Eternal Existence

Chapter 5292: Within the Restriction

"It's better to use a sword." The White Mirror Swordsman had a different opinion, but seeing that the Second World was also trapped in it, it was hard to say anything.

Although the White Mirror Swordsman wanted to take action, he was indeed the fastest one after studying the restrictions in front of him.

As a swordsman, he naturally has super insight, so he can quickly find loopholes in the cumbersome restrictions.

Seeing the White Mirror Swordsman disappear, Chen Feng and the Second World looked at each other helplessly, but still quickly followed.

At first, the two could still follow the pace of the White Mirror Swordsman, but soon lost the trace of the White Mirror Swordsman.

"Do you think the other party did it on purpose?"

"I want to break it violently."

Chen Feng and the Second World said so.

Then the two of them mobilized their perception with all their strength, and the restrictions in front of them became clearer in front of them.

As the two continued to move forward, Chen Feng and the Second World also separated later, and it was unknown who was walking in front.

Chen Feng was completely immersed in it. In addition to his eyes constantly flashing, he was also pulling some avenues from time to time.

"Who is the person who can set up these restrictions?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

If it was really set up by a cultivator, how much effort would it take for the other party?

What is the purpose of the other party setting up this area?

"Why are so many special areas chosen in the origin of thunder, or is there a special factor in this origin itself?" Chen Feng said.

Pah pah pah!

As the light in Chen Feng's eyes flashed, the restrictions in front of him exploded one after another, revealing a long passage.

Chen Feng flashed in, but did not notice that the void where he stretched out his hand derived new restrictions, and they were completely different from the ones that were broken before.

When Chen Feng discovered this situation, he had already gone deep.

"The restrictions are changing at any time, and there are some unfamiliar restrictions behind them. The previous perceptions are not very useful at all. At most, they increase my understanding of the restrictions."

"I should have directly smashed them according to the idea of ​​the White Mirror Swordsman before."

Chen Feng thought so, but he was embarrassed to take action. Just as he was hesitating, a beam of sword energy penetrated layer by layer and shuttled through countless restrictions.

"The White Mirror Swordsman is in trouble." Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny and slashed it fiercely, and the restrictions in front of him were broken one after another.

Soon Chen Feng found the White Mirror Swordsman.

A huge mirror suppressed one side, floating unsteadily, and from time to time emitted a dazzling light curtain, and the two White Mirror Swordsmen fought on the left and right.

It was obvious that the White Mirror Swordsman was desperate and used all his means.

Even the main body was used.

"Where is the Second World, hasn't he come yet? Isn't he in trouble too?" Chen Feng looked around.

"It turns out that there is an extremely powerful existence behind this. The other party has arranged so many restrictions to protect the source of evil." The White Mirror Swordsman said so.

"The source of evil, a good thing, should not be simply placed here, there must be a reason." Chen Feng said.

More than a dozen combat puppets made the White Mirror Swordsman choose to ask for help. After Chen Feng arrived, the combat power naturally tilted.

These combat puppets have enough intelligence. They did not immediately come forward to besiege Chen Feng, but accelerated their speed to solve the White Mirror Swordsman first.

"You should be able to hold it off, right?" Chen Feng saw the situation clearly and asked.

"It's fine in a short time. Do whatever you want to do quickly." The White Mirror Swordsman said, and the mirror emitted light that covered all directions. This was the White Mirror Swordsman's territory.

"I will naturally go to find the source and solve the source of evil first." Chen Feng was about to leave when a black airflow surged out of the restriction, condensed into a combat puppet, and emitted countless gossamer threads that swam towards Chen Feng.

"It's coming now. Since there is still power, why didn't you go out together before, or is this the last power?" Although the opponent's power is very evil, Chen Feng is not an unsophisticated person. He himself has mastered some evil power and even the avenue of evil attributes.

Chen Feng is just curious about how many combat puppets of this type the opponent has.

"It shouldn't be many."

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the power of destiny rolled up, and the evil gossamer threads that rushed up were crushed cleanly.

The Spear of Destiny just barreled forward and pierced a big hole in the combat puppet.

The Spear of Destiny not only contains destiny attacks, but also has a strong attack power.

"You're just trying to deal with me with this level, are you looking down on me?" Chen Feng stirred the spear and tore the opponent into pieces. Then, there was a flame burning in his eyes, burning the opponent's broken body several times, and the opponent was unable to reshape his body.


Chen Feng thrust out a spear, and the space in front of him split open. Chen Feng saw the extremely dense evil energy.

"Great, a huge gain." Chen Feng was delighted, took a step forward and disappeared.

"Don't go in, it's dangerous inside." At this time, the Second World suddenly appeared, but it was a pity that he said it a little too late, and I don't know if Chen Feng heard it.

At this time, the Second World's blood was boiling, and there was still blood burning on the weapon in his hand. It was obvious that a fierce fight had just taken place.

The Second World wanted to chase him, but after hesitating for a while, he decided to help the White Mirror Swordsman first.

"Daoyou Changtian is powerful, there should be no problem." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"I hope so, a quick battle and a quick decision." The Second World nodded. With the participation of the Second World, the White Mirror Swordsman suddenly felt relaxed, and the two joined forces to start solving the opponents one by one.

Chen Feng heard the message from the Second World, but he didn't care at all. Besides, even if he knew there was danger ahead, Chen Feng would not stop.

"Let me see what danger there is here." Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny, stirred the power of destiny, and quickly locked the target.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Countless evil tentacles appeared from all around. Although Chen Feng waved the spear to smash some, there were too many tentacles, and Chen Feng was about to be wrapped up.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's figure flashed and rushed out from the layers of encirclement.

But Chen Feng found that the surroundings were all tentacles condensed by evil power. He came to the opponent's lair. Except for the place where he stood, it was all the opponent's power.

"These powers are indeed quite evil, and they also have some power to take over. If I am wrapped up by the opponent, this power will take the opportunity to take over my body and disrupt my will." Chen Feng only made a simple contact with the opponent and came to this conclusion.

"But if that's all, I'm afraid it won't stop me, and this is still just superficial power." Chen Feng erupted with powerful forces, which stirred, merged, and collided with each other, blocking all the number axes rushing up from the surroundings.

Chen Feng himself waved the Spear of Destiny, his body constantly changing position, fighting with the opponent.

On the one hand, Chen Feng wanted to find out the opponent's true strength, and on the other hand, he had to wait for the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman.

As a result, the two did not come for a long time, so Chen Feng had to release the power of origin.

The power of the origin of the fierce wind was enough to tear everything apart after being compressed by Chen Feng, but these tentacles were composed of evil energy. As long as the power exists, this disgusting tentacles will be continuously generated.

And after Chen Feng chopped these tentacles, as long as the opponent's power imprint was not completely erased, they could also be taken back by the opponent for waste utilization.

The opponent's attacks were too frequent, causing Chen Feng to not have time to perform the swallowing technique.

Finally, a tentacle broke through Chen Feng's defense and hit Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt the evil contained in the tentacles, which continued to spread and wanted to replace himself.

Although this power was a bit weird, it was quickly resolved by Chen Feng.

But more tentacles hit Chen Feng, and even in order to hit Chen Feng, these tentacles looked for opportunities to self-destruct.

"It's still a bit tricky."

Chen Feng released the domain, but the domain was quickly broken. This was still Chen Feng constantly waving the Spear of Destiny. If it was a little slower, it would have been submerged.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Spear of Destiny was also entangled, and the opponent's power was constantly eroding and suppressing the Spear of Destiny.

Although Chen Feng burst out with powerful power in the first time, he was still infected by the tentacles, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was wrapped tightly.

The power continued to drill into Chen Feng's body. This was to take over Chen Feng's body. Once successful, Chen Feng would become a puppet.

At this moment, the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman rushed in and saw this scene. Their faces suddenly changed. They didn't expect that Chen Feng was really in trouble. They rushed up to rescue Chen Feng without saying anything.

As a result, they were blocked by countless tentacles before they went far, and they couldn't help Chen Feng at all.

And the tentacles became more and more, and later there was a rolling energy surge, attacking the three people layer by layer.

"It's so powerful, no wonder Fellow Daoist Changtian couldn't resist it."

"Fellow Daoist Changtian has many means and has mastered the origin. It shouldn't be this situation."

The two were a little confused, but the evil energy around Chen Feng was increasing, and they had to recognize the reality in front of them.

But soon the two had no extra thoughts and had to use all their strength to deal with the crisis in front of them.

"It's too dangerous here, let's fight our way out."

"Something seems to be wrong with Changtian."

"That's right, if he couldn't hold on, he would have been defeated long ago, and now the two sides are still in a stalemate."

Something did happen to Chen Feng, and it was a huge change. The layers of evil energy wrapped around Chen Feng suddenly began to twist.

Soon these energies were pulled into a black hole, and Chen Feng's figure was not seen except the black hole.

But the swallowing power of the black hole was extremely strong, and the subsequent tentacles were also swallowed up.

Later, even the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman who were surrounded by layers were affected, fearing that they would also be swallowed into the black hole.

"This is the method of Fellow Daoist Changtian, it shouldn't hurt us by mistake."

"Let's see what's behind this."

Seeing the evil energy decreasing rapidly, a huge palm stretched out from the confusion and slapped the black hole fiercely.

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