Eternal Existence

Chapter 5289 Magical Time

"That is to say, these special areas obey the orders of this origin. So is it possible that the practitioners who come out of the special areas originally belong to this origin?" Chen Feng said.

"It is also possible. These are not important, but how we do it." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

Chen Feng understood that the White Mirror Swordsman was not using his full strength at all, and was also waiting to see the situation in front of him. It was good to say that he was willing to help True Lord Thunder.

"I'm sorry to involve a few of you, but this time our Thunder clan has joined forces with other forces to carve up this origin, and then all fellow Taoists will also be able to benefit." True Lord Thunder said.

"It's not that easy to carve up the origin of this place. I wonder how much power you have combined?" Chen Feng asked.

"At least the three origins, plus our Thunder Clan and the Primitive Clan, should be fine." True Lord Thunder said.

"Sounds good, but I don't know how much power can be mobilized. Moreover, we are only helping you and letting us participate in the war. We are still not qualified." Chen Feng said with a smile.

During the conversation, the two sides were still fighting with their opponents. These local practitioners seemed to be very strong.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't care about these opponents. What Chen Feng cared about was the oppression from this side.

"I don't know if the Thunder Emperor will show up, and what level the Thunder Emperor will reach. If he is only at the level of the Killing Emperor, then there won't be much of a threat if he appears. If there is a real emperor or a spiritual old man as strong as him, it will be troublesome. ." Chen Feng muttered in his heart.

"A few fellow Taoists are powerful enough to be worth thousands of troops, so they are naturally qualified to participate and get a share of the pie." True Lord Thunderbolt said quickly, fearing that Chen Feng and others would leave.

"Even if we want to quit, we can't." Chen Feng shook his head and said with a sigh.

Because at this time, the will attack from the origin arrived, and it was very strong. Even if Chen Feng had experienced this many times, he still had no idea.

"Explode, otherwise you won't be able to resist it." Chen Feng said.

The next moment, the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman also broke out, and these two people could naturally feel the coming crisis.

A huge mirror appeared and enveloped the three of them.

Chen Feng did not resist, he only felt that he had entered an independent world, and even the will that was attacking him was constantly weakened.

In this way, Chen Feng would be absolutely sure to resist.

The realm of reincarnation was operating and weakening again, and the remaining will was easily defeated by Fei.

"Awesome!" Chen Feng praised, even if he released the origin, there would be no such effect.

"Unless I create the origin myself and am strong enough." Chen Feng thought to himself.

But now that the White Mirror Swordsman has used this method, the next crisis is not a problem.

However, this is only for the original will, which is still the current strength, and does not include other practitioners.

Several local practitioners have already come to kill them. This can be regarded as a double attack mode.

"Fellow Taoist, if you resist the will, these opponents will be left to us." Chen Feng said that the realm of reincarnation was expanding, and at the same time he released the sword array.

The Second World also released a magic circle formed by the power of fusion, and a colorful river flowed back and forth.

Several cultivators who rushed up were immediately caught in it, and their speed was greatly reduced.

"With this little ability, why don't you come here to die?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

The power of the punch caused the practitioners to stop, and then the sword array started to move, and the indestructible sword energy fell out one after another.

Chen Feng really didn't take these practitioners seriously. Although their strength was good, they were only a little stronger than ordinary Hunyuan masters.

Now that Bai Jingjian and Er Er are resisting from behind, Chen Feng only needs to deal with these practitioners with all his strength.

"I'm not afraid even if some more come, but I can't use my full strength now, otherwise I will be targeted more strongly by Origin, and there is no response from the Gate of Origin." Although Chen Feng took action, he still had In my own mind, I don't want to confront Fang Yuan so early.

"It's better not to get entangled with them before the forces from all parties arrive." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, I think so too." The White Mirror Swordsman said immediately.

Chen Feng then noticed that although the White Mirror Swordsman blocked the will attack from Fang Yuan, it was not as easy as it seemed, and it was impossible to persist forever.

"Then let's go."

Chen Feng thought that he had already taken action, which could be regarded as helping True Lord Thunder. Moreover, he had just reminded them that if they chose to fight to the end, they would not care about their own affairs.




Chen Feng fought off the opponents who came up to him one by one. Later, he and his second son used formations and restraints to trap the opponents.

Then the three chose to leave.

"Let's go."

Seeing Chen Feng and the others leaving, True Lord Thunder had no choice but to retreat even if he was unwilling to do so. Besides, True Lord Thunder's original idea was not to fight with the opponent so early.

True Lord Thunder intended to follow them, but ended up losing them. After careful sensing, he also lost track of Chen Feng and the others.

"You left on purpose." A practitioner from the Thunder clan sneered.

Lord Thunder frowned: "Don't forget that the other party helped us before."

Seeing that True Lord Thunder was displeased, this person had no choice but to say anything. Another tribesman continued: "Those three fellow Taoists are of extraordinary strength and should be roped in."

"I have made my attitude clear, and I have nothing to do if the other party disagrees. However, according to my speculation, their purpose of coming here is not simple, and maybe it is the same as us." True Lord Thunder said.

"Since everyone is here for this origin, we can still cooperate. In the final analysis, everyone must contribute, and it also depends on the strength of all parties. If they do not have enough strength behind them, then there will be no more You are not qualified to share this origin with us, but it is okay to get some benefits." One of the monks from the Thunder clan said.

Although Chen Feng and the others have shown strong fighting power, these monks from the Thunder clan are still a little arrogant, and generally they look down on other practitioners.

Unless it comes from an equally powerful force.

"In fact, the three of them are stronger than we thought. They did not use all their strength in the previous joint attack." True Lord Thunder said.

"Even if you are stronger, it will be fine. Unless you can reach that higher level, you still won't be able to truly participate."

"Okay, let's not talk about this now. Let's contact the tribe first. I came earlier than you and have some understanding of the origin of this place. I still hope that more power can be mobilized this time, otherwise there will be disputes in the future. There will definitely be huge damage, even if you recruit some helpers," said Lord Thunder.

On the other side, Chen Feng and the others had already moved away from the area where they had fought before. At this time, Chen Feng had also spoken out.

"To be honest with you two fellow Taoists, I came here not just for adventure, but with some missions. It should be similar to the Thunder Clan. They all want to invade this origin." Chen Feng said.

"It's nothing. Many adventurers come here to gain benefits. In fact, many people have succeeded, but it is still difficult to shake this origin. Thunder Origin has existed for a long time, and it is still not the case now. It exists well and has become stronger than before. There are so many special areas that the Thunder Emperor does not even need to show his face.

"Speaking of it, I have been involved in this origin for a long time. I couldn't even solve a special area before, so I had to rely on joining forces with everyone to achieve something. But since all the major forces are taking action together, it is still possible It may bring a huge impact and some confusion to the origin of this industry. I still hold the same view as before. The Thunder Clan alone will not be effective, even if there are two more families, it will be useless." said the White Mirror Swordsman.

"It's useless to have two more families?" Chen Feng laughed.

"What if a force as powerful as Thunder Origin comes?"

"If this is the case, we can fish in troubled waters and get some benefits from the chaos. But since fellow Taoists also represent a force, we just don't know how much turmoil it will bring to this origin by then?" Bai Jing Swordsman said.

"It's hard to say for the time being. I have already conveyed the situation here. If the forces behind me take action, they will definitely use a lot of force. But I don't think they will take action in a short time. Unless there is unrest here, it is better to first Let’s look at the situation, maybe the Thunder Clan will take action soon.” Chen Feng said.

"I'm just afraid that they won't be able to make much noise when they come, and it will be over soon." Second said.

"Fellow Taoist believes in the origin of thunder." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that Fellow Taoist is also very confident in the forces behind him." The second generation retorted.

"Let's continue walking. Don't meet Lord Thunder and the others for the time being. Of course, I will continue to explore the origin of this place. If the two Taoists have other ideas, then we will act separately." Chen Feng said.

"There's nothing wrong with the two of us, and the situation has been a bit chaotic recently. It would be better for us to join forces," said the second generation.

"I think so too. In those special areas, it is difficult for one person to gain benefits by himself. There is still some hope for us to join forces." The White Mirror Swordsman has no intention of separating from the two of them.

The three chose to continue to cooperate, but the situation was different from before.

The next thing Chen Feng had to do was to find some special areas here, but he did not choose to go in like before.

"Actually, these things can be left to me. I still recommend that you go in and take a look, even to inquire about the situation a little bit." Shiguang Changhe said to Chen Feng in secret.

"Your power of time can also penetrate into it." Chen Feng asked back.

"My power is not strong enough. I entered a special area before and was quickly crushed by the existence inside." Shi Changhe said.

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