues continued to flash, two more avenues finally merged and burst out with stronger power.

They are Zhoutian Avenue and Five Elements Avenue.

This is also the avenue that Chen Feng first opened up. He achieved the integration early, but this time the effect after the integration is even better.

"My current abilities can only be at their best when they are fused in pairs." Chen Feng has tried to fuse more avenues in the past, but this time he plans to try them in pairs.

The Avenue of Space merged with the Avenue of Time, the Avenue of Poison merged with the Avenue of All Evils, and after some rotation, Chen Feng once again merged the Avenue of Reincarnation and the Avenue of Destiny, but this time he merged with the Avenue of Cause and Effect.

The initial fusion was smooth and produced stronger power, but it suddenly collapsed in the later stage.

In other words, Chen Feng's grasp of this power is not yet mature.

Seeing the power of creation coming from all directions, Chen Feng suddenly activated the Law of Copy.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to use the Avenue of Copy, but unfortunately Chen Feng's Avenue of Copy was not strong enough, so he could only use the power of the Law of Copy.

All that was seen was the flickering light, and all the avenues that Chen Feng had used before were copied and swept all around.

At this moment, Chen Feng had the upper hand. The power of creation was rolled back, and the entire ocean of creation shook violently. Even the living area began to vibrate, and the well-hidden barrier was revealed, blooming with dazzling light.

"So strong!"

The second son and the White Mirror Swordsman, who had finally caught up, stopped involuntarily. To them, Chen Feng was like an invincible God of War, stirring the void in all directions and shattering all dimensions.

"This is just a short burst. If it can last for a long time, one person can penetrate this ocean." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"The power of fusion!" The second generation felt the deepest, because the second generation also practiced the power of fusion, and compared with Chen Feng, the second generation had higher attainments.

But Chen Feng opened up many avenues, which had to make the second generation look at him differently. In fact, even if different avenues merged, the second generation could accept it. It was just the last moment when all the avenues were copied and exploded together, which shocked the second generation. .

"Can you copy all these powers together?" II looked at the White Mirror Swordsman.

The White Mirror Swordsman's body is a magical mirror, and he should have more say in this matter. The White Mirror Swordsman said solemnly: "I can copy it, but what Taoist Fellow Changtian uses seems to be a law, a law I have never seen before. , an extremely powerful law that I have never even heard of.”

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