Eternal Existence

Chapter 5290 Conflict

What Chen Feng means is that once something happens to the other party, he will become stronger, but it will irritate the second generation and the others.

Then the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman broke out with stronger fighting power. After the violent collision, the two long whips broke inch by inch.



The White Mirror Swordsman and the Second World instantly rushed in front of Xingchen, hoping to defeat each other in one round.

If this star can be chopped into pieces, then this battle will be over, and the next thing to do is to carve up each other.

Unexpectedly, two thunderballs flew out, knocking II and the White Mirror Swordsman over.

Then two long whips tied the two people up in an instant, and the next moment they were pulled into the stars.

Such a change was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectation.

If the other party dares to do this, he must be confident.

After all, this is the opponent's territory, and there must be various traps and ambushes in his mood.

The situation of the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman should not be good at this time.

"I still underestimated the other party." Chen Feng shook his head and took out the Spear of Destiny. He couldn't do it if he didn't do it next.

Because the other party pulled the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman behind the stars, two more long braids stretched out, this time they slapped Chen Feng.

At the same time, Chen Feng also knew that the other party was accumulating strength and wanted to attack the origin barrier he had set up.

"Okay, let's see what means you have." Chen Feng was not too worried about the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman.

Because the two of them didn't use all their methods, maybe being dragged into the planet was self-defeating for the other party.

The spear and whip collided together, and Chen Feng felt the power of destruction and spiritual power coming at the same time.

But Chen Feng just used the power of destiny in the war spear to compare.

As long as the opponent's life is alive, it will be controlled and affected by fate. In addition, the spear in Chen Feng's hand is a top-quality weapon. The two sides fought several times and the two long sides were directly broken by Chen Feng.

Next, the opponent used the energy ball to bombard Chen Feng, but Chen Feng used the magic technique to dodge it.

Chen Feng walked toward the star without any haste, and two more energy balls appeared in front of him. Once again, Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique and directly collected the two energy balls.

Even if the powerful force generated by the explosion had some impact on the origin, Chen Feng remained calm on the surface.

In this way, the other party will never dare to use this method again.

A beam of light came straight towards Chen Feng.

This is the light of the soul, but it also possesses powerful destructive properties.

Chen Feng waved the Spear of Destiny to defeat the beam of light, and then pierced the star in front of him with the spear.

The other party did not stop him, but opened a passage, trying to pull Chen Feng in.

"Now that we have seen our strength and this method, I am really curious about what is planned in this star?" Chen Feng suddenly retreated and did not enter the star, but began to mobilize the forces from all directions. Power, squeezing the stars in front of you.

The other party has means, but Chen Feng will not be fooled, but will use his own means to force him.

No matter how powerful the stars in front of them are, they can't stop the suppression from one side.

Besides, with the surrounding area of ​​origin covered, once it is successfully closed, the star will completely enter Chen Feng's chassis.

That's when the situation turned.

Chen Feng was also trying to communicate with the Platinum Swordsman for the second time, but he never succeeded. The contact between them was cut off by the powerful force after the other party entered the star.

"I hope you can make some noise and don't let me down." Chen Feng said and suddenly disappeared.

An invisible war spear fell into the air.

Then more war spears appeared and wanted to attack Chen Feng, but Chen Feng saw through them one by one and dodged all the attacks.

"It seems that the other party is a little anxious." Chen Feng said with a smile.

These attacks are not condensed from the power of the mind, the power of destruction and the power of life.

Even if it really hits Chen Feng, it can't do anything to Chen Feng.

As the power of origin continued to shrink, the star became really nervous and began to communicate with Chen Feng, hoping to offer benefits in exchange for Chen Feng's retreat.

Chen Feng was naturally unmoved. As he said before, what he wanted was all the benefits in front of him. Could it be possible that the other party could offer benefits that were more important than himself?

The star's attack became more and more fierce, and finally hit Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't care at all.

But hitting the origin can have some impact on Chen Feng.

An energy ball opens up a large area of ​​Origin to collapse, but it can delay the invasion of some Origins.

But it's just a delay.

The scale of the origin of one party is too great, far beyond what this star can withstand.

What's more, Chen Feng is also preparing a second source of origin later. This is also to prevent the other party from having any means to escape. Maybe there will be some changes outside the origin?

Under this situation, even if the spiritual life in front of you can find help, it will be difficult for the opponent to break through the defense and rush in in a short period of time.

Seeing that the power of origin was about to touch the star, the star suddenly started to rotate. The power generated and the power of origin continued to collapse, and it was impossible to get really close for a while.

The two sides limited themselves to a stalemate.

"Then let's see who lasts longer."

Chen Feng was not surprised and continued to push the power of origin to spread forward.

Finally, during the rotation of the star, there were power fluctuations, and the spiritual power attacking Chen Feng was intermittent.

Chen Feng knew that this was the movement made by the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman.

"Don't worry!"

Chen Feng still urged the power of origin to cover it. It hasn't really covered it yet, so why worry?


The rotating star suddenly stopped, and there was no extra power to hit the power of origin.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to cover the star with the power of origin.

"I've said that those two are not easy to mess with. They have to pull them in. Now they can't digest it." Chen Feng said with a smile. At this time, the power of origin has completely covered this star.

Everything has reached Chen Feng's territory.

It's a pity that he can't get all of it.

Chen Feng muttered, urging the power to continuously penetrate into the star, disintegrating layers of restrictions.

Finally, Chen Feng can lock the position of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman, and the two sides communicate directly.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and it seems that the star is about to be divided.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. Someone was attacking the origin of Chen Feng's arrangement.

"The power of thunder and lightning, this is a cultivator of the Thunder Clan, and there is another kind of power. I don't know if it comes from the Thunder Clan or other sources." Chen Feng quickly figured out the situation outside.

"Dear Taoist friends, I am a friend of Thunder Master." Chen Feng immediately stated his position.

The other party stopped attacking, and just when Chen Feng thought that the matter was over, the other party launched another attack.

"In this case, it is an enemy." Chen Feng sneered.

"Quick battle and quick decision." Chen Feng passed the message to the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman.




The star appeared cracked, and beams of sword energy gushed out of it. The star wanted to escape, but was suppressed by Chen Feng.

At this time, the attack outside was more fierce. Chen Feng only needed to use a stronger force, and the avenues were released from his body, gathered into a ball, and turned into a huge palm. Slap it hard, and the star was directly broken into pieces.

"Share it equally."

"Of course!"

The life in the star had been killed by the White Mirror Swordsman, and what was left was the extremely pure life energy, which was quickly divided up by the three people.

After everything was done, Chen Feng's origin was finally pierced by the enemy, and a dozen practitioners rushed over.

"Thunder Clan!" The Second Generation and the White Mirror Swordsman looked at each other, and then murderous intent boiled in their eyes.

"Interesting, we helped you Thunder Clan before, but I didn't expect you to repay kindness with hatred, what a pity." The Second Generation said lightly.

"Since you chose to attack us, then you are the enemy, just kill us." The White Mirror Swordsman also said calmly.

In addition to the Thunder Clan, there is another group of forces. Chen Feng guessed that they should be allies of the Thunder Clan.

"Since you are here, you should find a way to deal with the Thunder Origin. Why are you starting to trouble us?" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the power of origin surged, and soon surrounded the other party.

"Hand over the things, and I'll spare your lives." One of them shouted coldly, not worrying about the surrounding power of origin. Moreover, these practitioners spread out and moved forward to surround Chen Feng and the other two.

"Is that so? Then let's do it." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword formation that had been hidden for a long time fell from the air, wrapping a practitioner in it.

The sword energy was crisscrossed, and the opponent was cut into pieces in the blink of an eye.

"Do it!"


The speed of the Second World and the Thunder Lord was not slow either. They used killing moves right at the beginning. Although these people were nothing, they still had to fight quickly. According to the judgment of the three, these ten practitioners must have many companions.

As for whether killing them would lead to revenge, Chen Feng and the other two didn't care at all.

A sword fell, and the opponent's body was shattered.

The lightning shot at Chen Feng, but did not break Chen Feng's defense. As a result, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Spear of Destiny pierced the opponent's body.

"With this little ability, you still want to invade this origin. It's a joke." The fusion light of the Second World directly entangled several opponents.

"Someone else is coming." Chen Feng said.

"They are late." The White Mirror Swordsman said with a smile.

The two sides did not fight for long. The dozen or so practitioners seemed to outnumber Chen Feng and the other two, but they were slaughtered.

"Let's go. There is no need to stay." Chen Feng said after dealing with these practitioners, and then the three of them left quickly.

Not long after they left, several practitioners arrived, including Master Lei Ting.

The scene in front of him was shocking, and after a little calculation, he was shocked to numbness. So many of his companions were slaughtered.

"Master Lei Ting, this is your friend." Someone questioned.

"You can't blame me for this." Master Lei Ting said coldly. At this time, Master Lei Ting was really furious. He had been thinking about winning over these people from the beginning. Now, someone was blind and ended up in such a situation. No matter what, they will be opponents in the future.

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