Eternal Existence

Chapter 5293: Giant Clone

"The people coming seem very strong, not like the Thunder Clan." The Second said.

"It should be other forces. According to what we have learned before, they and the Thunder Clan should be allies. Of course, it is not that they are afraid of them, but there is no need to stay and fight with them, because there is no point at all." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, that's it, but it seems that the other party should be heading for the special area just now. Should we wait here for a while and see the situation? Maybe there will be a conflict next." The White Mirror Swordsman said so.

"Then let's see the situation here. I also hope there will be excitement." Chen Feng said.

It's just that the conflict between the two sides came very quickly, or it was the giant who took the initiative.

Before the two sides fought, the giant couldn't do anything to Chen Feng and the other two, so he chose to compromise, and as a result, another group of practitioners came.

The existence behind this giant was not a good person, so he wanted to vent his anger.

So he directly released the field formed by the dense prohibitions, surrounded those practitioners who didn't know where they came from, and then the two sides had a big fight.

The giant underestimated these practitioners, and these practitioners did not expect to encounter such a thing as soon as they arrived.

Although there is no feud between the two sides, this kind of fight cannot be stopped just by stopping.

Especially since two practitioners were severely injured by the giant at the beginning, the two sides have already formed a grudge.

It can only be a fight to the death.

"I didn't expect it to be quite interesting." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's best if both sides are injured, maybe we can still pick up some bargains." The second generation said.

"It depends on whether there are any new places? Otherwise, these practitioners will definitely suffer a big loss this time." White Mirror Swordsman said.

Although these practitioners are indeed very powerful, it is useless even if they can severely injure the giant next time, because a practitioner has just been killed directly.

"Someone is here, and it's actually a master. The other party has discovered us." Chen Feng suddenly said.

It stands to reason that the other party should deal with the giant after arriving, but who knew that he appeared in front of Chen Feng and the other two.

At this moment, Chen Feng and the other three felt the pressure brought to them by the other party.

In other words, in terms of the essence of life, the other party is better than them.

"But it still can't reach the level of the Great Emperor." Chen Feng judged in his heart, but he still couldn't take it lightly. Although he had the experience of fighting with the Great Emperor, it didn't mean that these people above the Primordial Primordial didn't threaten his strength. Maybe they had some special means to make him suffer.

"It was you guys who killed my ally before." The cultivator looked at Chen Feng and the other two with a scrutinizing look.

"Since you know, what are you going to do? You don't want to attack us, do you?" Chen Feng was not surprised that the other party knew about the previous things.

However, the three of them had solved more than a dozen practitioners of the other side before, which was also a big deal. The forces of the other side should have known about it long ago.

"Since he knows our strength, I think he dare not make a move." The White Mirror Swordsman was eager to try.

"It seems that you don't know who I am. Since I have met you, I will just solve it." The cultivator took out a strange-shaped weapon, which had a halo flowing on it and a sharp edge.

Chen Feng felt some familiar power fluctuations from the other party's weapon.

It's not that Chen Feng has seen this kind of power, but Chen Feng also has this level of power.

This is a power fluctuation beyond the origin.

"Be careful, the other party has the power to kill us." Chen Feng immediately sent a message to the second generation.

The next moment, the other party made a move. It seemed to be understated, but it actually contained a killing move, especially the power that surpassed the origin, which could burst out at any time.

Chen Feng naturally had the means to resist, but he was a little worried about the second generation and the white mirror swordsman.

Although the two of them were powerful, they could not withstand this level of power under normal circumstances.

In fact, without Chen Feng's reminder, the second generation and the white mirror swordsman felt this crisis as soon as the two sides fought.

However, although the other party had the power to threaten the three people, it was simply nonsense to get rid of Chen Feng and the other two as the other party said.

Even after the battle, this cultivator did not take advantage.

On the surface, the cultivator looked calm, but secretly he had regretted it.

Although he knew that Chen Feng and the other three were strong before, he did not expect them to be so strong.

Especially these three have not yet exerted their full strength.

But it was impossible to stop, so they could only fight to the end.

"Since the opponent doesn't take us seriously, let's show him some strength." Chen Feng said as he waved his spear to force the opponent to retreat again and again, while the Second Generation used his strength to block the opponent's way, which created an opportunity for the White Mirror Swordsman. A beam of sword light fell on the cultivator and a wound appeared on his body.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand and the power of fate enveloped him, affecting the cultivator's mind.

He got another wound on his body before he knew it.

Finally, the cultivator exploded, and the power beyond the origin swept out. The Second Generation and the White Mirror Swordsman were well prepared and quickly dodged.

Chen Feng did not dodge, but rushed forward. To be able to deal with such power, one must have the same level of power.

So Chen Feng also used the power brand.

In this case, you can't all dodge, otherwise the opponent will continue to attack.

Seeing that Chen Feng could not block the opponent's attack, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were also a little surprised by Chen Feng's unfathomable methods.

"You actually have mastered this kind of power." The practitioner felt a little incredible.

This is his trump card. If it is his strongest method and relies on this method to become invincible, even his opponents who are stronger than him will be defeated by him.

But now that he encountered a force of the same level, the practitioner naturally sighed inwardly, knowing that he might have kicked an iron plate this time.

But it was difficult to get off the tiger before, and now the situation is even more difficult. This practitioner knows that even if he is willing to stop, the other party may not be willing.

In fact, Chen Feng and the others did not think about continuing the fight. If the other party was willing to stop, the three of them would leave.

Therefore, the situation in front of us is a bit strange. Everyone thinks that the opponent will not give up, so he will not relax when he takes action.

Since Chen Feng can block the opponent's strongest attack, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman will be relieved. They don't want to be underestimated by Chen Feng.

Naturally, he also used various methods to kill the cultivator and retreated in succession.

"Although you want to invade this origin, I'm afraid you also have a lot of people. Unfortunately, you have done too much. According to my speculation, you may be wiped out. Of course, it is useless to tell you this. If you offend us, you will die here first." Now that he has the upper hand, Chen Feng doesn't want to let the other party go. If he can take the opportunity to kill the other party, he will not hold back.

The fighting on Chen Feng's side was equally fierce on the other side. The giant was also injured and began to borrow strength from the masters behind him, but several of his opponents were severely injured by the giant.

If this continues, both sides will really suffer losses.

Originally, these practitioners were a little happy when they saw the masters coming to their side, thinking that the masters would soon be able to deal with the few miscellaneous fish in the dark.

The result was the opposite. The person behind the scenes was not a miscellaneous fish, but a super powerful being. It was hard to say who would win or lose.

However, these practitioners are not in a hurry, because they still have helpers, and they have passed on the news early before, and soon after the helpers arrive, they will be able to deal with all the enemies in front of them.

As for whether they belong to this origin, it doesn't really matter.

"Be careful, the other party has helpers." Chen Feng naturally thought of this as well.

But the situation at hand is difficult to resolve quickly.

Chen Feng was also thinking about how strong the opponent's most powerful master was. If it was only at this level, then the opponent would probably not get any benefit from coming here to invade.

If the emperor comes, there will definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers.

"I thought I could gain some benefits from the opponent's melee, but now I have a conflict with outsiders early. But we can't blame us. They are the first to take action every time. Thinking of this, I feel a little doubtful. Is this situation happening because the power of this origin is secretly influencing the control? If so, it would be a bit scary, but it didn't affect us. Is it because they didn't notice us before? " Chen Feng secretly conducted some analysis and speculation, but was inadvertently distanced by the other party.

Just when Chen Feng thought that the opponent was about to jump out of the battle circle and leave, who knew that the opponent waved his hand and released a giant formation to cover him.

"Instead of choosing to stop at this time, but using this method, it seems that we are sure to keep us here. Is it because help is coming?" Chen Feng was not nervous at all, and immediately released Sword array.

Chen Feng's sword formation is composed of origin-level weapons. Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem to kill some Hunyuan. If the opponent wants to use a large formation to suppress it, the two sides fight against each other and they don't know what the result will be. ?

In Chen Feng's opinion, he could at least block the opponent's formation.

"The other party has help coming." At this time, the White Mirror Swordsman noticed the abnormality and immediately used the power of his body. He only saw a huge mirror floating out, and the light emitted formed layers upon layers, like a maze. In the multi-layered space, a cultivator was trapped in it, but the opponent quickly threw away all the obstacles and came out in the blink of an eye.

This turned out to be another master.

As a result, even Chen Feng felt the pressure.

What's interesting is that the other party didn't take action immediately after they arrived, but asked everyone to stop fighting.

Chen Feng's heart moved and he withdrew his sword formation, and the other party also withdrew his sword formation.

The second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman came to Chen Feng.

The opponent also stopped.

"Three fellow Taoists, I think there was a misunderstanding before, and I would like to apologize here." The new practitioner said.

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